Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The Leftist Tactics of Lies and Character Assassination.

UPDATE: So many things they lie about and I barely touched on the problem. One of the most dangerous right now is suppression of the information that more wuites than blacks are killed by police in all the same situations that are being made into this huge racist indictment of the police and America itself The fact that BLM is a Marxist organization that really doesn't focus on blacks at all is suppressed. The true nature of Antifa is suppressed, that they are the ones with the fascist tactics. The whole theme of white supremacy in America is a lie. It's all made up. I'm sure there are some white supremacists but they aren't the ones doing the rioting and murdering, that's coming from the Left. You actually hear people saying that white supremacy is our biggest problem? Huh? It's a big fat lie. All thes lies are designed to create conflict between groups of Americans> That's a Marxist tactic.

Some of the biggest lies these days are about what is going on ibn Israel. They routinbely make it sound like Israel is the problem, all a huge dangerous lie. Hamas attacked Israel out of the blu, lobbed some 4000 rockets into Israel. Israel was able to stop 90% of them with their defense system. Some 25% of the Hamas-launnched rockets landed on their own people, drestroyed their own property, but those get blamed on Israel. What is going on here? Israel is always being portrayed as te aggressor when the fact is that they are not only always in the defensive position but are extraordinarily careful to avoid civilizian casualties, warning civilians to get out of areas where Hamas is quartered and being targeted by Israel. What is the purpose of these lies?

Why is it that the Left is so consistently built on lies? Why do they want the bad guys to appear good and the good guys bad?

Now we are hearing about lies involved in the pandemic, covering up the source of the viru in a Chinese virology lab, by vilifying those who saw the evidence for it early one. Now the truth is starting to come out so they are having to backtrack and that's a relief. Then there wree all the lies about the effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine in the early traetment of COVID, the suppression of which is no doubt the cause of a huge percentage of the deaths attributed to the virus. There have been lies about the aapprorate way to tdeal with teh virus all along, so many changes of opinion you couldn't figure out which was the right policy. Even the number of deaths attributed to COVID has been falsified, imputing it to deaths that wre really due to other causes.

Maybe those lies shouldn't be laid on the Left, I don't know, but the point is that we are living in a world being shaped by an unprecedented campaign of disinformation. Indlucing the disinformation that imputes the disibnformation to the other political party. This is so diabolical it is hard to understand how it could have happened, and hard to find a way to counter it. ============================================

To do this right I know I'll need to track down all the evidence and that's not going to be easy, first because it's scattered, and second because of the censorship of conservative opinion. But at least I want to declare what I believe to be the truth:\

I hear all these Democrats claiming that the Republicans want to suppress voters by proposing laws that require proof of identity in order to vote. It's hard to believe they believe that. How hard is it to get personal identification? Doesn't everybody already have it anyway, for driving and other purposes? Proof of identity PROTECTS voter rights. Without that proof unqualified people can vote and that steals the votes from legitimate voters. The Democrats as usual are supporting lies and criminal behavior. How do they justify that to themselves?

Then there's the long list of accusations they've made against Trump. It's a very long list and I don't know if even one of the accusations is true but I know most of them are lies. Are they all conscious lies invented to smear him or do they actually believe them? I think the former but the effect is that the public thinks they are the truth because they never get to hear the truth. All the media have to do is leave out an important statement to create the lie they want people to believe. Trump was not saying the white supermacists in Charlottesville were "good people" on one side of the issue, he went right on to say explicitly that he was not talking about them and that they should be condemned but that part was left out. The two sides he was referring to wrere those for and those against the removal of historical monuments. There ARE good people on both sides of that. At least that's what he was saying.

They also let it appear that Trump was mocking a crippled man by a certain gesture he made, suppressing the truth that Trump often makes that gesture when he thinks what someone said is stupid. A few years ago I found videos of him doing it over and over again. But the leftist media prefers to let you think he was mocking a cripp-led person's infirmity. That's called lying.

People who suspect fraud in the last election are called liars but it is their accusers who are the liars. I had heard the testimony of many witnesses to fraud who had signed affidavits declaring their testimony to be the truth, witness after witness, and then I heard this amazing lie from the Left that the elections were perfectly legitimate. The courts refused to take the cases and they called that evidence that the election was legitimate when it was merely a refusal to find out if it was legitimate or not. How do they let themselves get away with this stuff?

Larry Elder says that statistically 85% of Democrats think Trump is a racist. Since he is not in the slightest a racist how did that lie get to be believed? Because the public only gets to hear what the leftist media tell them.

Lies are powerful weappons. They can destroy a nation. They can cause wars.

(It would take a lot of work to muster all the evidence for the above and I hope I'll be able to do it, but at least I wanted to get that much said.

What Makes America Great, and Is it Lost Forever or Is There Still a Flicker of Hope?

At the very end of his talk to Hillsdale College that I link in the previous post, Ian Rowe quotes DeToqueville, in Chapter 13 of America:
The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults.

Yes. Those who object to the MAGA slogan for instance, who grumble that America hasn't been great for everybody, totally miss the point of what makes America great. Everybody has a story of struggle and unhappiness even in America. It's not about human fallenness that will always tend to some form of injustice and sinfulness, it's about the ideal that's always there if we remember to come back to it. Somehow those fallen men who put it all together back there in 1776 got it right enough to produce the greatest prosperity for the most people AND produce the most morally effective nation on the planet that has extended its influence around the world. Yes MORALLY, despite bad stuff we've exported too and despite the the misguided ignorant moral indignation of the Marxist Wrecking Crew. The current Marxist effort to destroy it all because humanity isn't perfect is only going to worsen that imperfection bring on the tyranny that the American founding aimed to prevent. That's what utopian dreams always end up doing in a fallen world. Self-righteous blind perfectionism only destroys, ends up in the mass murder of hundreds of millions by tyrants, but they never learn.

A great failure to educate us all in the principles that have sustained us for so long, a great failure to recognize the destructive trends and unravel them in their early stages, a great failure of vigilance and a great failure of the Protestant perspective that was the core of the system that made it all possible.

Benjamin Franklin wondered if we could keep the Republic they had just created. It looks like we couldn't. It looks like it's lost. UNLESS the means of repair still flickers and could still be kindled into flame even now. I don't know and I don't hear much hope from most watchers of the scene out there. I vacillate horrifically these days between total despair and surges of hope. I see the country being destroyed without any apparent checks on it, destroyed in the streets, destroyed in the highest offices of the land, and it's made me more aware than ever of what we are losing. There's still a flicker of hope but it's just a flicker.

The Lord could come for us at any moment and the global tyranny could just take over everything. But that would be the Great Tribulation and the return of Jesus would be just seven years away. I'd be happily freed from it all but for the unbelievers it would be all over. The end of the world, the beginning of the reign of Christ. Greatly to be desired. But as long as we're here we have two jobs: spread the gospel and try to preserve the best that's possible in a fallen world? That's what it means to be salt and light isn't it?