Tuesday, February 23, 2021

If You Have ANY ALLERGIES You Are At Risk From the COVID Vaccines.

 Friend went to a doctor about a rash who wanted to test her for allergies, asked for her history of allergic reactions and she mentioned an incident of anaphylactic shock from insect bites, to which he responded that she should not take the COVID vaccine!  Further discussion brought out the information that it isn't just allergies to the ingredients in the vaccine that's a reason not to take it, but allergies to anything at all.  Not that you'll necessarily die or have a severe reaction but you might with that particular medical history.

Look, take Quercetin and Zinc and Vitamin C or if you can get someone to prescribe it and a pharmacy to fill the prescription get HCQ and Zinc and an antibiotic, take either protocol prophylactically and increase the dose if you get COVID symptoms.  I put up the Zelenko protocol for these things in other posts but I'll try to get back and repost it here.

Dismantling America 3: Western Civilization and Its "White" Classical Music Must GO

Stumbling around in You Tube, watching this and that, some animal rescue videos for intance, which I sometimes watch to rescue ME, from the effects of our hideous political situation.  Hope for Paws in Los Angeles always has feel-good stories about some poor miserable animal that was abandoned and living in sad circumstances that they rescue into a happy life with people who love them.   Gives me some kind of strength to go on to the next assault from the current insanity.  

Tonight, well by now this morning, I heard some of Todd Friel's Wretched Radio which is usually about the state of Christianity in America, sometimes as sad as the political mess.  I stumbled on one where he is discussing Critical Race Theory, which is a major element in the political insanity that can make me have to flee to something uplifting as an antidote, but he provided the antidote himself in this one.  

Critical Race Theory is one of the academic assaults on all reason that comes out of Cultural Marxism and took over the universities particularly since the Sixties.  Critical Theory itself is Marxist but Critical Race Theory is the idea that everythinjg in American life can be reduced to systemic racism and the white race is evil.  Everything the white race has ever done is evil and that means everything, all the great thinkers of Western Civilization are evil, all the great artists, all the scientists, the works.   I think that pretty much sums it up, sorry if I'm missing anything.  But you can go hear Todd Friel's account of it anyway at the link I'm posting below this.

  His theme is how this CRT is ruining our culture as well as getting into the churches, but ruining the culture for sure.   He'd done his own stumbling around on You Tube and came across a young black man reacting to hearing opera music for the first time, specifically Luciano Pavarotti singing Nessun Dorma, from Puccini's opera Turandot, and he plays an excerpt from it.   You understand of course that Puccin was one of those evil white men who wrote his operas only for the purpose of expressing his white supremacy and oppressing black people, and Pavarotti was another evil white man singing with the same purpose.  

This is ruining our country, and it will ruin your church | WRETCHED RADIO - YouTube

The young man's reacton is very touching, like hearing angels he said, heavenly he said.  Friel is angry that this idiotic racist "theory" wants to deprive him of such an experience.  I managed to find the video Friel played, so you can hear the whole thing:

FIRST TIME HEARING Luciano Pavarotti sings "Nessun dorma" REACTION (IM SHOOK !!!) - Bing video

Where's the racism?  The young man isn't feeling oppressed by a systemically racist culture, he's encountering the human soul of Puccini;s music and the human soul of Pavarotti's singling as it touches his own human soul.   Art transcends such soulshrinking stuff as racism and racist theory.   

So I went and found many other videos of young blacks reacting for the first time to this music, all of it touching and illuminating.  I gather this is a trend on You Tube, videos about people's first-time reactions to all sorts of music and maybe other things, I've only watched some of the reactions to this particular Pavarotti performance.  Very much an antidote for me to the idiotic instane Criticial Race Theory.  All that Marxist stuff that's overtaking the country and the world kills humanity in a million ways.  Bible prophecy has it ruling the world pretty soon I think, but it's SO nice to see how some humanity can still find its way through its wall of hatred and death.  

Here are a few more of those reaction videos, and there are many more at You Tube.

