Sunday, October 6, 2024

 Oh but I would like to see evolution theory blasted into the outer dark before I go.

Rapture Mimblings

Jesus made it clera that we would not know the time of His return, which mot of the prophetic ministries thinki of as the Rapture of the Church followed by seven years of the great tribulation for the rest of humanity followed by His descent to the earth to reign.  I keep having problems with this end times secenario but I also don't have a better way of thinking about it all so I just hope they are mostly right and I can look forward to the Rapture if we really are as close to the end as it feels.

Asfor notknowing the time it's seemed to me that an event as momentous as the Rapture of the Church wuld have to occur on one of the Jewish holy days.  Jesus was crucified on Passover, which was of course given to look forward to that event for the fifteen thousand or so years since the Exodus from egypt, and then the Church as born when the Holy Spirit descended on His followers assembled in the upper room in Jerusalem, which occurred on the Jewish holiday we call Pentecost though it has another name in Hebrew.  Two big events in Church hisory marked by Jewish holy days, so why shouldn't the Rapture also be slated for a holy day?  Rosh Hashana is the one that comes to mind, especially since it involves trumpets, but the one yethis year just came and went with no ratpure.  So maybe the Day of Atomnement?  The Feast of Tabernacles?  Or even Hannukkah or Purim?    I can't help it, those days just seem the most likely time for Jesus return.    

I'd love to go on one of them soon of course.  I've pretty much given up on having more of an effect here than I've already had if I've had any and that's iffy.  I can count three people I've influenced toward becoming believers and that's been a long time.  If people aren't going to come to belief before the Church is raputred or beofre teh tribulation comes crashing down it's going to be very hard on them though they can be saved through all that, or so the prophetic ministries say.  The pre trib pre mill ministries I mean.  

I've become more or less reconciled to the idea that I'm not going to be able to influence anyone at this point so all I can so is hope for the bewst for those I care about.  It's in God's hands.