Friday, December 31, 2021

Wounded, Bleeding, Bound and Gagged, We Limp Into a New Year.

Well, sure, of course I WISH us all a happy 2022 but ... but.

Why aren't our prayers being heard? They aren't, you know. I don't think it's for lack of effort or passion, I continue to think that we aren't meeting God's conditions. We're under judgment. Sometimes prayer can divert judgment, but sometimes we're past the point where it can be diverted. I don't know in this case for sure. Is God saying Stop trying to escape, go to Babylon and dig in and make the best of it, or is He telling us He's about to judge the earth and e should prepare for th Second Coming? Or is He saying identify the violation of My will and rectify it and Then pray. Or what?

Maybe not enough of us recognize that we are under judgment and we could start there. Michele Bachmann did a nice job of spelling this out in a talk she gave a few months ago at a conference:

Plenty of people missed that 9/11 was God's judgment on America. I remember wincing through days of silly statements by Christian preachers about how God doesn't do such things. I remember cringing through Bush's prayher gathering in the National Cathedral which included a Muslim leader, a Cqatholic leader and a Jewish leader knowing that such ignorance of the nature of God was only going to bring more judgment on the nation.

Bachmann describes how things have been getting worse intead of b4etter since 9/11. This isn't for lack of prayer, this is because we're under God's judgment and until we RIGHTLY repent, repent of the right violations, there is no hope of turning these things back.

It may be too late anyway, but I don't know that for sure yet.

It's not going to be a very happy year if we don't get it right. Not here on this planet anyyway. If we get rapturexd out of it, hooray, but we may have to go through a lot more than we usually impute to that scenario.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas 2

This is such a good sermon by John MacArthur I had to make another Merry Christmas post for it. He imagines the feelings of Mary and Joseph when they hear that they are to be the parents of a child who will be the Son of God. He inclues a long long list of lines from various Chrfistmas carols which is very inspiribng.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Merry Christmas!

It's become a Christmas traditioj for me, The Star of Bethlehem. With an astronomy program Rick Larson smakes a good case for the time of Christ's birth as marked by the brightest heavenly object ever. But more than that, his researches identify the likely date of His conception on Rosh Hashanah of 3 BC and the likely date of the arrival of the Magi in Bethlehem when the "start" stood still over the house Jesus was living in. He also shows what was going on in the sky at the time of the Lord's death on the Cross.

Here's the Puzzler About Why Our Corporate Prayers Fail

Steen Lee's talk was about how we don't pray with enough fervor or desperation. He played clips from others who see the problem the sqame way. His talk was a call to protracted committed fervent prayer in this time of worldwide destruction of society. The puzzler is why he had a group praying daily for a year and as far as anyone can see so far there is no fruit. Things continue to degenreate.

Does qa lack of fervor explain it?

Leonard Ravenyhill exhorted us to pray for revival for years and years. I know people followed him. Nothing came of it that we could point to. No revival.

I wondered why. I speculated that maye the fact that he accepted the charismatic movement as genuine could have been an impediment. Lack of fervor? Doesn't seem likely.

Kay Arthur called for prayer by her Bible study leaders and members across the ation. There was no fruit we could point to there either. Again why not?

There was a huge prayer gathering in Washington D.C. I thik in the sujmmer of 2020 though I may be misremembering. No fruit to report from that one either. I don't know enolugh about it to speculate on the reqasobns myself, but I don't hae any problem exdplaining the lack of success of the prayer breakfasts in Washington and George Bush's prayer in the Natiobnal Cathedral after 9/11, It's simple. God isn't going to honor ecumentical prayer. Believers and unbelieers cannot pray together and expect success.

I've prayed my heart o7ut for revival from time to time. Nothing has come of it that I can see.

I do think the abandonment of women's covering our heads in prayer is likely to be a big factor, but there may be other factors.

Just as we can ask why these efforts have failed we can also ask why some succeeded. Jonathan Edwards called for extraordinary prayer for the revival of religion in his day and the Great Awakening was the fruit of that. How long did it take between his call and the fruit? I don't know.

The last real revival I can think of was the one in Saskatchewan in Canada in the 70s that was set in motion by Pastor Bill McLeod. HYe got his church members to sign up to pray for revival at particular fifteen minute intervals around the clock, and he himself prayedd fervently for his church and for revival every morning. It was't long before people came under Holy Spirit conviction for tvarious sins and the revival was underway. Over the next few years it grew to thousands. It seems to have been a genuine revial.

I do't count the charimastic "revivals" such as the "TAoronto Blessings which was the Laughting revival, or the Brownsville revival. Certainly not Lakeland.

Why did Saskatechewan succeed? Why are we not able now d3espite what seemes to me to be some sincere and fervent efforts having any success at all?

That's the puzzler. That's the question. The first things wee need to pray for is an ansswer to that question. Is it anyt of the rasons I'vve suggested abover,. Is it the lack of fervor Steen Lee talks about> Is it that we've gone too far and now have only God's judgment to face?

It's a question that needs to be answered.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Well, he got ME praying more.

UPDATe: I listened to this post with the "read aloud" function so I know there are some horrific typos in it but my eyes are too bad right now to do anything aout it. Sorry. I hope I may be able to fix it later.

I want to add here though thtat I've been praying all day whenever I've had a free moment and and SO grateful for this inspiration that came from Stev3en Lee's talk < Thinbgs are so bad in this country it's not possible to run out of things to pray about but mostly I've been praying that God would inspire more of us to pray, that He would bring about the prayer meetings Lee calls for in his talk, or that individuals would be inspired to pray on their own. Less tgave the examples of Jacob wresting with the angel and Hannah who prayed alone although corporate prayer is the ideal.

O rend the heavens and come down to Your people, Lord, set us on fire of the Holy Spirit, guide us to praya as we should.

Yes, I strongly believe we need to return to the head covering bu5t again, I don't want to detract from the call to prayer. I've prayed without the head covering and received answers. I even prayed years ago with a prayer partner for revival and we received wonderful experiences of the presence of the Holy Spirit. I hadn't yet given any thought to the passage about the head covering so I'm sure neither of us had anythihng on our heads. We were praying over the phone every morning for months. Then she moved out of town and I lost touch with her. we didn't really know each other, weren't friends, we'd met in the church library over the book about Revival and agreed to pray together. It was a nice time of prayer but it didn't bring revival or even inspire others to join us.

After writing my last post I've been praying more myself. Yes with tears. As Lee's talk emphasizes, we need to be praying with desperation, and the times we are living in certainly are desperate. SWe feel it so why don't we pray it?

"Why isn't there overwhelming prayer in the face of this pandemic?:" Pme pf tje c;o[s [;aued bu Stevem :ee at tje emd pf jos ta;l was am Aistra;oam wjp asled tjat qiestopj/ Ot dpes see, tp be trie tjat we jave mpt ressponjed with prayer as we should have, as the dire circumstances we are living through call for. Why indeed?

tHAT WAS OF COURSE THE THEME OF lEE'S TALK. We need to be praying, why aren't we? Why on earth would we look to political solutions when what we need is God's power? Why on earth would we be spending so much time on biblical prophecy of the coming destruction of the planet when we should be praying our hearts out for God's intervention. Perhaps we've fallen into a fatalistic state of mind?

I'm very grateful for Steven Lee's talk, I think I will be praying a lot more as a result. I've also resumed covering me head though, which I don't always do when I'm alone. I think I should so I'm doing it again.

I want revival. I want God to come upon His people inj ppower as He has done in past revivals. those revivals are enormously inspiring to read about, but I want to HAVE a revival, I don't want to read about revivals any more. I am no longer going to listen to the naysayers who are sure it's all over, no more revivals, all we have to look forward to is God's judgments. It may be so but we don't know that for sure. Not yet. Lee is right. The churches need to to be praying their hearts out now,k they need to be organizing into prayer groups.

Yes I still think women need to be covering our heads in prayer. I hope God will convict us of that and whatever else He wants us to be doing to bring Him closer to us.

GHelp, Lord. t

Will God Ever Again Bless Us with a Revivall? I Pretty Much Gave Up on That Some Time Ago but Here I Am Hoping Yet Another Time.

Something always eventually brings me back to this theme. This time I heard a very good talk by the founder of Sermon Audio, Steven Lee, on the importance of prayer:


He's lamencing the lack of fervent desperate prayer in this time of worldwide chaos and calamity. At the end he plays some short clips of others expressing the same lament. The churches aren't pratying enough or aren't praying with enough passion.

Leonard Ravenhill had a similar take on the situation. Here we so desperately need God to act and He isn't acting and it must be because we are not praying enough or praying in the right way.

He plays a clip of Dr. Alan Cairns, a very inspiring preacher, lamenting the fact that we don't have the personal experience of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Again this is laid to a lack of prayer or rigyht prayer. <>
I've wanted to see a real revival for a long time. times when the Holy Spirit comes in power and transforms our lives and transforms the culture around us. Wy is it not happening? I've talked about this many times in this blog. I don't think it's a simple lack of prayer.

I think it's like the situation at Ai when Joshua was defeated and sought the Lord for His favor. The Lord told him to get up and find out about the man who had stolen thinhgs from the city of Ai. That was the reason for Joahua's defeat. When that problem was recognized, the guilty man brought to justice, then God tgave them victory.

