Saturday, August 24, 2024

Eric Metaxas' Book Letter to the American Church

 I still think along the line of printing out flyers for distribtion to cars in shopping malls and under apartment doors and that sort of thing, because all the electronic avenues of speech are shyut down by evil forces these days, including even the postoffice although I wouldn't want to add the cost of postage to the project anyway.    Flyers under windshield wipres isn't perfect either of course since one can esily enough imagine zealous liberals running round ripping them off cars and tearing them up, but it at least it would tire them out in a way just canceeeling a you tube channel wouldn't.

The idea, again, is to try to get the truth to the half of the population who won't uotherwise get it because of all those blocked eavenues as well as the ingrained prejudice that keeps them from looking for the truth where it might be found.    

I did think of a way it could be done without needing billions of dollards, and that would be to distribute them in small barches, being sure to get them first to conservative sources who could make more copies and also distribute them in small batches, just a dozen or a hundred cars in the shopping mall lot by each participant.  The more people the better, the less strain on any one source and the less easy it would be for the enemy to tear it all done wisince it wouldn't be focused in any one place.  One parking lot might only get a dozen scattered here and there for instance at any one time.  Nobody can afford to get thousands of copies, let alone gather others to help with the work, but if it's donw by volunteers in amsmall batches and sporadic efforts it could accomplish quite a lot with less oranization.  Each person culd send a few to freidns across the country so that the same pattern would be getting repeated everywhere.

The truth about the political situation, exposing all the lies put out by the Democrats, against Trump for instance, and also how they are pretending to support the auses that the right is promoting these days, although they will just take them back when they have the power again.  Every lie to be corrected that you can think of.  I suppose there shoudl be a main text for the flyer, but then maybe that too could be just whatever people come up with.  

But I was just listening again to an interview Jordan Peterson did a while back with the Christian writer Eric Metaxas and was reminded that the Church is where turth should start.  The Church is the watchdog of society if it's doing what it should be doing, the salt and light.  And the Church is not doing what it should be doing, it has capitulated to the government manadate to shut down for the pandemic for instance, or most of them did.  As Metaxas points out in the interview that is to abandone the whole point of being the Church.  If we believe what we say we believe wesshould have th courage of lions in the face of every kind of threat to our ewellbeing, our livelihood, our reputation, our survival ofor that matter, becuase we should have the faith that God will protject us whenever we act according to what He would want us to do , which is always to put our own wellbieing on the line when truth fis at stake.  In this case the survival of western society is at stagke.  And Metaxas wrote his most recent book to the Church in response to what he strongly felt to be a call from God, to inspire the Church to be the Church and confront these forces of fevil.

I heard about his book some months ago but there's no point in my getting it since I can't read it, unless I have people to give it away to who would read it and frankly I can't think of any.  I haven't learned how to do the audio bversion of new books and the free audio versions aren't available for new books, only those past the date when they becomine public property.  

But I wanted a friend to take a copy to his pastor and he didn't do it.  That was months ago.  Metaxas saiys in this interview that it has been read and made a difference for many pastors alreayd so I'm happy to hear that at least.

I didn't give the title, did I?  Letter to the American Church is the book.  We need a huge upridsing of Christians to face down this tsunami of evil and such a book shouold be helpful but I'm aware of too many even now who say no we're just for teaching the gospel, not to get plitical.  Metaxas makes it very clear that that is anabandom ent of what the Church is supposed to be in thie world.

I don't understand why she denies cetainty about the persistence of her soul after death, becaue what Jesus promises us is eternal life.