Just heard a few Piers Morgan interviews, debates really between the two sides, and was very disappointed in Mosab Yousef but very happy with Douglas Murray. Yousef has a view I much appreciate but he goes off on tangents and loses me and no doubt most of his audience, especially when he gets to ranting angrily about those tangential things such as his own idea of what human identity is. Hde did that on Morgan's show and missed a lot of opportunities to make the points that needed to be made.
But the show with Douglass Murray was far more to the point, the many points. His opponent was a name I couldn't hear well enough, Jake Udall? Close or on the money? I don't know. But I love Murray and found Udall to be the usual emotion driven fact challeneged leftist Palestinian defender.
Nevertheless Murray should, in my opinion, have answered the constgant accusation of Israel that they are indiscriminately killing civilizans. Yousef has from time to time done a good job on that one but he missed it this time, and so did Murray. Murray did say that those deaths are the fault of Hamas and that's the whole point but it needed to be driven home and he didn't do that.
Israel is not committing genocide, they are defending themselves. Hamas are committing genocide and most of the Palestinian civilians support them.
Israel's occupation of the West Bank was forced on them and must be maintained for their own security. How nice it would be if Hamas disappeared and the whole ideology of hatred of the Jews disappeared and then there could be peace in the region. Otherwise that is never going to happen. Ever.
The charge of colonialism is ridiculous when Israel was legally established and had fairly bought any land they acquired from others already there. Besides which a colony is an offshoot of an established nation, which of course the Jews don't have anywhere else in the world. The whole point of their being in the land of Palestine is to have such a home base. I could afrgue for their biblical right to the land which I regard as ultimately their legitimacy but in this fallen world you have to start with the case for more proximate claims.
The deaths in Gaza are the fault of Hamas and nobody else. Period.
The lack of a Palestinian state is the doing of the Palestinians thesmelves and not Israel.
Nboody has a solution to this problem because Islam is devoted to the murder of Jews and theJewish state and that's on their books and there is no doing waaway with that under the current public opinion that believes the Palestinian propaganda and blames everything on Israel.
I daydream a lot about this sort of thing and one of my daydreams is that the Church is the solution. Well, it's the solution oto everything but it hardly ever takes that God given role in this world as it should. Salt and light, ha!
If the Church united behind Israel for all the right reasons, which they could discover by just learning more about the situation, they sholuld all stand up, WE should all stand up and declare it plainlty, even in the teeth of ridiculous and ammalevolent Arab opinion and UN opinion and all the rest of it. Stand up and declare that righteousness is on the soide of Israel. As Yousef does when he hasn't let his tangential rantings get the better of him. He's not a Christian but he is enomored of Jesus teacings and likes to make use of them in this cause. But I'd rather the Church did it.
Bombard the world with righteous enunciations of Islam, argue forecefully that there is a better view of things and that the Palestinians should give up Islam as their worse t enemy. That IS their worst enemy. Islam is the enemy. Of all the Arab nations based on it for that matter. Hammer the teachings of Christ into the heads of the Palestinians with ceaseless propaganda campaigns. Wake them up. They don't need to become Christians so much as they enneed to see th e falseness of Islam and how it is keeping them enslaved to poverty and abuse by their leaders and ignorance and so on. Information blitze.
Oh well.
Piers Morgan gets carried away with all the deaths in Gaza and loses sight of tghe fact that they are the inevitable produce of a war that is legimate and of the evil lies and manipulations of the media by the Palestinians. He gets all carried away with the idea of proportionality as if that ever figured in any war ever before the forces of evil made it a factor to be used as a weapon against Israel. That's the whole point of it. Nobody wants babies killed bu that's the fault of Hamas and that needs to be shown to the world without letting up. If the whole world did what they should do and condemned Hamas, or indeed Islam itself, instead of Israel, the whole thing would have a solution in no time.
But we're on course for the End now aren't we, and that just isn't going to happen. Evil is going to grow worse and worlse all the way through the Great Tribulation and Armageddom and then Jesus will return and that will be the whoonly way the thing ends. Because houmanity is lind, blind fallen corrupted untable to choose righteousness.
The only way we have of knowing the truth in this world is God's own revelation to us through His Word both the Bible and His Son Jesus Christ. That's it. And even many of us who have that great privilege of knowing these things midss it. But it's there and even if no perfect in most of our presentations it's there and it's the truth and if enough of us say it it would make THE difference.
They try to say that Israel's attack on gaza is the same as terrorism. good grief the world has gone mad. We US attacks on Dreesden terrorism? Was there a question of proportionality inovlved in that? how about Hiroshima? No, war is war and it's aimed, in the hands of the US anyway, at peace, not conquest, and the ame is true of israel's attachks on Gaza. AWar is not terrorism, at least not a defenseive war which is what I'm talking about. The making of equalivalences between good and evil is today's biggest confusion. Same for insrtance with peopel
s inability to tell the differnece between the death pena to a criminal murderer and the killing of innocent babies in the womb, or the murder committed by the murderer himself.
People can't tell the difference between innocent and guilty. I pointed out to a friend that the Bible syas those who kill human beings are to be killed by human beings in return because human beings bear the image of God. Her answer was that therefore even the murderer should be allowed to live because he also bears the image of God. Good grielf people ar econfused. There is no right and wrong, no good versus evil, no innocent versus Guilty. And ofcourse we see it in the prosecution of Trump who is innocent of ninety nine person of the charges against him as well as the accusations that are treated as charges that have never acrtually beeen brought against him such as the accusation of inciting insurrectgion which he did not do, and prosecuting all those peopole who were just standing around in the building as insurrectionists who happened to support Trump olitically, while real criminals are set free. We're certainly set up for the End.Some deaths are ritghteous and som are criminal. Some enforce justice, some take innocent lives. The Palestiinian defenders are trying to claim that Israel is out to take innocent lives just becfuawe innocent lives are being taken. Can't think straight. Don't want to think straight. Partian self interest.l
The hardest thing to accept about the fallen wrold is that there is no way to cure it with any righrteous reasoning or any blitz of truth, we just hav eot do our betst to minimize it and even those methods are being compromised these days. even in the Millennium which is also the fallen world though Stan won't be around to make it as bad as it can possib ly be, even then it will deteriorate after the thousand years into a slough of uhnrighteousness such as we are now seeing at the end of this world.
Maybe if Mosab Yousef can curb his love of his own philosophical musings he could finally get back to the taksk at hand sand continue to offer some strong truths to the war in Palestine. He appreciates the struggle for trtuth and the work of self discipline and of dying to self, maybe he can bring it to bear now on tghe problem of his liking his own musings on the nature of reality too much.
Oh well, I keep finding things to respond to. Two pro Palestinian guess on Piers Morgan and thewn Douglass Murray came on for a while. At the end one of the first two I don't know wtheir names, refused to answer Morgan's question whether October seventh was a terrorist attack. I don't know why he couldn't just say no because that's what he obviously believes. he thinks it was justified by israel's supposed colonialit occupation and aggression so it's not terrorism even tbhough it targeted women and children and civilizans in general and that is the main part of the definition of terrorism which Murray made clear. It's the TARGETING of civilizans that makes it terrorism, but Israel is not targeting civilizians despite tthere being many civilizan casualties in the war on Gaza. Why are these guys even allowed to speak at all. Murray is right epopele who hodl such veiws whould be sent back where they came from they do not belong in the West where they oppose our very foundations. But Britain is supoipidly leftist and so ins the US getting there along with all the rest of Europe. The world has gone stupidly and dangerously leftist and that's going to be the end of it all.
Evil for good and good for evil says Isaiah.