Black Reactors listening to Pavarotti's Nessun Dorma for the first time. original video by GGT - YouTube



I also grew up in a culturally deprived family, this isn't unique to blacks.  Working class, popular music all I ever heard, but I did have an aunt who was, you might say, sort of "arty" -- I had ten aunts and five uncles betwen both sides of the family and she was the only one who marchedto  a different drummer.  When I was about ten she sent me a 45 RPM recording made for children, of Haydn's Clock Symphony with the Surprise Symphony on the other side.  I was utterly enraptured by the sound of classical music, the sound of the orchestra, and I played it over and over and over.  It was the only classical music I heard until I moved to a big city high school at fifteen and my best friend came from a culturally educated family, played the cello and took me to hear her in an orchestra rehearsal, which also enraptured me.   I loved being surrounded by such wonderful sounds, the blending of all those instruments..

So what do the Critical Race Theory people want to do, confine us to rap music and hip hop?  

Monday, February 22, 2021

Dismantling America continued

 It seems quaint even to ask the question, whatever happened to "I hate your opinion but i'll fight to the death for your right to say it" or however that goes?  It's gone gone gone.  We are in the Age of Censorship.  No more freedom of speech if you don't share the views of the ruling party

.  I was trying to find Mike Lindell's documentary about the election.  I kind of knew I wouldn't be able to and I couldn't.  There are dozens of copies of it at You Tube but all have been disabled so you can't hear them or even get them to run at all.  I came on the scene too late I suppose, some did get to see it a while back but now it's been successfully censored.  Censored with a vengeance.  Someone posts the film and it gets immediately disabled.  

Sometimes they put up a warning message alleging unsavory content of some sort.  Lindell on an interview I saw showed one allegation of sexual scenes in his documentary as an excuse for banning it.  I remember seeing a similar warning on something I wanted to watch a while back that alleged "emotionally disturbting" content.  I'd already seen it once so I knew there was nothing emotionally disturbing in it.  Except maybe to liberals who are disturbed by conservative opinions ("Illegal immigration, high taxes and the minimum wage all deprive American workers of jobs."  Or "Poverty is not caused by other people being rich."  Or "There will probably always be individual racists in the world but there is no longer systemic racism in America."    Boo!"    And they all fall down clutchinjg their throats.)   

This is all going somewhere you know.  They have to control what the pulblic thinks in order to pull off their totalitarian control of all of us.  They'll put the dissenters in reeducation camps and continue to shut up opinions that contradict the party line wherever they appear to be a threat to the ruling class, until eventually they own and control it all.   The Liberal Elites, eventually the Global Elites who will dispense with the Liberal Elites as so many Useful Idiots.  

They must be happy with all the COVID deaths considering that there has always been a simple way of preventing them that has been politically suppressed for a year now.  

Somehow they got themselves convinced that it is a righteous thing to censor your opponent's political views.  Against centuries of American affirmation of freedom.  A twist of a word here, a diabolical interpretation there, a baldfaced lie when necessary.  

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Dismantling America by all means necessary

 Some on the Left are actually saying out loud that they think those who supported Trump need to be "reeducated" in camps for that purpose.  We're "cultists" according ot them, who need to be deprogrammed.    That's how brainwashed THEY are, WE are the ones still capable of thinking, but they've got the power these days and that's what counts in the end, isn't it?.

We've heard such things for years of course, but it seems to be more out in the open now.  This is the theme of Chris Pinto's radio show on the 13th and he puts up audio quotes to prove it.  I hate to think how many liberals I even count as friends might think such reedeucation would be a good thing for me.   toward the end of the show Pinto talks about the threat to the second amendment.

  NOTR - RE-EDUCATION CAMP RHETORIC ON THE RISE - 2.13.21 - Show Downloads - Noise of Thunder Radio with Chris Pinto

Earlier I happened to hear about Johns Hopkins University's plan to remove a huge slab of rock wall on which is engraved the First Amerdment to the Constitution.  You know, free speech, free press.  They just bought this museum property and are redesigning it without that message.  One could get all suspicious about this and think they consciously want to rid the university of such an opinion as the right to free speech, but at least one does wonder if anyone stood up for keeping it at least as a local landmark.  I only looked at the article in the Washington Post and didn't see that mentioned.  Anyway, even if nobody is consciously censoring the Constitution I can't help noting that it's a sign of the times anyway, as conservatives and others are being silenced by the tyrannical left on social media, and now they want to "reedeucate" us to conform to THEIR opinions.   This idea of reeducation is such a timeworn well known Communist tactic I have to assume they know that too and it doesn't bother them that they are on the side of America's enemies.

Pope Francis and the Apparitions of "Mary" as the End Times Close In On Us.

