Sunday, January 30, 2022

Rights and Freedoms Are a Hill to Die On

Chris Pinto's documentary, The True Christian History of America showed up on You Tube so I've been able to watch it again. I don't think it was there before, I found a trailer but not the film, but it's possible I'd overlooked it. Possible, but I think it was put there later. Anyway I get to see it again after all.

Yes, he shows the Christian sources of the principles that formed America. Wycliffe actually used the phrase we impute to Lincoln, "Government of the people, by the people and for the people." That was in the thirteenth century. Freedom of speech and religion, the right to keep and bear arms, the right to resist tyrannical leasders, it all had precursors in European and especially English history.

Seeit it again now, I may be changing my mind about something. These things are worth fighting for and not to fight for them is to yheild to the tyranny our founding documents intended to protect us from. This is a hill to die on. They are lying to us, they are violating the Constitution at every turn. It makes no sense to depend on merely trying to vote out of office peopkle who are actually committing treason. The Declaration of Independence makes it clear that there are times when tyranny has to be confronted and fought. I thihnk we're there.

Blah Blah Evolution Blah Blah COVID Blah Blah

Yes, it's obvious, and they should see it also if they would only really really think it through. That is, evolutionary theory is false. False false false. It's nothing but a piling on of one assumption after another, nothing but a castle in the air built of specul.ation. They really think it's science. THEY REALLY DO. tHERE IS NO FACT ANYWHERE IBN THE WHOLE MISERABLE MESS BUT NO MATTER, IT'S SCIENCE. iF YOU SAY OH IT'S ONLY A THEORY THEY SAY YES BUT THAT'S ALL SCIENCE EVERYIS. uM, BUT THE THEORY OF GRAVITY IS A VERY DIFFEREHNT THING FROM THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION. tHEY CAN GIVE ALL SORT OF ACTUAL FACTS FOR GRAVITY, FACTS AND FORMULAS AND SO ON. sAME WITH eINSTEIN'S FORMULA. bUT But for Darwinian evolution nothing but clever speculations. Yes, still. Not just Darwin's but everything they've added to it. It's not science. It's not science.

But of course that will get me about as far as I get trying to argue that it's the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated, who are spreading the Corona virus. Sent to the gulag, the gulag of being ignored and ridiculed in this case though the unvaccinated seem to be destined for a more substantial gulag. Lbr<
A bird is a bird is a bird is a bird. Sparrow or ostrich or penguin or flamingo. There is a birdness to birds that makes them birds. A dogness to dogs, a catness to cats etc. It's in the body plan, the basic structure. That never varies. You'd think it would if evolution were true, if birds were realated to dinosaurs for instance. But no, a bird is a bird. Cat body plan doesn't vary either, it doesn't shade off here and there to some other body plan, it's always a cat body plan whether it's a lion or a tabby housecat. I don't know why I got into this one, it's only one of dozens of ways o9f showing that evolution is a b ig fat fraud.

But of course it wouldn't matter a whole lot since it really has absolutely no practical consequance. Yes that's true but they'll deny that too because they appropriate things that aren't evolution to evolution and call them evolution. Sign. But the reason it matters is that this fraud of a "theory" is destroying the foundations of western civilization. First it brought the Bible into question. They oh so earnestly say but golly gosh all the good things in religions are still there even if science has proven some of it wrong. Doesn't work that way. The Bible is God's word. ALL of it is true. Darwin set himself against God and silly fallen humanity bought it.

I wish wish wish I could show them how they are wrong but of course I can't. Since it's all a mental fabrication it can't be falsified. Why can't they see it though? For one thing they probably never try to address the theory itself, they spend all their time looking at living creatures and using the evollutionary tag words to describe what they observe. It's all a word game.

Makes me hope the Pre-Tribulation Rapture is coming very very soon.

asnd yet of course I want people to be saved. But as long as they "know" that"sicence" is the truth and the Bible is false fat chace even of that. Well, let's not run away with this now, God is the one who saves and no stupid fallen science can stop Him.

Meanwhile we're being lied to in a million other ways these days. Lethal ways.