Randy Something, Kay? Interviewed at a table full of gigglin women about his NDE which made a Christian of him, where he claims to have been cheek to cheek with Jesus. The talk at the table was all very Christian sounding, abourt prayer and loving the Lorfd and all that. Jesus loves you very much. All that. Forgiveness of sins and all that. Nothing about His death on the cross though, but I suppose they could have found a way to work that in too if they'd wanted. Something about a battle between a group of angels and another group of fallen angels. That was at the beginning. This man claimed to know the Bible which he'd read after years of being an atheist tring to disprove Christianity. But the way we are saved was not mentioned. Again, I suspect they could have found a way to counterfeit that too. Perhaps. But in this one they didn't. Maybe it's in his book.
These counterfeit heaven experiences can get pretty sophisticated. This one is just about terrifying in its willingness to sound Christian while managing to avoid the cross as well as add in a New Agey message about learning not to judge yourself. Jesus tells us we must deny ourselves and take up oiur cross. Doesn't that imply that we ARE to judge ourselves? Now that central Christian message never shows up[ in these things, not even in this one. But again, perhaps it's got a representation of some kind of bogus sort in his book.
And of course "heaven" is as usual depicted as a beautiful landscape with colors not seen on Earth. There is of course no hint of this idea of heaven in the Bible. Heaven is the throne room of God in the Bible, and the New Jerusalem is a city, not a landscape. But I guess a landscape appeals to people.
What what what. I wasn't looking for this stuff but it keeps showing up while I'm looking for other things. Maybe if I get it written out it will benefit someone. I tried to copy the URL for this one but I kdon't know if I succeeded. I'm always flying blind these days, literally. I THINK it might have said "copy" but I don't know. Guess I'll find out when I post this.