Sunday, August 14, 2022

Spurgeon takes Us Deep Into the fallen Nature, our Natural Enmity to God

 Charles Spurgeon plumbs the depths of the fallen human natur, the carnal mind which is enmity with God.  Have you ever taken a glimpse into that enmity inb your own fleshly nature?  It's terrifying to someone who hopes to be saved because it looks absolutely impossible for such a creature so naturally at odds with God ever to be changed to such an emormous extent.   Yet that is what all the works of salvation done by Christ accomplished.   

The Carnal Mind Is Enmity Against God: Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio - YouTube

I think of Christopher Hitchens who wrote "God is not Great" and debated as an atheist for many years before he died.  the epitome of the fallen human nature in himself.  All his arguments come from his inborn enmity to God.  It takes the breath away.

It's all here.   Why we must be born again, regenerated.  We must have a new nature.  It's nothing we can do ourselves because all our means are corrupted by the  Fall.  God Himself has to do it all.  We can't add one smidgen of an iota of our own effotts to the mix,  in fact we must not.   We must become poor in spirit , having absolutely nothing to contribute.