Friday, May 14, 2021

Baa! ! (The Only Wool Here is Being Pulled Over Our Eyes By the Evolutionists)

Well, I feel another bleat coming on this morning. Yeah, they chide us for supposedly not understanding what the term "theory" means in scientific circles. Cuz we like to complain that evolution is "only a theory." A Theory, you know, is as good as a fact, you know, don't we call it The Theory of Relativity for instance, or The Theory of Gravity? Of course they perfectly well know the point we are trying to make, they just prefer to obscure it and sticking to pedantic definitions is one way to do that.

If "theory" isn't acceptable, "hypothesis" isn't going to do it either. The point is that the whole conceptual edifice of the Theory of Evolution is a house of cards, nothing but a mental contruct, a castle in the air, with no reality supporting it. They think they have evidence. They don't. What they claim for evidence is actually evidence for the Creationist view, they've merely co-opted it, appropriated it to their own belief system. They sprinkle their biological observations, which are in themselves usually quite sound, with evolutionistic assumptions that have no inherent relation to the subject matter.

So such and such a feature of a particular creature was "evolved" to do whatever it does. The term is tacked on, it's assumed, but in reality the feature was built into the creature's genome already all the way back at the Creation, and emerged in the normal course of the shuffling done by sexual recombination. Either that or it's part of the Body Plan that's fixed in the genome, goes back to the Creation and defines the creature and doesn't get shuffled.

I guess there's no point in reiterating what i've already said a million times about this. Or maybe there is but I'm not up to it at the moment. You'd think all those formidable IQ points that are bestowed upon the nonscience of evolution could finally figure out that they are simply lost in the thicket of an elaborate mental virtual reality. It doesn't exist.


The Blathering Blogger Blathers On Into the Void ISaving America Part 7?)

Well lessee, they're destroying the economy. Soon things will be so outrageously expensive ... well it's hard to imagine just how bad it could get but very very bad for sure. They are flooding the country with illegals, they are bringing back "refugees" who are America-haters, they are lying about the rioting going on in major cities and allowing it to happen by preventing the police from stopping it; they areare silencing those who have known how to cure COVID for a year now and promoting vaccines that may kill a bunch of us; they are silencing truth and sanity and promoting tyranny and oppression and divisive politics, they are supporting terrorists against Israel, they are arming nations that are enemies of the West, they are forcing normal children to pretend there are more than two sexes. Lessee, how much worse can it get?

Again, though, I have to remind myself that this must all be God's judgment on the nation. We pushed Him out so now He's abandoned us to the most outrageous evil stupidities the fallen human race is capable of. Well maybe not quite that bad yet. I guess it could be worse. Looks like it will get there soon enough.

Only a Christian can know that God's judgment is at work. Unbelievers think it's only human error or human malice, if they see anything wrong at all, and if if they see it they'll blame it on the wrong people too because we've finally reached that point in human history when it's about as bad as it can get. If we aren't at the very door of the Great Tribulation I hate to think how bad it will have to get before we are. Not "we" of course since I expect to escape it in the Rapture.

There was a time though when even unbelievers were immersed in the biblical worldview and understood the basics about the Fall and redemption and talked in tbose terms. Marxism. at ;east Cultural Marxism, and Postmodernism have so corrupted people now that we can hardly have a conversation between the two worldviews at all the starting assumptions are so at odds.

God promised to save Sodom if there were even a few rightoues people left in it, so we know that He would save us on the same principle. We don't depend, that is, on the great number of unbelievers to join us in saving the country and that's a great blessing. So if He isn'[t listening to us it has to be because we believers aren't meeting His conditions.

He isn't hearing our prayers for revival. Even if, say, Mark Levin came up with a solid plan to bring us back to sanity why would He bless that either? The WTC was destroyed by Islamic jihadists but contrary to what would seem to make sense, instead of our being able to defeat them they are if anything gaining ground in this country since then. This can only be because 9/11 didn't succeed at being the wake-up call it should have been, a call to national repentance. Although I don't think Jonathan Cahn's prophetic message about the correspondence between our response to 9/11 and Israel's response to the invasion of her enemies as described in Isaiah 9/11 was needed to make the point, still it DOES make that point on top of what we should already have known anyway: If God gives us a warning through our enemies, causes destruction in our cities, and we ignore Him, saying "You can't do this to us, we'll just r4ebuild bigger and better" (Anybody noticed that the slogan of the Great Reset project -- :\"Build Back Better" -- is essentially the same message? And note that an attack on the WTC isn't just a warning to America but to the world -- It's the WORLD Trade Center ya know. so the WEF Great Reset is founding itself on the same defiance of God described in Isaiah 9:11.) Anyway that being the response of the US and the world itself we can't expect God to hold back His judgments against us.

This is all too much "woo" for the fallen mind of course. But the problem is it's even too much woo for some believers, or too "exclusive" for them more precisely I suppose, they are so theologically weak in these postmodern days. Too many have, succeumbed to much of the propaganda that relegates biblcal Christianity to being merely one among many ways to God so the fact that Jesus is the only way isn't even upheld by some appalling number of us. If they even are of "us."

I know I'm rambling on and nobody is listening anyway since Google did whatever they did to keep people from finding my blogs. I don't know why they bothered, I wasn't getting more than a few hundred people anyway. But now hardly any, probably just the Google gestapo looking in from time to time. So maybe I don't try hard enough under the circumstances. Still, I believe God got me going on these blogs and He has His reasons.

Yes I think He wanted me to write about the head covering if nothihng else. And the way I kept stumbling onto information about the Antichrist even when I wasn't pursuing that topic had to come from Him. So He'll do with it whatever He wants to do. I write because I'm driven to write, so I thank Him for the opportunity. Thank You Lord. May any glory be Yours. Even if one person gets something out of it...? '.