Jan Markell's Understanding the Times Radio for last Friday is about deceptions that are coming through the Roman Church, the role of  the Pope in the end times, and deeceptions such as the apparitions of "Mary" that have been occurting frequently around the world and succeeding at seducing people from many religions, including Protestants.  

Jan's guest is ex-Catholic Mike Gendrom who has worked for years to show the deceptions of the RC Church and turn Catholics to the truth of Christ.  . He thinks the Pope could be the False Prophet of the ook of Revelation, rather than the Antichrist which is the role I think he'll play.   The Reformers' identification of the Pope as Antichrist has been dismissed in our time, but some will propose that he could play the role of the False Prophet.

Pope Francis: The Vicar of the New World Order – Mike Gendron - YouTube

I continue to think the Pope is the Anitchrist nevertheless.  The Reformers thought so and gave scriptural reasons for it.  And not only the Reformers but many Christian leaders that preceded them made the same identification, some of whom I took from a teaching by Chris Pinto and posted on this blog some time ago.  The argument against this identification today is that Paul was not talking about a system, such as the papacy, but about a single man.  Considering that there were so many down the centuries  who held that the Pope is Antichrist this argument seems rather thin and arrogant, as if so many would have ignored such a distinction.  

Nevertheless even many people can be wrong.  But the thinking does hold together scripturally.  That is,   the Roman Church itself was certainly a Great Apostasy, or falling-away from the faith with its accumulation of pagan superstitions and doctrine of salvation by faith plus works, rather than faith alone in Christ alone which precludes any of our own works as presumptuous.  

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4  Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.  Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he as God sits in the temple of God,, showing himself that he is God.

Paul was reassuring the Thessalonians that the Day of the LORD had not yet come, that before that could happen this great falling away had to come and that man of sin be reevealed.  Today this is interpreted as all related to the last of the last days, the great falling away beintg what we are seeing now in the growing apostacies of so many churches.    The Antichirst, or "man of sin" is understood to be yet furture, and to be revealed after the Church has been Raptured.

I don't know how much of my view is my own and how much I got from Chris Pinto and Richard Bennett -- I know it was inspired by them and it may be all theirs, I don't know, but it all goes back to the Reformers who understood the falling away or what is now called The Great Apostasy, to be the doctrine of the Roman Church, and the man of sin to be the Pope,  and therefore since both have now been revealed the Day of the LORD could have come any time afterward.  The falling away we are seeing today is probably best understood as the last days spreading of the original Roman apostasy.   

But the Antichrist has already been revealed according to the Reformers.   We don't need to wait for his revelation.  

The reason I think it's probably Francis despite his old age which in itself seems to eliminate him as candidate for that role, is that he's the first Jesuit Pope and that some pretty strange supernatural signs attended his election, which I posted on quite some time ago.     If he is the Antichrist then that makes the end times finale very very close.  We've felt its closeness for years but if a man in his eightties is to play that major role in the Great Tribulation it must be very close indeed.

Well, my opinion jabout this could certainly be wrong, I just think it hangs together better than the popular idea of an unknown political figure suddenly rising to world prominence, a younger man, more of a Hitler type.   As for the Pope's being the False Prophet instead, I just thiknk the arguments for his being the Antichrist overshadow that possibility, both the testimony of the Refomers and their predecessors but also the meaning of the "666" which is so satisfyingly expressed in the term "Vicarivs Filii Dei" which is a title of the Pope that in itself makes him the Antichrist, plus the Roman Numewerals that title adds up to.  It's just too perflect.  No other candidate for that number is so peculiarly apt.  

So some even more satisfying way of identifying these things would ahve to come along to dissuade me of this interpretatiohnn.  

Jan Markell's radio show with mike gendron did, however, highlight a film about the many apparitions of "Mary" that have been seducing not only huge numbers of Catholics but also members of other religions including Protestants.  I think I recall that it was Alexander Hislop, who wrote "The Two Babylons" who suggested that the "Beast" of the Book of Revelation could be the Catholic "Virgin Mary."  That's a rather startling idea but given the increasing frequency of these apparitions at a time when the Last Days Finale feels so close it would make sense to expect "her" to have a prominent role in the Great Tribulationj.   just as does the Antichrist, "she" usurps the role of Christ.  She doesn't quite yet fully displace Him but that's obviously just a fiction being maintained for the sake of those who still hold to some remnant of faith in Christ.

I don't know where to fit "her" in yet.  

