Friday, August 5, 2022

More about Beth Moore

Her talks are man-cenetered, meaning human-centered, rather than about the bible, r, she preaches to men when scripture saysz a woman should not havew any sort of authority over a man, and a couple other points:\

TGhis one goes into more detail.
about how she imposes her own concdenerns on the scripture rather than letting the scripture be the authority, about how she teaches smen when scripture is clear that women should not, and so on:

This critic starts out saying how Beth Moore is cute and funny aand seems to be sincere about her blove of Christ and the women she teaches, but after hearing about the men in Ryle's book which I reported on in recent posts I don't want any more cute and funny preaching from anybody.  I want sober serious deep soul-searching praching, about Christ and Christ alone,, with our human examples kept to examples and not made the main point of the teaching as it seems to be with Moore.

And I'm still flummoxed by a couple of her teachings in which she just makes no lobical sense at all, the one called The Art of Growing Up which I mentioned before, and another where she gets all carried away about the meaning of the word "compelled" which has about zero relevance in the very passage she is supposedly teaching from. Maybe I'll eventually try to lay all that out.  Fortunately most of her teachings seems to have more coherence than that.

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