God isn't blessing our prayers because we aren't meeting some condition He requires for us even to pray to Him at all. I think that is our abandonment of the head covering for women. In 1 Corinthians 11: 2-16 Paul says women are to pray with our heads covered. TAhis passage has been twisted by modern interpretation to deny that a literal head covering was meant, and I've argued this at length in my blog Hidden Glory. The head covering signifies God's order of headship of Christ over man, man over womaan. It's a creation ordinance. Marriage is another creation ordinance we've violated recently with the legalization of gay marriage.

It starts with the churches. If we're ignoring god's creation ordinance it will impact the Christian life in many ways, and there's every reason to think that this is the cause of the deterioration of the culture around us too. The head covering is no trivial thinjkg though people often try to dismiss it as trivial. It represents God's created order, His ordering of the sexes, the family, everything that relates to that basic structure.

I always come back to it though usually in a state of despair because it is not taken seriously by the churchesw. The best preachers have accepted the false interpretation and don't seem to notice the spiritual weakness in their churches. Some hardly have any idea that a great move of the Holy Spirit is even possib. Topo many churches are accepting a tepid spiritual life as normal.

I do hesitate to be as empphatic about this as I am. Who am I after all to suggest such a sweeping explanation for such a broad lack in the churches? Well I'm nobody but I nevertheless strongly propose that if the churches resumed the practice of women's covering our heads we would very likely see an increase in our influence in the culture through our prayers, and an incrase in our spiritual life.

I dare to say it. I wish I had a way of making people see it.

There are other problems too. "Ecumenical" prayer meetings are an abomination in the sight of God and yet that's what occurs at the prayer breakfasts for the nation in Washington D.C. Our National Cathedral is a disgrace of an excuse for a "Christian" church. Would Elijah have had a prayer meeting with the priests of Baal? I'll even mention that Jewish Messianic believers who pray with a yarmulke on their headsw or with a prayer shawl pulled up over their heads are also violating 1 Cor. ``.
None of that is likely to be a problem with the Sermon Audio prayer group. I just mention it because it does interfere with prayer in this country in other groups. I wrote to Steven Lee about this. How nice it would be if I'd succeeded in persuading him. It would be my only success but he's got a huge website soit could have a big effect through him. It's up to God but as usual I guess I can still hope though it gets harder all the time.


Added Later: I listened again to Steven Lee's talk and thought maybe I didn't give him enough credit. He did do a great job of making the case for prayer and it's hard to disagree with the charge that we are slow to pray when it is needed. Anything that gets us praying is a good thing. So maybe I spoke too soon about the problem beintg something that precedes prayer instead. I go there because of what does seem to me to be real effort at fervent prayer that has simply not borne fruit. That is what suggests that something else needs to happen first. I still think that is probably true but at the same time I don't want to say anything that woujld discourage people from praying. Just put a cloth over your head and see if it makes a difference. If you're a woman of course. And take off your headgear of any sort whatever if you're a man.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Is the Mary of the Apparitions An Ancient Babyloniahn Goddess, the Original Queen of Heaven?

The more time I spend exploring the apparitiions of Mary the greater their influence appears to me. You can of course ignore these things or know just a little about them and brush them off as just another Roman Church weirdness, but even if you regard them as significant in the context of the last days into which we seeem to have entered some time ago, you can underestimate their importance. It took the recognition of the huge importance of the Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico to wake me up to the global significance of "Mary" although I've more or less kept tabs on the phenomena for decades now. "Her" influence is staggering. . The film "Messages from HeaveN" ought to be enough to get across the global reach of these phenomena but even that is too easily dismissed. You turn away and forget about it. But it's hitting me now how huge this is. The Marian apparitions alone set the stage for the last days. There couldn't be a greater spiritual deception yet to come. Is it "Mary" riding the first horse of the Apocalypse?

Perhaps the most interesting of the apparitions of "Mary" is the one called The Lady of All Nations. The most interesting thing about it is that it calls itself the "former" Mary, as if she is trying to shed that identity and become something she really is -- perhaps an ancient Babylonian goddess? The goddess called in the book of Jeremiah "The Queen of Heaven," a title the apparitions began to assume though I didn't catch which one used it first.

Jeremiah says God's people Israel have provoke Him to anger with their attentions to this Queen of Heaven goddess. VComkmentaries suppose her to be the ancient goddess Ishtar but she went by many different names in the nations of the ancient world.

Jeremiah 7:18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger. Jer 7:19 Do they provoke me to anger? saith the LORD: do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces? Jer 7:20 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, mine anger and my fury shall be poured out upon this place, upon man, and upon beast, and upon the trees of the field, and upon the fruit of the ground; and it shall burn, and shall not be quenched.

This Lady of All Nations, like many of the other apparitions, warns of callamities to come, recommending of course praying the rosary and other Roman Church superstitions, as if their adoration of her were not the major reason for such calamities, as Jeremiah makes clear.

Here's an article detailing the messages of this particular apparition, The Lady of All Nations:


Interesting that among the apparition's lies is a prophecy (this was given in j945) about the establishment of the state of Israel which occurred ihn 1948, with a warning about how Israel would supposedly mistreat the Palestinian people as they attain statehood. This bit of propaganda coming from a highly revered "Mary" is wrenchingly portentous, likely to be all too influential. mbr>
The visionary gets a vision of the Exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt, and hear the words: “Israel will rise again.” Indeed, in 1948, the new independent state of Israel is proclaimed. This prediction, however, continues with a warning about the manner in which the Jewish people obtain possession of the land by ignoring the rights of the Palestinian people: “And Yahweh is ashamed of His People.” Today, this has become recognizable.

Shall I review the bare bones of the history here? Maybe I have to:

There was never any Palestinian people. Ever. When the first Jewish settles came from Europe the land was a wilderness, attested to by Mark Twain who had visited there in the latter part of the 19th century. He was astonished at the desolation he encountered there. Scattered farms, nomads, a few Jews who had been there forever, no national identity whatever, or even any coherent settlmenets. the arriving Jews settled a barren land. They bought land where necessary, they stole nothihng from anyone. What later because the "Paelstiniqans" who never were Palestinians at all, were Arabs from the various surrounding nations who came to work for the Jews as they developed the land. When the state of Israel was finally established, Arab nations plotted an attack and warned the Arabs living yhere to flee so as to escape harm. They became the refugees who became the Palestinians who should have been helped by the Arab nations but never were. They became a tool for the persecution of Israel.

That is a digression in this context but I couldn't let "her" get away with it. Too often the Roman Church gets away with its work in this world, fomenting wars, even inspiring Hitler's Holocaust, being the main perpetrator of the pogroms against eh Jews, even the inciter of genocides such as Stalins and Pol Pot's and Rwanda, when you study the background of these things. So here'a the Roman "Mary" promoting one of the lies about Israel that is a constant lying attack on Israe. the role of the Jesuits in the current efforts to desroy America, all too successful I'd appear, never gets noticedThere are old books galore revealing these things but who reads old books? Richard Bennett, Ronald Cooke, Christ Pinto and others talke about it but what is their reach in this world where a false "Mary" can command the attention of millions upon millions Put it this way, the Antichrist has already turned the world upside down in preparation for the Grand Finale..


Here's the film :Messages from Heaven" again. The apparitions' identity as the Queen of Heaven is discussed starting about 1:08:00

Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Miracles Associated With the Marian Apparition at Guadalupe Add to Its Antichrist Character Since "She" Contradicts the Bible

UPDATE: For me it's been an eyeopener to explore this bit of Mexican history. Well, it's really not right to call it a "bit" because this apparition and its image that has been preserved for five hundred years has clearly been crucially important in shaping Mexican national identity. It brought together the native Indian tribes and the Spanish conquistadores into one religious identity of Roman Catholicism. It is such a powerful unifier one hesistates at the thought of its being disturbed in any way, so that even the fact that it functions to deprive its followers of salvation in Christ gives one pause. Somehow the message must be given in a way that doesn't disrupt the unifty. Without directly q1uestioning the event and its image I suppose. i wonder if that's possible.

To the flesh I find many attractive things about Mexico, much of it in its artistic expressions. I like spanish coloniahn architexture because it shows their interest in decorative features. the wrought iron, the arched doorways, the pretty tiles and so on. I like the image of the Guadalup0e itself for that matter, I like a lot of Medieval art for its simpliecity of design. I noticed in one video that stairs going up to the site of Juan Dietgo's encounter with "Mary"{ are decorated with patterned tiles. We dont do that here in America. We make dull boxes and blank surfaces. But of course thats another subject.


, It's really rather fascinating to encounter Romanist propaganda and there is a lot of it about the "Virgin" of Guadalupe or Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico's iconic Apparition that appaers to far transcend any lore or teachings about Jesus Christ. In fact Catholicism so reveres and exalts "Mary" all over the world it really sholuldn't be called Christianity at all, but perhaps Marianity or something like that. Pope John Paul is known for his special devfotion to Mary. Of course Jesus is always mentioned in the accounts somewhere, but always in a subordinate role, as a baby, as having delegated His power to her and that sort of thing.
This is of course not the true Mary of the Bible who was the mother of Christ, and I guess that has to be said from time to time because she was a humble human being who knjew she needed a savior whereas the Marian apparitions claim the attributes of God and usurp the position of Christ. He's our only mediator with God, the scripture tells us, but "she" claims to be "Mediatrix" who intercedes with "her son" for us. He is our Redeemer but "she's claims the title "Co-Recemptrix." The film I've posted a couple of times now, "Messges from Heaven" details these claims.