UPDATE:  If it weren't for the references to the Antichrist that pretty clearly identify him as a man, and human, and some other clues that don't fit, it could even make sense to consider the apparitions of "Mary" to be the Antichrist.  "She" certainly displaces Christ in the hearts of many, does usurp many of His attributes, claims to bring salvation and so on.  As Mike Gendron points out in the radio show "she" is also venerated by Muslims who have also been attending sites of these appearances, and he thinks "she" (yes I have to keep it in quotes because these are demonic appearances, not Mary herself) anyway, "she" may be the means of bringing Catholicism and Islam together for the final World Religion.  This suggests that "she" could very well be the Beast that will be worshipped by all still living on the earth after the true Church is gone and that makes her the Antichrist.  Strange idea of course.   But these appartitions are real supernatural phenomena and that is very seductive in  itself.  This is possibly the only thing that to my mind twould put the Pope in the role of False Prophet.   

Although the idea is intriguing I can't really think it holds together in the end.  Perhaps there is some other way to include "her" in the end times scenario that fits better.  I don't think she represents the woman who rides the beast though, because that is so clearly the Harlot Church of Rome.  Oh well, it will make sense whatever it is when it finally does all come together in reality.   /update

Anyway here's the film about the recent apparitions:  Messages From Heaven - "Virgin Mary" or Deception? (Full documentary uploaded with permission) - YouTube

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Bad Science, Bad Journalism Used to Argue Against Concerns about the Safety of the Vaccines

Here's the video about vaccine deaths in Israel that I linked in my previous post about HCQ, after which it was taken down from You Tube for "violating [their] terms of service," by which of course they mean violating their politics.   

Fortunately these days we do have some other options for presering such censored information, such as, in the case of videos, Rumble or Bitchute.  I've only recently become aware of hem, but I found out immediately that they are dismissed by liberals as "right wing conspiracy" bastions, at least Rumble is, and I encountered that attitude toward Parler some time ago.  It's not that the sites are aimed at conservatives, just that conservatives go there because they are getting banned on the familiar social media.   Ah well, at least some censored material is available.   So this one was reposted both at Rumble and Bitchute.  Since a liberal friend treated it as "disinformation" because it was on Rumble (sigh) I'm glad to know it's also on Bitchute, although for all I know that will be dismissed in the same way.  ANYWAY, here it is on Bitchute.

Many Dying in Israel Following the Experimental Pfizer COVID mRNA Injections (bitchute.com)

This is an Israeli Christian man presenting a radio news broadcast in Israel on which the news announcer, Mordechai Sones,  reads a list of people who died soon after getting the Pfizer vaccine.  He reports names, ages, and whatever is known about their medical condition when they got the vaccine, and the circumstances of their death afterward.   The idea is to warn people that the vaccine can be dangerous for some people despite the general hyping of it by the government.

 Although the information is pretty straightforward, just a list of facts, as I say above it can be dismissed by a liberal mindset for being on a "rightwing" platform or for other reasons.  The host of the video comments after playing the radio broadcast that Bill Gates who is a major promoter of the vaccines, has said he thinks the world population needs to be drastically decreased, and this has led to suspicion about the safety of the vaccines he's promoting.  Which the video host mentions.  And that of course is a "conspiracy theory" which somehow becomes a reason to dismiss what the radio announcer said although there is no connection between the two.  (sigh).   Gates certainly isn't going to be advocating something he knows to be lethal (I assume) but he does manage to say things that make people nervous.  Anyway, again, it's irrelevant to the content of the radio broadcast.

The main argument against it is that somehow people who connect the deaths to the vaccine have failed to take into account that the people would have died anyway.. I was sent an article in response to the video that insists that is the case. 

https://www.healthline.com/health-news/how-conspiracy-theories-undermine-peoples-trust-in-covid-19-vaccines    How Conspiracy Theories Undermine People’s Trust in COVID-19 Vaccines 

The article is presented as if it's a reasoned  discussion of objections to the vaccine, but it's the usual leftist hit piece that attacks persons rather than the argument, and then when it finally gets around to offering some evidence it's addressed to a complete misrepresenation of the objection.  This is propaganda and it's distressing that many treat it as objective.

Vaccine-hesitant groups are exploiting the deaths of people who died of old age or underlying health conditions after receiving the COVID-19 shot to undermine trust in the vaccines. WesScientists say some deaths will occur during the COVID-19 vaccination rollout, but these deaths would have happened for other reasons and are unrelated to the vaccine.

