Saturday, June 18, 2022

Corrected Egyptian Time Line Affirms the Presence of the Israelites in Egypt During the Exodus Period

On a few of the atheist videos Christopher Hitchens mentioned that there is no evidence from archaeology for the biblical period of the Exodus or the the years spent by the Israelites in Egypt between Joseph and Mosess. Since there is at least one Egyptologist who has questioned that standard evidence or lack of it, which I posted on before, I want to bring that post up again, but there's also been a second interview with the same Egyptologist since then whilch I'll put up here:

These interviews were done by my Great nephew C Jay Cox, and here is also a film that presents this new evidence, "Patterns of evidence.: that I found on Amazon at the time of the first interview.

Here's what I wrote at that time: two posts on the subject.

Heres a way to say it maybe\

He's got a God Shaped Hole the size of the Grand Canyon but he's trying to fill it with himself.

His own prejudices and profound thoughts that is. And I like a lot of his opinions very much. But right nng as a barrier to finding God.

I remember en reading about religion for a couple of years ievver I suddenly understood that the truth was where Jerry Falwell lived and I was very prejudiced against Jerry Falwell. He represented my barrier.

Jordan Peterson, the Perils of Doublethink

Knew I should leave well enough alone but I had to post this other video of Peterson in the previous post and of course I goofed something up and right now I can't even listen to it. Oh well.

The thing about someone who has the kind of appreication of the bible and religion that Petedrson has is that he has to doublethink everything. He can't let it be what it is, he can't accept it as it is, the Bible is this "strange old book" that needs his modern perspective imposed on it. That's deadly for ever coming to a true understanding of God but in his case he does such a deep and passionate job of it, as I said in the other post, it's compelling in its own right. He has a profound appreciation for the human condition and that is admirable. He has a profound understanding of the role of the Bible in shap8ing the best in western civilization and that is admirable. He has a profound understanding of the need for each human being to embrace the best in culture for the purpose of self understanding and living with wisdom.

But the problem is that the "strange old book"

has to be read in simple faith and trust if you want to know God. If you doublethink it and impose your modern assumptions on it you maty get some very interesting and useful ideas for life out of it but you'll miss BGod completely.

Just thinking from the human point of view and forgetting for the moment that God must act in leading all of us to himself, I just wonder what it would take to jolt him out of his doublethinjk into the simple trust needed.

Jordan Peterson Intro Probably More to Say Later

Jordan Peterson. He's a fascinating phenomenon. It's hard to know what to make of him, he's so utterly unique. Something inb him is straining toward God with such a passion his God-shaped hole is swallowing him up. But at the same time he's pursuing God from such a personal point of view I fear he's going to miss Him altogether.

Oh wow, I'm not up to this post right now but my eyes are so bad I don't dare just leave it for another time because I never get back to the place i left off so I'm going to post one of the videos about him and exit for now:?]

sten to this guy. On the Bible He's trying to "make it rational" but he has an amazingly deep appreciation of his own take on it. He's wrong but there's something so compelling about his thoughts they're of value in their own right. It's missing God, that's the problem, and it's hard to see how you get to God from where he is but, wll, God is the God of the impossible.