Wednesday, September 18, 2024

More Coyne

Too many things to talk about, the crazy destructive political situation, Charlie Kirk talking with Tucker Carlson, Bill Maher talking with Jordan Peterson, and Jerry Coyne winding up his talk on evolution.  Which is where I'll start.  For one thing I do believe that if evolution could be dealt the death blow it richly deserves some of the other problems would probably straighten out quite a bit because this is one of the bigtgest lies we're living under and if it fell some of the other destructive lies might fall too.  

Yes Mr. Coyne, I believe in angels.  The ones who came in contact with people in the bible didn't have wings, they look like human beings and were accepted as human beings in man of the storieas batout ehm.  I also believe in demons, which are fallen angles who hate humanity and these we may actually sometimes see in our time though not very often because they swould prefer it i f we didn't believe in them, it helps them with their plans to destoroy us if we can be kept in the dark.  

One thing Coyne just said at the end of this talk I've been listening to from time to time, is that the vast difference between the wolf and the chihuahua is evidence of evolution.   He'd just said that the great variability in the genome is enough to explain evolution, but that's ridiculous.  All the genome can do is produce variations on the species that carries it and is built by it.   And yes there is such a huge amount of variation possible that getting the chihuahua from the worlf is indeed an example of it.  

I doub tthat the wolf is the original dog for starters, because any splitting of the population would change the gene frequencies of both populations and over time affect the salient characteristscs of both.  The smaller population would produce the largest changes no doubt, probably with more homoczygous dgenes than the other poulation, but the other population woudl also change over time becuase of its genetic change brought about tby the exit of part of its population.  And since the dog populatoin is enormous, with I don't know how many breeds of dog the changce that there is anything left of the original population whatever it looked like is highly improbable.  the wolf is just one of the kinds of dog.    and I doubt that they hav an genetic evidence to make their case, I think it's all the usual guesswork which they think seems reasonable.  

The body plan is where I would start these days.  Both the worldf and he chihuahua have the same body plan, meaning that if you look at their skeletons wyou will see that they are built with the same basic proportions, and details, and all other dogs are aldoso.  You can get some dramatic differnces like shorter legs and pug faces with drastic breeding techniques but the basic ridigity of the body and the feet and talks and so on should be erecognizable.    In the case of the wolf and the chihuahua there aren't even differences of those kinds, the small dog's skeleton shuould look like a miniature of the wolf's.  I can't see well enough to find the evidence so now I'm gussing too, but when I researched birds back when I could still see well enough for the task I was surprised to find that all the birds look the same in their skeletons, including penguins and ostriches etc.    So I came to the conclusion that body plan is something that doesn't change much at all diespite the immeense amoutn of variation that goes on in its many other traits.   Even the trilobite remains a trilobite in all its proportaions and basic structure through millions of years, according to them, not me, probably hundreds of millions of years according to them, of supposed survival on this planet.  They show lots of variation over those supposed time periods but they all remain the same creature in their pbody plan.  

And asual all Coyne ahas is assertion.  The variation in the genome is no varrier to his imagination, it can just gon on varying into all kinds of other traits that don't belong tho the species that possesses it.  He can't show this with even one example, he just asserts it.   But we have no problem whatever seeing that the chihuahua and the wolf are the same species down to their bark and howl and behavior patterns, all doglike and not catlike or anythingelseliek.  

A lot of what goes on in the formation of a breed is the elimination of the characteristics of toerh breeds, the reduciton in geneti vairiability that accompanies the development ocf new phenotypes.  Which generally means the increse in homozygosity for the main traits of the breed.  It loses the alleles for the variation of that trait.    And this reduction in genetic variability ought all by itself to make it clear that getting new phenotype s is not evolution, the genetic changes are not moving int eh right direction for the development ofof something outside the genome, or evcen, at some point, within the genome as when you get to a great number of fixed or homzygous genes no further change is possible, and that's when you have a real purebred animal that can't interbreed with any botut it's  its own breed.

Not a forumala for evolution.

He also said that junk DNA proves evolution.  Well, if you believe in evolution you are going to interpret the hjunk DNA as the former evolution undergone by the animal.  I don't think there's any way he can actually dow that.  Apparently they do know a lot about twhat those genes once coded for, and in some cases theyh seem to represent some otner kind of creature, but that's onlyh because they arent function now.   I've been arguing for a long time rththat the junk DNA reflects the processes of disease and dieath all living things undergo since our first parents disobeyed God in Eden, known as the Fall, or Original Sin.  With that act of disobedience they doomed us all to death of all kikinds and that includes the death of our original functions bit by bit over the millennia,   Certainly we were much stronger creatures in the original created world, not subject to deaht first of all but not subject to disease of any kind either.  When Adam and Eve disobeyed God the first story we read is of the murder of Abel by Cain.  death in its most violent form.  Nevertheless people continued to live for hundreds of years until the Flood, Some a little shorter than others due to sin fctors we have no way of tracing, and even lived after the Flood for a few hundred years as well, but eventually the life span was whittled down to our current seventy to eighty or so years with the occasional exception into the hundre range.  Djue to God's mercy as He has given us medical protections to counteract the natural assaults on our health.  

So he's wrong about junk DNA, biblical Creation explains it just as well, that is, the Fall that followed the Creation.

Just ave to add again, jut because, that the geological column, that stack of sedimentary desposits that extend for many thousands of square miles, can't pssibley represent time periods so that of course the time periods never existsed:  neithre the usrface of the earth nor the surface of the sea bottom, which are the only two possibilities for the location of these slabs of sedimentary rock, were ever flat and horizontal as these rocks are.  Nor could there have been any period of time, let alone during hundreds of millions of years, tht the surface remained undisturbed as these rocks obviously were until the whole stack was laid down.  There's plenty of disturbance to be seen after they were all in place but nothing during their laying down.  Thar simply cannot have been the case even for a few lthousand years let alone the millions claimed for these layers of rock.   Not to mention that there is no reasonable explanation of the fact that each sedimentary sdeposite is a genuine layer that differs from those above and below it by the kind of sediment that composes it.  this makes no sense whatever on anyh possible theory of how time played out on this planet.  

Ues. de[psotopm bu ,pvomg water pver a re;atove;u sjpwrt [eropd pf to,e. ,aube a few ,pmtjs [erja[s. ex[;aoms ot a ;pt better tjam amu ,o;;opms pf uears pr evem jimdreds pr evem tems/

*   *    *    *

Cine I can't read by Contact information, the Commens, or my email, I have a new email managed by my daughter:

faith'   if uou'd like to tell me how wrong I am, or how right or anything else.

i wrote a short explanation of the situation in the ostg Contact POssi ility, and if you put those temrs  eterms in the search bosx at the above left that post will come up.
