Sunday, January 30, 2022

Rights and Freedoms Are a Hill to Die On

Chris Pinto's documentary, The True Christian History of America showed up on You Tube so I've been able to watch it again. I don't think it was there before, I found a trailer but not the film, but it's possible I'd overlooked it. Possible, but I think it was put there later. Anyway I get to see it again after all.

Yes, he shows the Christian sources of the principles that formed America. Wycliffe actually used the phrase we impute to Lincoln, "Government of the people, by the people and for the people." That was in the thirteenth century. Freedom of speech and religion, the right to keep and bear arms, the right to resist tyrannical leasders, it all had precursors in European and especially English history.

Seeit it again now, I may be changing my mind about something. These things are worth fighting for and not to fight for them is to yheild to the tyranny our founding documents intended to protect us from. This is a hill to die on. They are lying to us, they are violating the Constitution at every turn. It makes no sense to depend on merely trying to vote out of office peopkle who are actually committing treason. The Declaration of Independence makes it clear that there are times when tyranny has to be confronted and fought. I thihnk we're there.

Blah Blah Evolution Blah Blah COVID Blah Blah

Yes, it's obvious, and they should see it also if they would only really really think it through. That is, evolutionary theory is false. False false false. It's nothing but a piling on of one assumption after another, nothing but a castle in the air built of specul.ation. They really think it's science. THEY REALLY DO. tHERE IS NO FACT ANYWHERE IBN THE WHOLE MISERABLE MESS BUT NO MATTER, IT'S SCIENCE. iF YOU SAY OH IT'S ONLY A THEORY THEY SAY YES BUT THAT'S ALL SCIENCE EVERYIS. uM, BUT THE THEORY OF GRAVITY IS A VERY DIFFEREHNT THING FROM THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION. tHEY CAN GIVE ALL SORT OF ACTUAL FACTS FOR GRAVITY, FACTS AND FORMULAS AND SO ON. sAME WITH eINSTEIN'S FORMULA. bUT But for Darwinian evolution nothing but clever speculations. Yes, still. Not just Darwin's but everything they've added to it. It's not science. It's not science.

But of course that will get me about as far as I get trying to argue that it's the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated, who are spreading the Corona virus. Sent to the gulag, the gulag of being ignored and ridiculed in this case though the unvaccinated seem to be destined for a more substantial gulag. Lbr<
A bird is a bird is a bird is a bird. Sparrow or ostrich or penguin or flamingo. There is a birdness to birds that makes them birds. A dogness to dogs, a catness to cats etc. It's in the body plan, the basic structure. That never varies. You'd think it would if evolution were true, if birds were realated to dinosaurs for instance. But no, a bird is a bird. Cat body plan doesn't vary either, it doesn't shade off here and there to some other body plan, it's always a cat body plan whether it's a lion or a tabby housecat. I don't know why I got into this one, it's only one of dozens of ways o9f showing that evolution is a b ig fat fraud.

But of course it wouldn't matter a whole lot since it really has absolutely no practical consequance. Yes that's true but they'll deny that too because they appropriate things that aren't evolution to evolution and call them evolution. Sign. But the reason it matters is that this fraud of a "theory" is destroying the foundations of western civilization. First it brought the Bible into question. They oh so earnestly say but golly gosh all the good things in religions are still there even if science has proven some of it wrong. Doesn't work that way. The Bible is God's word. ALL of it is true. Darwin set himself against God and silly fallen humanity bought it.

I wish wish wish I could show them how they are wrong but of course I can't. Since it's all a mental fabrication it can't be falsified. Why can't they see it though? For one thing they probably never try to address the theory itself, they spend all their time looking at living creatures and using the evollutionary tag words to describe what they observe. It's all a word game.

Makes me hope the Pre-Tribulation Rapture is coming very very soon.

asnd yet of course I want people to be saved. But as long as they "know" that"sicence" is the truth and the Bible is false fat chace even of that. Well, let's not run away with this now, God is the one who saves and no stupid fallen science can stop Him.

Meanwhile we're being lied to in a million other ways these days. Lethal ways.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Where the Last Post Was Trying to Go and Almost Went

It's not all that much a racial thing, what sort of civilization or culture you get. It is to some extent but in the case of Western Civilization and its unique achievements in human rights which Loury rightly says belong to him as much as to any of us who inherited that legacy, it should be ascribed to the influence of Christianity,. I know that's "Controversial" among the atheistic secularists who run things today, it's a truth that needs to be recovered.

