Friday, August 16, 2024

Cast Out the Priests of Baal and then Maybe God Will Bless Us Again

The problem with freedom of religion is that there is a tacit agreement that we must treat all religions as equal not just in the political sense but in the theological sense as well, as we hold ecumenical prayer meetings including religions thta god surely regards as baal worship or worse.  How is He going to bless such prayer meetings?  Yet that's the kind of prayer meetings that are had in Washington D. C. for this nation.  How on earth is God going to bless such a nation?  Thou shalt hve no other gods bedore Me, He says, but that is exactly what we arfe going and yet we expect Him to hear our prayers.    

The situation in the National Ctherdral is the worlst.  That's where George bush held the prayer meeting after the attack on the twin towers, with ...  well I forget who all was there.  A ctholic priest I think, and an Imama, ...religion of peace my foot...  Native American?  Mormon?  I don't remember.    I'm not even sure He'd accept a Catholic priest's prayer despite the nominal Christianity.  Mary worship by the Pope, or the every existence of the Pope is enough to disqualify them.   Not that all Protestant demoninations are acceptable either I'm sure, but that's the only group from wihich god would be certain to hear prayer.  True Orthodox Protestants.  

We ask how it is thta Islam has only becomje more, rather than less, influential in the nation sinxece nine eleven.  All we have to do iw look at that prayer int he National Cathedral for starters, but all the other ecumentical prayers held in Washington every year.  We're committing massive sin against God ith such meetings.    How is the nation ever going to properly repent and ssk God when we can't get that much straight?

Oh, probably a rabbi too.  No, Judaism is not an acceptable prayer partner.  Denying the Messiah Jesus disqualifies them.  They are not praying to the true God and shouldn't be included in prayers for the nation.

\We can talk all we want about the need for prayer and looking to God to save us from this dire situation we are in, and surely we should, but it's futile if we're violating this basic requriement for such seeking of Himj.    He hasn't been blessing us as we sould hope, He hasn't given us the revival we so desperately need and pray for.  Islam is more powerful in the country than ever.  If He'd been hearing us that wouldn't be happening.  \\\\

Sure it's all our national sins as well, bortion and all the resto of it, but none of that is going away either.  Something is wrong at the core of things.  Maybe it's God's unwillingness to bless us, but maybe it's something we are doing to prevent Him from blessing us.    Mayube the first thing we should repent of is this blasphemous ecumenical prayer thing.  

Unfortunately it would praobably have to be at the national level.  I suppose if groups of citizens did it there might be some benefit, but when we are talkinga bout a national reason for the national's being cursed, the remedy has to be at that level.  \\\\\

They've actually had many idolatrous religions represented in prayers for the opening of Contgress.  Even Wicca.  how is God going to bless that?   We're going under for sure if that is our stance.\\\

Later:  After writing this post I've been feleling awfully remiss at having neglected this subject for so long, even forgetting it as I think instead in terms of God's simply giving up on us for our isnfulness nin general.  Because after writing this I think it's the core problem and I've been failing to do my job, follow my calaling which I know He's given me.  He's given me various topics to cover here though I often wantder off into my own preferred topics I'm afraid, but this one comes from Him.    This is the nuimber one thing the nation needs to repent of.  We need to cleanse the sanctuary as the Maccabees did after Antiiochus had desecrated it.  We've desecrated it.  I don't mean just the literal National Cathedral althoughthat would certainly be an obvious place to start, but I mean refusing to have prayer meetings with anyone who is not a follower of Jesus Christ.   There would be a horrendous uproar.  So what.  We're used to the uproars of the ungodly by now aren't we?  The woke, the lying left, the politically correct, we're called racists and we'll be called worse for this I'm sure.  So what.  God is to be our AUthority, not these men whose breath is in their nostrils.


I'm lonely, that's the problem isn't it?  I have only my blog to talk to and unfortunately it doesn't talk back.  If it could I couldn't read the converation anyway.  

Oh I have people to talk tgo, just not about the things that matter to me.

nd still the world is burning down around us.  Well I've given some thought to how I would go about trying to fix it but I don't have the means and talk is cheap.

The Moral Sense of Unbelievers

 A post or three down I said that I thought a few of the Ten Commandments might be acceptable to today's secular moralists but I've thought further about it and don't think so.  Stealing is now promoted as gangs of shoplifters are free to drive businesses to shut down.  Lying is just fine because they all lie and I doubt they'd say much against it.  there was a time in America where there was enough Christian morality that you could count on people having enough of a conscience to check themselves when lying was a temptationj.  Stealing and lying.  Oh and murder too of course is just fine as long as the victim is a fetus as they prefer to call it to avoid the fact that it is a human eing.  And eucthanasia is OK though that is really murder too.  And of course it's just fine to assassinate anyone you disagree with.

