Monday, August 29, 2022

Why We Believe the Gospel

Another assurance that I must belong to God is in this sermon by John MacArthur about why we believe the bible is the Word of God.   It's all through the Holy Spirity.   There is no way for an unregenerate fleshly person, an unsaved person, can't believe in it.  CAN'T believe in it.  Because it's spiritually discerned.    I beliee wholehearedly in the Bible as God's Word.  So no matter how despairing I get oubt my sins and how I deserve to be damned for them I have this to cling to.  I MUAT have the Holy Spiri5t, and if I do then I belong to God.

 Why We Believe While Others Reject (1 Corinthians 1:18-2:16) - YouTube

And here's another great one from J. C. Ryle:  the necessity of a new heart, which is the same thing as the new birth, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  Without this change nobody will see the Kingdom of God, nobody will be saved:

The Heart: Old Paths - J. C. Ryle - YouTube

Sunday, August 28, 2022

A Hard Trial With Important Lessons

 As I've been listening to teachings about my own condition of fear and doubt I've discovered that I am far from the only one to have gone through such a state of mind.   

Although I have times of great fear and despair I also have times of  peace in the Lord, even the "peace thta passes understanding>'  Although I fear I've been cast off I nevertheless go on praying and thinking of God as present with me.   If I were really cast off would that be the case?   

Then I think this must be, not only chastisemenet for my sins, but an opportunity to grow in understanding of the ways of God and perhaps even something that  can make me a help to others.  Of cdourse I would very much like to think that.

It can only be a good thing to be learning how much sin offends God, how it makes us fit for Hell.  Especially these days perhaps, though of course you can read many of the past complaining of the same kind of thing in their own time, sin is not treated with the seriousness it deserves.  Some preachers even seem to go out of their way to make light of it, call it "mistakes" or emphasize how it hurts us while leaving out what an offense it is to God.

And the other lesson I am learning is that God really is to be rfeared.   Fear of God is another biblical concept that is often played down ty preachers.   But even Jesus tells us that we are not to fear those who can harm us and even kill us in this life, but God who has the power to cast us into Hell.  I wonder if I'm remember that right, I hope so but it may not be.

I've prayed for both a greater sense of the vileness of sin and the greatness of God as I've felt I've lacked a right appreicatiohn of these things.   Even in the midst of these painful experiences I want to know more about the vilneess of sin and the greatness of God.   

I still plunge into times of great despair because of my sins, but I also come back to times of peace and even joy.  This is a good sign.  I hope eventually the Lord will let me rest in the peace He gives me.  Even at eighty, amazed that I ever lived this long, I still hope He might sustain me a while longer.

Praises and blessings to our great God.   Even sayhing that is hopeful because the unbeliever can't say anything good about God, it can only come through His Holy SPirit

The Christian’s Assurance of Salvation - YouTube

Friday, August 26, 2022

The Terrors of Hell

I thank God that He has led me into this period of spiritual renewal that I have been pursuing for the last few months.  I thank Him in particular for the many powerful preachers of the gospel that have been made available on the internet in  audio form, that great ones, the old ones,, Spurgeon and Ryle but also Owen and the Puritans are available, the ones who preach the gospel with no frills whatever, no silliness as we might get from one of today's preachers.  

I've been awakened in a way I would never have suspected was necessary or possible, and since it's coming to me at the age of eighty it is especially terrifying to be finding out just how much I've frittered away my Christian life and don't even have a really clear idea of whether I'm saved.  I've had such concerns fro time to time over the years but they've been brought home to me with a terrifying power in these few months of intense pursuit of the whitehot core of Christianity.

Nothing else matters now but seeking assurance of my salvation and if I don't have salvation seeking to receive it.   I've been looking into the pit of Hell and am not yet sure my faith is secure enough to keep me from it. 

Yes I know the gospel and if I didn't know it well enough before I certainly do now that I've been listening to all these great preachers.     What I'm told today is that it's a matter of looking to Christ in simple faith and that i of course absolutely  true.

Here's another deep one from J.C. Ryle: Our Sins - J. C. Ryle / Old Paths - YouTube

Here's the most encouraging message I've found so far:   Spurgeon, Not Beyond Hope

Discouragement Due to Lack of Assurance - Puritan William Bridge 1648 - YouTube

Shaven and Shorn, but not Beyond Hope! - Charles Spurgeon Sermon (Judges 16:22) - YouTube

Thursday, August 25, 2022

A Sweet Call to Salvation


 For Weary Souls: Greenhill on the Sweetness of the Savior - Reformation 21


First, the Puritans presented Christ as a Savior who really desires to save sinners. He had a heart for the lost, so they tried to entice sinners with His sweetness. Hear what William Greenhill had to say:

Does not Christ sweetly invite you, and use sweet invitations and allurements to draw sinners to Him? Can there be sweeter invitations than what you have from Christ upon this account in Matthew 11:28: ‘Come unto Me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest”? 

Can you hear Christ crying out, “Oh, you poor sinners of the world, you poor sinners of the earth, you who travail under the burden of your sins, you who are heavy laden, you who are ready to sink into hell through fear of wrath: come unto Me; come unto Me.” He does not say, “Why have you broken Moses’ law? Why have you offended My Father? Why have you lived so basely and vilely?” No, He says, “Come unto Me, you who are weary and heavy laden, you who are ready to sink and perish, who are hungry and thirsty and know not which way to turn for relief; come unto Me.”