Such claims make "her" such an Antichrist it is understandable why Alexander Hislop suggested she might in fact be the final Antichrist. She certainly fits the definition but she doesn't as far as I'vve been able to determine fit the biblical portrait of the Ancichrist. Nevertheless she MUST play an imporant role in the end times scenario considering the immense influence of these appartitions around the world, and in fact what is claimed for Our Lady of Guadalupe exalter her to deity.

The video I'm posting here is a discussion of all the supposed miraculous qualities attached to the image of Guadalupe that is displayed in her shrine inb Mexico. It goes into great detail about aspects of the portrait they've determined to prove its divine origin. It may have a supernatural origin, I wouldn't despute that myself since I knjow the origin of such apparitions is satanic, but I wouldn't know how to assess all the claims. Perhaps some are made up or fraudulent, some supernatural etc.

One thing is certain, they are not divine, not from God that is, because everything about the elevation of Mary and the apparitions themselves and esepcially the attributes claimed for the apparitions, is contrary to the Bible. The Bible is our standard. without it we have no sure guide to the treuth about these thinhgs, and the apparitions contradict it at every turn. All this is spelled out in the film "Messages from Heaven."

It woujld bew amusing except for the fact that it shows the depth of the delusion under which hundreds of millions of Catholics are held and deprived of the salvation of Christ, that inj the discussion of the Virgin of Guadalupe the narrators like to take potchots at the Protestant Reformation. In this one Luther is accused of leding people away from the true faith, while the miracles of Guadalupe worked to bring millions into the "true Church."

Luther, of course, along with Calvin and the other Refomers, discovered that the Rpoman Church, and particularly the papacy, had violated the Biblical revelation, and that the papacy was in fact the Antichrist, which they proved from scripture. . the Protestant Rreformation was the rediscovery of scriptural truth after a thousand years of the apostasy of the Roman usurper or Harlot Church. The most important recovery of the Reformation was the biblical truth that we are saved by God alone and our own deeds cannot save us, while the Roman church continues to teach salvation by deeds or works, sending hundreds of millions of their followers to Hell as a consequence.

The elevation of the false Mary is such a dojinating influence in the Catholic Church today it is hard to avoid the impression that Jesus Christ means nothing to them. The supernatural signs and wonders that attend the Marian apparitions of course have a powerful effect on the naïve Catholics who revere them.

Anyway, heres a video about the supposed miracles of the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe who is pparently adored by millions of Mexican Catholics::

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Sfory of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico''s famous and Very Influential Apparition of "Mary" in 1531

On Sunday Decemer 12th, some American ex-pats in Mexico witnessed a Mexican tradition that was new to them, a long caraan of cars and bicicles carring statues and pictures of "Mary" as ” Our Lady of Guadalupe”, which commenmorates an appearance of “Mary” on that date in 1531`to an Aztec man who had converted to Catholicism, namd Juan Diego. Among other members of the long train of vehicles was a man on a bicicle with a huge staties of the Lady of Guadalupe strapped to his back., a statue about ten feet tall. There was a truckload of statues and pictures of this "Mary" in the line as well.

The following video is a Catholic film about the history of this evcent. The apparition performed a miracle to convince the Catholic bishop of its authenticity, and a church was built on the site o commemorate her appearance. Pilgrims go by the millions to this site every year in Mexico.

If the film’s history of this event is true, the apparition converted eight million Aztecs to Catholicism. A miracle occurred in which her image appeared on the cloak worn by Juan Dieego continingd symbols recognized by the Aztecs to represent elements of their own religion, which gave authenticity to it in thir eyes. The film claims that the number converted was ten timese that of the number lost at the same time in Europe to “the Protestant Reoltt, meaning of course the Protestant Reformation. --

So this is Catholic propaganda, some of which is probably true enough though I have no way of judging. Sad of course that the Aztecs gave up their pagan religion for what is really jujst another pagan religion.

Watching the video again I'm struck by the disgust felt by the Roman Catholic conquistadores at the Aztecprctice of human sacrifice. Does seem natural at first, they being Europeans and all,until you realize that they had no problem slaughtering mill8ions of dissidents against their beliefs. Over 600 years it is calculated that the Roman church murdered some 67 million nonCatholics, 50 million of them Christiqan protestawnts, the rest Jews, Muslims, witches and so onh. Even at the rate given in the film of fifty thousand per year sacrificed by the Aztecs to their gods it would have taken the a thousand years to equal the number of murders by thne Roman church in eUROPE.

I already posted this film below but it also elongs here. This is "messages from Heaven" which exposes the Marian apparitiobs as demonic impersonations of "the Virtgin "Mary: based on the biblical accounts.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

What's the Real Cause of the Rise of Vvariants, and the Continuing and Increasing COVID Cases and Deaths?

Just heard on radio news. Although the programming is conservtive, the news comes from the "mainstream" liars. I haven't figured out how that happens but it's only a couple minutes of lies and I suppose it's good to know what half the country is believing.

What I just heard is that COVID cases among children, actually Delta variate cases I think they said, are up by 37% SINCE LAST WEEK. I don't know about you but that hit me as rather suspect. But then I'm so cynical these days you should probably have some caution about my eactions. And what was m6y reaction? Golly Gosh, didn't they just do a blitz campaign to get children vaccinated? Golly Gosh, would you be surprised to discover that this increase in cases is in children who were vaccinated? I woujldn't, but then again I'm so cynical take it with a spponful of salt....

They've been manipulating the COVID statistics from the betginning so when they say there are all these cases of UNJvaccinated people sick with COVID, I simply do not believe them. And sometimes when people have checked with the hospitals supposedly overrun with them they find out that it’s not true so there’s good reason not to believe them. I personally know of qhole groups of vaccinated people who have come down with COVID, and in one group one of them died. I mentioned this somewhere in an earlier blog post. A month or so ago by now. It's the vaccinated who are getting sic, in some cases ONLY the vaccinated..

This new variant dubbed Omicron occurred originally in vaccinated people. In fact there is reason to believe that the shots themsevles are the cause of the development of these new variants. The phenomenon of "shdding" from vaccinated people is real, that is, the vaccinated give off the virus to others around them. They are trying to blame continuing or increasing cases of COVID or its variants ON THE UNVACCINATED BUT THE REAQL SOURCE IS THE VACCINATED. There is no “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” it should be called the PANDEMIC OF THE VACCINATED.

There was no reason whatever to vaccinate children since if they get COVID they get very mild cases of it and develop antibodies. But they hit hard with a campaign to get them vaccinated, Didn’t we all hear this swet little ad about how wonderful it is that now our precious future citizens with their wonderful talents that will benevfit society can now get vaccinated? They were giving us the "good news" that children are now "eligivle" for this experience that will ensure them a bright future, or the one about how this vaccine is now "available" for them. Oh such good news. Such good news that a substance that is known to kill a certain number of its recipients and causes pain and sufferig to many others, is now “available” for your children. Oh happy day.

May bought the line. So the campaign apparently succeeded and now great numbers of children are oh so happily vaccinated against COVID by a substance that doesn't protect against COVIDE except in perhaps a very mild way, doesn't prevent transmitting it to others and may be detrimental to the health of the children as they grow up, and so on and so forth. Oh happy day.

So golly gosh, all of a sudden IN ONE WEEK cases of COVID in children have increased by 37%. No connection of course.

And that is simpl;y presented as a natural course of the virus, to be expected despite all their horrific policies to shut us up and lock us down to prevent it. Be afraid, be very afraid. That’s what they want us to feel. The more we fear the more we fall for their lies. But you won’t hear about this beause it’s just “misinformation” that gets people kicked off social media. If you want to know the truth you have to go looking for it..

All this takes me to my usual topic. That is, THERE IS NO REASON WHATEVER FOR ANYONE TO DIE OF COVID. They’ve denied us access to the treatments that would have saved at least 85% of those who died. Bad studies were promoted, even a completely fraudulent one, the propaganda is held by most medical professions these days because they are too busy to spend the time to check it out and don’t have the motivation to anyway, plus of course they are under threat of losing their jobs if they find out they’re being lied to. HCQ with zinc could have cured most, so could Ivermectin, and now we have Monoclonal antibodies but it isn’t automaticallty given to people sick with COVID. The virus could have been done away with a year ago.

I don’t think this could be motivated merely by greed though that is the most popular explanation. I could be wrong, but such a concerted effort to manipulate us suggests something much bigger and much more sinister.

I’ve been almost obsessively watching Holocaust survivor testimonies and documentaries about the Nazi era as if it might tell me what’s coming.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

The Pre-Trib Questions Again. Sorry, Can't Help It.

Yes I know my questions about the end times can be offensive to Pre-Tribbers. Can't help it. Can't help having the questions.

