Tje wjp;e tjomg os a [erfpr,amce [it pm bu tje fa;;em agmge;s. are are a[[aremt;u abe;e tp create scemeru amd bio;domg s amd a;; sprts pf cjaracters as tjeu tjoml isefi; om deceovomg a [artoci;ar gi;;ob;e ji,am beomg/
I just heard one in which the NDE traveler encountered a being she identified as the Archangle Michael. He appeared a few times to her and gave her messages over the years. How do I knoqw thaat was not the Archangel Michael> Because in the Bible we only hear of him once and it is the Archangel Gabriel who mentions him as the defender of the nation of Israel. Gabriel has been sent to explain a vision to the prophet Daniel and says he had been detained b6y a barttle overt the nation of Persia as I recall. I hope I don't have theis wrong but it is simomething lie that.
The pint is that the archangels are tghe highest angels and they have imporetant roles in the redemptive histgory of the Bible, Gabriel who brought understanding to the prophet Daniel and then brought the news to the father of John the Baptist out his son to be, and to Mary who was to be the mother of the Messiah promised from all the way back in Eden and aounced from time to timje throughougut the Old Testament. These high angels do not appear to ordinary people who have mnothing to do with the great plan of redemption. And I might add, Gabriel would not have talked with Mohammed in the cave because that "angel" contradicted his work in the Bible. He would not be party to the formation of a new religion said to supersede the Bible and he would not serve an idea of Jesus as a mere prophet when in the Bible he announced Him as the Messiah who was the Son of God, the only begotten SWon of God. It'
s elementary, but you need to know a little about the Bible and of course wyou have to believe it.
Another popular idea these days in connection with all this psychic phenomena is the idea that we all have past lives, that we keep coming back into one life after another. It's a form of the idea of reincarnation but of course it is nothing like the classical idea of reincarnation which is all about the kind of life whyou had leived in a moral sense ieven if they moightg not use the term moral, which determines what sort of life you will have next which could be to return as a lower animal if you didn't deserve to come back as a human being. Of course a Christian rejects all such ideas but the idea that we choose to come back as a human being in order to learn this or that lesson of lifek which is the current popular idea, fits no religion at all, it's all made up to appeal to totday's mentality. No judgment eve, no sin, you are just learning this or that lesson of life, something nmindnumbingly pedestrian usually, oh you need to learn patiences for instance. You need to overcome a phobia.
The Bible is God's word. He gave it to us because on our own, in our fallen nature bequeathed to us by our original fatgher Adam, we have no chance at all of ever figuring anything out. At the Fall, when Adam and Eve rebelled against God, they lost many of their former powers. The spirit in them that had comunicated with God died immediately so all tgheir offspring no long have the ability to communicate with God. We are all born as pretty much nothing but fleshly creatures, our souls communicating only through our physical senses, knowing things in the phyiscal world as well as things in the demonic realms oif we are opened up to that, but we have no ability whatever to know God. That ability is restored to us when we believe in the death of Christ as paying for our sins. Redeemed by His blood, crucified on the cross with Him. When we be3lieve tghat we are saved by His death then we are born again, our spirit comes back to life and we can acommunicate with God. Without the new birth we cannot knoww God. All these bpeople who are having these NDEs are unregenerate people, fallen people whose souls powers have been awakened by one means or another, but the spirit that communicates with God is dead in them. So the demons are free to give them all sorts of preposterous lies that contradict God's word and they are dazzled by the powers of the demons into accepting it all as true.
Sometimes people think they are serving God because of some impersonation of God by a spirit entity or demon and that particular kind of deception makes me particularly sad for some reason. All deceived people are sad but for some reason it bothers me more when people are deceived into thinking they are serving God andI know it's a demon feeding them lies. All of them need to be saved but I find myself praying particularly for those under that kind of deception.
How I would love it if anything I write here might be the means to save evenone person from this sort of demomnic abuse. Please Lord?
Added later: I have to suppose that the fallen angels can also create that unconditional love feeling almost all the NDEW people experience, also that sense that they know what others are feeling when they have their Life review and see bad and good things they did to others. telepathic communication is something I think we will experience in the afterlife amont many other restored powers, and I suppose the demons also have such powers. But it's all a supposing at this point.
Couple days later: One guy hears the voice of "Christ" although he says any name wouild do, another prays to"heavenly Father" but not in the name of Christ and has a lot of New Agey ideas along with it. The one who hears from "Christ" has been reading A Course in Miracles.
But their context is Christianish and therefore a more subtle form of deception perhaps than some of the others. One of them has a Catholic background. In factr a lot of these people who have NDEs come from a Catholic background, it would be interesting to know the percentage overall of those with that kind of background. Here and there someone with an evangelical background can be supposed to have simply a very nominal experience of it so the doctrines that would keep them from being deceived aren't available to them. Catholics often don't get those doctrines at all anyway so they are probably more vulnerable to begin with.
So easy for the demonic spirits to take advange of people who have no real kowledge of the truth of the Bible.
They think they are in touch with "the divine" when it is only a coulish counterfeit, to refer back to Watchman Nee's way of putting it all together. If you aren't born again you don't have the reborn spirit with which to contact the divine, or God Himself, you are once born only and it is your soul not your spirit that is contacting whatever it is contacting. Nee says you can have your soul powers awakened or released by something that suppresses the body or flesh, which in a lot of these cases is some kind of injuuiry or medical trauma. That may be why is b ringing all this about. Buddishists and Hindus and others may release this power through intensive meditation and thaot sort of thing. But it is only soul power, it is not divine power, it can only connect you with the demonic realms, not with God or the divine realm. Demons know a lot and can wow people with their wisdom but they certainlyu are not divine.
Soul power is the arena of witchcraft, as well as telepathy and cclarivoyhance and that sort of thing. ASome miracles also come with this power. Unusual knowledge can come with it. But it is from the fallen nature, the sin nature in this fallen world, and is therefor forbidden to a Christian and shouldn't be practiced by anywone. It's very likely going to become the basis of the Antichrist religion of the last days, which are fast approaching. People with these exprieriences and powers are lulled into a false sense of security. Only the true Christ can save us, but these experineces make people feel safe when in fact it is all just going to plunge them into Hell after this life. Diabolical deception.
s not that doctrine is an end in itself, that's for sure, but the point is that if you don't have right doctrine whatever experiences you are are not going to be trustworthy. And besides, even when you do have right doctrine you shouldn't be too ready to trust your experiences. In this life we are to walk by faith, faith in the revelation of the word of God. Faith in the god there revealed, faith in Christ and his death on the cross. We do not walk by sight in this world but by faith, that's the only safe way./
But again, we're talking faith based on right doctrine.