Whereever Christianity took hold it would have transformed a culture in the same direction, it just happened to take hold more in the West than anywhere else. Not without detours and conflicts, a millennium of pagan Roman Catholicsm mixed with the Christian influence and so on, the mixture of iron and clay described of the final Empire in Daniel perhaps. The Magna Carta was forged during that period, and that is certainly one of the historical milestones on the way to the rights and freedoms the American founders aimed to establish.

Such concepts come from God, they certainly don't come from fallen human nature, but what Christ did for us on the cross was make it possible for our nature to be transformed. He overcame the effects of the Fall for all those who belong to Him, who are born again, born of the SPirit, growing in conformity to the character of CHhrist. Under that influence society as a whole grew more and more into the character of Christ. Infants the pagan world abandoned to die, the dlderly the pagan world put out to die, the sick, the unwanted for whatever reason, were erescued by those under the influence of Christ and given shelter. Hospitals were started, orphanages were started, all the provisions for the weak that have now been taken over by government were started by Christians.

And from the same source came the concepts of rights and freedoms that led to the curtailment of overbearing kings. None of this could have come from the pagan world. It isn't in fallen human nature to free the slaves or regard humanity as created equal. That comesw from God. That comes from the understanding that human beings are made in the image of God. The concept of natural rights comes from that same source, we are born into rights because we are made in the image of God.

All this needs to be recovered, and that today is certain to be an uphill battle because the fallen mind has reasserted its contrary vision. The Enlightenmentnt to which American liberties are ascribed these days was really such a reassertment of the fallen nature. The liberties that derive from the biblical God were at least partly reshaped in the image of fallen humanity, and we can see where that goes by looking at the bloodbath of the French Revolution. We can also see a twisting of biblical concepts in Communism. Their twisting makes a tyranny out of what in the Christian context is genuine liberty.

I wanted to watch Christ Pinto's latest film again, the one titled "The True Christian History of America" but my eyes are so bad I couldn't make all the right buttons function for me. I tried to watch it at Amazon but for the first time they asked me to sign in and I could barely see the sign-in form, and what I managed to enter kept getting rejected so I don't get to watch the film again. But I think he did a good job of putting together the Christian foundations of the rights and freedoms of the West that came down to the American Constitution.

We need an army of scholars pursuing these points and pushing back against the resurgence of tyhrannies. What we need is a sweeping revival, a HOly ASpirit revival, of Christ in our world.

That's the legacy of the West Glenn Loury possesses, but we're in a time when it is rapidly getting swallowed up in the paganism it once overthrew, and in twisted redefinitions of its own contributions. But a genuine revival of true docttrine through the Holy Spirit, would transform this nation and potentially the whole world back to the original vision of the American founders. Glenn Loury wants to see black communities themselves make the changes that would bring them into the prosperity and peace promised by the Constitution, but what I'm saying is that for this to happen requires a great move of God in those communities. When people are brought under conviction of the Holy Spirit they emancipate the slaves, they abandone crime and establish a rational system of justice, they seek the good of their neighbors, they promote sane education, they establish orderly societies. T

There's a lot standing in the way of such a recovery. We have decades of twisted laws and politices that need to be undone, we havde a couple centuries of pagan claims to "science" such as evolutionary theroy that has contribued greate greatly to the destruction of western civilization, now Marxism , COmmunism, have taken hold of people. Aand as I keep noting, it doesn't look like God is going to give us the revival we need. I haven't comjpletely given up hope but ....

Monday, January 24, 2022

A Mess of a Post Staring with the Black Intellectuals such as Sowell and Loury and Leapfrogging Wildly to the Feet of God

If I had another lifetime I think I'd want to read all of Thomas Sowell's books. I'm sure he's not the only one I'd want to read at such length but he's the one I'm thinking about at the moment, and that's because I just heard a discussion about him on the Glenn Loury Show at You Tube, with Loury, John McWhorter, and guest Jason Riley who wrote a biography of Sowell.

These guys are thinkers. I want to say the best of the thinkers these days seem to be blacks. I don’t know if that’s true but that’s how it hits me.

Then I heard another Loury podcast with guest Heather MacDonald who is new to me, and within the first six minutes she said something that blew me away because it is so true and I’m so glad somebody finally said it that way. Here’s that podcast:

She said she’d been reading books by major black writers – Frederick Douglass, DuBois, Malcolm X, Eldridge Cleaver and others, and although she sees the “1619 Project” as wrong as history, she found something in that and the other accounts of black experience very sympathetic to the point of calling Loury’s own position in support of the principles of the American founding to be amazingly magnanimous, since “we don’t deserve you.” She said that it was remarkable that a black man could take such a generous position considering the “gratuitous humiliation” whites had subjected blacks to over the years, using also the terms “gratuitous sadism” and “gratuitous nastiness,” and it was those terms that made the crucial point for me. *

Yes, I’ve seen that gratuitous cruelty against blacks, even in parts of my own family. Not very often, it was highly subdued and some family members who turned out to hold such views never expressed them in my hearing, I found out about it later. So I grew up thinking my family was blessedly free of such attitudes for the most part, it was only the odd cousin, the odd aunt who once in a great while said something denigrating about blacks that was so out of context I didn’t know what to do with it. I was pretty strongly antiracist though in a passive way, and thought I got it from my family but now I’m not sure where it came from. School? Church? Other family members?