See what a blessed invitation is given in Isaiah 55:1–2: “Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money, come ye, buy and eat; yea, come buy wine and milk without money and without price. Wherefore do you lay out your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which satisfieth not? Hearken diligently unto Me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.” Is not here a sweet, gracious, blessed invitation to poor sinners, unto such as we are here this day? The Lord Christ is speaking unto you this day: “Ho, everyone, everyone who thirsts, young or old, rich or poor, learned or unlearned, of whatsoever condition you are—are you thirsty? Would you have mercy, peace, grace, and the Spirit of Christ? Would you have anything to do your souls good? Then come, come unto Me. Come to the waters.”

“Aye, but I have no money!”

It matters not; come without money. Come, for here is wine, milk, bread, marrow, and fatness; there’s that which will make your souls live; here’s virtue in Christ to make your souls live forever. So we read in Proverbs 23:26: “My son, give me thy heart.” God says, “O my son, give Me your heart.” Christ is the everlasting Father and He says, “My son, give Me your heart. Come to me.”

How are we to take this water? “Let him take of the water of life freely.” There’s something in this word “freely.” It notes, first, that, let a sinner be what he will, there is no bar put in against him to keep him off from this water. Let a man be a great sinner, an old sinner, let his sins be crimson and scarlet sins, God puts in no bar. Christ does not say, “Let a little sinner,” or “a young sinner,” or “a sinner who has sinned once or twice, or a hundred or a thousand times,” come, but He says, “Let whosoever will come; let him take of the water of life freely. Let his sins be what they will, all manner of blasphemies shall be forgiven.” There’s no bar except against the unpardonable sin; but whatever sin, though long continued in, though of the most heinous nature, though clothed with the most dreadful aggravations, yet it shall be forgiven. Let that sinner come and take of this water of life freely. A man who is leprous all over may as freely go into the river or sea and wash himself as the man who is sound. There is no bar in his way.

If the water of life is freely offered to sinners, then you who are barren and dead-hearted, who complain of unfruitfulness and unprofitableness, wait upon the Lord Christ in the use of means; for here is water of life, and Christ gives it out in the use of means. Are you dry, barren, and fruitless? Have you a dead heart? Christ has water of life to quicken you. Christ has water of life to make you more lively. “I am come,” said Christ in John 10:10, “that ye might have life, and that ye might have it in more abundance.” Christ is saying, “I have come for the very purpose of giving life, and to give life more abundantly, to give out these waters freely and fully.”  When the rain falls from heaven upon the mountains and barren places, it will make them look green. So when Christ gives out these waters to mountainous hearts, to barren spirits, this water of life will soak into you, soften you, make you grow and flourish, and bring forth fruit. 

This is all that God require. Under the covenant of works there was “Do this and live.” But now the last motion that Christ made when He left the world and gave out the Scripture was this: “If any man has a will, if there is willingness in you to receive waters of life, that’s the only thing I require, and all I require.” 

He does not require great matters at your hands. He does not say, “Give Me house and lands; give Me your shops and your wares; give Me your ships; give Me your limbs, your blood and your lives.” No, He says, “If any man will, let Me have but willingness in you; this is all I require.” Proverbs 23:26: “My son, give Me thy heart.” What is His meaning? “Let Me but see a heart in you prizing, choosing, and pursuing the waters of life. That’s all I require. My son, give Me your heart.” He does not mean the piece of flesh in your body which you call your heart. But He would have you to have so much understanding as to see an excellence in Himself, His Son, His Spirit, His Word, and His grace, and then to choose the same, and to use the means to attain them. This is that which God requires, and all He requires. Shall the Lord only require your hearts, nothing but your hearts, and will you not study to have a heart willing to have God, to have waters of life?


Consider how easy that which the Lord requires at your hands is. The Lord requires no hard matters of you, only that whosoever will may take of the waters of life freely. The Lord might have put hard conditions and hard terms upon men and women. He might have done as Saul did with David in 1 Samuel 18:25: “Give me 100 foreskins of the Philistines, and thou shalt have Michal my daughter as your wife”; or as Caleb did when he said, “If any man will go and take Kiriath Sephar and subdue it, he shall have my daughter, Achsah” (Joshua 15:16). He might have put you upon it as he did the young man in Matthew 19:21: “Go and sell all that thou hast and follow Me, and thou shalt have waters of life.” But He does not put you upon such things. He only says, “Whosoever will, let him come and drink of the waters of life.” So it is easily received. Therefore, consider these things, and through the blessing of God they may prevail with your hearts to be more willing than ever to have water of life.


The next use is to let us see the infinite goodness of God, and His condescension toward poor creatures: that He who is greatness and glory, majesty and excellence, should condescend to us who are flesh and blood, who are corrupt, full of guilt, full of deformity, having no beauty, no excellence, no good in us; that God should condescend so far as that, upon our being willing, we should have waters of life. As was said before, He puts no hard terms upon us, but says, “Whosoever will, let him take of the waters of life.” That is, “let him take Me for his portion; let him take My Son. He shall be his righteousness. Let him take My Spirit; He shall be his sanctification. Let him take My Word; it shall be his light, his rule, and his comfort, and he shall be blessed here and hereafter.”

