Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Spiritual Project A Month Into It

Since April first I've been pursuing spiritual strengthening with a passion. It started with a familiar thought that what is going on in the world is beyond human means of correction, it's God's doing for one thing, God's judgment on a corrupt world, becoming more corrupt as part of the judgment process, and it's beyond us to deal with such a trend on that level. I've thought it of course for some time, but one day I just got fed up with myself and decided I have to act on this recognition. I'm giving up any hope in human means and focusing exclusively on God. I soon got even more disgusted with myself as I realize how much of my Christian life has been misspent for so long, how much time I've squandered on political and other human systems when I should have been doing what I'm now doing, putting enormous energy into seeking God. Reading the books I've posted here and more besides, well listening to them since I can't see well enoughj to read any more, so many wonderful books in audio formats online, what a Blessing from God. He's dealing with me personally and taking the project in His own direction. I may write more later as it keeps unfolding, or I many not, at least not for some time. I'm seeking God Himself for His own sake, and seeking the power the Church should have and doesn't.

Another Brief Bleat About Evolutionary Assumptions.

Today's Dark Horse Podcast with Bret and Heather, No. 124is one in which they spend most of their time on biolobical phenomena which of coursse they discuss from their evolutionary perspective. So I'm writing this brief response as usual just to make my usual point that nothing they discuss validates the evolutionary persepctive at all. Everthing they say about the flora and fauna today is easily explained by the Creation of God. They mock the idea at one point but the mockery is a silly straw man. Nothing they report needs any other explanation. They are always talking about adaptations that a created creature would make, they don't need eevolution to explain it. Or they are talking about microevolution which is a misnomer since it has nothing to do with the theory of evolution, it's really just normal built-in variation, built into the genome of any given creature. NO OTHER EXPLANATION IS Required. tHEY ARE NEVER EVER TALKING ABOUT EVOLUTION, SAYING ANYTHING THAT REQUIRES AN EVOLUTIONARY EXPLANATION. nEVER.

Continuing to Hear Messages on Spiritual Power

John MacArthur on spirfitual power, from Ephesians