For istance, why are they so certain the "blessed hope" of the "appearing of the Lord Jesus" refers to the Pre-Trib Rapture? Isn't it true that Jesus won't appear to the world at that time but will appear at the Second Comintg? Doesn't the word "appearing" make it NOT refer to the Rapture? We certainly all believe that Jesus' coming back, either for the Rapture or at the very end, either one, is indeed our blessed hope, but the way that concept is so adamantly claimed for the Pre-Trib Rapture is not at all convincing.

And then there is the statement "This is the first resurrection" which occurs very late in the Book of revelation, long after the Rapture which isw supposed to have preceded all the events of the Tribulation period, and yet wouldnj't the Rapture be the first resurrection? The timing raises a question about what exactly is in cluded in the first resurrection.

And as I've mdentioned before, who the martyrs under the altar in Revelation six are is still a question. Why would the martyrs among the Raptured be a separate group from these later martyrs who are wayting for yet more martyrs to join them. Why if martyrs are singled out for a special status are those from our time, those from the Inquisition, those around the world right now, why are they separated?

I can't answer thesae questions. I want the Pre-Trib Rapture to be true. I'm ready to go, the sooner the better. But nobody answers these questions, all they do is reiterate the Pre-Trib scenario.


Forgot one: 1 Corinthians 15 says the Rapture will occur "at the last trump" and yet nobody seems to talk abou the trupet at all. What do they think it meansw? If it's the last odf the seven trumpets in Revelation that puts it considerably after the Pre-Trib seenario. So we need to know what it means.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Remembering the Bomb Years

We'd been driving for hours in the dark, or so it seemed, the dark broken by nothing but our own headlights. It was rare to encounter another car on that road at any time of day. It might have been dark already when we came over Montgomery Pass, but my inability to see them would only have made my terror of the f the steepcliffs worse. I always dreaded that part of the tripP. The two-lane highway veered right and lift along the narrow ledge for miles and miles and miles with the cliff too closeon the side. . On one trip Daddy stopped the car and got out to look over the cliff because another car had run off and was crashed far beblow. It was too steep to get down to help anyone if there was anyone left alive to help so we drove on. He'd have reported it to the police when we got home.

I spent too much of my childhood terrified of rmany things. Montgomery Pass was one of them. As far as I know I was the onlyl one in the family who experienced that dread. Another terror was the water heater on the back porch that went out awfully frequently and had to be relit. I would run out to the porch as soon as I got up to see if the flame had gone out and would be enormously relieved if it hadn’t. . It burned oil and Daddy would let it get too full of oil and then light it by throwing a match into it which woujld ignore it with a roar and flames shooting out of the little opening. It took a long time for the roaring and flame-spitting to die down to a normal level. The idea was to get it to heat the water faster than usual but such a practical reason was lost on me. I woujld sit in school all morning worryinhg about the house going up in in flames.e. He’d light the stove the same way when the pilot went out, turp the gas up high and then stand back to light a match and toss it onto the burner which would burst into a ball of fire with a great whoosh. At least that would die down rapidly and didn’ t torture me in class..

By fourth grade I was terrified of the fallout from the bomv tests at Yucca Flats. I imagined it in the air around us as we sat in class. The school had bussed us out to a hill at the edge of town where we could see the mushroom cloud. We were told to cover our eyesy while they counted down to detonation and then we could look at the cloud. They only took us out to see it once that I recall. The pictures of it in the newreels we'd see in the movie theater on Sundays were better. But it was imagining thefallout i the air that caused the anxiety, not the bomb itself.

We only made the trip to Southern California once a year to visit relatives and it was only on that trip that I had to endure Montgomery Pass, on the trip down and then the trip back. Oddly I oly remember the blackness of the night on the trip back, I don't remember moon or stars but they must have been there. And the silence in the car. It was late enough that we kids had stopped fighting with each other, and our parents didn't talk much as I recall. So there was the sound of the engine and the tires on the asphalt.. Some of the four of us or even all of us might have been asleep by then.

Maybe Daddy said something about almost being homebecause he knew we liked to be awake for the last stretch.. The road curved widely aroudn the big shadow of a mountain on the right and that's when we could see the little necklace of lights in the distance. Home. The dead center of Nowhere.

Well, that's how Mom thoguth of Tonopaht. Being kids to us it was home for the nine years we were there. S he missed Santa Monica, her two sisters, the grenery, the avocado tree in our back yard, civilization. I was old enough at six to remember Santa Monica but her missing it was worse than any missing it of my own could ever have been. Her unhappiness was as dark a cloud as any bomb cloud could ever have been. It might have affected Bob too, he was five, but I don't know, and since he's been dead for thirty years I'll never know, not in this life anyway. The others were too young to be consciou of it until later.

Recently I was diagnosed with a thyroid condition that might qualify me for government compensation as a “downwinder” from those bomb years. The final diagnosis isn’t in yet.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

"Mary" Queen of Heaven and Antichrist

This is an old movie, twenty years old or so anyway, I couldn't read the date on it, all about the apparitions of "Mary" that had been increasing up to that point. I wonder how many have appeared since then. Anyway it's a very careful biblical exploration of the nature of these apparitions and the claims made for "Mary" by the Roman Catholic Church.

As I watched it I became impressed with how literally this "Mary" is Antichrist, that is, she literally puts herself in the place of Christ by all the titles and attributes "she" claims for herself, from "Mediatrix" to "Co-Redemptrix" to sufferer for our sins and so on. When it is then shown how the popes, and particularly Pope John Paul, give glory to her and point people to her and take seriously the messages from her apparitions, it puts the popes in the position of "False Prophet," much like that second beast in the Book of Revelation chapter 13 who gives glory to the first beast that has the number 666 which we identify as the Antichrist. the False Prophet causes a statue to be made to the first beast and commands that people worship it. All this very neatly fits those themes of the Book of Revelation.

Except that it's hard to connect "Mary" or the Marian apparitions with the first beast or the number 666, at least I don't know how to make that conjnection. As I've many times pointed out here, the number 666 fits the Latin title of the Pope, "Vicar," or "Substitute" for "the Son of God." And the Pope certainly does claim to be that ssubstitute in many ways.

That is one of the reasons I keep going with the Protestant Reformers in identifying the Pope as THE Anticrhist, and the Great Apostasy as first of all the doctrines of the Roman Church, though we can also see it spreading throughout the churches in these last days. In other words I don't think we need to be looking for some unknown figure to arise in the world as the Antichrist, I think he's been year for somje 1500 years. HOWEVER, it's hard to avoid the fact that Hitler was definitely an Antichrist figure too, and Hitler had a Pope that could be said to have played the role of False Prophet to him in some sense. So Hitler being a political leader although he was also in some sense worshipped, is another reason to think the Antichrist of the end days won't be the Pope but the Pope will be the False P{rophet.

The Antichrist Beast has to fulfill the 666 identifier and so far onlyh the Pope does that I know of. And very nicely since the Latin title iself contains the very Roman numerals that add up to that number. No other candidates for that number are so neatly derived.

And it's also otherwise hard to identify "Mary" with the first beast or Anticrhist of Revelation 13. In the film she is identified with teh Harlot of Revelation 17, but that isn't very convincing either. The Harlot is a clear antithesis to the Bride of Christ, in other worse she represents the false Church, which since she rides a bedast that represents the city of Rome is clearly the Roman Church. The Mary of the apparitions is certainly a Roman Church invention who is worshipped by Popes as well as millions of Catholics, but I find it hard to identify her with the Harlot which so neatly opposes the Bride of Christ..

However, as I've mentioned from time to time here, Alexander Hislop who wrote the book "The Two Babylons" which traces the pagan religion of Babylon to the Roman Church, speculated that the Beast could be "Mary." When you see in the film the millions of people who come to adore and worship the apparitions, and all the testimonies to supernatural signs and wonders that attend tha apparitions, the connection between them and the Antichrist Beast is nhot at all farfetched. It's just that there doesn't seem to be any cleare way to identify her with the characteristics of the beast of Rebvelation 13 or the number 666 which identifies it or "him." If Hislop showed a connection with the 666 I missed it.

Nevertheless the claims of the apparitions that usurp the role of Christ, its milllionbs of worshippers, its signs and wonders, the fact that Mary is worshipped by Popes, all put "her" in the role of Antichrist, certainly AN Anticrhist, but one that has enormous religious significance.
Itg's also interesting that one of the apparitions specifically asks people to worship statues of her. The False Prophet will have an image made of the Beast and have the power to cause it to appear alive, and will command that people worhip it, and will have people killed who refuse. As Jan Markell has pointed out there are now gigantic statues in various parts of the world that have the unusual ability of representing anyone and make that person seem to be alive. I don't know who erected them or why, but they certainly sound like something that could fit right into that prophecy of Revelation 13.

At the very least all this just shows how very close the very End must be.

The Pope, Apparitions of "Mary" and Bringing the True Gospel to Catholics

Ex-Catholic Mike Gendron is the guest on the latest Understanding the Times radio show, discussing the role of Poe Francis in these last days. Apparitions of "Mary" are increasing around the world.

Mike Gendron has a ministry to Catholics to give them the message of salvation through Christ since they don't get that message in their churches. His website is Proclaiming the Gospel.

Questions and Thoughts for Dan Bongino about his COVID and Salvation

Got lost trying to find Dan Bongino's email so gave up to write my message here. He'll never see it out here in the cyberboonies but it's got a general message too that belongs in a post, and maybe eventually I'll find his email anyway.