Oh, the infinite goodness and condescension of God towards poor wretches such as we are! Had you seen Solomon in all his glory and royalty to have stooped this far to a poor woman, leprous and full of sores, having no friends to speak for her, and had you heard him say to her, “Come, manifest your willingness to have me, and I will take you into my house, wash you, make you my queen and make you happy,” would this not have been a wonderful condescension from Solomon? 


Thus it is with God. We were dirty and full of sores, with no friend to plead for us, but all was against us. We have no good or worth in us. Now Christ, the Prince of peace and life, comes and says, “Will you be saved, poor creatures? Will you be washed in My blood? Will you go along with Me? Will you be happy? Come, go along with Me. I will carry you to My Father. You shall sit upon a throne and live forever and enjoy God.” Oh, the goodness and condescension of God to poor sinners!


Sunday, August 14, 2022

Spurgeon takes Us Deep Into the fallen Nature, our Natural Enmity to God

 Charles Spurgeon plumbs the depths of the fallen human natur, the carnal mind which is enmity with God.  Have you ever taken a glimpse into that enmity inb your own fleshly nature?  It's terrifying to someone who hopes to be saved because it looks absolutely impossible for such a creature so naturally at odds with God ever to be changed to such an emormous extent.   Yet that is what all the works of salvation done by Christ accomplished.   

The Carnal Mind Is Enmity Against God: Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio - YouTube

I think of Christopher Hitchens who wrote "God is not Great" and debated as an atheist for many years before he died.  the epitome of the fallen human nature in himself.  All his arguments come from his inborn enmity to God.  It takes the breath away.

It's all here.   Why we must be born again, regenerated.  We must have a new nature.  It's nothing we can do ourselves because all our means are corrupted by the  Fall.  God Himself has to do it all.  We can't add one smidgen of an iota of our own effotts to the mix,  in fact we must not.   We must become poor in spirit , having absolutely nothing to contribute.    

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Jesus Calling and A Course in Miracles Come From the Same Source

 The more I think about the book "Jesus Calling" the more amazed I am at how such things fly under the radar in Christian settings.    How did I overlook it the first time I encountered it?   How was it only a vague sense of a red flat the second time?   Why did it take hearing a number of people experienced with such things before I too came to see it as a demonic counterfeit?

Sad to say I think a lot of it is spiritual dullness brought about by a way too casual attitude to sins of various kinds.   Sin dulls the siritual senses.   their sharpness can be regained but it takes some effortt and self-denial for that.  

But I think in many cases it's a problem of Bible illiteracy.  Great numbers of people are drawn to these counterfeits from within the Church.   Maybe many of them aren't savedb but at least they are not likiely to be very knowledgeable about the bible.    How such enormous numbers could fill a whole stadium to listen to a Beth Moore or a Joel Osteen is hard to explain unless most of them really aren't Christians in the sense of being born again.    the same must be true of those enormous numbers who gobble up the false teachings of a Jewsus Calling or the Shack and that sort of thing.

I realized recently that the method of wriing Jesus Calling is the same as that for A Course in Miracles.  It starts out something like "This is a Coure in Miracles, Please take Notes" and it's supposedly dictated by "Jesus."   "Jesus Calling" is compared by the critics to a New Age book called "God Calling" but it's just as much related to "A Course in Miracles" and probably also many other channeled demonic writingsa that may not use the name Jesus.   

But of course the name Jesus would have a  special attractiveness to people with a Christiian identity, a vague and compromised Christian identity anyway.   Those who live a strong Christian life and know the bible are a lot less likely to be attracted to this sort of thing.

Weak preachin has to have a lot to do with this too.

this Church needs rescuing.

"When the Last Elect Person Believes"

That's when the Rapture occurs, when the Church is snatched away.  That's how John MacArthur puts it here"

The Rapture John MacArthur - YouTube

He's stating the position of the Pre=tribulation Rapture as I've heard it from all those who believe in it.

But isn't there a huge gaping problem with this idea?  Supposedly many will be saved during the tribulation that follows the Rapture, both Jews and Gentiles.  If the last elect person came into the Church just before the rapture, who are all those who get saved after?  

Something is wrong here, and this is just one of the problems I've bbeen having with the Pre trib position, although in saying that I'm not saying there's any other end times system that makes any better sense to me.  Most of the others are far less coherent than this one.    Nevertheless there are pro9blems with ti that I can't resolve.   I've mentioned a number of times the problem of the martyrs under the altar in Revelation Six, the fifth Seal.     How can there be martyrs waiting for the fullness of their number when the Rapture has already occurred which presumably would have taken all the martyrs of the Middle Ages?   Why have a separate group of martyrs that doesn't include those?  

Well, I don't have the answer, all I can do is ask the questions.  lThey lead me to wanting to push the Rapture further ahead into the tribulation or after it, but those answers only raise more problems to solve..     But still I keep coming back to this problem of the two different groups, it's still the biggest problem to me.  If the times of the Gentiles end with the Rapture how can there be millions of Gentiles getting saved after that?   They aren't elect?  How can that be?    

Later , about 5 pm:   Also, how can the "times of the gentiles" be ended with the pre-trib Rapture if there is still to come a gentil Antichrist representing the last of the four Gentile empires of the book of daniel, and the antichrist is to desecrate the Jewish temple?      the Church Age would be ended with teh Rapture burt  the Times of the gentiles relate to the Jewish temple, don't they?Of course there won't have been a Jewish temple for about two thousand years at the time of the Pre-Trib Rapture...

