Friday, November 1, 2024

Some Seriour Thoughts by Unbelievers on The God Question

Wonde4rful things pop up on You Tube fairly frquently despite its being a leftist bastion of cancel culture and wokeness and all that craziness.  I can't navigate anywhere else so I'm stuck here but grateful for how much really good stuff comes up nevertheless.

Theatest I just litened to is a \n episode of Uncommon Knowledge with guests A\Douglas Murray, Tom Holland and Steve oh drat I keep forgetting his name.  But all three of them are deep thinkers and whatever they say is rivieting.  For me anyway.  

This one is The God Question and each of these men has written a book relating to this subject.  All have conlcluded to one degree or another that Christianity is the philosophical cultural foundation of wester civilization, even having coming from points of view that would put them at odds with such a conclusion.   

Theyreno belivers and talk about Chrisitanity ass a body of concepts.  They addresss the question of how theis perspective relates to the question of belief.  I keep wanting to argue with them about this or that, particularly with Tom Holland, because they miss the whole point of belief.  They do know this though and that's important.  

To summarize, they see how the moral framework of estern culture is thoroughly Christain even though belief in the resurrection is not necessarily part of that.  

It's a great discussion even if I think they go offf the rails here and there.  

Toad the end someon quoted someone, I don't believe in God but I miss HIm.  Apparently they can relate tot aht feeling.  I remember something like that feeling myself from the years before I became a believer.  I was a pretty committed atheist but I did from time to time have to admit that I felt a pang of loss from the time I gave up my pretty shallow childhood believe in God about the age of Ffifteen.  A pang of loss but I became an atheist.  For the next thirty or so years.    I well remember the first Christmas I experienced in church hafter becomeing a believer, sitting there hearing the old carols sung and actually believing them and knowing their meaning for the first time in my life, tears streaming down my face.  

Why can't they believe in the resurrection?  It seems an odd sort of stubbornness to me.   The disciples themselves didn't believe in it either at first but their coming to believe it by witnessing Him alive ought to carry some weight with readers of the account.  They saw Him alive.  He even appeared to do called doubtingg Thomas.  Then he believed too.  It's all there.  They are honest people.  

These are highly intelligent men and men of ddeep feelings too.  Very touching.

\Does God Exist? A Conversation with Tom Holland, Stephen Meyer, and Douglas Murray

Just want to add a couple remarks I remember from the discussion.  Both might have come from Douglas Murray but I'm not sure.   All of them agreed with the sense of strangeness of Christianity.  I thought that was an interesting observation.  Yes there is a strangeness to it and certainly to unbelievers committed to the contemporary secular mindset.    The other remark I remember was the poignant statement that everyone has had an experience like looking out a window at an entirely different world and feeling That is my true home.   Yes.