Bongino took over the radio time that Rush Limbaught used to have. He's nothing like Rush but he's a strong radio host so I think he's a good replacement. I usually only hear part of his show which was also the case with Rush, or all the talk shows for that matter.

Anyway he recently reported two things about his personal life that raised issues. the first was his report of having had COVID last week, that it was a very bad case although he'd been vaccinated, and he mentioned that he was given certain treatments: I think he mentioned vitamin D but I'm bnot sure of that, though he did mention Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and Quercetin as well as Monoclonal Antibodies. he got all this in Florida where Governor DeSantis has made treatments available to everybody.

I wondered immediately why he had such a bad case of COVID and suspect he wasn't taking anything to boost his immune system as we all should be doing. I don't know since he didn't say but I'd really like to know. We should all be taking Vitamin D above all, but C helps and Zinc is important. At least those. But prophylactic doses of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquinea are a very good idea too and lots of people who have chosen not to be vaccinated take those things. HCQ and Quercetin are ionophores which act to open the cell to zinc. It's zinc which kills the virus. A higher dose at the beginning stage of infection is for treating the disease. But again, vitamin D is the main thing everybody should be takinprotect against the virus.

The authorities won't tell you that, all they want to do is push the vaccines, and we know by now that the vaccines do not prevent the disease. they say they protect from the worst bouts of it and from death but after what Bongino said I wonder about that too.

He was given these things as treatment, though, he reported, but he didn't mention zinc and I 'd like to know if that was merely an oversight or he wasn't given zinc. Zinc is essential with botyh HCQ and Quercetin, both of which he said he was given, so they would hve been more or less useless if no zinc was given with them. Any zin in his system from his diet would get into the cells but that is not likely to be anywhere near enough to knowck out the virus. The Ivermectin, however, should have helped, as long as it was given early enough which it sounds likme it was -- within a few days of his first symtpomns.

But from what I've been hearing it would have been the Monoclonal Antibodies (I think that's what the drug Regeneron is) are just about miraculous at curing the diseease at whatever stgage it's given, so if the other treatments didn't do much, and who knjows, that certainly would have.

Butt the question I had was whether they gave him zinc.

The other topic is about his life as a Catolic. It sounds like he's a sincere believer who prays and tries to live the Christian life, but he isn't saved and doesn't know it, as Catholics usually aren't taught the truth about salvation. At one point he said about someone else that he should realize he's going to have to give an account of his deeds when he reaches those pearly gates, as if that's what everyone will have to do. But it's only those who are not saved who will be judged by their deeds and he apparently doesn't know that. He doesn't know that Jesus died for our sins and paid the FULL price for our salvationj so that there isn't one thing for us to do except believe it and trust in it. (He might find if he ever does get saved that all that rough language he has so much trouble controlling just goes away. That's what happened to me, just about the first clue that I was saved was how my bad language just disappeared. Unfortunately it came back again later through bad company -- even though we're saive, meaing our spirit is regenerated, we will not be completely free of the flesh or sin nature until we die. In this life we have to learn to choose to “walk in the Spirit” so we won’t fall into the flesh.) but I',m motly successfully resisting it nows.)
So that's for Dan Bongino and anybody else it might apply to:


1. Was he taking anything such as Vitamin D to protect against COVID before he got sick? It’s possible hed not have had such a severe case if he had been.

2. Was he given zinc with the HCQ and Quercetin as treatment or not? If not they problably didn’t contribute anything to his recovery.

3. As a Catholic he's been deprived of the truth about salvation and he needs to recognize that we are saved ONLY by grace through faith in Christ and our good deeds have NOTHING to contribute to it. They are the result of salvation, not the means to it.

SOURCES FOR THE INFORMATION about COVID prevention and treatment: Dr. Vladimirr Zelenko, ,Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Peter McCulough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter, among others. h

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Evolution Rant

When evolutionists talk about human institutions and culture as if evolution explains it. I mostly just get bored and annoyed. I despised Sociobiology and the claim that altruism had a physical evolutionary explanation. Blesh. Balderdash. And that was before I was a Christian. Even in those days I had problems with evolution. Some of it was about physicalistic explanations in general. Anyhthing that explained mental states in phyhsicalistic terms was abhorrent to me. I had conniption fits over Behaviorism and Behaviot Therapy which was all about "conditionint" and treated the mind as an "epiphenomen" a conceon that never acquired any meaning for me, and evolutionary theory also relegates mind to a position subordinate to physical reality.. Blesh.

I also made some effort back then to explore evolutionary tgheorybecause I diddn't like it. When I did it always seemed to keep dissolving into nonsense. I couldn't get hold of anything like an evidentiary trail for any of it.

Through all that I didn't conclude that the theory was false. I had read Darwin's Origin of Species and was impressed with his careful way of thinking things through. But you know what? Very little of it is scientific in the empirical sense. In that dichotomy between rationalism and empiricism it's rationalism. And really, so is everything they do with evolutionary thinkinjg in any context now too. it's mostly mental construction, not empirical science. I don't even know what they're talking about when they use terms like "selection" or "adaptation" these days. They apparently are saying "Such and such a behavior is there in most of the population, therefore it is the product of selection and of course it was selected because it's adaptive." that's about the extent of the evidence.

It wasn't until I read some of the creationists that I finally saw that you could go after evolutionary theory from a scientific standpoint. Then it became fun to think things through for myself. All I care about is the claim that species evolved from species. When discussion gets all wrapped up in how a particular trait emerged and functions I'm not really interested. The problem is that an evolutionary history is assumed for that trait and it's spoken of as a reality though it's nothing but a thought system.

Rationalistic ystems are a plague. Marxist is a vicious evil plague and it's all rationalistm, there isn't one anchor point in reality in Marxism. Or in the theory of evolution either.

I suppose I'll have to eat some of my words here since all I'm doing is venting and ranting. Oh well. I

Friday, November 26, 2021

Ya Know, Somebody Really Ought to Recognize That I've Demolished the Theory of Evolution, In More Ways than One. Others probably have too but I Know I have

It’s been a long time since I did any serious thinking about my evolution arguments, but I recently found myself mentally reviewing the geology argument and thinking how frustrating it is that such an obvious objection to the Old Earth goes unrecognized. Which of course I attribute to Paradigm ossification.

. It started with the hoodoos, those huge humaoid figures carved bu weather erosion out of layers of sedimentary rock. No idea how I got to thinking about the hoodoos but that’s where it started. Pondering how brief a time it takes for them to be carved out of the sediemtnary rocks by erosion, and then eventually destroyed by the same erosion. A matter of hundreds of years or so, or at most, say, about four thousand, which is the time since the Flood of Noah. The original sediments were supposedly laid down a few million years ago, in the Holocene or Recent time period, plenty of time for the whole collection of hoodoos to have dissolved into dust It's a rather arbitrary designatio anyway because originally there is reason to think there were many other layers above their layer that are gone, which I've hypothesized were washed away in the draining of the Flood waters.But if the time periods are determined by the sedimentary rocks, and absurdly they are, then the hoodoos don't belong to the most recent anyway, and since the time periods typically last for millions of years the whole timing thing is problematic anyway.

Many of the formations of the American Southwest undergo this sequence: eroded to their interesting shapes and then eventually too fragile to stand any more erosion they collapse. The eroded material at the base of, say, the large buttes of Monument Valley, tells a story of erosion that will eventually reduce the buttes to dust, but it isn’t going to take any millions of years. The prevailing theory allotsmillions of years to each layer of the Geological Column, which are the source of these carved shapes, but if they’d been there for those millions of years they’d long since have been reduced to dust. Long long since.

In other words, tgiven the millions of years allotted to the time periods, none of these formations should still be standing, they should all have long since gone to dust.

That’s a strike against the Old Earth theory already. But then you have to consider that these formations occur at the very upperlevels of the Geological Column, on stop of a stack of sedimentary layers that is at least two miles deep. These formations have been eposed to weather since the sediments out of which they are carved were laid down, and wouldn’t you expect if the Old Earth theory were correct that this same pattern would have occurred in each of the layers beneath it since they too supposedly endrued for millions of years at the surface of the earth, exposed to the same weathering processes. But oddly enough there is no evidence of any such processes in any of the buried layers. Where the layering is visible, such as in the Grand Canyon, they remain intact layers with no signs at all of any surface disturbance. Many of them show sharp straight upper and lower contacts with the rocks above and below, knife-edge sharp contacts. Above and below each layer are completely different rock layers of a completely different sedimentary composition, say shale above which is sandstone, above which is limestone. In quite neat undisturbed layers. Well, relatively undisturbed since they’ve been there for some time. But they have no surface features even remotely like the erosion of the hoodoos, or even the usual erosion one would see in a grassy field on the surface of the arth today.

So what we see in the walls of the Grand Canyon is a nice neat stack of layers of different kinds of sedimentary rpclss, , obviously never having been exposed at the surface of the earth although that is what the prevailing theory would hve us expect. Are these layers really millions of years old? Is the whole stack really hundreds of millions of years old? If that wre true wouldn’t we see dramatic erosive processes at their upper surfaces? And in fact wouldn’t we see some evidence of differences between them having to do with their different ages ? But they all seem to be about equally preserved. Surely just these observations cast serious doubt on the Old Earth theory. I thiknk they absolutely destroy it myself but I realize it’s unlikely to convince the true believers even though it’s clear enough even to them. They’ll just “know” based on theirn fai \th in the theory that it must be wrong nevertheless. And haven’t they been using that theory for years and years and hasn’t it held together? Yes, remarkably consistent systems can be built out of illusions as long as you don’t stray too far outside the illusion.