Otherwise it's a very satisfying coherent tsystem, bringing in the Seventieth Week of daneil in a specifically Jewish framework etc etc etc.  

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Badn English Drives Mde Bonkers

Bad English eats at me when it comes out of the mouth of educated people as it too often does these days.  I don't have such a reactio to people who simply speak English the way they learned it as children if they had no opportunity to learn otherwise, I don't even really notice it and would certainly not wanto to make an issue of it.   But when college-ed7cated people say "I could care less" or "If I would have known" or "{I was laying down when..." and so on, it's  very hard to take.

We've heard that the French have an agency that protects their lan\\
guage, I why don't we have something like that for English?  We wouldn't havew had the abominable English in the NASB if we did.

And I wouldn't be having to deal with the bad English in some of the books I've been listening to, which I'm very sure were not the original speech of the writer but added by editors to "update" it for modern readers or listeners.   Did Bunyan really write "if the crows would have been able to ..." ?  I doubt it.  But I have to be subjected to it because of some "well meaning" editor who doesn't know it's bad English.
That's all I'm going to say.  I've probably already committed the sin of unkindness

Does Matthew 5:32 Allow Divorce for Adultery?

 Well, here I go again.   I've had this objection to the accepted understanding of a biblical passage for a long time, though I've thought maybe I'm just not getting something about it that would change my mind, and since it came up again I wanted to see if I could get to the bottom of it once and for all.   

This is Matthew 5:32 where Jesus says "But I say unto you that if a man put away his wife, save for the cause of fornication, he causes her to comitt adultery..."

This verse is interpreted to mean that forniicatiobn is a legitimate reason for diverose.  I don't read it that way and I wantedd to know if everybody does or if some see it the wsay I do.  I foudn a three part series on this passage by John MacArthur and it seemed from some of the early statements he makes that he might end up saying what I've been thinking so I listened to the whole thing and he finally gets to a direct statement about that verse at the very end pf Part three:

JOHN MACARTHUR - Divorce and Remarriage, Part 3 (Matthew 5:31-32) - YouTube

that's Parrt 3, I thought I had Part 1 but I guess I lost it.  If you start at the f beginning it will roll over to the second and then the third parts, but maybe starting at part 3 is enough anyway for my purposes.

Throughout his discussion he mentions many times that there was only one legitimate reason for divorce given by Moses or by Jesus or by any of the New Testament writers, yet as he quoted passage after passage I saw nothing that seemed to me to say anything like that.   Where does it say divorce is  not condoned except for the cause of sexual sin or fornication or adulter?  Nowhere.  What am I missing?  The ONLY place it seems to be said, and he finally seems to be saying this too, is in Matthew 5:32, "He who puts away his wife, except for the cause o fornication, causes her to commit adulter."  

And that is the common interpretation that I just don't see at all there.  What I see there is a simple logical point:  if the cause of the man's putting away his wife is fornication, which is the same thing as adultery, as MadArthur also makes clear, then of course divrocing her isn't going to cause her to commit adultery becaused she's already committed it.  It's a simple logical point.  If you divorce her for any other cause THEN she will commit adultery by remarrying, but if the cause IS adultery, just logically speaking you won't cause her to commit it by divorcing her.   The man she marries will commit adultery in marrying her and the husband who divorces her will commit adultery when he remarries, but the woman who is divorced for committing adultery won't be made to commit it by the divorce because she's allrady committed it.

I read that verse over and over and over again and that's all I can get out of it.  It's a simple logical point, it is not an "esxception clause" to the prohibition on divorce which is otherwise all-encompassing.

MacArthur's discussion otherwise is his usual terrific thoroughly biblical discussion.  I learned a lot from it and I'm impressed at his seweing it as part of the discussion about adultery which starts in verse 27.  I think he's right about that.  

But I've still got my objection to the interpretation of verse 32 and I continue to be pe rather bewildered at anyone's every getting that interpreation out of it.   MacArthur makes a great case for even adultery's not being a legitimate reason for divorce despite what he sees as this exception clause that appears to allow it, but nevertheless I don't think it allows it and I stil ldon't see how anybody gets that out of it.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Disease of the Modern Bible Versions

 Deceptions that affect great numbers of Christians are like a virus that makes the whole body, the body of Christ, sick.    This metaphor just occurred to me and I hope it's not silly.   Seems like I'm some sort of virus detector, not that I always get it right, but I get it right enough to be always in some state of distress about the state of the Church.   Yes I'd like to know I'm wrong if I'm wrong but so far when I do my best to investigate some of my strongeest alarm reactions I end up being convinced even more that I'm right.

I have my o9wn little limited bailiwick, it's not as if I'm alert to all the ways the Church is compromised these days.  I didn't know anything about the book Jesus Calling for instance, I had to research it recently after becoming aware of its great influence in the Church.  I hear about teachers like Joel Osteen and Beth Moore but I don't delve into their influence until I'm forced to.  I'm so put off by such a popular book as the Shac that it took me forever to get around to learning what it's all about, and not to any depth either, just the bare bones.

