Sunday, August 22, 2021

Going Blind

My eyes are worse than ever today. Some times it's temporary and will clear up at least to some extent so that I can go on writing and even reading for a while longer, but overall the trend is downward. Although I often have the thought that I don't want to go on living when I'm blind I realize that shows a lack of faith and I have to remember that

All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes.

So that has to include blindness.

I can make out what I've written here but it's extremely faint.


Heard someone talking about having trouble lerning to read as a child, because he was dyslexic. I'm not exactly szure what dyslexia is, tried to look it up but my eyes are so bad this morning I couldn't see the Google page well enough to I gave up. So I'll guess anyway. It's a condition in which a word looks like a jumble of shapes without meaning.

I'd expect that for many people taught the "SEE-SAY" OWR WHOLE WORD method that was adopted instead of phonics in the schools, which was one of the stupidest things they ever did. I was lucky to be taught phonics and when I had friends later who hadn't been I was astonished to find that although they wree very bright they couldn't spell and they struggled to pronounce new words. I don't know what they'd expect of a method that just throws a whole word at a kid instead of teaching him how to read it from left to right right by sounding it out. Language is first of all auditory, letters have sounds, words are made up of letters that have sounds. At least in English they are. You can learn to read any word by sounding it out from left to right. And you learn to spell that way too. Some children learn to read in spite of this handicap, perhaps they intuit the phonetic nature of words, I don't know, but those who don't are put in an unnecessarily difficult position.

I kind of think anyone who has dyslexia, at whatever age, could cure it by just learning the basic principles of phonics.

But what do I know. I'm just guesdsing.

Spooky Story Continued

Listened for a while to the next night's Coast to Coast AM on which the guest was described as a well known alien abductee, meaning someone who had been abucted by aliens, many times over his life he says. I gather he thinks they are doing genetic expeiments and creating hybrid babies from human with the "greys" which is what the aliens are called. A modern version of the angel-human begetting of the Nephilim, the giants of old as desribed in Genesis 6.

At least that's what the "aliens" want him to believe. Since they must be demons, or fallen angels, who are always engaged in some kind of deception of human beings, that may or may not be what they are really doing.

As I was listening from my biblical worldview of course I kept thinking that he didn't have to go through any of that. All he had to do was call on the name of Jesus, ask Jesus to help him, and the "abduction" would stop. As I kept listening I found out others had said the same to him. He said something like how if it was that easy there would be no alien abductions. Uh, yeah, if everybody called on Jesus there would be no alien abductions. Was he sayinjg people DO call on Jesus or what? I gather not. He didn't seem to be interested.

Yes if you call on Jesus he will save you from the demons. I had two experiences of demons when I was a new Christian and I did call on Jesus and the attacks stopped.

You can call off UFO visitations, ghosts, apparitions, or alien abdutions or whatever the demons are doing, by asking Jesus for help. Keep that in mind just in case.