The argument here is simple enough. Observation shows that the layers of sediments that make up the Geological Column show no signs of the kinds of disturbances we see on the surface of the earth until the whole stack was laid down and that is strong evidence that they were not laid down over the supposed hundreds of millions of years but over some much shorter period of time. (Perhaps a close study of the rate of erosion of the Monuments or the Hoodoos, or the walls of the Grand Canyon for that matter, might suggest a more accurate time frame for the duration of the Geologial Column).

So physically the strata, the layers of sedimentary rocks that make up the Geologial Column, don't show signs of the great age the theory attributes to them. But these layers are the foundation of the Geological Time Scale as well, that system of time periods covering those millions of years in which a particular landscape populated by particular living things is supposed to have existed. This is determined by the fossil contents of each particular layer of sediment, the hardened remains of living creatures. br>l
It’s puzzled me for some time that the idea of geological history could have been divided into layers of sedimentary rocks at all, let alone that each layer should have come to be identified with a very particular period of time in which the earth is supposed to have had particularly characteristics that set it apart from other periods of time also identified by a sediemtnary layer. These are huge flat slabs of sedimentary rock stacked one on top of another to a depth of miles, many of the layers covering thousands of square miles horizontally, almost a whole continent . It boggles the mind to explain how such a formation could have come to exist as the representative of the surface of the earth at all. I’ve seen attempts to make sense of it but on the face of it no sense can be made of it.

I’ve also seen it denied that there is any real correspondence between the rocks and the time periods allotted to them. But this is clearly a futile effort. There is no doubt that the idea of the time periods was based on the rocks and particularly on their fossil contents which are very specific to a particular layer of rock. There is a sedimentary layer called “cretaceous” which is word descriptive of the sedimentary content of the rock, and a time period associated with it called the Cretaceous Period in which dinosaurs supposedly lived. That is because huge numbers of dinosaur fossils are found in this sedimentary rock. I’d forgotten what the word “xcretaceous” means and looked it up only to find it used as the name of the time period without any definition of the word itself. Strikes me as an attempt to disassociate the rock from the time period, probably because the association is so obviously absurd. How can there be a time period defined by a kind of sedimentary rock? But of course that was the original basis for the name of the time period. That is also how the Carboniferous Period was named of course.

The people who made these associations were clearly not hinking about the physical impossibilities involved. They saw this beautifully neat stack of rocks with their beautifully particular sedimentary contents and their beautifully particular fossil contents and it was apparently just too much to ask of them to avoid the interpretation that the history of the planet was expressed in these phenomena. The apparent order of the fossils themselves was too wonderfully suited ot the theory of evolution to be doubted. How else explain the seeming progression up through the layers of rock from small sea creatures and insects to larger sea cretures then amphibians then reptiles up to modern mammals. Just too wonderfully neat to be denied.

Well, the history of science is littered with odd irrational thinking after all. The idea, for instance, that the fossils were particular creations of God or “sports” was one such bit of silliness. Empirical science is apparently not the most natural of cognitive functions, but very hard won. Although of course I reject Darwin’s theory, in its time it was a model of rational thinking against some of the previous ways of constructing the world of living things. For instance the different varieties of creatures were thought to be independent creations of God. Darwin recognized that the Galapogos island urtle that differed fromn the manland turtles was nevertheless related to them, which he took to mean “evolved” from them. He was right about the relationship but not about the mechanisms involved in the relationship. The different finches are all related to each too rather than being separate creations but they didn’t evolve in the sense Darwin’s theory posits, they are varieties that are bujilt into the finch genome. Just as the Galapagos and mainland turtles are varieties of the turtle genome. If Mendel’s experiments had had the influence they deserved, we might have been spared the ToE, but the ToE had some powerful defenders. That’s often how it goes in science as well as in politics. ( We are certainly suffering these days from the same kind of craziness. I just heard that although science, in response to pressure to take different racial characteristics into account, had determined that blacks have better kidney function than whites by about 20&, which could certainly be an important contgribution to medical practice. But in our current “Woke” infatuation the m edical profession has been told to ignore the science and treat the races equally, so that now blacks are subjected to treatments for kidney diseases they don’t need in the service of a political idea that is absurdly made authoritative over the science.)

I have to point out here before I forget that the irrational ideas about separate creations in Darwin’s day would not have existed if people wree following the Bible, which clearly says that God stopped creating, “rested from His work” so that nobody should have been expecting further separate creations. Since “religion” is likely to be blamed for such irrational idea I swant to point out wherever I can that Biblcial revelation is not irrational. People misread it, they invent their own God and suppose it’s the same God revealed in the Bible, but their God could plant fossils of living things in the earth just to entertain himself at our expense, put fossil sea life at the top of mountains for instance just because he was “sporting” with us. That is certainly not the God of the Bible.

Back to what the strata show us. There is a large detailed cross section of the Grand Staircase geological formation in Utal that spans all the way to the Grand Canyon, shoing all the layers that lie so neat and parallel beneath the surface. Into those layers the Grand Canyon was cut. Clearly after all the layers were in place. All the layers above the rim of the canyon were eroded away, but they remain in the Grand Stairacse to the north which climbs another mile above the level of the grand Canyon rim. The Grand Canyon is about a mile deep and its rum is at the surface of the Kaibab limestone on the north side. On the south side the limestone has been eroded away leaving the layer beneath, the Coconino sandstone which forms the plateau for some distance on that side. On the north the Kaibab limestone plateau extends to the Grand Staircase, which climbs from them up through the layers of the Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous and Renent or Holocene. The Staircase itself is made up of cliffs left as layers beneath them were eroded away.

The most reasonable interpretation of all this is that the entire area was originally covered by sedimentary layers at least three miles deep, at least from the bottommost level of the Grand Canyon to the uppermost level of the Grand Staircase, but most likely originally above that to some unknown depth. It’s all been eroded away above the Permian/Kaibab level at the Granc Canyon, and at each level of the Staircase to its own particular length. The entire area encompasses thousands of square miles, the distance from the Grand Staircase to the Grand Canyon being some two hundred or three hundred miles from north to south.

The point, again, is that the layers wree clearly undisturbed until such erosion occurred at the surface where they were exposed. This, again, shows the absurdity of the idea of time periods in which onje would naturally assume there must have been the same kind of surface exposure. Clearly there waan’t. the canyon cuts through it after all were in place. There is no canyon buried in the layers anwhere. The cliffs were cut out of the surface. The layers remain instact beneath. There is a volcanic erotion that shows on the far left of the cross section, magma rising from the very bottommost level beneath the “Cambrian” rocks, to the very uppermost level of the Grand Staircase where it spilllled out. Tha happened after all the layers were in place, not during their laying down. Beneath the Grand Canyon there is a formation called the Great Unconformity, which is a large block of strata that has been broken in to and tilted beneath the layers above it into which the canyon was cut. This is interpretaed by current geological theory as having occurred before the layers were laid down, but it seems to me that it is all part of the same upheaval that scoured off the Kaibab plateau and cut the stairs of the Grand Staircase and in fact cut the Grand Canyon itself. My evidence for this is that the layers curve up over the Great Unconformtity which they wouldn’t have if they were laid down afterward. Th whoe stack of layers is curved up over that basement formation of tilted strata.

And that observation leads to the idea that the forces that tilted the broken stratata raised the whole stack that was already in place above it, created a tension in the upper layers that broke them into pieces above the Kaibab limestone, one crack or set of cracks created the canyon. The same upheaval would have caused the erosion of the stairs to the north as well. And the upheaval was probably first of all a tectonic jolt but that jolt also caused the volcanism we see in the diagram.

But I didn’t really want to get into all that which is my hypothesis about how it all came about in the Flood of Noah. I just wanted to point out here that the layers that are interpreted as time periods in the Geological Time Scale which is based on the Geoloigcal Column of sedimentary rocks show no signs whatever of ever having been on the surface of the earth. What IS on the survace of the earth is eroded and broken, and any such time period should have shown those same features but none do.

The layers can be distorted in many ways, however, but pretty consistently in one huge block. In the area of the cross section they are all slightly raised as a block and they curve over the Great Unconformtiy as a block. Wherever the strata are found they are distorted as a block rather than individual layers. They may be broken twisted, folded in many different ways. As a block. Their remaining as a block is further evidence that they are not time periods, they were not separately laid down over millions of years, they had to have been laid down within a short period of time one after the ofther, and then only after they were all laid down were they subjected to the distrubances such as tectonic pressures and volcanic eruptions. These did not happen until they were all in place.

And here are sone pictures of how the layers are commonly disturbed and distorted in a whole block:.

It’s not that nobody’s noticed of course. The evidence is all out there. But the strange thing is that the reasonable inference has not been drawn from the evidence. The earth is not billions of years old. The strata do not represent hundreds of millions of years. Therefore the fossils have nothing to do with evolution. The Theory of Evolution is nothing but an irrational mental construct imposed on the physical world that has no actual correspondence to its physical realities.