So I'm sensitive to these viruses only within a very limited sphrere.   The fact that the woman's head covering was abandoned on the basis of a totally bogus argument is very distressing to me.   There are others who agree with me that First Corinthians Eleven is about a literal head covering that applies today as well as it did for the whole last two millennia, but we are all marginalized in the Church.   The false teaching has captured the biggest and best names in the Church and the seminaries.

Samew with the Bible versions.   While I'm getting an ulcer, as it were, ove these things, the seminaries are teaching the pathogen instead of the remedy.  The churches are suffering from the new Babel as so many different translations are used by the members of the congregation.   But there are also congregations where a particular translation is favored by the leaders and  and that at least makes for less confusion, but by my virus detector they have usually chosen a bad one.   

And by a bad one I mean one that is based on the Greek manuscripts foiseted on the Church by Westcott andHort.  

It makes my ulcer throb painfully to hear someone say for instance that there are four literal translations of the bible, listing the King James, the New King James, the English Standard and the New American Standard.   Yes they are faithful translations except for some bad bad bad ways of construing the Greek text as JW Burgon makes clear in his book The Revision Revised but the bitgger problem is that the Greek manuscripturs are wrong, a Trojan Horse delivered to the Church by two misguided men.  The King James and the New King James are based on the trustworthy Greek texts, although the New King H  James is compromised in other ways, while the ESV and the NASB are based on Westcott and Hort's corrupted Greek texts.

Burgon jshows how.  His books should be better known, though I know that he isn't given the recognition he deserves while Westcott and Hort get the approbation they don't deserve.;

It turns my stomkach to hear a good Christian preachers mention that a couple of lines in the pasasge about the pool of Bethesda are in doubt because they aren't in the "earliest and best" Greek manuscripts and are understood to have been added later.

it makes me sick to hear Martyn Lloyed Jones, one of the best of the best in his time, mention that the passage where Jesus tells His disciples that they couldn't drive out a demon because that kind only go9 out by prayer and fasting.  Jones mentioned that "fasting" is not in the earliers and best manuscripts.  

This is a slander on the Christian Church that was made up by Westcott and Hort.  They favored these bogus heretical and possibly forged Greek manscuprtives and thnerefore explained how they don't have some of the best known passages wse find in the King James as having been added  later by overzealous scribes.    This is saying that those translators were adding to scripture, a horrific sin according to the bible itself.  How did W and H get away with that?  No, the fact is that certain pasages were left out of the "early and best' mansccripts they liked so much because the heretical possessors of them left them out.   Burgon saiy the Church had recognized this line of manuscriptus as heresies.  or the produ ction of heretics.    Later it becomes a distinctr possibility that they were later forgeries.  The fact that they exist aqt all is testimony against them since to have survived from the early years means nobody ever read them.  AAnd they weren't read because they were recotgnized to be false.

This is one of the ways today's Church is comprompised.  The translations too are bad, accordinbg to Burgon, just plain bad English because Westcott and Hort had a deficient understnading of Greek according to him.  So we have to suffer through phrasing sthat are abomiable English on top of being assaulted with the attack on Bible inerrancy in the accepted idea that our best known passages were added later.  

..on is the main critic of the new manuscripts and translations, but Chris Pinto has also done documentary films that expose the problem.   I think it's Tares Among the Wheat where he goes into most detail about the problem, one of the films in his series on the history of the Bible.

By the way I think I should add that I probably shouldn't go on about my  being a virus detector as if I were in some special position on these subjects, it's just that I do have strong almost physical reactions when I encounter them and I do think I'm right in those reactions, but I certainly don't think I originated the observations, I had to research these things to have the opinions I have.  I've given my ousources for the head covering in the blog on that subject and it's J W Burgon who is the main source of the k,nowledge I have about the bible versions, although Chris Pinto has added a lot.  I'm just one of the receptrs of the information and I try to disseminate it, which is a joke since I just hang out here writing mostly to myself.

And I'm also arrogant enough not to give the Lord thanks for His gift if I do have a good virus deteector.  May He enlighten me.  Soon Lord.

The Sabbath and the Lord's Day

Because there are so many references to Sabbath observance and Sabbath-breaking in Ryle's books I realized I need to know more about the history of this practice.   I've accepted the contemporary understanding that Jesus is our Sabbath rest so that the observance of the day itself was ended with His first coming but the seriousness of these old saints I've been reading about does make me stop and wonder if they had a better understanding of these things than we do.

So I looked for videos at You tube addressing the subject of the Sabbath.  I specifically looked for J C Ryle on the subject ut didn't find anything.  Then I decided to look for talks on the Ten Commandmenets as a whole and found the Puritan thomas Watson on that subject.   I listened only to his discussion of the fourth commandmenet and fouhd him laying out the importance of Sabbath observance with the same passion I was hearing in the eighteenth century preachers Ryle was writing about.

\It's very convicing, it's full of a deep reverence for God And a plausible explanation of the scriptural grounds for continuing the obserfvance into the Christian era.  

S I needed to remind myself of today's interpretation hoping I could find somethinjg of a comparable depth and value.  I did.   John MacArthur.   Two talks, one on the Sabbath and the next on the Lord's Day.


