He calls himself the The Public Philosopher:
Public PhilosopherThere you have it, the "whole Church" which of course pretends we're all Christians, and course means means all of us under Rome.
Martin Luther, Ignatius Loyola, and Protestant Reformation
By Paul de Vries
Paul de Vries portrait
The Reformation was a precious but complex step in Church history, where the beloved Biblical teachings of the amazing grace of God were renewed. We are all beneficiaries – Protestant, Roman Catholic, and everyone else. What can we learn from Martin Luther, Ignatius Loyola and others from that era – and especially from the Living Lord now – so that we can approach this 500th anniversary with a renewed awareness of the Lord and his purposes for his whole Church?
I wonder how many fall for that oily tone of his, that "precious but complex step in Church history," by which the "beloved Biblical teachings of the amazing grace of God were renewed." I wonder how many are deceived by such a disgusting saccharine lie. The Roman Church has never rescinded the anathemas (curses) of their Council of Trent against all the doctrines of the Protestant Reformation, nor have they closed their Office of the Inquisition, which was still racking up murders in the 19th century and probably more recently than that; nor have they ever acknowledged the actual enormities of the Inquisition. They play down the numbers, and Pope John Paul blamed the "people" for the enormities, not the papacy or the Church leadership which was the real source.
The Jesuits were called "The Engineer Corps of Hell" by Edwin A. Sherman who wrote a book by that title in the 19th century. They were known for their subversive activities against all the nations of Europe and had been kicked out of all of them many times. John Adams said of the Jesuits, "If ever any congregation of men could merit eternal perdition on earth and in hell ... it is this company of Loyola."
More later.