And I wouldn’t mind getting some credit for pointing it out. Thank you. GOOGLE IMAGE: FOLDED GEOLOGICAL STRATA

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Saving a Nation May be IMpossible By Now, But You can Still be Personally Saved

The Marxists aren't going to get it. In fact most Americans won't get it. In fact even most Christians won't get it. I'm talking about the importance of repentance for our national sins, which I wrote about in the previous post. It has to be explained. We've lost sigh t of the fact that God rules in this world no matter what we believe or think about it. Unbelievers violate His law all the time and don't understand why things often don't work out well for them. Oh God takes care of the just and the unsust alike, but the Moral operates inexorably in this world for good or ill according to our obedience or disobedience of the Moral Law. "God's windmills grind exceeding fine" it says somewhere in scripture. "If you sow to the wind you will reap the whirlwind" it says somewhere else. As I've pointed out many times, the Hindu and Buddhist idea of Karma is a distorted recognition about the Moral Law that rules the Universe. I know from experience that if you deny it, or decide to test it, as I did as an unbeliver, it will smack you down and you won't know what hit you. I only knew what hit me when I became a believer.Not everybody is as defiant as I was, even unbelievers live within the moral law to a greater extent than makes sense given their beliefs. But we all suffer in this life, and that is the consequence of sin against the moral law, whether our own sin or the sin of ancestors which the bible tells us we inherit. "The waes of sin is death" says scripture, and death means every kind of disease, destruction, inuury, disaster, all imaginable suffering. We live in a fallen world. That means we live after the Fall and suffer its consequences. We are born into those consequences but our own personal sins accumulate on top of them.

That's why Jesus died. That's what the Good News of salvation is all about. He died to save us from the Moral Law that can only kill us because we are fallen and continue to accumulate sins against it. Soon after the RFall God promised the human race that He would send us a savior from our sins. He did. He took our sins into His own body and paid the debt to the Moral Law we woujld otherwise owe for them. Since He was sinless He could not die for HImself, He died to pay for OUR sins since He had none.

Nations incur debt to the Moral Law too, as covenanted entitiues. This is made clear in the passages in Leviticus and Deuterono my that spell out the blessings and cursings the nation of Israel could expect for obedience of the Law on the one hand or disobedience on the other. The consequences include economic disaster, famine, invasion by foreigners, rule by incompetent and corrupt leaders,, natural disasters. Think about it.

Destruction comes as a consequence of violations of the Moral Law. It comes whether we recognize the operation of such a law or not. "Why do bad things happen to good people" asks the naive and ignornant. Scripture tells us that NOBODY is good. Start there. Scripture also tells us that we inherit sinjs. We inherit it from our first parents for starters, the first sinners, but we also inherit it from our nearer ancestors. And no matter how good a person may be even the best commit sins against the Moral Law all the time. Because the Law is perfect and we are fallen.

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." I've brought this up before. I think the ocntext of this statement is often overlooked. This is Hosea 4, 1 through 8. God starts out saying through Hosea that the people commit all sorts of sins, swearing falsely, lying, stealing, killing, committing adultuery. These are violations of the Ten Commandements but somehow people read this passage and don't see the connection between these violations and the destruction for lack of knowledge. But the priests have let the people down. They don't teach the Moral Law that might dissuade them from committing the sins that lead to their destruction.

Some talk about man kinds of knowledge we lack that could lead to our destruction and it's certainly true that it helps protect us to know about germs for instance and the need for sanitary conditions, about the motivations of our enemmies, about the coming tornado and do on and so forth. But we have assurances from scripture that God protects us from these things if we stay close to Him. Psqalm 91 is full of such promises. If we "dwell in the secret place of the Most High," if we regard Him as our refuge and our strength, our shield and buckler, we need not fear "the arrow that flies by day" or the "pestilence that stalks by night." Jihad. COVID. etc.

That link goes to an older post I did on this subject.

The people who are out to destroy this country have no idea what they are bringing down on themselves. They may in spite of themselves be executing God's judgment on the nation but they are certainly "storing up wrath" for themselves in the process. "Offenses must come but woe to those by whom they come" Criminalsa aren't going to get away with it. Th3e Nazis are not going to get away with it. Nobody gets away with it. The Moral Law is inexorable. It judges to the finest possible degree. Nobody escapes. Nations don't escape. The only way to save America is to roll back our violations of God's Law. Repent repent repent. But the Marxists are going to continue on their treasonous path of mayhem and destruction.

It's a tall order, turning back our violations of God's Law. Probably not going to happen. But individuals can still be saved from their own sins. That's why Jesus came.

Have a Thankful Thanksgiving. But This Year Maybe We'd Be Better Off Fasting in Sackcloth and Ashes Than Mindlessly Feasting.

This is not the post I started out to write. I was going to give the link to the old post about the true history of the original Thanksgiving, maye add some reminders of what we have to be thankful for as a nation, and leave it at that. Well, I'm giving that link but God wouldn't let me leave it at that. Yes it had to be God, yes God works through us, communicates with us, stirs up our conscience, so of course it was God who changed my mind. I'm certainly not saying I got it all right, but the change in direction came from Him. I didn't leave it until the last minute this time so He had time to rattle me up a bit, even as I was writing this.

This old post is about the original meaning of Thanksgiving and we need to be reminded of it every year because of the anti-God revisionist attacks on it. So here's my old post on that subject:


We should certainly have thanked the Indians for their help to the Plymouth Colony where it all started, but that's not what Thanksgiving is about. We don't dedicate this day to thanking the Indians, we don't thank the turkey, we don't thank MotherEarth or any other pagan deity. It's cause for regret and fear that we've reduced it to "turkey day." It's a day for thanking the Creator God for His blessings on this nation. That was its original inspiration when William Bradford called his Plymouth Colony to assemble to hear a sermon about thankfulness in the third year of their settlement. And it was the inspiration of Abraham Lincoln when he set a date for its observance.

And we should most certainly thank God this year too. Sometimes it seems all His blessings have evaporated but no, not yet. Still, this year it might be more appropriate to make it a day of fasting, prayer and repentance for our egregious violations of God's Law which are bringing the nation to ruin. In fact, the more I think about it the more I think that really is what the day should be this year. What? No Thanksgiving this year? >

Ouch. Is that what God is telling me? Well, there is always something to be thankful for, even in the worst of times, and certainly in our persoal lives. As for the nation, this year we should thank Him profusely for the honest and courageous jury that brought a just verdict in the Rittenhouse trial, because we know the way things are going we can't count on getting a just verdict from our courts any more. Thank Him too for the righteous people who won the Virgina election. Yes thank Him for every remnant of rigghteousness we can recognize, for all those people who are raising their voices against the lies and the injuustices.

But the tugging at my conscience doesn't let up. The crying need is to return tp the original intent of the nation which He blessed. If we still see His blessings here and there it's not because we deserve them now. Perhaps it's just that we haven't yet rim pit pf tje,/ The nation has fallen away from Him even thought there are still some faithful Americans.

Biden won't institute a day of r fascint and prayer on any date -- well he'd have to call for repentancew from his own policies. Isn't going to happen. . Some former Presidents did call for such a day and that's what we need. Now all we can do is call for it in isolated pockets, in individual families, maybe in particular churches.

It's foolishness to think God can't continue to bless a nation that has been abandonimg Him for decades now. We sjpi;d certaom;u repent of our insane policies under some Presidents toward Israel when we've gone along with the lying bogus "Palestinian" cause. But mostly I think of our drift to perverted interpretations of our Constitution, How can God bless a nation that took prayer and the Bible out of our schools because one malicious atheist claimed her rights wree abused by it. Or a nation that make killing unborn babies a "right," or the dispensing of poronography a "right," and Gay Marriage a "right," a nation that has taken up the absurd idea that you can decide what sex you are no matter how God made you. I think the abandonment of the practice of women's covering our heads in church lies somewhere at the root of these violations. And I also wonder about the effect of the abolition of the Sabbath when commerce shut down for one day a week. There is nothing accidtnal about the destructions we are watching daily, God is not mocked. God abandons a nation that abandons Him, especially one that started out dedicated to Him as this one was. We may not be able to trace our national sins with any exactness, but there is no doubt that we are seeing all this political insanity because of them.

If Thanksgiving was really a day of giving sincere thanks to God for His blessings by a majority of the people and particularly by our leadership it would be a good thing. But it's mostly degenerated into a mindless day of feasting for who knbows what reason.

Well, have a happy and genuinely thankful Thanssgiving, but do consider adding a day of fasting and prayer for the repenttance of our national sins to your calendar. (See Damiel 9 for inspiration)_

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Building a Refuge From the Great Reset / Great Tribulation Antichrist System

Fighting this beast that is politically transforming the world may well be impossible. Think about all the resistance to it which is so hopeful, but how half the population is kept from knowing about it. How to get the information through that barricade is something I ponder quite a bit. The wall of censorship is awfully effective. Personal conversation seems like it might be the way to go but then you find how effective the propaganda has been and how closed to all new information the people you want to reach are. If they don't go out of their way to hear the other side, the conservative news sources, the conservative talk shows, and do it regularly, not just once in a while, they aren't going to change their minds. The information war is the big barrier. It's what has to be broken and so far I don't see a way to do that. What that means is that half the country (in the US, and I don't know how many throughout the world) believes the lies that are fed through the leftist media every day.