All I'm going to do here is give the links to thes different interpretive systems though it needs more discussion.  \\

Why Sunday Is the Lord’s Day (Selected Scriptures) - YouTube

I wWhy Sunday Is the Lord’s Day (Selected Scriptures) - YouTubeas struck by Watson's final statement on the fourth commandment where he talks about the consequences of what  he, and apparently the Puritans in general, considered to be a serious sin.  Hardening of hearts, searing of the conscience, and the begetting as it were of more sin.   Sincew that's what's been going on in today's culture and I've been pondering the connection with feminism because of what I heard about a study by Wayne Grudem that found feminism at the start of many church deteriorations into apostasy, Watsons's comment made me wonder if our abandonment of the Sabbath in today's cultures had a similar role.     After hearing MacArthur I gave up that line of thought and I'm glad of that in one way, for sure, but also was hoping to find a solid basis for understanding the path of deterioration not only in the culture but in the churches.   Maybe feminism and liberalism are enough.\\Anyway here are some other discussions about the Sabbath. 

 Thomas Watson on the Ten Commenments, whree I listened to the chapter on the Sabbath, the Fourth Commandment:

The Ten Commandments (Part I) | Thomas Watson | Christia

And here's Voddie Baucham on the Fourth Commandment

 Audiobook - YouTube

Sunday, August 7, 2022

The Books that Could Revive the Church I*f Only People Would See their Value

What gratitude I should have for God's provision of so many great Christian sources on the internet, at You Tube yet, in audible form, what a blessing to someone like me who is going blind and can no longer read.  Ryle's "Christian Leaders of the Eighteenth Century" has been such a valuable gift I'm aware of  how much it deserves my thankfulness and how little I have of that thankfulness.  I can only ask God to give me the gratitutde He deserves for this amazing provision.    At eighty I have no idea how much time I have to learn from these things but it's an enormous mercy that I've been given this boost to my determination to try to get my Christian life onto a more serious path.   Even a little effot is worth something though I wish I could dive into it as if I were much younger.

Now I'm reading Ryle's book "Holiness," which I read at least in part some years ago, and it's going to be another great boost to my Christian life.   It's interesting to be reminded of the historical context of the Holiness movement which was in full swing in his day, from whith the concept of the Higher Life was born.   It makes me aware that there were many errors in that movement and that I've3 tended to reduce it to the simple apprenension that most Christians live at a very low level of what scripture holds up to us as the true life in Christ.   No it was a much more complicated and scripturally questionable movement.   Ryle is certainly the one to show the right way to pursue the deepedr life which is laid out in scripture.

Holiness (Part 1) | J C Ryle | Free Christian Audiobook - YouTube

I just discovered that there are also works byu Samuel Rutherford at You Tube including his Letters which Ryle has mentioned in passing are regarded by many as the closest thing to inspired writing to be found among Christian teachers, so after listening to his book on holiness I want to go there next.

If more Christians gave up today's shallow silly and heretical teachers for these old teachers what a huge boost to the power of the Christian Church we could see in our day.  

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Many Mansions and Other Vexed Issues

 J. C. Ryle's book on the great Christian leaders of the Eighteenth Century is so inspiring it makes me want to abandone everythig and sp[end what little time I have left trying to become more like anyu of these men.   As Ryle makes clear, it is certainly not that England in the eighteenth century was generally known for its high standards of Christian life but these men represent a revival that brought the level tup to something extraordinary.   Doctrine and Christian life, holinjess etc. wree at a height of near perfection, in these men and probably many of those who were converted under them.     If there are Christians who live at such a level today I don't know of any of them.

But that isn't what i started out to write here.  I'm near the end of the book, on the last of the men he's going to discuss, a John Fletcher, and he's introduced this man with a remark about the meaning of  Jesus' assurance His disciples that He was going to prepare a place for them, and that in His Father's house are many mansioions, which He follows with the remark that if it were not so He would have stold them, which I always thought very odd. 

Itg is certainly odd in the context of the usual  understanding of the concept of many mansions as we encounter it today, which has prommpted more recent translations to render it "dwelling places" as if "manions" was a translational error, simply because they can't make any sense of it and think all Jesus meant was the general message of preparaing a place for His disciples to live.  

But I rarely accept the idea that the eminent scholars and holy men who put together the King James Bible wcould be charged with an error of translation., so I assumed it must  mean more than just a dwelling place, there must be a reasons why the term "mansions" was chosen, mansions meaning of course very large houses.    Why would He tell them there are many large houses in heaven, and add to it that if it were not so He would have told them?     There would be no reason to add that if all He meant was a dwellibng place or a place for them to live.  So what is meant by mansionjs or very large houses?

It hit methat what it must mean is that there will be different groups in heaven who live together in their own large houses.    What groups?   What came to my mind was groups of people with different spiritual gifts or shared understandings of some sort.    The latter comes closes to what Ryle shows was the accepted meaning of the passage in his day, that it will be different theologies that occupy the different large houses, Calvinists, Arminians and so on.  He aalso mentions that the idea had been distorted to include outright heresies as having their own houses, but of course he denounces that idea as heretics are not going to be in heaven at all.    However, there will certainly be people who are definitiely Christians who nevertheless differ in some points that would make them compatible roommates with each other but not so much with people of other theologists.

