Monday, August 23, 2021

Larry Elder Must be a Real Threat to the California Left. The Smear Campaign has Already Begun.

Just saw the headline "California Officials Launch Probe into Recall Candidate Larry Elder's financial Report == not sure about the last two words, the headline went by fast and I couldn't find it again when I looked. Probing his financial statement was the idea however.\

Typical leftist tactic. They don't have to have any reaosn to launch such a probe, all they really want is to sow doubt in the minds of the public about Elder's integrity. They may do such a probe -- or not 00 and if they do they may well find no fault --but the headline is enough, because character assassination is the main tactic of th left against all opponents of their ideology. They did it to Trump from the moment he declared his candidacy, one insinuation after another, even to the point of impeaching him twice for nothing but insinuations. They never had a shred of justification for any of it. But Marxists don't care. Appearance is what matters, and apparently it works. Along with some election rigging of course.
Larry Elder would make a great governor of Califonia. We need to be praying for him.

Last Days Unification of Roman Catholicism and Islam as the Global Religion Under the Antichrist

Ex-Catholic teacher Mike Gendron, teaches on the similarity between Roman Catholicism and Islam He says that Catholicism has more in common with Islam than with evengelicalism. What they share is autocratic leadership, a false Jesus, anti-Semitism, reverence for Mary, belief in the messages of the Apparitions of Mary, works-righteous salvation, and more. He sees them as combining to become the global religion in the Tribulation period of the Last Days., following the removal of the true Christian Church in the Rapture. He apparently sees the papacy as the False Prophet of Revelation 13, the beast with the horns of a lamb, who commands that the world worship the beast identified as the Antichrist.

Historically Islam and Romanism were understood by some to be the two legs of the statue in Ne3buchadnezzar's dream of Daniel 2, the two legs of iron representing the Roman Emppire well in the future in Daniel's day -- something Gendron doesn't mention. Islam supplanted the eastern half of Christendom at the same time that the bishop of Rome was elevated to ruler over the western Christian church and western Christendom itself which was dubbef the Holy Rpmoan Empire.

Both also have a policy of killing those who reject their teaching. The fact that beheading is the cause of the martyrdoms desribed in Revelation 6 suggests to some that Islam will be the agent of the Inquisition during the Tribulation period, because beheading is their method of choice, although Roman Catholicism itself had murdered some 67 million dissidents over 600 years of their reign in the Middle Ages, including some 50 million Christians.

So there are many reasons to link the two religions for a last days global nightmare religion, and Gendron does a nice job of describing their doctrinal similarities. It looks to a lot of us like this could all come together very soon.

Jesus' death alon4e suffice4s for the complete salvation of any who turn to Him, without works of any sort, without deserving it in the slightest, just by acknowlledging your sins and repenting of them, recognizing that He is God and that He gives salvation freely.

Thank You, LORD, that you allowed me to be able to see well enough to write this post.