 What does "vaccine-hesitant" mean?   A personality disorder?  A genetic disease?  What if it's an evolutionary adaptation that would benefit the "species" if  the less fit types don't wipe them out? (Yeah I know that by definition they can't be evolutionarily superior if they could be wiped out, but the fact is that it could happen and the ToE  just gets things wrong all the time.)   But I'm being silly.  Sort of.  The point is why are they talking about people at all, either groups or individuals?   

A credible approach would be to address the facts presented as evidence against the safety of the vaccine, not the people raising the doubts.. The whole thrust of this piece is to smear those who believe the vaccines can be dangerous, but in reality they believe this not because they are somehow defective personalities but because of the evidence as they perceive it.  If they are wrong it's because sometimes people get thigs wrong, including scientists, so deal with their evidence.  This kind of writing is nothing but character assassination, a kind of "journalism" that used to be condemned, but it seems to be standard practice these days in the service of a particular ideology.

And it goes on to tell us that these obviously defective "vaccine-hesitant" human beings have scurrilous motivations, as they are exploiting the deaths of people who died of old age or underlying health conditions after receiving the COVID-19 shot to undermine trust in the vaccines

Wow.   "Exploiting?"  Wow.  And exploiting with the intention of "undermine trust" as if they just have some predetermined need to exploit and undermine trust.  What sleazy "reporting."  I wonder how long it took to select the terms with which to construct this picture of obviously horrible people.   

Eventually some evidence is offered:

...latching onto reports of real deaths following the shot, blaming the vaccine and disregarding medical information that other causes are to blame...

“Older people in nursing homes are being prioritized for the vaccine [and] that’s a group of people who are dying at a higher rate already.”

Ignoring that important context is a strategy ...  

"...[people] should not be unnecessarily alarmed if there are reports, once we start vaccinating, of someone or multiple people dying within a day or two of their vaccination who are residents of a long-term care facility.” [Moore said]

But there was more to Moore’s statement that the meme left out, Reuters reported. She went on to say, “That would be something we would expect, as a normal occurrence, because people die frequently in nursing homes.”

The additional context clarifies that Moore is saying deaths in nursing homes that have nothing to do with the vaccine should be expected. 

Is this convincing?  For starters, why would people who distrust the vaccine be employing a "strategy" to discredit it?  It's a very strange idea that people just have this irrational need to fnd fault rather than that they honestly believe there is reason to consider the vaccines dangerous.  Instead of smearing the people who have such concerns, shouldn't the aim of such an article be simply to prove them wrong with real information?  The fact that elderly people die in greater numbers than others anyway is not exactly evidence.  Where are the statistics showing that they normally die at the same rate they are dying after being vaccinated.  OK, so they go on to offer some statistical support: 

According to [The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Handbook],, “if we vaccinate 10 million people and the vaccine had no side effects whatsoever, then over the following two months we can nonetheless expect that 4,025 of those vaccinated will have a heart attack, 3,975 will have a stroke, 9,500 will have a new diagnosis of cancer, and 14,000 will, unfortunately, die.”

“The key is that statistically bad things will happen to a small percentage of people after vaccination even if the vaccines are perfectly safe,” Dr. Robert Wachter, professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, told Healthline in an email.

Yeah, plausible enough in the abstract but you still have to show that this is in fact what is going on.  We need the number of deaths that have occurred after taking the vaccine to compare with these averages.  Are the numbers the same or not?   There is a dearth of examples of the thinking of the so-called "vaccine-hesitant" people in this article, all we get is these claims that they are attributing deaths to the vaccine that would have occurred anyway.  Lots of innuendo, no actual evidence.

Perhaps the video I posted above is unusual among the "vaccine-hesitant" but the radio announcer gives quite a bit of specific information where it's available.   I went back and counted:  28 deaths were listed and he stopped because he didn't have time to include more.  For some of them he says only that the person died "after receiving" the vaccine, giving no time frame, but for 16 of them he says how soon they died, and most died within days, a couple a week, one a few weeks, two "immediately after."  Most were elderly but there were a few in their forites, and two in their twenties.  Underlying conditions were mentioned in a few cases, but many were described as completely healthy before getting the vaccine.   While it's possible a few of the deaths were unrelated to the vaccine, it's highly unlikely given the facts that any more than that were coincidental.  The circumstances point to the vaccine as the cause.