I don't know if that view is going to turn out to be the correct one but  it doesn't make sense of the term "mansions" which today's interpreteters want to throw out because they don't understand it.  I'm very glad to see it justified by Ryle and now I'm looking forward to finding out just how we will be allotted our place in group living quarters.And this reminds me that in discussing a couple of the men earlier in the book he quotes them using the word "knowledge" of Hosea 4:8 to refer to knowledge of God or knowledge of Jesus Christ, while I've noted that at least three teachers I'm aware of have interpreted it to refer to knowledge of such things as poisons or other threats to human well being.    I should have given the qhole quote before this but since I can't see well enough togo back and include it I'll add it here:  it's where God says "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."   This gets interpreted in terms of threats to our safety, lack of knowledge of our enemies or of pollutants that can harm us and that sort of thing.  But as I've pointed out the context of the passage is the sins of the people and the destruction they are bringing on themselves by their lack of knowledge is God's judgments.   We are destroyed by our lack of knowledge of what we need to know to be saved or what we need to know to avoid the wages of sin which is death.   

So not only does it seem that there is a much lower standard of Christian life even when we're talking about the best of the best , but there's a low level of biblical interpretation.

I also noted that in the days of the men Ryle is writinbg about, and perhaps in Ryle's day too, the Sabbath was considered to be set aside as a day of rest and worship throughout the culture, just as it was in America until sometime in the sixties or seventies, I forget when, at which time businesses all startedd staying open and Sunday was no longer any kind of special day.    Sabbath-breaking was a sin in the eyes of the men Ryle is writing about.   How far we've come from such standards of life.  It makes me wonder if along with abandoning the head covering for women our abandonment of the Sabbath is another reason for the deterionarition of the CChurch in the West that we should recover if we have any hope of regaining God's favor.

Friday, August 5, 2022

More about Beth Moore

Her talks are man-cenetered, meaning human-centered, rather than about the bible, r, she preaches to men when scripture saysz a woman should not havew any sort of authority over a man, and a couple other points:\

TGhis one goes into more detail.
about how she imposes her own concdenerns on the scripture rather than letting the scripture be the authority, about how she teaches smen when scripture is clear that women should not, and so on:

This critic starts out saying how Beth Moore is cute and funny aand seems to be sincere about her blove of Christ and the women she teaches, but after hearing about the men in Ryle's book which I reported on in recent posts I don't want any more cute and funny preaching from anybody.  I want sober serious deep soul-searching praching, about Christ and Christ alone,, with our human examples kept to examples and not made the main point of the teaching as it seems to be with Moore.

And I'm still flummoxed by a couple of her teachings in which she just makes no lobical sense at all, the one called The Art of Growing Up which I mentioned before, and another where she gets all carried away about the meaning of the word "compelled" which has about zero relevance in the very passage she is supposedly teaching from. Maybe I'll eventually try to lay all that out.  Fortunately most of her teachings seems to have more coherence than that.

Some Strong Words Against the Book "Jesus Calling"

 A former New Age adherent says "Jesus Calling" should be burned and those who read it need to repent beause it's false teaching, it's heresy, that leads us away from the Bible:

Should Christians read Jesus calling? - YouTube

Here's another denunciation of the book, as promoting a false Jesus, a counterfeit Jesus, either a channeled "entity" masquerading as Jesus or the product of the writers' own mind, which he doesn't think is the case:

Chris Lawson - Letting Sarah Young's 'Jesus Calling' "Jesus" Speak for Himself! - YouTube

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Jan Markell, Chris Pinto, Jill Martin Rische and the Georgia Guidestones

Happy I am to sere two of my favorite Christian commentators get together for a program on the Georgia Guidestones.  Jan Markell had Chris Pinto on as her guest for the first half of today's radio show to discuss his film which exposed the man who arranged to have the guidestones errected in Elberton Georgia.

The Ten Commandments of the New World Order – Chris Pinto and Jill Martin Rische - YouTube

The Georgia Guidestones have connections with globalism and the World Econinomic Forum and that level of evil in o today's world.  

The second part of the radio show focused on witchcraft and its recent rise in an apparent attempt to answer the growing insecureity of our times.   I noticed that there is also a connection with feminism, being a means of "empowerment" of women.  And that brings me back to my own preoccupation with the abandonment of the women's head covering by the Church and its possible role as a linchpin in the growsth of apostasies in the churches, starting with the elevation of women into positions scripture reserves only for men.

What if those pastors who have been deceived by that false interpretation of the pasage in first Corinthians eleven about the head covering were to see their error and rrepent and require the women in their congregations to cover their heads?   Would God have mercy on us and send us revival and push back these evils in the culture?  

Thursday, August 4, 2022

A Feast of Great British Christian Teachers in the Century of the Great Awaakening in America

What a feast I've been having as I listen to J. C. Rle's book about the great Christian evangelists and preachers of the eighteenth century.  I'm now half way through the second video:

It was a revival though not of the kind we usually think of.  Many individual preachers all being brought  out of a dead and worldly state to a passionate understandeing of the work of Jesus Christ, the gospel to a  fever pitch all over the British Isles, but that was also the time just refore the American Revolution when Whitefield and Wesley came over here and brought the Great Awakening.  

How I wish God would raise up another small army of such men to wake us up today.  

George Whitefield said he was strongly influenced by a book by a Henry Scougal, The Life ofr God in the Soul of Man, and that too is at You tTube.  You Tube is the layer of my feast these days.

