Sunday, January 26, 2025

A Podcast on the J7 Miscarriage of Justice among so many others

I'm adding this late on Monday the 27th.  The post below is terribly garbled because it is hard to go back and correct things and get it right since my eyes are so bad and I don't think I'm up to making it any berter at this point.  There is a URL in there to the mentioned podcast but you have to move th cursor arouhjd a bit to fdind it.  Sinc3e capturing a URL is so difficult for me I'm not going to try getting hold of it again.  the podcast is pretty good at laying out the terrible injuistice of the January sixth arrests and imprisonments, focusing mostly on clips from tucker Carlson's interview with Julie Kelly who did thorough research into the revent despite the destruction of many documents and fvideos by the authorities that most probably contradict the accepted narative about its being an insurrection.    The people were false imprisoned.  Even those who did act violently have already served sentences longer than usually given for the kind of eoffense they are charged with.  Trump was right to pardon them all and now we hope that this will all be exposed for the horrific miscarriage of justice and violation of the Constitutjional rights of ordinary American citizens that it really is.  Tucker Carlso entire interview with Kelly shoyuld be out there somewhere too, and his documentary as well.

The sad sad thing about all this is how effective the left has been at vilifying their political opponents with the mjoral and criminal charges they themselves are guilty of.  Trump is completely innocent of just about everything he's been accused of, the whole thing is made up from corrupted evil imaginations, as are all the charges brought against innocent conservativve American Citizens.   We hope for trump's Presidency to bring all this to light and finally right the wrongs.  But it's going ot be a tough abattle and we may not be able to win it completely although God has been mer ific tgo us in permitting us a lot of righting of wrongs alreadyu.

Tehydn't want to know anything about the other side of the issues.  They are completely confvinced by the evil propaganda they've been hearing for so many years that trump is the evil party and they just have no patience for half a minute with anything that purporsts to show them they are wrong.  There is no way to fight such an attitude.  You can't make someone attend to information they've alraedy prejudged as fase.     

I'm sglad so man;y have had their eyes opened but there are some who are just so dug in to their false view of it all there is no ophope for it I'm afraid.   Everthing tgrump has done in his fist days in office is with the intent and very likely the soon achievement of retroing America to some semblance of our former righteous standing in the rworld.  

Sad tothink some will never get the message and that we have to continue to suffer from the anger, the misplaced anger of people who are so egregiously misled as to continue to support an evil and corrupt political party.

ddedater:  I did find Julie Kelly on Yo

u tubefter

 all.  I put in Julie Kelly J7 and found a discussion of a documentary by tucker Carlson about J7.

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ucker & Julie Kelly Expose the Truth Behind the J6 Coverup as Wray Resigns!

And now I see I've completely messed up the paragraphing on this post.   Sorry about that.  I'll try to fix it later if I can.

As usual I'm having a hard time copying out the URL to a video about the documentary and I can't even read the title on the screen very well but it's something like Julie Kelly Exposes the .....ime Before  or something like thatAs

 Yesterday i was able to find maybe dozens of interviews of Julyie   Julie Kelly at You Tube.  today I can't find one.  I've tried every sayway I can think of to bring them up if they are there and nothing comes up.   So I can only conclude that they've been cnsored byt he Lefty management of You Tube for he usual political reasons.  She wrote a book about the January Sixth event that is propagandistially called an insurrection in which she showed through her own research that the whole thing was a setup.  Gosh imagine that.  I knew that, most on my side knew that, but half he country jut bought tuhe usual fake news and probably wouldn't even hear about this book anyway.  It takes a little work if you want to avoid bing deceived these days, but few have the motivation.  but to b fair they are used to trusting their sources and haven't yet learned that they aren't to be trusted.   

We need some more Elon Musks to buy up all these raitorous social media sites.