But I’d certainly heard racist expressions from people outside the family and even in recent years, when Obama was President, I was astonished to hear a Christian denounce him for being black while I was denouncing him for being a Communist and his blackness had nothing to do with it to my mind. THAT blew me away, and then when MacDonald described the attitude of some whites to blacks as gratuitously vicious I recognized how exactly she’d identified that mindset and I needed to be reminded of it in those terms..

So I know it still exists here and there though I agree with her that it’s mostly been done away with in our time and systemic racism is certainly gone. And although I understand what she meant about her surprise at Loury’s generosity considering such mistreatment by whites I just see him as able to transcend his own personal experiences,whatever they might have been because he is a true thinker who can appreciate the philosophical bedrock of the American founding apart from the inherent sinfulness of fallen humanity. I’ve always admired that about him specifically, he has the best grip on these issues of anyone I’ve heard.

While today’s leftist are busy trying to kill America itself as fundamentally flawed by racism, he knows that, on the contrary,fundamentally America was originally designed to be the only answer to it we have, it’s the principles of the founding that brought slavery, and ultimately also racism to an end and without those founding principles there would be no recourse against it. Slavery countinues to thrive in the rest of the world without no such principles to oppose it. Loury appreciates that those principles were the fruit of centuries of western civilization.

She’d started out praising a speech Loury had given at a National Conservatism Conference sometime in the previous year, and since I love Loury I looked it up and was reduced to tears by it. Here it is:

No, he is not just being magnanimous in embracing the principles of the American founding as his own inheritance, his own worldview, over all the mistreatment of blacks by whites in this country. He knows they are not the essence of America, they are fallen human beings acting in spipte of the principles he embraces as an American. He knows that it was those principles that finally made it possible to bring the injustices to an end. The legacy of the west that ended slavery in the west and nowhere else on the planet, is his The humanitarian achievementys of the West are his, and America as the finest embodiment of those virtues are his. .

He doesn’t talk in terms of fallen human nature as I do but the concept is implicit in his thinking. The main framers of the Republic had the fallenness of humanity at the center of their vision of government, aiming to prevent any individual or group from acquiring power to the point of focing the rest of the wountry to submit to their will, which is what the fallen human nature will do when given free rein. We see this happening now as these principles designed to keep such power in check are being ignored. What is happ-ening is a coup, the destruction of the Consitution that would protect us from such tyranny if it were obeyed. We’ve seen it eroded step by step over the last century by twisting its own principles against it. So what Loury is lauding is its original intent and that is what we need to recover it we are to save the nation.

I suppose I should try to unpack that last paragraph but it’s more than this post could bear so I won’t. The point is that we are losing what Loury recognizes as the essence of America. Marxism is in its very nature treason against the American vision but even Marxism couldn’t prevail if that vision remained intact. That is why it is destroying it.

The fallenness the framers sought to keep in bounds is threatening to overthrow it all. Not the racism that was once out of control but now the antiracism that pretends it still exists when it doesn’t any more. The problem with a Constitutional government is that the people who run the government have to understand what it means and have the courage to apply and defend it. As John Adams said, the Constitution was made for a moral and religious people, it is wholly inadequate for the government of any other. Now that we are no longer a moral and religious people it is fallenness that is taking control. We haven’t been alert enough and it’s already torn down much of it going back decades.

The achievements of the West, of the Constitution of the US, are the fruit of the CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE OF THE WEST. This is the perspective that needs to be recovered. It is hardly ever recognized--it's been co-opted to the Enlightenment and that's what Loury also says --but it is crucial. The rights and freedoms Loury embraces could not have sprung from any fallen source. The only solution, the ONLY solution to the current breakdown of western society and government is a return to our Christian roots. We can’t put the Constitution back together without God. Once the fallen nature, the unbelievers, have control, it can only continue to disintegrate. Revival on a nationwide scale, God coming among His people to reform us and strengthen us, God’s Spirit drawing millions into His kingdom, that’s the revival we need. And I still don’t know if it’s possible, if we have enough spiritual strength to be heard, if we need to make some reforms before He’ll listen, if He’s already determined that it’s time for judgment and too late for recovery. I don’t know.


