Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Saving a Nation May be IMpossible By Now, But You can Still be Personally Saved

The Marxists aren't going to get it. In fact most Americans won't get it. In fact even most Christians won't get it. I'm talking about the importance of repentance for our national sins, which I wrote about in the previous post. It has to be explained. We've lost sigh t of the fact that God rules in this world no matter what we believe or think about it. Unbelievers violate His law all the time and don't understand why things often don't work out well for them. Oh God takes care of the just and the unsust alike, but the Moral operates inexorably in this world for good or ill according to our obedience or disobedience of the Moral Law. "God's windmills grind exceeding fine" it says somewhere in scripture. "If you sow to the wind you will reap the whirlwind" it says somewhere else. As I've pointed out many times, the Hindu and Buddhist idea of Karma is a distorted recognition about the Moral Law that rules the Universe. I know from experience that if you deny it, or decide to test it, as I did as an unbeliver, it will smack you down and you won't know what hit you. I only knew what hit me when I became a believer.Not everybody is as defiant as I was, even unbelievers live within the moral law to a greater extent than makes sense given their beliefs. But we all suffer in this life, and that is the consequence of sin against the moral law, whether our own sin or the sin of ancestors which the bible tells us we inherit. "The waes of sin is death" says scripture, and death means every kind of disease, destruction, inuury, disaster, all imaginable suffering. We live in a fallen world. That means we live after the Fall and suffer its consequences. We are born into those consequences but our own personal sins accumulate on top of them.

That's why Jesus died. That's what the Good News of salvation is all about. He died to save us from the Moral Law that can only kill us because we are fallen and continue to accumulate sins against it. Soon after the RFall God promised the human race that He would send us a savior from our sins. He did. He took our sins into His own body and paid the debt to the Moral Law we woujld otherwise owe for them. Since He was sinless He could not die for HImself, He died to pay for OUR sins since He had none.

Nations incur debt to the Moral Law too, as covenanted entitiues. This is made clear in the passages in Leviticus and Deuterono my that spell out the blessings and cursings the nation of Israel could expect for obedience of the Law on the one hand or disobedience on the other. The consequences include economic disaster, famine, invasion by foreigners, rule by incompetent and corrupt leaders,, natural disasters. Think about it.

Destruction comes as a consequence of violations of the Moral Law. It comes whether we recognize the operation of such a law or not. "Why do bad things happen to good people" asks the naive and ignornant. Scripture tells us that NOBODY is good. Start there. Scripture also tells us that we inherit sinjs. We inherit it from our first parents for starters, the first sinners, but we also inherit it from our nearer ancestors. And no matter how good a person may be even the best commit sins against the Moral Law all the time. Because the Law is perfect and we are fallen.

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." I've brought this up before. I think the ocntext of this statement is often overlooked. This is Hosea 4, 1 through 8. God starts out saying through Hosea that the people commit all sorts of sins, swearing falsely, lying, stealing, killing, committing adultuery. These are violations of the Ten Commandements but somehow people read this passage and don't see the connection between these violations and the destruction for lack of knowledge. But the priests have let the people down. They don't teach the Moral Law that might dissuade them from committing the sins that lead to their destruction.

Some talk about man kinds of knowledge we lack that could lead to our destruction and it's certainly true that it helps protect us to know about germs for instance and the need for sanitary conditions, about the motivations of our enemmies, about the coming tornado and do on and so forth. But we have assurances from scripture that God protects us from these things if we stay close to Him. Psqalm 91 is full of such promises. If we "dwell in the secret place of the Most High," if we regard Him as our refuge and our strength, our shield and buckler, we need not fear "the arrow that flies by day" or the "pestilence that stalks by night." Jihad. COVID. etc.

That link goes to an older post I did on this subject.

The people who are out to destroy this country have no idea what they are bringing down on themselves. They may in spite of themselves be executing God's judgment on the nation but they are certainly "storing up wrath" for themselves in the process. "Offenses must come but woe to those by whom they come" Criminalsa aren't going to get away with it. Th3e Nazis are not going to get away with it. Nobody gets away with it. The Moral Law is inexorable. It judges to the finest possible degree. Nobody escapes. Nations don't escape. The only way to save America is to roll back our violations of God's Law. Repent repent repent. But the Marxists are going to continue on their treasonous path of mayhem and destruction.