People still believe lies about Trump that have been debunked over and over again. They believe lies about COVID and how to treat it. The propaganda is thick and incessant these dAYS. AThe dissenting voices get heard from time to time but only wrapped in a blanket of lies that demonize them. Even though we had this amazing experience of a just verdict in the case of Kyle Rittenhouse, there are still those who call him a murderer, vigilante, white supremancist and heap him with the same lies his acquittal should have brought to an end. TBut the evidence was there from the beginning and they didn't accept it so why shoujld they accept the acquittal?

The division is stark. Those who think we should just try harder to treat each other fairly, listen empathically and so on, are somehow not seeing this iron wall that has been so effectively errected. The only way to listen empathically to people who are believing lies is to try to disabuse them of the lies, but they've heard them so frequently the time and patience it would take to overcome them is beyond possible. God could intervene of course. We can always pray. But if He doesn't provide a way it's not going to happen and so far He seems to want to leave things as they are. That's my dreary conclusion.

So although I'm all for fighting this beast that is threatening to devour the world,I don't see much hope of prevailing except in isolated local skirmishes.

Is all this just a way of justifying the flight out of the most threatened countries? Well, yeah, that's the context I'm writing in at the moment. I won't be fleeing, I'm not up to it, but I support those who are fleeing. Can the Great Reset be avoided? Some think so. That's what the video is about. What if the Great Reseat is the Antichrist Kingdom of the Last Days, or the Great Tribulation? Well, some are going to have to be able to avoid the worst of it or nobody would come out from it alive and we know from scripture that many will.

Anyway, here are two videos about those who are fleeing to Mexico, forming communities to weather the coming storm. The second video is about one particular community, which is just now getting underway. It's a very attractive vision IMO.

Why Mexico is a good place for weathering the Great Reset:

And here's an interview with a couple who are putting together one of the communities for that purpose:

By the way, some of these people identify as Christians. If they are born again Christians and the Great Reseat is really the Great Tribulation, then according to the popular end times prophetic system they will not be here during the Tribulation. Those who need a refuge are those who are not yet saved but will be saved during the Tribulation period.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Israel, God's Clock, and Thorn in the Flesh of this Fallen World

Fascinating historical information in the latest Understanding the Times radio show by Jan Markell. Al about the establishment of the state of Israel and the role of Britain and the US. America has a spotty history regarding our attitude to the Jews and to Israel, as discussed in this show. Rejecting or ignoring when we should have helped but then coming through at crucial moments, particularly under Harry Truman and Richard Nixon, and of course most recently Donald Trump, to support and defend them.

Her guest for this hour is Steven Briggs, The maker of a film series that includes one titled "America and the Israel Effect," a filmI want to see when I can. It's not at Amazon though. the theme is that whoever blessed Israel will be blessed and whoever curses her will be cursed, which comes from God's promise to Abraham that in him all the world will be blessed. That refers to the Messiah Jesus of course, in Whom all the world truly will be blessed and already are. The state of Israel is nevertheless the central emblem of God's working in this world, and the last days will revolve around God's dealings with them.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

More Preps for the Great Tribulation

Here's the latest Understanding the Times show by Jan Markell, with pastor Billy Crone, talking about the way things are shaping up according to the plans of the Great Reset. Mention is made of how much further along this path Austrailia is, Canada too for that matter, and how the US is next. Maybe soon after the first of the year. This is the usual review of the Pre-0Tribulation Rapture point of view, which I disagree with on a few specifics, but I'd certainly like their timing of the Rapture to be true. Except of course I'm not worried about Christians anyway, I'm worried about my unsaved family who would have to go through the Tribulation, though perhaps with some protection if they're no longer in the US. I

I'm also going to include this interview by Susan with an escapee from Australia who is now in Mexico. They are both Christians and apparently not thinking in terms of the end times as I generally am and as the previous video is aboutt. It's more like the anticipation of the latest version of the Third Reich from which it makes sense for everybody to flee.

I'm posting this although the sound is terrible abd nat naje ut unoissubke fir sine ti gear at akk, U cab naje iyt buts abd oueces if ut,

The Great Tribulation will probably have a lot in common with the Third Reign anyway of course. The Fourth Reigh or Fourth version of the "Holy" Roman Empire. If you want to remind yourself of all that therer are plenty of videos on You Tube about the rise of Hitler and the concentration camnps, including one made in 1945 about the liberation of five or six of the campls. It's gruesome so be warned. But you know that I'm sure. This time the perps will be on the Left, however.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Veterans Day/Remembrance Day, a Day of Forboding This Year.

Veterans' Day in the US, Rememvbrance Day in Canada. The Canadian couple the Lechmans who moved to Mexico at the first of this yeare and provide welcoming videos about the country to other potential escapees, have a nice video on what this day is all about:

They've tied it into our current political scene which certainly does look like history repeating itself. It's particularly diabolical this time around because the perpetrators identify themselves with the victims of the previous world tyrants and are calling their oppoents the tyrants, the Nazis, the ascists, white supermacists and the like without one shred of justification. THEY are the tyrants, they are the fascists, the Marxists, the Inuisitors if you will.

I've seen quite a few videos at You Tube recently, about the Nazi era, and I keep thinking how something just as diabolical is shaping up today. And diabolical is certainly the word for it. the mentality is satanic, demonic, beyond anything you can think of as human despite our fallen human nature and the fallenness of this world. The coldblooded inhumanity of everything they touched comes through these stories. The taking of orphaned Polish children to be raised as Germans if they fit their idea of the Aryan race, people who are now about my age and trying to recover some shreds of information about their Polish families. The Nazis erased it all only too effectively. Then I saw another one about the death camp, the Sonderkommandos who were healthy young Jewish people who were chosen to dispose of the corpses of the Jewish people who had been exterminated in the gas chambers. They drag them out of the gas chamber and put them into the crematoria. Sometimes they recognized a family member. among the dead . The horror of it all is beyond anything we can fit into our soft lives as Americans or westerners in general. Diabolical absolutely.

"Never again" was the slogan that emerged after World War II asw the cry against the Holocaust, but here we are only a little over seventy=five years from the end of that war and the same forces are shaping up on a global scale.

It's the lies, the propaganda, that is particularly reminiscent of the earlier totalitarian movements. If you call your chosen victims by names that brand them as villains, or as something unhuman, as unworthy of living, you can influence great numbers of people against them. That's of course what happened to the Jews under Hitler but although Histler is always the emblem of such tyrannies, there were many others in the last century. The Communists branded the "bourgeoisie" or small business owners, and the aristocracy as the villains unworthy of life. In Rwanda the Hutus were propagandized into hating the Tutsis by a propaganda campaign that branded them as "cockroaches." ducing human beings to vermin seems to be the formula. Various brandings are at work today in the West: White supermacists is one of them, even just rejecting the vaccination makes you a villain class, sometimes just being a political conservative. You know, the "deplorables" and all that. Being a Trump supporter brands you for sure.

That is all coming from the Leftist Marxist ideology and its Critical Race Theory, and it promotes violence through elements in the Marxist organization Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Antifa is or course an example of how they identify themselve sas warriors against the evil fascists although all the fascistic thinking and the violence is coming from them against their chosen villains, the peaceloving freedomloving ordinary citizens, most of whom are conservatives.

It doesn't matter what the current stories in the news are, they are always bheing cast in these divisive terms with the Marxists loudly vilifying the conservaives. Even the trial of Kyle Riteenhouse is really just a political mockery of a trial. The evidence was apparent before the trial that he acted in self defense, but the forces that dientify with the rioters he was opposing are doing their best to make a viollain out of him.

Since opposing voices are silenced in so many ways, on social medial, in the "mainstream" news, huge numbers of people are being propagandzed into hating their political oppoents because that's all they hear. It's a potent method. The devil knows exactly what he's doing.

Yes it's Marxistm, it's fascism calling itself antifascism, it's all manner of po.litical totalitarianisms, but there is always this one player behind them all that keeps a low profile and even manages to emerge as a peacekeeper. Talk about diaboligical. Yes I'm talking about the Roman Church, the papacy and the Jesuits. TI posted a long list of books about them at my Roman Catholicism blog, and there are many more, just about all of them going back over a century before they succeeded in revising history. There have always been bloody wars but not until the Inquisition were a particular class, or classes, of people turned into a victim class and hunted down by the totalitarians. I'd be surprised to find out I'm wrong about this. The INquisition stands in my mind as the template for the Holocaust -- because Histler himself identified it as his model for one thing -- and all the other movements that pit one class of people against another. Marxism put it into pretty stark teminology: they divide people into Oppressor and Oppressed and it's the Oppressed who kill the Oppressors. You've got to notice how they languague reverses the truth.

So it's good to remember those who gave their lives in defense of the freedoms that are periodically threatened in this world. That's what this day is all about and I've heard a number of remembrances on the radio.

But this one is likely to be the last one, if we are in the Last Days as manyh of us think we arell. This totalitarian movement will likely be the shape of the Great Tr4ibulation, that last seven years beofre Jesus returns.

It's closing in, Plan accordingly. Pray. give yourself to Jesus Christ.