* I realized later that I didn't really say why Heather MacDonald's description of the gratuitous humiliation of blacks by whites had such an impact on me and by now, a couple days later I have to scramble to recover it. I think of it this way: I'm used to the idea that blacks suffered from unfair laws in the Jim Crow era, and used to thinking of racism as a predominantly southern phenomenon even though I could point to instances of it across the country if I stopped to consider it. What MacDonald's description did was make it close and personal, a matter of countless individuals with a racist mindset, a mindless mindset that had no foundation at all that anyone could tell, just a completely senseless attitude, a hatred without a basis. And her expression brought it into my own family in a way the historical facts of unfair laws didn't. So I was able to appreciate what she was saying about being able to accept something in the historically false 1619 Project for instance, and no doubt the writings of the radicals she'd been reading. The scholarship of that recent book is ridiculous but it impressed on her the pervasiveiveness of that gratuitous meanness, and her putting it in those terms impressed it on me too. There's nothing inherently any more racist in whites than any other peoples of the world, evidenced by the fact that it seems to be almost completely eradicated by now, not completely but almost, but there's no denying that for more than half of the previous century sprobably most whites held to that attitude of gratuitous meanness.

Keeping it alive as today's leftists want to do does no service to blacks or the country as a whole, and Loury is quite right to lay claim to the legacy of western civilization as his own because he's an American, and apparently the generations of the last few decades are blessedly free of the racist mistreatments their fathers and grandfathers had endured.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Spurgeon the Christ-Bearer

Spurgeon has lately become for me a deep well of wisdom and comfort through many of his sermons that are online and read by a surprisingly congenial voice. Some preachers open the scriptures to the hungry soul, but Spurgeon, I hope I'm not just using hyperbole, brings Christ Himself to the the hungry soul. His words carry Christ. If you are open to receiving Him. I'm discovering this with every session of listening.

God told Abraham, "I am thy exceeding great reward." Not just salvation, not temporal blessings, but God Himself is our exceeding great reward. One of Spurgeon's themes is passages from the Song of Solomon, and Spurgeon himself conveys Christ in such a way as to make the hearer say with the Shulamite, "I am sick with love" -- that is powerful preaching.

As the deer panteth for the water brooks, so pants my soul after Thee. It is a rare preacher who can convey God at that level. He was immersed in God.

The world is disintegrating before our eyes. I want to be a force for good in it. That can only come from God. People have some good ideas but in the end the only power that could accomplish anything of value comes from God.

Footnote: Yes in a sense there is no distinction to be made between scripture which is Christi's words and Christ Himself but I'm trying to say something about how Spurgeon's preaching has a way of bringing a sense of the presence of Christ Himself in his preaching while other preachers may bring a deep understanding of doctrine and that's hugely important and it's Christ in a different way. It's hard to get this said right. I feel I touch the Spirit through Spurgeon in a way I don't always with other preachers, even the best preachers. He restoreth my soul.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Part 2 on the COVID Nightmare by Understanding the Times radio

Part 1 last week is posted below. Among other things it covered a couple of horror stories about people hospitalized with COVID who died of mistreatment by the hospital. This week Part 2 starts with the situation in Europe where the unvaccinated are being severely restricted, causing protests. Another case of hospital mistreatment is described, and a guide is referenced to help people to deal with COVID if they get it. Avoiding hospitalization is the number one advice.
Both parts are on the Olive Tree Views website radio archives page.
Archives Page

Monday, January 17, 2022

Charles Spurgeon, film about his life -- AND ANOTHER CALL TO THE HEAD COVERFING FOR WOMEN

This little film just happened to come up on my screen, about the life of Charles Spuurgeon, known as "The Prince of Preachers" who became hugely popular as a preacher in Lonbdon in the 19the century
Spurpgeon had a great impact on the church and his writings are still available. It's hard to believe that there ever was a time in England when a preacher of the gospel could have been so popular and influential. We need another Sprrgeon.

UPDATE: Spurgeon's impact on England and indeed the world might fairly be called a revival, again tnot the dramatic sort of revival I have in mind when I pray for it, but it has to be called a revival when so many people are impacted for the gospel and a great effect in social reforms is one of the results as it was in response to Spurpgeon's preachibng.

And note please, that the women in his day all covered their heads in church. Since this is an argument I often make, that it may well be that God will not bless us with revival because we have abandoned this one simple but important requirement as preached by the apostle Paul, this is another opportunity to say so. Again, the whole point of the requirement to cover our heads is based on God's creation ordinance of the hierarchy of headship, Christ over man, man over woman. Headship is not tyranny or domination, it's a simple ordering of roles and authorities. Giving it up was suspiciously aligned with the growth of liberalism in the churches, and feminism, both worldly values that undermine the biblical authority.


