Thursday, January 28, 2021

Some More Conservative Food for the Head

 Victor Davis Hanson 2021 | Trump Agonistes - YouTube

\Communism, Trump, and Leaving the Left | David Horowitz | POLITICS | Rubin Report - YouTube\

Trump Derangement Syndrome & the Crumbling Media (Pt. 2) | Scott Adams | POLITICS | Rubin Report - YouTube

Episode 1254 Scott Adams: A Wokeness Linguistic Kill Shot, Election Security Insights, and Apophenia - YouTube

Episode 1257 Scott Adams: I Tell You How the Giant Pile of Pocket Lint Called Joe Biden is Doing - YouTube

Kanye West, the Media, & New Conservatives | Larry Elder | POLITICS | Rubin Report - YouTube

Larry Elder - Black Lives Matter Unveils List of Demands to Whites | Congressman Elbert Guillory - YouTube

Post Mortem

 Even when they get it they don't get it.  Even some on the "liberal" side who reject the most extreme leftist positions suffer from "Trump Derangement Syndrome" and utterly lack the ability to assess the man correctly.  "Narcissist?"  No more than many political figures.  "Craves adulation:"    That sort of thing.  they don't get it.    I can't say he had no personal stake in how he was perceived, that couldn't be, but I can and will say that he was far more motivated by his understanding of what the country needs than by any personal needs, and I think his supporters share that view of him.  They didn't go to his rallies to see him strut and preen  they went because he spolke for them and for the true American Republic.   

When he fought the election results it wasn't his own personal inability to tolerate losing the election AT ALL, it was his awareness of how devastating the loss would be to those who support him and the loss to the nation itself, which I among a few million others are feeling acutely right now.  He didn't want the office for himself at all, and this is what the idiotic Left will never get, having zero ability to understand people or the American political situation.   In a sense it's not about Trump himself at all, it's about the complete anti_americanism the Left has embraced over the last few decades without a clue.

I wonder what's going to come first now, totalitariahn rule in America or the complete absorption of the nation into the world system.