The article was sesnt to me as an answer to the video's associatio of the deaths with the vaccine.  It should be quite clear that the people on the list did not die of old age but of the vaccine.  For one thing the deaths occurred very close to the time the shot was given, so the two months range of the article's statistics is not applicable.   And if you're talking about the normal frequency of deaths in elderly people -- or those with underlying conditions -- they don't just up and die all of a sudden as these people did.  The statistics are irrelevant.  This is just propaganda based on plausibe-sounding insinuations, not science despite the usual invocation of science as what makes their thinking superior and trustworthy.  No, it's all just "narrative" buttressed by word salad sprinkled with denigrating words for the doubters and references to credentials and "experts" and sciencey terms for the good guys in the story.   It's a shoddy piece of propaganda that should never have been published, and wouldn't have been in saner times.

I think this quote from  Robert F. Kennedy, a "vaccine-hesitant " "activist" nails it:  

Coincidence is turning out to be quite lethal to COVID vaccine recipients,”

They actually called this an "emotional" argument.  No, it's just a very funny way of saying how shoddy their reasoning is.

The reasoning is as bad as those many studies of hydroxychloroquine I've mentioned.   They did the studies on hospitalized patients who are normally too sick to benefit from HCQ plus zinc; in some cases they administered the HCQ without the zinc which is useless since it's the zinc that kills the virus while the HCQ is the means of its delivery;   they also failed to distinquish between the low-risk patients who would have recovered without any treatment and the high-risk patients who die in the greatest numbers, and would certainly die even if given HCQ and zinc, because it was given too late to benefit them.  Science has been takinjg a beatinjg lately, in these ridiculous studies and in this ridiculous article that's supposed to prove the vaccines are safe and objectors are idiots.  Politics seems to kill off IQ points.

It's been hard to write this post because I kept wantinjg to answer the endless errors in the article.  Choosing a few to make the point was quite a chore.  I hope I succeeded and didn't leave out anything essential.  

Sunday, February 7, 2021

BACK TO HCQ. The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil // The Fear of Man Bringeth a Snare

UPDATE 3.     Keep finding things on Zelenko's website I want to post.   Here's a whole page with some links on it:    Dr. Zelenko Telemedicine Consultation - Stand Out Global

There's a short video there, less than two minutes, where he discusses the vaccine and concludes that nobody needs it.  If you are low risk you don't need it because you'll recover anyway, and if you're high risk you can take the HCQ protocol prophylactically or when symptoms first appear and do well.   If you get the virus you'll develop antibodies and be protected that way. 

And remember, the ionophore-plus-zinc treatments work with any version of the virus, all its mutant versions, whereas the vaccines only work with a specific virus.

There's also a video, about eight minutes, of his discussion with  a pharmacist who refused to fill his presription for HCQ, which shows that the political suppression is going strong.

UPDATE 2:   Here is a very inspiring interview with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko who was the first to develop the HCQ treatment.  He goes into his own personal experiences over the last year dealing with cancer,  and how he learned about the HCQ plus zinc treatment, then the political suppression of his treatment and the political attacks on him personally.  He describes how the treatment works.        01/28/2021: Dr. Zelenko: Interview with Peter Breggin (bitchute.com)

He answers a question in this interview that I've had for some time, which is how Trump got COVID if he was taking HCQ as we know he did for a while. Zelenko says he took it for two weeks and then stopped, he doesn't knjow why.   So its efficacy as a prophylactic is not called into question after all.  I still have the question why he didn't resume taking it when he first got symptoms.

He had a personal experience of losing his frear of man during his bout with cancer so here's the scripture basis for that:

Proverbs 29:25  The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.

Main point to keep in mind about the medical situation:  Zelenko's protocol is not the only effective treatment, which he mentions in the interview, although since it works so well I'm happy staying with it, but he emphasizes that the main thing is EARLY TREATMENT WITH HIGH-RISK PATIENTS.  It has to be early and there's no point in treatintg low-risk patients because they recover on their own. 

UPDATE 1:  Was sent this video about people in Israel dying after receiving either the first or second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.   Many Dying In Israel after Receiving Vaccine: - YouTube


I'm still a big fan of hydroxychloroquine for treatment of COVID at the first apearance of symtoms.  Although we now have many new options as well HCQ continues to occupy its own special niche, the best option of them all if it can be used at the right time.   There are better treatments now for the later stages of the disease, and there are now vaccines of course.   But if you're lucky enough to catch the symptoms at their earliest appearance, HCQ is still the remedy of choice.  It prevents the development of the more dangerous phase of the virus, can knowck it out within the first week without hospitalization.   