Saturday, January 15, 2022

Evolutionary Assumptions Should Drive You Crazy, If You Think About Them At All Carefully.

Just a teensy little example.

He says we are able to think logically because logic serviced our ancestors well and got passed on in the evolutionary pathway to modern man.


Surely if they spent any time at all thinking through just how any of this could happen as they so blithely assert that it happened, they'd have to come to the realization that it could not have happened as they so blithely assert that it happened. Surely. If you spend any time at all thinking through how the reptilian ear could have evolved into the mammalian ear you MUST come to the concluseion that it could not have happened, and all the assurances that it just took a lot of time don't substitute for that thinking through.


We think logically because God thinks lobiccally and He made us in His image.

Some Varieties of Spiritual Deceptions

Her exact words are lost to me but I know she started by saying "I can guarantee..." and what she was guaranteeing me was that Christianity is an illusion. This was during the period in which I read my way to Christ and I'm not sure exactly when Sarah came back into town, but I would guess I wasn't yet a Christian believer although apparently I was attracted to the Christians at that point. Probably mostly the Catholic mystics such as Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross.

What I'd told Sarah about my explorations I don't remember. She was a Zen Buddhist priestess by then, having practiced for at least a decade. She was in town only temporarily, probably living at the Zendo. We'd been close friends earlier but hardly saw each other any more. Still she contacted me when she came into town and we had some nice conversations, this time all focused on our religious and spiritual experiences. When I described one of mine she said it was a "satori" which I knew to be a Buddhist experience*. She seemed to see what I was going through in much the same terms I was seeing it, as a sort of personalized spiritual practice, which by its intensity was leading me into experiences disciplined meditators would have later in their practice. It was an extraordinarly intense time for me. Belideving in God after a lifetime of considering myself to bean atheist was emotionally explosive, and I do think it was that heightened emotion that brought about some of the experiences that one might not normally encounter in a more disciplinesd progress of meditation or other spiritual practices. In retrospect I think it was a very dangerous time I was going through because all that comes from encounters with the demonic realms. Which at the time I didn't kno9w how to think abhoutt theologically.

So she was guaranteeing me that Christianity was all a delusion. She seemed to think she knew this beyond a doubt because of her experiences in meditation. Some of my do=it=yourself experiences were pretty scary but hers were even scarier. Later I found an article she had written online which describewd Buddhism as a version of shamanism. Clearly that did not go over well with the Buddhist community. I know now what that means but when i first encountered it I didn't really know much of anything about demons, or Christian theology.

Certainly her experiences of the demonic realms, which is what it was, I know now, had convinced her that there was no other reality. The demons or whatever Buddhists call those spiritual beings, are calling all the shots. They create illusions to deceive people about many things. That much is very consistent with Christian theology and it's interesteing to realize she had been dealing with demons and knew it. I'm sure I wasn't yet saved, didn't really know the gospel, or by then I would have tried to persuade her away from all that.

What exactly she had in mind about the Christian world she could guarantee me was a delusion I don't know. I don't remember what I'd told her and maybe she was putting it together mostly from her own dchildhood experience of growing up Baptist in Mississippi. Perhaps the very idea of God was what she had in mind. *I would guesass it was along those lines. There is no GFod in Buddhism, just myriads of spiritual beings and spiritual experiences of many sorts.

One of my coffee house friends during those days also assured me that Christianity was all an illusion. He was into the "Seth" books, about an "entity channelled by the author, who taught her all sorts of what I would now call "Doctrines of Demons' as the Bible calls it. My friend said the dmons put on shows for people to convince them of all sorts of realities that don't exist. And supposedly Christianity is one of those shows they put on for those foolish enough to be drawn into it.

All that is not hard to beleive from a Christian point of views. I think of the recent caccounts of trips to "heaven" in "near-death experiences," in which sometimes elaborate landscapes and personalities are presented to the person having the experience. Often people come out of these experiences convinced they've seen the true reality of what's on the "other side" and voconvinced that's where they are going to go when they die. They may amend their lives to be better people. The great deception in all that is that when they die that is not where they are going to go, to whatever paradise the demons created for them. All of us go to Hell unless we are saved by Christ and the real delusion is that the demons teach some sort of doctrine that denies that Christ is who He says He is in the Bible, perhaps he's one of many "masters" or that sort of thing, and of course there is no such thing as "salvation. All that according to them is a delusion. Interesting that all the religions, all the demons, are very determined to attack Christianity in particular as false. They don't bother much about other beliefs. Does suggest that there's something about Christianity that threatens them. The only religion that's true. All the rest they control.

