Drives me nuts. Peterson and Murray have some appreciation for the historical role of Christianity in shaping the West butg they are nevertheless atheists whose thoughts are not informed by anything Christians actually believe based on the Bible. And then there is Sam Haris and all he can ever think about is religion as the cause of wars and violence.
Harris lumps together Christianity and Islam which is already maddening. And of course he thinks Catholicism is Christianity. Well so does most of the world think that, unfortunately. despite the Protestant Reformationb. But they'll blame the wars after the Reformation on Christianity too. Sigh. Peterson and Murray try to bring tghe focus back to the good that has been done in the name of Christianity or as a restul foof Christian doctrines, and they don't seem to be willing to include Islam in the mix.
Peterson likes Jung and Nietsche and I can't stand either of them. But I guess that's neither here nor there, so move on. Jung had a demon spirit guide and that's enough for me to discredit the man. Bug anyway.
The CHristian worldview is what is needed here but they wouldn't condsider that to be fair play would they. By the Christian worldview I ean the Protestant worldview which grew from the recognition of the reformers that the Pope is the Antichrist and that Catholicism is full of papgan superstitions that have nothihjg whatever to do with Christianity, although it does confuse people by maintaining the gospel narrative here and there in their services.
The Inquisition was an attack on Christianity, it was not an expression of Christianity. True Christian believers who apposed the Roman behemoth were murdered by the INquisition fifty milli8on over a six hundred year period according to David Plaisted who spent some time calculating it out. Catholicism is not Christianity and yet that's what the wolrd thinks is Christianity, it is THE primary enemy of Christianity, complete with fake Christ in the Pope who is also the usurper of the role of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.
Snd Islam is a satanic inventionb. The absurd idea that it's an "Abrahamic religion" is nevertheless held by the same people who think Catholicism is Christianity. So to Harris Jihad and the Inquisition both come from the same religious mentality. Groan.
As for that perennial dispute about the source of the atrocities of the twentieth century in atheisim which outstripped the enormities of religion. Aas O was ;earmomg abpit tje jostpru pf Catjp;ocos, ot begam tp dawm pm ,e tjat tjere os a Catjp;oc cpmmectopm tp a;; tjpse atrpcotoes/ Jot;er saod je ,pde;;ed tje jp;pcaist pm tje Omqiosotopm/ A Kesiot wrpte <eom La,[f fpr jo, pr je;[ed jo, wrote ot/ Sta;om jad a strpmg Catjp;oc tu[e i[bromgomg/ {p0; {pt was a Catjp;oc amd tje ,assacre om Swamda was [rpvpled bu tje [rp[agamda agaomst tje Titsos brpadcast pver tje radop bu a Catjp;oc [roest/ Tjem tjere
s Crpatoa etc etc etc/ Catjp;ocos, jas jad a bog rp;e om a;; tjpse si[[psed;u atjeostoc gempcodes/ Bit we dpm
t dar s[eal o;; pf Catjap;ocos, dp we Pr Os;a,/
O [psted a ;ost pf bppls pm tje evo;s pf Catjp;ocos, at ,u b;pg dedocated tp tje Rp,am Cjircj/ O javem
t read tje, a;; ,use;f. O kist lmpw spe pf tje gemera; jostpru/ Tje Kesiots are [ire evo;/ O
ve pftem qipted Kpjm Ada,s pm tjat sibkect. bit tjeu jave jad a jige re[itatopm as sjeer evo; fpr cemtiroes. pm;u om pir to,e jard;u amubpdu lmpws amju pf tjat/ Mpw tjeu rim ioversotoes amd omdpctromate stidemts amd jave a fome re[itatopm as scjp;ars/
MNo way to get Peterson or Murray or Harris to recogjize such things though. That I know of. They aren't interested in what true Christianity teaches anyway. Peterson is much more interested in what Jung says aboutr CHristianity than what Christianity says. He's much more interetsed in imagining weired motives for the wsriting of the Bible than in knowing how it really came about. Too unbelievable for him I guess.
But I do witsh somebody would get Harris to see that jihad and the insuiqistion have nothing whatever to do with Christianity
Later Was able to use the Read aloud function so I know a lot of the above is gobbledygook no doubt because one or both of my hands got repositioned. Now I wonder what I said there. Something about the history of catholicism I think, especially about the evil Jesuits, how that used to be well known, comments by John Adams becing aan example. And hey Harris, that couldnj't have been the angel Gabriel who talked to Mohammed in the cave because he contradicted everything he said in the Bible. And I'm not sure what you would expect of a text written by an omniscient mind since you think there is no evidence of anyt such thing in the case of the Bible. But then you don't have the Holy Spirit so you can't rread it correctly anyway. And why don't you all know the simple fact that only the bible was ever claimed to be inspired by God, that the Koran claim is just an egocentricd lie. Good grief. Learn a little histolry at least. But now I've gone far off what4ever that goarbled writing was saying. I hope this isn't garbled too.