Monday, August 29, 2022

Why We Believe the Gospel

Another assurance that I must belong to God is in this sermon by John MacArthur about why we believe the bible is the Word of God.   It's all through the Holy Spirity.   There is no way for an unregenerate fleshly person, an unsaved person, can't believe in it.  CAN'T believe in it.  Because it's spiritually discerned.    I beliee wholehearedly in the Bible as God's Word.  So no matter how despairing I get oubt my sins and how I deserve to be damned for them I have this to cling to.  I MUAT have the Holy Spiri5t, and if I do then I belong to God.

 Why We Believe While Others Reject (1 Corinthians 1:18-2:16) - YouTube

And here's another great one from J. C. Ryle:  the necessity of a new heart, which is the same thing as the new birth, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  Without this change nobody will see the Kingdom of God, nobody will be saved:

The Heart: Old Paths - J. C. Ryle - YouTube

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