So many people have been inoculated against belief in the true gospel by such experiences. They are pretty powerful experiences, can be very vivid, very compelling. And I think both my coffee house friend and Sarah knew at least that this is what demons do, they invent worlds and experiences to deceive people. UFOs are one such deception they ;ve invented. Apparitions of Mary are a big one, they've ensnared millions of Catholics and Mulslims with that one. But there's no end tgo their inventions designed to deceive. Just listen sometime to Coast to Coast radio to get a sense of just how many strage experiences they've invented for the allurement of human beings.

So I don't know exactly what Sarah was guaranteeing me is untrue about Christianity but I guess it's probably mainly about the exiistence of God. She described one frightening experience she had had in meditation to me: her hand had turned into a bird's claw, or really a dragon's claw and she couldn't change the her perception. She ran to the Roshi who assured her it would fade and eventually it did. And while she was in town she seemed to experience some kind of freefloating fear which she didn't talk about, but for instance she insisted on walking in the middle of the street as we walked to my apartment and kept glandcing up at the trees with a fearful look on her face.

She had a plant she wanted to leave with me while she went somewhere else for a while so I took care of it for her. When she came back she spent some time examining it very carefully before picking it up and taking it away. I had the odd impression that she was looking at it to see if it revealed signs of whether I was friend or foe. I think she was reassured that I was not a foe.

Oh, by the way, I wanted to mention somewhere in here that she had a long string of beads wrapped around her wrist. A rosary. That was my introduction to the fact that the rosary somes from the pagan religions. It's certainly not Christian. But at the time it was just an interesting fact which I didn't understand until later.

We lost touch again, reconnected briefly online only to find that we'd become so far apart spiritual ly and politically we couldn't remain close friends and we lost touch again. I haven't been able to find her online for years and I fear she's probably died. I wish she were still alive and would contact me and give me a chance to try to persuade her to the gospel of salvation.\

Well I can't see what I; m typinmg, I have to trust the way it feels under my fingers and I'm sure I'm making horrendous mistakes as usual which I may or may not be able to correct later.

But this seems toa story that needed telling. People have all kinds of spiritual experiences these days that really aree delusions. Of course I simply trust the Bible to be B Go'ds word and God has to reveal that to a person, I can say it and give whatever evidence I can muster, but it's God who shows people the truth. In the end I can only pray that He will show many..

' *Although Sarah did call an experience i described a "satori" which was quite flattering as I understood the term to mean "enlightenment" which would have meant I'd reached a spiritual milestone according to Buddhism without even trying, the experience itself never suggested anything of the sort to me. It was one of a series of experiences I'd been having of extraordinarily heightened emotions, and by emotion I mean standarrd emotions such as love, hatred, fear, anger, and so on. The one she called a satori was compassion. All these emotions I'd been experiencing in extraordinarily powerful engulfing episodes that lasted a few minutes, maybe as long as fifteen or twetny minutes. I don't want to get into a description of them here but they were clearly emotions, albeit of an extraordinary intensity. The compassion episode was triggered by simply seeing a person in a wheelchair and being overwhelmed by this sensation of being squeezed by a gigantic hand like a wet rag being wrung out, and the emotion was a supernatural level of compassion. I don't think that's "enlightenment." But I also don't think it was demonic and I shouldn't have put it in the same category. Many of my experiences were demonic but I think these emotions were more like a heightening of normal human feelings, brought about as much of my overall experience was during that period, by the intensity in my pursuit of spiritual knowledge.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Part 1 of 2 on the COVID Nightmare by Understanding the Times radio

This week's Understanding the Times radio is a solid primer on the COVID situation, especially the dangers of hospitalization in this current atmosphere where effective treatment is denies and ineffective treatment forced on people. The program gives sources to help people deal with infection that at the moment my eyes are too bad to detail here. Just getting the video embedded was an ordeal. Anyway it's all there and looks very useful.

A few statistics mentioned in the first ten or fifteen minutes: 80 percent of Omicron patients are vaccinated. Over a million vaccine injuries have been reported and nobody knows how many are unreported, over 21 thousand of these injuries are deaths, again reported, unreported of course unknown. I'll also repreat Peter McCullouch's estimate that 85 oercebt of those who have died of COVID could have been saved if they'd received proper early treatment.