So, sure Dawkins human beings have some sofrt of moral sense without God, but when you think about what it amounts to, it ain't much.

Good questin?

 Shy am I spending so much time trying to kill evolution and defend Christianity against Richard Dawkins when the world is burning down around us?  

I've Got To Get Off This Dawkins Stuff

 He keeps carrying on about evolution by natural selection as the answer to everything we can ask about life and God and so on, and the way he thinks of it I suppose it is the answer.  But he has this ridiculously simplified idea of it.  Natural selection just always selsects the most useful thing.  Well I suppose why not.  But what about amillion other possibilities that would keep cropping up oin a frandom genetic system that would not cause any hard tm to an organizsm, wouldn't they just be retained there useless though they are?  maybe he has an answer to that but I don't know what it is.  Supposely such things drop out but I don't see why if possibilirties just go on cropping up and natural selection keeps selecting the best.  Oh time time and more time.  Time will solidify the selected ones as they will confer greater survivaility even in a small amount to the possessors, while the others will eventually drop out that don't confer any benefit, but why should they drop out?  What makes them drop out?

So his simple openended change naturally selected to produce only the best and refine it would do what he says it would do, only it can't exist.    Again selection of new phenotypes can only occur with the loss of genetic variability which over many generations would lead to the inability to produce more change.  

More Dawkins: The Improbability of the Existence of God

 Dawkins keeps coming up on my You Tube page, which makes sense of course since it keeps finding more of the same of whatever it is you spend time on, and it is tempting to listen to some of it and when I do I usually get provijed into saying something about it.  So an interview he had with one Alister McGraw came up and they are discussing hte probability of the existence of God and what faith is and that'sa as far as I've gonve to this point.

I long ago got tired of arguments for the existence of God based on mere reasoning because none of it proves anything in either direction.  The onlyu argument tht convinces me is the one from scripture, The Bible of course not any other scripture.  Christian theology it seems to me answers all the relevant questions and nothing else does.  I don't care if God seems provable or improbable to the antheists I think you have to have a proposition about the existence of God directly experiencesd by people which is what is found in the Bible.  Personal testimomnies on top of that may help but personal testimonies without that are of no use iether.    If or course you've found the Bible so odious you couldn't believe it for that reason alone, which is apparently Dawkins' position, then there is no place to go from there.  But his rejection of it on those tgrounds is misguided as he just has no feeling for the context of the actions he is vilifying, as I discuss in a post a few days ago.

It is only the Bible that gives us a n explanation for our common experience of a sort of blankness when we think of God, hwe have no experience,k ono eability to recognize a God, it's not in us you wcould say.  That is true for the entire human race as we find ourselves in this world.  And it's only the bible that gives us the explanation of the Fall or Original Sin as havigng deprived us for the ability to sense the presence of God.  Dawkins mocks tht idea too of course, but as with the rest of his mockerings it's just hthat he has no rael understanding of the meaning of "total depravity" as it is put in the arguments about Calvin's theology.  Tottal depravity does not rmean we are wholly evil as so many  seem to think, it means we are cut off from the highest good at the very least and cannot make a right judgment or right decision about God and His moral Law because of our deficiency or depravity.    

Of course he have some sort of moral sense.  We have a conscience.  We are all made in the image of God, Christians don't deny that.  There is a goodness in us considering the depravity and so on.   Howeverk, if the claim is that we don't need God to make right judgments accurtely all the time that is wrong.  Huamnity without God thinks abortion is just fine for instance, or pornography, or divorce, and has no problem with covetousness which is one of the vforbidden ten of the ten commandments.  Most would accept murder and lying and stealing as sins or moral failures or whateve they want to scall them, maybe not so much adultery and as I said not covetousness, and certainly nothe five commancments of the first table, loving God above all others, having no other gods, not taking His name in vain, honoring the Sabbath and always honoring parents.  All that is problematic to one degree or another to humanity without God.  So while we have some moral sense it's not the same as the one we'd have through the Biblical God.But then they just say they are right and the Bible is wrong and so what.

When I first understood the idea of Original Sin during the years when I was reading my way to God as it were, I was thrilled because it seemed to me to answer a million questions I hadn't even formulated clearly.  Why there is evil in the world at all for instance, why there is war, why there is so much hatred and so on.  Why there is murder, how there could be a Ted Bundy or a Stalin and so on.  Finally getting a sense of iroriginal sin added to the faith in God that was started to grow although I didn't yet grasp much about the role Christ played, what the cross had to do with any of it and so on.  I wasn't reading the bible, thoughj I was getting quotes from it in many of the books I was reading.  

