The problem with freedom of religion is that there is a tacit agreement that we must treat all religions as equal not just in the political sense but in the theological sense as well, as we hold ecumenical prayer meetings including religions thta god surely regards as baal worship or worse. How is He going to bless such prayer meetings? Yet that's the kind of prayer meetings that are had in Washington D. C. for this nation. How on earth is God going to bless such a nation? Thou shalt hve no other gods bedore Me, He says, but that is exactly what we arfe going and yet we expect Him to hear our prayers.
The situation in the National Ctherdral is the worlst. That's where George bush held the prayer meeting after the attack on the twin towers, with ... well I forget who all was there. A ctholic priest I think, and an Imama, ...religion of peace my foot... Native American? Mormon? I don't remember. I'm not even sure He'd accept a Catholic priest's prayer despite the nominal Christianity. Mary worship by the Pope, or the every existence of the Pope is enough to disqualify them. Not that all Protestant demoninations are acceptable either I'm sure, but that's the only group from wihich god would be certain to hear prayer. True Orthodox Protestants.
We ask how it is thta Islam has only becomje more, rather than less, influential in the nation sinxece nine eleven. All we have to do iw look at that prayer int he National Cathedral for starters, but all the other ecumentical prayers held in Washington every year. We're committing massive sin against God ith such meetings. How is the nation ever going to properly repent and ssk God when we can't get that much straight?
Oh, probably a rabbi too. No, Judaism is not an acceptable prayer partner. Denying the Messiah Jesus disqualifies them. They are not praying to the true God and shouldn't be included in prayers for the nation.
\We can talk all we want about the need for prayer and looking to God to save us from this dire situation we are in, and surely we should, but it's futile if we're violating this basic requriement for such seeking of Himj. He hasn't been blessing us as we sould hope, He hasn't given us the revival we so desperately need and pray for. Islam is more powerful in the country than ever. If He'd been hearing us that wouldn't be happening. \\\\
Sure it's all our national sins as well, bortion and all the resto of it, but none of that is going away either. Something is wrong at the core of things. Maybe it's God's unwillingness to bless us, but maybe it's something we are doing to prevent Him from blessing us. Mayube the first thing we should repent of is this blasphemous ecumenical prayer thing.
Unfortunately it would praobably have to be at the national level. I suppose if groups of citizens did it there might be some benefit, but when we are talkinga bout a national reason for the national's being cursed, the remedy has to be at that level. \\\\\
They've actually had many idolatrous religions represented in prayers for the opening of Contgress. Even Wicca. how is God going to bless that? We're going under for sure if that is our stance.\\\
Later: After writing this post I've been feleling awfully remiss at having neglected this subject for so long, even forgetting it as I think instead in terms of God's simply giving up on us for our isnfulness nin general. Because after writing this I think it's the core problem and I've been failing to do my job, follow my calaling which I know He's given me. He's given me various topics to cover here though I often wantder off into my own preferred topics I'm afraid, but this one comes from Him. This is the nuimber one thing the nation needs to repent of. We need to cleanse the sanctuary as the Maccabees did after Antiiochus had desecrated it. We've desecrated it. I don't mean just the literal National Cathedral althoughthat would certainly be an obvious place to start, but I mean refusing to have prayer meetings with anyone who is not a follower of Jesus Christ. There would be a horrendous uproar. So what. We're used to the uproars of the ungodly by now aren't we? The woke, the lying left, the politically correct, we're called racists and we'll be called worse for this I'm sure. So what. God is to be our AUthority, not these men whose breath is in their nostrils.