Thursday, January 13, 2022

A Book Exposing the COVID Nightmare

So many books I'd like to read. I've got Mark Levin's but reading is not possible so I have it as documented evidence. I could have Glenn Beck's book for the same reason, and Robert F. Kennedy's, and now this one I just heard about:


< r> From the blurb at Amazon:

No one needs to die! Overcoming the Darkness of COVID is about two doctors who used a treatment protocol early in the pandemic and early in treatment when the conventional wisdom issued was not to provide any treatment to patients and send them home until they got sick and then go to the hospital where they were then often put on breathing machines – many of whom died. To the contrary, every one of the patients Dr. Tyson and Dr. Fareed treated early in the illness recovered and there were NO deaths. They also treated those who were severely sick and only lost a few. The treatment protocol they used included pharmaceutical and nutraceutical ingredients and has proven to be highly effective and safe with COVID, especially when caught early. This book is their story complete with testimonials from patients and other doctors, research studies, news clippings, and most of all, the reasons why this successful treatment was held back from the public. Overcoming the Darkness of COVID is a must read for anyone concerned about their health and successfully negotiating the pandemic

It's only available at Amazon on Kindle and I would want the hardcover. I don't know why that isn't available. Since there is some reason to think the Kindle version might have been tampered with I don't want that for any controversial book any more,. It's also interesting that there are a number of listings for a book "summarizing" the doctros' book. Why would that be necessary? Makes me rather suspicious that it's an attempt to discredit it, so I certainly don't want that either.

Anyway, this looks like a very important book and I hope it gets a huge circulation.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Can We Reboot the Nation Back to Its Origins and Derail the Destructive Great Reset?

I heard about Glenn Beck's new book on Mark Levin tonight when he interviewed Beck. And I didn't hear the whole interview, I just happened to turn it on while they were still talking. Levin promoted the book as a companion to his own most recent "American Marxism." BBeck's is "The Great Reset: Joe Biden and Twenty-First Century Fascism." They treat each other as partners in the work of saving America. It's a heartening thought.
> THE GREAT RESET, by Glenn Beck

You have to see the problem before you can fix it. Both Levin and Beck see the problem and show it to us. Then how do we fix it? Levin gives lots of good practical actions we can take in his book, but I was intrigued by Beck's answer to that question. First of course he admitted that it's enormous difficult if not impossible, but his answer was that we need to "reboot the nation" though I'm not sure those were his exact words. "Reboot" was certainly his word and that's the intriguing word. We have t turn off the system and turn it back on again to reset it back to its original condition.

Which is a way of saying what I keep thinking, and it does seem to be utterly impossible, but it's the only solution. The entire miserable mess of what leftism has done to this country has to be turned off completely and the country reset to its original foundations. Decades of accumulated distortion of our Constition have to be rolled back, Supreme Counrt decisions that have twisted it out of recognition, laws that destroy its very foundations. It all has to be turned off so that the Constitution can be reclaimed.

Utterly impossible on the face of it.

But nothing halfway will accomplish anything. Piecemeal legislation won't do what is needed even if the juggernaut of the Left could be avoided long enough to get anything through.

The system needs to be reset. And that's not the "reset" of the title of the book, which refers to the Great Reset which is the global plan to destroy America and all the free nations of the world.

How? Well, as usual I'm starting by praying for it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

What's Wrong With Everything In A Few Brief Blurts

There’s too much to talk about and I don’t know where to start. I want to talk about the lies we’re hearing every day about COVID and the “vaccines” that aren’t vaccines, I want to report on Joe Rogan’s interviews with Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone, I want to tie in their view that we are in a time of mass pscyhosis which has been orchestrated in stages, with the Holocaust survivor testimonies I’ve been listening to that also reveal how they were entrapped by orchestrated stages Maybe not so much orchestrated as being tried out one at a time to see how much resistance they may generate and since they didn’[t generate much, they were very effective, they escalated their oppressive measures for the next stage. Well, we’ve been through unnecessary lockdowns, unnecessary masking, the propaganda that vilifies a segment of the population by another segment. Step by step we are getting herded where they want us.

I want to link to Chris Pinto’s recent radio show in which he discusses ten issues from the previous year that are following us into the new year, a sad litany of betrayals by the people who are unfortunately in power in this country, and all over the world for that matter, the same people Michele Bachmann called “monsters” in the talk I linked in my last post.

Then Jan Markell’s latest show is unfortunately also an important source of sad news, as she interviews Cary Gordon who made a film titled “Enemies Within the Church” parts of which can be found at You Tube. This is all about how the enemies of the culture have also invaced the churches with their antichristian Wokeness and other abominations. The most shocking revelation to me was that Albert Mohler, who has been a hero to the true born again church for decades, has capitulated to these evil influences. Just a side note of my own: I suspect Chris Pinto could take us behind the scenes even further than this film and show us who has been plotting thes coup and how they’ve succeeded.

