The Lord sent George Whitefield to America a few decades before the American Revoluition, and his impact on the nation that was ultimately formed is considered by most historians to be enormous. Eric Metaxas in his little book, If Youi Can Keep It, treats it as the essential consolidating culturual influence that made the new nation possible, a nation based on self-government, something that had never existed in the world to that point, a nation without a king or other despot, a nation of laws that could only be held together by what the main founders considered to be a religious and moral poeople. As John Adams, the form of government they crafted was inadquate for anyother kind of people.
I keep coming back to this but never feel I've said it enough or even appreciated it enough myself. It is frighteningly clear that we are no longer such a nation, that we once were, as attested pricipally by Alexis De Toqueville, but no longer are. Relgious and moral? You've got to be kidding. Of course we aren't and that's the way it should be, we don't need any of that nonsense in order to be America, in order to have the freedoms we were given, of course not. We're good enough just as we are, rotten to the core as we are.
But the signs are pretty clear these days that we are headed toward a totalitarian tyhranny and in fact are already in the beginning phase of such atyranny, almost already a police state, in which we are not allowed to speak as we will unless we speak what the powers want us to speak. We are to be censored and cancelled if we oppose them, and they are many, very mamany. Not just in the government, but in businesses and coroporations that can just pull our jobs out from under us, and on social media who can just pull us off the platform and silence us. Here and there people are being thrown in jail, some pastors in Canada a few years agov for opposing the vaccine mandate there, and now we've got this horrendous jailing of people who committed nothing more than walking around the building getting slapped with long sentences in one of the worst jails in the country. And on trumped up invented crimes they wnat to do the same to our ex president. It's all partisan, it's all political, it's all done by the left against the right. Sure it could be a different order I suppose, but at this time that's what it is, left against right and with a ferocious power and astonishing level of hatred and malice.
Justice is corrupted, all normal ethics and morals are corrupted, that's the only way this could be happening as it is. Satan succeeded in corrupting the nation, the people of the nation, and buidling up his stronghold on the left, and that's what is happening to our once free nation.
ric Metaxas wrote another book, Letter to the American Church, in which he exhorts the church to fight for America against these trends. I haven't read it yet, can't get the aubible version yhet but I hope I will soon. He's one who thinks we still have a chance to reclaim our heritage. I hope he's right. Well, I'm sure he's right about the method. I'm not so sure that the Church will rise to the occasion.
Another powerful voice that could make a huge difference if people read him in the numbers he deserves to be read, is Mark Levin, in his latest book, The Democrat Party Hates America. It's just out and early responses show that it has th epower to change minds toward a reclaiming of what we have lost. I haven't read this one yet either though I've heard a lot of it discussed on Levin's radio show and hope to get to hear an audible version soon. It sounds like a real game changer if it gets the audience it needs.
And all this needs to be buttressed by prayer, prayer, prayer and more prayter. Oh God have mercy on us, we don't deserve it, we've let this nation come under the power of evil forces, oh give us the ability to raise our voices in the mnillions for Your help now, change us, lead us to repentance, wake us up and save our nation. Oh yes you promised that if we give up our wickedness and call on Your name you will heal our land. You told Solomon that back when he dedicated his emple some three thousand years ago but we know it is for us too.
God raises up people of His own wise choice to bring about the changes He is willing to bless us with. he did that with Whitefield before the revolution and He may be doing it now with Metaxas and Levin and no doubt others. Jan Markell is probably another I just realized. But now I'm thinking of one Ijust head, a new talk by Rosaria Butterfield titled Five Lies of Our American Christian Age in which she dismantels the gay rights and transgender corruption through biblical revelation. Definitely a voice for such a time as this. Metaxas to call the Church to rise up against the evils, Levin to show us the evil we are fighting so we know what we are to fight, Rosaria to identify one of the biggest strongholds we are up against and equip us with God's weapons against it.
I also like Glenn Loury and his cohort Johhnn McWhorter as fighters of the fight against the cuoprruptions in this case the Woke stuff, the attempt to destroy the country by racial racial divisiveness and insanity. I just heard one from a year or so ago titled The Golden Age of Black Heterodoxy in which they lay out some of the terms of the fight. Well, now that I think about it, I liked that discussion but now I'm not sure it's thebest one for this purpose. Oh well. It's a good one anyway and they are always in one way or another attacking the craziness about racie and that is a huge stronghold in today's battle.
But I keep coming back to the formula about a moral and religious people as the foundation for the kind of governm,ent Washington and Adams and jefferson and Frankloin and Paine and others gave us. We need somewho to reinstate the biblical mindset in this country and so far I don't see that midset as such on the agenda even thoguh I see many trends as listed above that would feed into it. We need a George Whitefield or somebody or many somebodieies who can bring the gospel back to this natuion.
And as usual, yes we may be at the door of CHrist's return, the Rapture of the CHurch and the Great Tribuoation , the Great Reset in which world totalitarianism under the Antichrist will reign for seven years, and noe n of this recoveriy I'm talking about will have a chance to come about. May be . I don't know. But I have to rmention it.
Rosaria makes clear just how corrupted the churches have becoming, capitulating to the leftist trends that are the cause of our destructon. That has to be overthrown. Levin makdes it clear that he Democrat Party is who wholly corrupt the whole thing needs to be thrown out. it's a lot to ask but then God is the God of the impossible.