The man's name that I wrote as "Jusef" in a previous post is really Mosab Hassan Yousef, a Palestinian Arab who grew up in the West Bank as the first son of one of the leaders of Hamas, not just leader but its actual founder. He was of course indoctrinated in its tenets and worked for the movement himself. Until at the age of eighteen he was in an Israeli prison and saw the brutality of Palestinian inmaes against other Palestinians, which raised doubt in his mind that bore fruit over time as the Israelis sought to recruit him to their cause. Eventually they won him over and he worked for them as a spy for ten years and is now a staunch defender of Israel against Hamas escpailly in this latest war that started on October seventh with the sadistic slaughter of Israelis by Hamas.
As I've listened to him through many interviews and talks he's given both in the past and now during this current conflict I've found him to be a very intriguing pesonality. I binge on personalities I find intriguign . At first he seems to be an unusually attractive gentle quitet humble character who is very likeable and it seemed to me almost angelic in his demeanor and thinking. Later he's acquiringed a harder edge on him, in one talk at least using roufht langugage, crude language I don't like. this after his living in America for years so I guess I can blame it on American culture.
And he's acquired a philsophical turn tht I find to be false in most respects, a religious mix of many religions and philsophies that to my mind ends up predominantly New Age although with his own personal stamp on it. Christ Consciousness for instance, Yoga for instance, Karma for instance. For a while he was considered to be a Christian but his views are not orthodox and eventually he objected to the efforts of the orthodox to change his mind and stopped goinmg to church. I don'tkinow if he even knows the orthodox salvation message.
But as a spokesman at this time for the iside of Israel he's mjuch needed it seems to me. He has a powerfully passionate loyalty to Israel and a true understanding of the political and historical situation there. He has come out speaking against the demonstrations in America on behalf of Hamas with a lot of anger and a grasp of the meaning of American freedom of Speech and our Constitution that I find impressive.
He aswers the charge that Israel is an apartheid state. how could it be with a million and a half Arabs as part of its citizenry who all share equal civil rights with the Jews and all the other minorities? They occupy all the offices of Israel. Apartheid is a lie.
To be continued
Ah well, I may yet add to this, or I may not, but I've continued watching videos of Mosab and although I haven't been able to capture the URLs I want to identify at least two of them I think are very good an informative:
An interview by Chris Cuomo, very thorough.
A talk he gave at a Jerusalem Post confeence. This should be enough information to be able to search and find it.
And thank you, Mosab, for making it so clear in this last talk I mention above that the problem is Islam itself, because that is so often glossed over while political interests and other more worldly things are put in its place. But no, as you make clear, it is never any of those things that is the rpbolem, the cause of the conflicts, it is Islam itself. It is Islam that dictates the hatred of the jews and of all "infidenls" and all nonMuslims, it is Islam that is our enemy not the people of any particular trible.
He's particularly fiery at another one whose URL I can't get hold of. I think the title starts with Son of Hamas and the host is something like Jordan Harbinger. I hope it works.
This may or may not be the UROL to the Jordan harbinger show I mentioned
Mosab seems to have rejected orthodox Christianity and therefore salvation through the death of Christ as well, which is sad and I cn only hope that eventually I might come to it. He wants truth, and this is truth. And in fact this is the only truth, the ultimate truth. I hope he will eentually come to it.
Nevertheless he has some interesting ways of putting together his view of the world that sort of almost embrace a Chrstian view of things. Sort of only. He has a sense of the imperfection of the world and of all human beings which makes him tolerant andforgiving and generqaous toward everyone, which is wonderful. And this without having any notion of the Fall or Original Sin which the Bible reveals to be the foujndation of all our ills and imperfections. But he sees the imperfections and from that vantage point he can oppose the ridiculous utopian visions of the totalitarians whose self righteousness imagines an impossible perfection to which human beings can aspire. No way is that ever going to happen and I'm glad to see that plain old common sense can see how ridiuclouis such ideas are.
He also appreciates the freedoms of the West, democracies such as Israel and the US, the Constitutuion ofthe US in particular, and that is also commendable. He doesn't ave the most accurate historical context for these things, whicfh would come through the Christian perspedctive but he recognizes their importance and their potential as the only liberating forces in the political world. Based on a recognition of impers=fection. That.s what it's all about. This is a flawed world, an imperfect world, a fallen world, and the whole point of the US Constitution as the framers saw it was to make provision against the tendensies to totalitarianism, to domination, in the human spirit in a fallen world. That's the best we can do in a fallen world, preent the worldst in human nature from taking over. And it works as long as we hold to the rules. Unfortunately what is happening now is that the forces of totalitarianism are learning how to just ignore it and impose their will in spirte of it. Yep, the Left.