Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Kim Reynolds, Governor of Iowa, Saves My Blood Pressure from Biden's Assault on It.

Nice to get to know this governero of Iowaa as she gives her response to Biden's State of the Untion address Tuesday. It was hard to listen to him though the first part of the speech where the whole room expressed their solidarity with Ukraine against Putin's invasion was very nice. Beyond that I just do a lot of yellihg at the radio. But Kim Reynolds sounds like a solid conservative who knows what's wrong with the country and opposes Biden's craziness point for point. So here she is:

Scripture Points to The Roman Church as tge Great Aoistast Si Wgt Are Tget Ugbirubg Ut>

For the most part I'm still a believer in the Pre-Tribulation last days scenario, mostly because of the dangling unfulfilled Seventieth Week of daniel, a period of seven years that fits very well into the Book of Revelation. It would make the perfect framework for the Great Tribulation or the Day of the LORD that are also so far unfilled prophetic events.

Nevertheless Ithere are parts of that end times scenario I disagree with and the main one is that I believe the Antichrist is already revealed, not yet to be revealed as they teach, and that he is the Pope. that is because the Proptestant Reformers identified the papacy as the Antichrist, and not only the Reformers but hundreds of other Christians down the centuries, Christians mostly outside the Romann Catholic Church but even some within it.
There is one piece of scripture that is used by the Pre TRIB TEACHER4S TO DESCRIBE THEIR FUTURIST INTERPRETATION OF THESE THINGS, 1 TIMOTHY 4, WHICH THEY TAKE TO DESCRIBE TODAY'S APOSTASY OF cHRISTIAN CHURCHES OR THE fALLING aWAY THAT IS TO OCCUR AAS THE LAST DAYS ARE SHAPING UP. cERTAINLY WE DO HAVE A gREAT aPOSTASY GOING ON TODAY, i DON'T ARGUE AGAINST THAT, BUT THE rEFORMERS INTERPRETED THAT APOSTASY AS THE DOCTRINES OF THE rOMAN cATHOLIC cHURCH WHICH WAS FORMALLY ESTABLISHED IN THE seventh century. That was certainly a great apostasy as they importaed over the years all the trappings and elements of Romahn pagan religion going back to Babyon. Since the Harlot Church in the book of Revelationb is called Mystery Babylon that connection is hard to avoid.

I've heard that the futurist end times scenario was originated by Jesuits to distract from the Reformers' identification of the papacy as the Antichrist, but I don't know the history of that. Chris Pinto probably does and I understand he is going to have a teaching out soon on the Lost Doctrine of the ANtichrist which I look forward to.

One thing that has bothered me quite a bit in hearing the Pre Trib teachers lay out their interpretation is how they leave out the part of First Timothy Four that identifies the apostasy as the Roman Church, the doctrines of demons that was predicted by Paul to overcome the Church "in the latter days" and the seventh century would have been the latter days freom Paul's time. Anyway, here's that passage with the specific doctrines of forbidding to Marry, which the Catholic Church imposed on their priests, and to abstrain from meats, which the Catholic Church did so that fish on Friday was a Catholic thing for years and may still be for some as they must abstain from certain meats
It is disturbing that this part of the passage would be left out, as if the Jesuits themselves were still in charge of the futurist eschatology and are still working to hide the identify of the Pope.
Y 4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving 4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Another one on UFOs, ghosts, NDEs , the paranormal etc

It worries me so I have to writge about it from time to time, but I don't want to get into the subject in any depth beause I think that invites such phenomena into one's life. I just want to say enough to warn people agtainst it, ,knowintg that it will probably have the effect on some of getting them too interested in it.

> I'm made aware of it by that late-night Coast=to -Coast radio show with George Noori, that I tune into for brief periods from time to time. I'm amazed at the variety orf such phenoomena they discuss, a huge variety of different kinds of experiences. UFOs seem to b3e the main topic and maybe the biggest experience people have too, but there are witches who come on and talk about their craft as if it were a perfectly normal and good thing to do, all sorts of psychic phenomena, near-death and out of body experiences of course.

In general there seems to be this sort of breathless attitude about how wonderfujl it all is and how it's REAL and how people need to know about it.

My fram3e of reference is always the Bible. Many of the participants on the show consider themselve sto be religious, or spiritual in some sense, and some will even quote the Bible or refer to it as a cource of this or that phenomenon.

B8ut I take the position that the Bible has revealed to us that there are other beings in this universase and they are not extrayerrestrials. they are cdangels and demons, and yes, the Nephilim of Genesis 6 may be a factor. those are the hybrid angel-humans that may be the main reason God brought the Flood on the eartgh since they were threatening to corrupt the human genome, to use our language rather than the Bible's. Nephilim cannot be saved because demons can't be saved and they are part demon, so if the demon inheritance is spread throughout the population nobody could be saved, and that is considered to be the reason for their existence.

Some of the radio show guests say things like how the reality of UFOs has been proven, we know they exist. But they don't know that extraterrestrials exist, and I have no doubt that demons exist, ahnd yes there now does seem to be evidence of these strangely behavged objects. Yes they do exist.

But there is no reason to believe they are anything but demons at their usual game of deceiving humanity They invented all the gods of the religions for instance and demanded sacrifices to them. Whatever they are up to as UFOs it's not good for the human race. Ghosts are also nothing but demoni c impersonalitions of people, presumably the people who once lived in a certain place that is now haunted. Demons that had possessed those people in life.

So far I have been able to find a way to explain this or that phenomenon on the radio show in terms of the abilities of demons as I understand them. However, I also have in mind what the Chinese preacher Watchman Nee wrote in his book Soul Power, that it is possible that we have some powers left over from the pre-Fall world in fragmented and distored form, psychic powers and that sort of thing, that can be awakened in some people in fome form or other, but they are subjefct to demonic influence and are generally dangerous just as the demonic phoenomina asre dangerous.

The more people play with such things and get all ga ga about them and marvel at their experiences and so on, the more "permission" they give these creatures to manifest among us. That's how I understand it from some teache5rs I heard years ago. So all this interest in the paranoiormal is just bringing hordes of demons into the world. These are not benign creatures. They are fallen angels and they are malevolent. There amy be many varieties of them, not just one kind, and they can manifest physically and have many powers we don't have, powers to manipulated the phyhsical world that we don't have.

So it's worrisome fo find out there are so many thousands of people promoting these things. Most of them are naive, but demons are not naive.