Ivermectin is another drug with a good record, and quercetin works the same way HCQ does, only not quite as effectively.    I've got Quercetin and Zinc on hand and take it from timje to time but not regularly.  HCQ and Quercetin are ionophores and zinc is an ion.  It's Zinc that kills the virus in the cells but it needs an ionophore to open the cell for it to get in and do its work.  (I don't see why it wouldn't work just as well on one version of the virus as another mutated version too since it  doesn'[t like viruses, period.)    HCQ works best for that purpose.  None of this has changed.  I still think HCQ the treatment of choice if it's available at the right time and I still think it would have saved most of those who have died if it hadn't been politically suppressed.   You can read all about it at 

The Zelenko Protocol:  The Zelenko protocol (utrgv.edu)


Of course we now have the vaccines as well.  I know lots of people who have had it without problems but I also know of a large number of cases of bad reactions and even death, besides which it's still not completely clear how effecrive they are either in keeping you from getting the virus or keeping you from spreading it.  I'm not ready to have an opinion about it except to say I'm wary of it.   And I'm still convinced that the best way to go is HCQ at the first appearance of symptoms.   Oh and it's also good to do what you can to boost your immune system.  Vitamin C, Vitamin D in particular, the best form of D being sunlight.   Wear a mask when appropriate.   We all know when it's appropriate even if the politicians don't.  (Or I'd like to think so, but people out walking or biking in the open air without other people around don't need it.  Do I have to say this?)_



So let's start this one at thelobal level and maybe work down from there.   I've been getting most of my information about "The Great Reset" from Jan Markell's ministry, her Understanding the Times radio show, and I've posted links and information about it here and there over the last few months.   I just watched a brief interview with her on the subject here:  Unmasking the Great Reset - YouTube   It's a good summary of what it's all about, the plans of the World Economic Forum to create a global government that absorbs all national entities into itself and imnoses a radical socialist agenda on the entire world population.  Which we're supposedly going to love.  

The same players keep showing up in these global contexts.  Here we have George Soros, Bill Gates, Prince Charles and Anthony Fauci.  Interesting, huh?  It's headed by Karl Schwaub and I don't know anything about him but the others are certainly well known.   Jan says that their website is enormous and just chock full of amazing information about how they plan to rule the world.  

In my last post I highlighted Chris Pinto's latest radio show which is mostly about the meaning of Trump's loss of our recent election and the role of the Jesuits in national affairs.  He identifies Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates as Jesuit-inspired among dozens of others embedded in the government.  He's not talking about the Great Reset but there they are on the World Economic Forum.   Getting rid of Trump has global implications Jan Markell discusses, since he's a strong nationalist and global government has to do away with nations.  In that service we have the propaganda about how nationalism is always fascist nationalism rather than the simple patriotic American nationalism of Trump.  So getting rid of Trump was essential to The Great Reset.   Her context is the global context, while in this latest Noise of Thunder radio show.  Chris Pinto's context is American politics.   He sees the ousting ofTrump as equivalent to the Jesuit Gunpowder Plot to bring down the Protestant King in England.  In this case it unseats a strong defender of Protestant values in American government and brings back all the Jesuitically supported leftist doctrines Trump had overturned.    

Pinto mentions a video by a conservative Catholic, Taylor Marshall,  decrying the inluence of leftist Catholicism in America with this election, "The United States of Pope Francis:"   

The United States of Pope Francis: Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and John Roberts - YouTube