I thought I might put together a post starting from one small incident in the part of that film about the takeover and destruction of what had been a solid Florida church. One woman who opposed the takeover and was ousted forher efforts reports that when she came close to one of the main leaders of the takeover the hair stood up on the back of her neck. There’s no explanation for that other than that the man was demon possessed. It’s evil spirits that cause the hair to stand up like that.

And that could lead me into another sad topic which is the growth of the occult in America. Sometimes I tune into the late night Coast to Coast radio show which is usually about the paranormal, and it’s staggering how many people are apparently involved in one facet or another of the various occultic experiences from UFOs to witchcraft to oiut of body experiences and much much more. They even rationalize it in some cases as “Christian” though it is all demonic and it’s horrifying to realize that they have no clue to its essentially demonic nature. Yes I should do a post on that eventually if I can.

The Lying Media. This might be a topic unto itself or maybe its belongs with the COVID topic but I just thought of it: the reports that the hospitals are overlflowing with COVID patients, most of them unvaccinated. They interview such a patient who says she regrets refusing to be vaccinated, giving no information about her even whatever, what she’s in the hospital for – we’re supposed to assume she’s sick with COVID but I don’t assume any such thing any more. Maybe she’s there for surgery and tested positive for COVID. They call people unvaccinated who have had one or two “vaccinations” they classify people who test posibive as COVID patients no matter what their reason for being in the hospital. And then they go and interview a guy who says he can’t get a needed surgery because the beds are full of the “unvaccinated” who are “selfish” to take up beds others could use. The fact is that most of the patients aren’t COVID patiensts at all, and the truly unvaccinated make up a minuscule proportion of those who are. It’s the vaccinated who are getting sick, in fact the variants are probably manufactured by those who have been vaccinated but of course we’ll never get that information from the mainstream media who for some reason are in on this program of trying to scare us all to death and make a villain class out of the unvaccinated. That’s part of the COVID propaganda campaign, but of course there’s the Critical Race Theory propaganda campaign which is making villains of “white people.” Vaccine Passports are in force in some places, maybe they’ll make someo of us wear a white badge that says “racist” on it or something. But I dogresss.

I’ve also had in mind a post titled something like Liberals Live in LaLa Land, to express my frustration with the fact that the great political divide in this country is largely due to the fact that the information people need is being withheld from half the country. It's the liberals who don’t know what’s going on because they trust the mainstream media and the dominant authorities of the current government and never seek out any other sources of information. All other information they consider to be “misinformation” by evil conservarives because that’s what the bogus authorities of Social Media tell them. This is maybe the biggest frustration right now, the engineered impossibility of getting the truth to half the country.

I’ve also got a project in mind that’s still pretty vague, coming off Chris Pinto’s recent film about the Christian foundations of America. How it was more than a mere Reputlic, it was as he quotes Samuel Adams, intended to be “the reighn of political Protestantism.” How it could have succeeded but didn’t and now never can. ,br>
O On the theme of the intended Christian nature of America it would be all too easy to document how unbelievers, both the hsotile and the benign who just don't have a clue to what Christianity is all about, have fought for antichristian interpretations of the Constitution and the framer's original intent. Even the benign as I called them are hostile to Christian principles and the Law of God. Oh yes I need to write more about the Law of God too. Anyway I just heard a wellmeaning liberal talkking about how we're going to need to get used to the idea that it's OK to experiment with different gender expressions, as if it's just very backward of us, simply unevolved or that sort of thing, to fight this "progress" Oh yeah, the meaning of "progressive," I've wanted to do a post on that too. Anyway, this nice liberal thinks we need to explore the variations of geneder as interesting experiences or something like that. I don't know if she knows the Bible condemns the dressing as women by men and as men by women, but I'm sure the bible is just an artifact of human thinking anyway rather than the word of God, there being no God in her thinking, but the fact that that's in the Bible is the reason we cannot, we Christians cannot, play around with gender variations as she seems to think would be a good addition to our lives. I don't see the attraction to such expressions anyway myself.

So the world is going to Hell and we've been watching it helplessly for some time now. I still hope God might show us how to deserve a revival but at the moment things look awfully disposed against any such possibility.

Oh another theme. Yes the Jesus Freaks of the seventies was a revival of corts and I haven't r mentioned it as I've written about wanting a revival. It was a revival but not quite what I've had in mind and it's effect on the Church is not entirely what we should want either. There are half-baked revivals and that has to be kept in mind.

I'm sure there's more but I suppose that's enough misery for one post.