I don't think you can conclude much of anything about ehe existence of God without the Bigle, and apparently that doesn't do it for a Dawkins either though for me it makes all the difference.

Fatih is the substance of things hoped for, tevidence of things unseen.  Well, yes, God is Spirit, we can't see Him.  If we are born again we have a sense of HIs presence at times but He's not physical and we can know Him only through faith.  Christ once walked the earth and was a real physical presence for those who knew HIm but we have to know Him by faith now.  And we know all the tenets of the religion by faith, that we are saived by belief in His death of r us on the cross and so on.    That's what faith is.  I tdon't think other realigions have faith in the true sense of the term.  People seem to think it merely means you believe there is a God.  Pretty minimal idea though.  Faith in the biblical sense tells us a lot about God and allows us to grow in knowledge of Him.  That can't happen in a religion that doesn't even describe God as the Bible does.  The bible shows us God in many diffedrent contexts so we accumulate a sense of Him far beyond the notionj  of some vauge entityu.

BSaving America Daydreams. Again. In the Teeth of Despair

 It' s been a while since I did a post on the subject of saving America.  I'd already lost much hope back then and it's even more so now.  Althought trump looks like he's in a good position to win the election I'm afraid the democrats could still manage to manipulate it in their own favor and Trump would lose, and that really might be finally THE end of America.  

I always come back to the recognition that half the country is believing the lises of the Democrats or leftists.  they never hear the truth and don't have any interest in seeking it out because they think they have the truth in their propagandists.  The rpblem keeps seeming to be this blindness of half the country.  Surely a lot of them would change their minds if they knew the truth.  I suppose not all of them, but a lot of them.  But getting the truth to them seems insurmountable problem.  All the normal channels are effectively blocked.  Even with millions or billions of dollars you couldn't get the message through on those normal routes.  

I tend to daydream about doing it the old fashioned way, with flyers, stuck under windshield wipers, thrown onto porches, nailed to telephohne poles and so on.  Enormously difficult but in a different way.  It wuld also take billions but on top of that a lot of human workers.    Still I keep coming back to it.

mark Levin gave a list of questions he'd like to ask Kamal a Harris on his show this eveing, quetsions about economics for instance since she keeps lying about whty there is inflation and who creted it and seems not to understand how inflantion is created.  The left keeps pushingpolicies tht can only bankrupt the country but they either don't know it or they are doing it on purpose and p[robably it's both.  but the average Democrat surely just don'oestn' know any of it and needs to be educated.  those wuld be the popele a blitz of flyers would aim at.

Economics, the border --  wow, there is an ad on my local radio stateion, supp[oedly a conservative station, for a guy fruning for Congress who sounds like a Republica mnn compalaining about the border situation and how criminals have come into the country, but he blames it on the Republican incumbent rather than the biden administration.  The guy calls himself an independnent but clearly he's a leftist.    I wonder how mmany people his tack will influence.

Just list the econionmic issues and answer them briefly in this flyier.  causes of inflation, facts about inflation under Biden and under Trump, how etaxing the rich actually venefits the poor and middle class rather than being a favor to rich cronies as the left likes to say it is  did I say tazing the rich?  I can't remember .  I meant of course cutting taxes on the rich.    Cutting taxes on the rich benefits the whole country, produces more jobs, expands businesses wihich further produce more jobs, can even raise wages, and is known to bring in more tax revenuie thatn when taxes are raised.   I'm sure the liberals have no clue about any of that.    Also the minimum rwage is a disaster for the economicy and they love that one.  As Milton Friedman said it is the worst possible policiy for young blacks just enetering the work force because nobody will hire them for menial jobs at such high wages.    Why\\\\  Surely what we need to bget across is the simplye fact that a free market, free enterprise, works out best for everybody in the end, but they hate capitalism.  that's another big one for the flyer.    Rento controls, price controls, more favorites of the leftg, disasters for the economy.  They don't get it.  Or they are determined to destroy the country.  I hope they just don't get it.  Bombard them with educational flyers.    

Unfortunately a flyer would't be large enough to contain all the information I'd like it to contain.  Id like to ahve a section taking on everyly lie told agobbout Trump and snswering it.  I keep hearing all that idiotic stuff still..  Hear it on The view for instance.  

Hundreds of millions of flyers would have to go out in the next few weeks unfortunately.  too bad.