Thursday, July 25, 2024

Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk, Richard Dawkins, Fallenness etc.

A few weeks ago I heard that a couple of states were engaged in doing something to restore a Christian perspetive to their people, one by mandating that the Ten MCommandments be posted in every classroom, and I forget what the other was doing, but it made me very happy to hear this.  The nation needs a return to God above al else and these are very heartening events.  

Then I ran across an interview with the givernor or the state of Tennessee , I think it was the Governor, who had recently called the state to a time of fasting and prayer and repentance for thri sins, saying he was afraid of God's judging the state and wanted to avoid that and hopes for His mercy instead.  The show host asked him to pray for his state and the nation before signing off and it brought him to tears.  That's a spiritually blessed man and I hope God blesses his prayers for his state.  And may there be many more such governors acrosso thi nation.  WQe may not be able to expect such a call to come from the national givernment in washington but it's nice to know that there are individual states that would do it.

Without such a return to God I see nothing but an increase in the evils we've been struggling under for years now.  God has no reason to lift these burdens off us as long as we are ignoring Him, not ascknowledging Him and not acknowledging our sins .  We are unders sjudgment as a nation right now but we can still hope for mercy but not unless something like what is happening in Tennessee happens on a wider scale around the nation.    

Earlier I was watching an interiew by Jordan Peterson of Elon Musk and finally the subject of religion came up.  Musk says he likes the Christian principles but doesn't wnt to commit to being a Christian behond that much.  Jordan Peterson likes the Bible and many things about Christinaity but his view is so filtered through his Jungian framework it doesn't really convey a Christian message anyway.  Neither man ins a Christian but it's interesting that both are attracted to Christianity in some way or other.

They are fallen men of course, men borh with the sin nature we are all born with but not born again into the revived spirit that is what a Christian has.  When all you have is the fallen perspective you are btied to this physical world and cut off from the kjowledge of God, it takes the new brith to become spiritually op0en to God.  Jesus talks about this in John Three to Nicodemus.  At the Fall w3e lost the spiritual faculty that connected Adam and Eve to God and all their progeny inherit that deficient condition, but Jesus came to give us the life of God, to renew that life in us that was lost at the Fall, which He did by dying on the cross in the place of all those who believe in Him.  When we believe that we too are on that cross with Him and saved by His blood then our spiritual faculty lost at the Fall is quickened or brought back to life.  Perterson and Musk do not believe and do that have that regenerated faculty.  They are confined to their life in this phyiscla world and the mind that has learned only how to understand that world.  God is not to be fou nd in that physical world without the spiritual faculty.

I think it was Peterson who brought up Richard Dawkins' calling himself a culturual Christian and Musk accepted that as a description for himself as well.  True enough and we shouild be glad that there are cultural christians out there.  Nevertheless we need more spiritual Christians, and of course they need to BE spiritual Christians if they are to have hope of eternal life.  YOu cannot see the Kingdom of God unless you are born aagain said Jesus.

Dawkins cant believe in God because he is a fallen man with the sin nature and lacks the spiritual faclty like Peterson and Musk, so his is committed to the kind of science that can deal only with the phsycial universe, nmo spiritual undiverse being possible to his way of thinking.   He wants evidence and is indignant that those who preach God can't give him any evidence, but you can't give physical evidence of something that is spiritual.  Oh yes many physical evidnets , miracles and so on, hve been done by God, and by Jesus, and that should be good evidence but if he hasn't seen it with his own eyes he won't accept it asx evidence.  But beyond tht there is no evidnece.  God is spiritual discerned and ca't be known through the phyhsical senses or the mind.

So we should of cours pray for all these men.  Christopher Hitchens wouldn't listen and that's very sad but I'd like to think maybe one or three of these men might.  You never know, we can only pray.  

I found myslef wondering this morning if Elon mMUsk would be interested in my arguments against evolution.  I know Dawkins wouldn't and I don'[t think of Peternson as having any inclinations in that direction.  Nor Musk either really, Ithjust lithink of him as a person with a lot of itnerest in a lot of things and a great intelligence and I'd love to try to persuade him of my arguments.  Oh well.