Want to add here a personal report that I've been going through some pretty depressing mental states over the last few weeks, including the conviction that I'd committed unforgiveable sins and would never see God or heaven.   The Lord let me stew in this state of mind for a whole dat at a time, which was almost more than I could stand although I kept trying to tell myself that surely He would show me that I was wrong, while at the same time being so convinced I was trying to imagine being in Hell knowing that H3e was right to send me there.  

I had more than one of these states and may have more.   He's sent me encouraging words through my reading each time though He seems to have wanted me to stew in them for quite a while before He did, and the encouraging words only last a short time before I'm in the pits again.  

One thing that was encouraging in an overall way was the reports of some of these men, but particularly Spurgeon whose semons I've been listening to separately, that these states of mind have happened to them too and do happen to true believers and are a means of growth.    That doesn't keep me from polunging into them each time but I'm always relieved to come back to it.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

I Can't Stop Thinking about the Horrible Effect of Abandoning the Women's Head Covering

 Listening again to John MacArthur's very biblical talk on the role of women in the churches and how far feminism has encroached into them despite the clear admonition of scripture against it.  

John MacArthur | Response to the Beth Moore Comment "Go Home"| Women Preaching - YouTube

It's a very good talk that covers just about everything from scripture, and he gives some appalling statistics about just how far the churches are in violation of God's word on this subject.  Then he traces the rebellion of women back to Genesis.  This is all good teaching.

And then he blows it all to smithereens as he himself affirms what must be one of the pivotal elements of this whole sorry situation, the abandonment of the woman's head covering of 1 Corinthians 11.  Right at the very end.  After all his excellent teaching about the scriptureal standard he himself shows that he embraces at least one of the causes of it all, if not The CAUSE, AND FOR ALL i KOW IT MAY WELL BE THE CAUSE.  iT MAY BE WHERE IT ALL BEGAN.  aS i SAY, i DON'T KNOW BUT i DO KNMOW THAT IT'S VERY IMPORTANT.  i HAVE NO WORD FROM THE lORD ABOUT THIS, BUT hE HASN'T GIVEN ME ANYH REASON TO THINK IT'S WRONG EITHER THOUGH i HAVE PRAYED THAT hE WOULD IF IT IS WRONG.  

I can't stand the irony.  He spends an hour lamting and documenting the draining away of a great reservoir of biblical teaching and then at the end he holds up the plug he helped to pull that openied the drain.  

That passage is not about feminine appearance, and it's not even about women's submission to authority in any drect way as far as behavior goes.  It's strictly about the hierarchy of authority or HEADship.  I can't say it enough.  It's about the head, the literal head on the body as symbolic of tauthority.   If you cover that head you are saying you are under the authority of another, you are essentially covering up your own authoirty.  Covering your head is covering your authoirty.  It's an acknowledgment of God's creation ordinance of the hierarchy of headship.   If you uncover women's heads you are saying they have equal authority with men.   Men are exhorted in this same passage NOT to cover their heads because they have authority under CHrist in the Church.  If as MacArthur so strongly preaches, women are not to preach in the churches, you don't take away the emblem of the subordination of authority that supports that position.  When you take it away you are essentially saying they can preach the same as any man can preach. 

I wish I could get this across, and of course I wish it could be gotten across to someone like John MacArthur how has the public influence to do something about it.

Indeed the holy angels must be highly offended.

J C Ryle's Book Holds Out Some Hope for America's Degenerative State

 Ryle's book on the great Christian leaders of the eighteenth century is read in its entirety at the link I gave below.  There I thought it was only the part about the history of English just before those great men came on the scene, but it is in fact the link tot he entire book.   Still, the first chapters about the historical stituation are eyeopening.  England's Christian heritage was at its lowest posible ebb.  the churches preached empty nonsesnse, the gospel has never heard in them.  For all intents and purposes Christianity was dead and the culture was in bad shape.

The fact that God raised up strong Christian preachers after that gives me hope for America since we are about as low as it's possible to get too, probably lower than Engla nd was.  Perhaps we still have some pulpits whre the gospel is preached but far too many preach a poisonous pablum or fleshly banality and even the strongest churches are probably a lot weaker than they would be if they took care of the smaller errors that must be true evewn of them.

It may well be that we are in the last of the last days and the Lord will return today or tomorrow or next week, since the condition of the world and the churches seems to fit that prophecy only too well.  Nevertheless wehn I hear of the state of DEngland afew centuries ago and how God riseed up men who turned around their condition I thin kwe have reason to hope it's possible here too.  If the Lord comes I hope we are all ready, but meanwhile we should be hoping and praying that God would send us a similar awakening by men he can raise up out of nowhere for such a task.

Here's that link again.  It's well worth listening to:   Christian Leaders of the Eighteenth Century | J. C. Ryle | Christian Audiobook (Part 1) - YouTube

Somje Christian Books from You Tube J. C. Ryle biographies and John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress

I keep finding good Christian books at You tube that can be listened to.   A really good on e is a book by J. C. Ryle  about Christian leaders in the eighteenth century.  I've listened to the one about John Wesley and the one about Geolrge Whitfield.  

Here's the first chapter of Ryle's book wghich is about the history of England leading up to the eighteenth century::    Christian Leaders of the Eighteenth Century | J. C. Ryle | Christian Audiobook (Part 1) - YouTube

And here is Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress."   I read this years ago but forgot most of it.  It's nice to heart it read: