That should sound familiar to us in America right now. It's a picture of a nation under judgmenet by God, a nation God has described a few verses earlier as
Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquities, a seed of evildoers...
It's the same message given by the prophet Hosea later when God through him says My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, after describing them as Swearing and lying and killing and stealing and committing adultery, all the sins of the second table of the Ten commandmentsl.
There is no doubt we are under God's judgment and it's going to get worse as long as we fail to acknowledge our sins and repent of them. That's the part that seems so utterly hopeless. Once they've got it into their heads that it is a Right of all things to kill your unborn baby in the womb, or to marry your homosexual partner, or to turn yourself into the opposite sex , and of courese they don't believe in God who think those things... h,m well, sorry to say that's not necessarily so as I do know of so called Christians who embrace such abominations in the name of Christ.
It's so easy to sink into hopelessness in the fa
ne think I know, even if I forget it from time to time, is that as long as we are putting our trust in human beings and human institutions there isn't much to hope in. "Teh arm of flesh" as scripture sometimes dcalls this trust is definitely hopeless. Our trust has to be in Gode, only He has the power to reverse these things. We're under His jugment for our sins, but He is merciful and still might relent, but ONLY if we see that we've brought this on ourselves. Yes even if it's the "other party" who have done the worlse t of it, we are accountable along with them as members of the same covenant as it were. We have to repetns for all the sins that have brought this situation upon us, as the prophet Daniel did on behalf of his nation Israel although he was a righteous man himself.
Tryi to built up some hope I listened to a talk about the great revival of eighteen fifty seven that started in new York City, started by one businessman, a mamber of the Dutch Reforemed Church, who called a parayer meeting for the lunch hour and handed out flyers. Only six responded the first day but little by littlerle as they met every week at noon more joined them until eventually, after weeks and months they had prayer meetings all over the city and ten to fiftyeen thousand men participating. I suppose there must have been women too but it's the men that are the most in evidence for some reason. eventually the meetings spread across the country and then into Europe and then into Asia until it had encompassed the entire world in prayer. Thousands upon thousands were saved, people made restittuion for wrongs they had committed , under confiction by the Holy Spirit.
But we've prayed for revival, mahy of us over the last few decades. Why haven't we had a revival? A few phony revivals, yes I call them phony, they were phohney, Toronto, Browsville, Lake.and, phony revivals. W need a real powerful Holy Spirit revival.
od told Solomon soon after he had finished building the temple for God to dwell in, that He would by merciful in judgment: If the people would humble themselves, pray and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways, the He would forgive their sins and heal their land. In the midst of His judgmetn against them, when He had shut up the rain or sent locusts or a psestilence as punishemtn He would yet hear from heaven and heal their land.
We alsoways howp for this, it's one of the favorite verses of the Christain churches, but somehow we never get revivla and it is very discouraging.
till, 'mraying for it again. if we don't have revival the nation is going to go under for sure, burned with fire, given over to strangers, full of violence, famine, murder, extreme poverty. That's where we will end up if we continue on the current trajectory and get the Democrats in office again.
Seeing what's coming I feel like I'm losing my mind, I can hardly breathe, I can't sleep,
Help, Lord.
]Note: A talk on that revival is titled Revelation TV Presents The Lanphier Revival of 1857
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