It's a tall order, turning back our violations of God's Law. Probably not going to happen. But individuals can still be saved from their own sins. That's why Jesus came.

Have a Thankful Thanksgiving. But This Year Maybe We'd Be Better Off Fasting in Sackcloth and Ashes Than Mindlessly Feasting.

This is not the post I started out to write. I was going to give the link to the old post about the true history of the original Thanksgiving, maye add some reminders of what we have to be thankful for as a nation, and leave it at that. Well, I'm giving that link but God wouldn't let me leave it at that. Yes it had to be God, yes God works through us, communicates with us, stirs up our conscience, so of course it was God who changed my mind. I'm certainly not saying I got it all right, but the change in direction came from Him. I didn't leave it until the last minute this time so He had time to rattle me up a bit, even as I was writing this.

This old post is about the original meaning of Thanksgiving and we need to be reminded of it every year because of the anti-God revisionist attacks on it. So here's my old post on that subject:


We should certainly have thanked the Indians for their help to the Plymouth Colony where it all started, but that's not what Thanksgiving is about. We don't dedicate this day to thanking the Indians, we don't thank the turkey, we don't thank MotherEarth or any other pagan deity. It's cause for regret and fear that we've reduced it to "turkey day." It's a day for thanking the Creator God for His blessings on this nation. That was its original inspiration when William Bradford called his Plymouth Colony to assemble to hear a sermon about thankfulness in the third year of their settlement. And it was the inspiration of Abraham Lincoln when he set a date for its observance.

And we should most certainly thank God this year too. Sometimes it seems all His blessings have evaporated but no, not yet. Still, this year it might be more appropriate to make it a day of fasting, prayer and repentance for our egregious violations of God's Law which are bringing the nation to ruin. In fact, the more I think about it the more I think that really is what the day should be this year. What? No Thanksgiving this year? >

Ouch. Is that what God is telling me? Well, there is always something to be thankful for, even in the worst of times, and certainly in our persoal lives. As for the nation, this year we should thank Him profusely for the honest and courageous jury that brought a just verdict in the Rittenhouse trial, because we know the way things are going we can't count on getting a just verdict from our courts any more. Thank Him too for the righteous people who won the Virgina election. Yes thank Him for every remnant of rigghteousness we can recognize, for all those people who are raising their voices against the lies and the injuustices.

But the tugging at my conscience doesn't let up. The crying need is to return tp the original intent of the nation which He blessed. If we still see His blessings here and there it's not because we deserve them now. Perhaps it's just that we haven't yet rim pit pf tje,/ The nation has fallen away from Him even thought there are still some faithful Americans.

Biden won't institute a day of r fascint and prayer on any date -- well he'd have to call for repentancew from his own policies. Isn't going to happen. . Some former Presidents did call for such a day and that's what we need. Now all we can do is call for it in isolated pockets, in individual families, maybe in particular churches.

It's foolishness to think God can't continue to bless a nation that has been abandonimg Him for decades now. We sjpi;d certaom;u repent of our insane policies under some Presidents toward Israel when we've gone along with the lying bogus "Palestinian" cause. But mostly I think of our drift to perverted interpretations of our Constitution, How can God bless a nation that took prayer and the Bible out of our schools because one malicious atheist claimed her rights wree abused by it. Or a nation that make killing unborn babies a "right," or the dispensing of poronography a "right," and Gay Marriage a "right," a nation that has taken up the absurd idea that you can decide what sex you are no matter how God made you. I think the abandonment of the practice of women's covering our heads in church lies somewhere at the root of these violations. And I also wonder about the effect of the abolition of the Sabbath when commerce shut down for one day a week. There is nothing accidtnal about the destructions we are watching daily, God is not mocked. God abandons a nation that abandons Him, especially one that started out dedicated to Him as this one was. We may not be able to trace our national sins with any exactness, but there is no doubt that we are seeing all this political insanity because of them.

If Thanksgiving was really a day of giving sincere thanks to God for His blessings by a majority of the people and particularly by our leadership it would be a good thing. But it's mostly degenerated into a mindless day of feasting for who knbows what reason.

Well, have a happy and genuinely thankful Thanssgiving, but do consider adding a day of fasting and prayer for the repenttance of our national sins to your calendar. (See Damiel 9 for inspiration)_