Tuesday, August 2, 2022

I Can't Stop Thinking about the Horrible Effect of Abandoning the Women's Head Covering

 Listening again to John MacArthur's very biblical talk on the role of women in the churches and how far feminism has encroached into them despite the clear admonition of scripture against it.  

John MacArthur | Response to the Beth Moore Comment "Go Home"| Women Preaching - YouTube

It's a very good talk that covers just about everything from scripture, and he gives some appalling statistics about just how far the churches are in violation of God's word on this subject.  Then he traces the rebellion of women back to Genesis.  This is all good teaching.

And then he blows it all to smithereens as he himself affirms what must be one of the pivotal elements of this whole sorry situation, the abandonment of the woman's head covering of 1 Corinthians 11.  Right at the very end.  After all his excellent teaching about the scriptureal standard he himself shows that he embraces at least one of the causes of it all, if not The CAUSE, AND FOR ALL i KOW IT MAY WELL BE THE CAUSE.  iT MAY BE WHERE IT ALL BEGAN.  aS i SAY, i DON'T KNOW BUT i DO KNMOW THAT IT'S VERY IMPORTANT.  i HAVE NO WORD FROM THE lORD ABOUT THIS, BUT hE HASN'T GIVEN ME ANYH REASON TO THINK IT'S WRONG EITHER THOUGH i HAVE PRAYED THAT hE WOULD IF IT IS WRONG.  

I can't stand the irony.  He spends an hour lamting and documenting the draining away of a great reservoir of biblical teaching and then at the end he holds up the plug he helped to pull that openied the drain.  

That passage is not about feminine appearance, and it's not even about women's submission to authority in any drect way as far as behavior goes.  It's strictly about the hierarchy of authority or HEADship.  I can't say it enough.  It's about the head, the literal head on the body as symbolic of tauthority.   If you cover that head you are saying you are under the authority of another, you are essentially covering up your own authoirty.  Covering your head is covering your authoirty.  It's an acknowledgment of God's creation ordinance of the hierarchy of headship.   If you uncover women's heads you are saying they have equal authority with men.   Men are exhorted in this same passage NOT to cover their heads because they have authority under CHrist in the Church.  If as MacArthur so strongly preaches, women are not to preach in the churches, you don't take away the emblem of the subordination of authority that supports that position.  When you take it away you are essentially saying they can preach the same as any man can preach. 

I wish I could get this across, and of course I wish it could be gotten across to someone like John MacArthur how has the public influence to do something about it.

Indeed the holy angels must be highly offended.

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