Wednesday, September 13, 2023

If It Depends on Moral Virtue Then How Can It e Reinstated?

 Well, God could send us a George Whitefield or something like that.  It would take a supernatural event to make the kind of difference that is needed.  That's what I'm thinking anyway.  I don't see how you reinstate any kind of moral foundation without that sort of power behind it.  People love their fallenness to o much.

It figures of course that we are at the threshhold of the very last days, just a step over and we're into it, the church raptured if the pre trib scenriou is accurated, and the rest of humanity left to suffer mightily for their sins.  

If we are that close to the end it makes no sense tht we could ahve any kind of renewal or revival that would take us back to our moral foundations.  Unless, it just cooccurred to me, for the purpose of reaping a greater harvest than we would without it.  That is, right now the church, the believers, seem a very small number compared to what we could be or have been not too long ago even.  A revival would bring many into the church and then we'd have a lot more in the rapture.

But just focusing on what it would take to take America back to the condidtion described by De Toqueville and envisioned by the founds as necessitating a strong moral people, moral and eligious people, just in an dfor itself.  Just to imagine that much, what would it take?  

I was thinking the essential thing is the Fear of the LORD.  What is that but the sense in the individual that there is a God who is watching and who judges our thoughts and deeds on the basis of His moral law.  That's what he fear of the LORD is all about, keeping the individual afraid of deviating from a righteous response in every situation because God is real and Hell is real.  

That's what we've lost.

How can a travesty of the Law Prevail so easily in this country?

 I don't get it.  Hosw is it that a governor of a state, this Michelle Grisham of New Mexico in this case, can make a decree that violates the sewcond amendment, which is obvious on the face of it to everyone, but it has to go into effect in spite of that and we have to wait for some process or other to unfold before rthe amendment can be reinstated, some legal process.  Meanwhile for the duration the amendment is suspended.  How can that be?  

The same sort of thing is happening right and left these days.  Lawsuits are brought against Trump for instance that I know becuase I know what happened in the original case as it unfolded in the news, that they are bogus cases, tha for instance he was not trying to overthrow an election, he was protesting what he considered to be the illegitimacy of the election, and that was obvious at the time, yet we have to acc3ept this bogus lawsuit, and let it determine how things play out during an election year during which these cases are nothing but interference with the election process, waiting for this ponderous bogus legal situation to play itself out on some program or other that is only a mockery of justice.  Why?  How is it that these theings can happen?

The Constitution, the second amendment, is actually suspended for the duration of the governor's decree.  Actually suspended.  Her law must be obeyed over the Constitution, endorced by the police that are in the power of the state.  How can this be?  How can it be?  We are without the second amendment in New Mexico?  At least that particular expreession of it?  How can that be?  All it takes is some ignorant or malicious official to make a decree and the whole foundation of our government is dissoved?  That's the way it seemjs.  And there is no redress, no immediate recress anyway.  It has to be treated as leigtimate law?  The suspension of the Constitition has to be treated as legitimate law?  What on earth is going on here?

And now I think of the Covid nightmare.  They tell us to mask up although the science says that masks don't prevent tghe virus from being spread through them.  Still we have to bobey this utterly insane law because it has been decreed by some power or other in office.  We have to obey it because it is enforced by police power.  how can this be?  And they can mandate the vaccine for some people in some places and that has to be obeyed too because there are other ways of enforcing it, usch as the threat of losing a job.  Or being denied access to some business or insititution.  

Yes this is totalitarianism and it is being pushed on us these days.  So what are we talking about, the failiure of thta virtue the founders said was necessary to our kind of republic?  We've lost the moral foundation and now we are getting the only possible result, evil or ignorant people make a lwa and push us all around at their whim and we can't do anything about it?