How happy Catholics would have been to see such a broad Catholic influence in America, but this influence isn't traditional Catholicism, it's globalism, it's Marxism, it's abortion, it's treated pagan religions as equivalent to Christ, and they don't want that any more than Protestants do. Taylor Marshall is certainly Catholic, however, recites The Lord's Prayer in Latin, which is hocus pocus that doesn't please God , so he's sadly deceived about salvation in Christ although his politics are congenial to a Protestant. He's one of many conservative Catholics who oppose Pope Francis though they've never understood that the existence of the papacy itself is antichrist. He doeswn't understand that even the title " Vicar of Christ" is antichrist, he thinks the problem is with this particular Pope, or individual Popes. He thinks the Roman Church has been infiltrated by alien forces, that are now infiltrating the American government, rather than that the institution itself has been corrupt at its core from the beginning. But he's got a lot of things right on the politial level. To call ecumenicism the religious version of globalism is prescient of him. He's rightly saddened by all this, rightly says "All we can do is pray," but then tells us we should "pray the rosary" many times a day, and then closes with the "Ave Maria," which is of course a direct reflection of just what we are told in scripture NOT to do, pray the repeititive prays of the heathen. Oh Taylor Marshall, prayer is talking to God from your own heart, not reciting empty formulas. We should certainly be praying of course, and one thing we should pray for is that Catholics will see through their apostate religion and repent.

Anyway, Chris Pinto identifies the ascent of Biden and other Catholics as an American Gunpowder Plot.  It's a big coup for the globalists of course, since Trumpian style America is the biggest obstacle to their plans.  With him out of the way and the rest of us silenced their path is clear.  

  Transforming America is part of the project and there is still the problem of us uppity liberty-loving American patriots, but they've been succeeding awfully well at shutting us up if not converting us. What's astonishing is how they get so many ordinary liberals to work toward their goals. How is it that ALL the mainstream news reporters include the term "baseless" in their references to Trump's claims of election fraud? How have so many been persuaded to further the propaganda machine? How did they get all the Big Tech powers working in concert to silence the truth? What sort of network of influences has to be involved to pull that off? And how scary is it that every time we think we may have a voice for our side out there, such as for instance Newsmax, it ends up letting us down? So Newsmax shut up Mike Lindell who was talking about election fraud. That's a No-No even for Newsmax. Can't even discuss it as a possibility that should be investigated. Nope, we've got to toe the party line which is that it's "baseless" and nobody is allowed to have a contrary opinion even when our own eyes tell us they are lying.

 Not sure how much more needs to happen before the Antichrist Global Religiopolitical Government is solidly established and the stage is fully set for the Grand Finale of the great battle of good versus evil that has been playing out on Planet Earth since the Creation. 


That;s it of course, the Grand Finale that those who are following biblical prophecy know is coming soon, starting with the Snatching Away of the Church followed by the Day of the LORD.   John MacArthur has a recent series on the Day of the LORD:    

Understanding the Day of the Lord, Part 1 - YouTube

Understanding the Day of the Lord, Part 2 - YouTube

Understanding the Day of the Lord, Part 3 - YouTube

They aren't expecting the Great Glitch though, or the Great Wrench in the Works, which is that as soon as they get their global plans in order and manage to get rid of millions of dissenters, the Day of the LORD will descend on them in fury.    

They aren't expecting God.  

Another Evolutionistic Stomachache

 I keep being frustrated by coments about the importance of evolution in understanding all kinds of things related to biology that I know to be false.  Who am I of course to say this?  I'm not a biologist.  I could say that I absolutely know evolution is false  because I know God's Word is the truth and evolution contgradicts God's word.  In fact I will say that, did say that.  But that's not the level of discussion on which I encounter the problem, which is really on the biological level itself.  

Evolutionary biologists ASSUME the whole kit and kaboodle, just assume it.  They act as if it's settled knowledge and don't see that they are only assuming it.   In fact they assume it so completely they don't seem to feel any need to explain their thinking which leaves it to me to guess what they think they are talking about.  

They think evolutionary knowledge is essential to understanding how vaccines work, or ecological systems.  No it isn't.  They are confusing their theory with observable biological facts that do not require evolution to understand them.  They are most likely talking about mutations and treating mutations as practically synonymous with evolutoin, or at least evidence of evolution when no, they are not evidence of evolution, they are mutations.  

You can talk about mutations without invoking the theory of evolution at all and talk about it probably even more effectively because it's free of unnecessary cognitive detours.   Or they are talking about normal built-in genetic variation which evolutionists usually subsume wrongly under the ToE, by assumption again.   Or maybe they are just talking about commonly observed relationships between different biological systems or creatures and again assuming the theoretical evolutionary relationships, which again is just excess useless baggage.   

I can barely stand to hear people talk about human history or experience or society or culture in evolutionary terms, it is so reductionistic and shallow.   No, human beings cannot be reduced to biology.  No.  

I'd like to be more specific about this but I'll have to come back later for that purpose if I can.  

Friday, February 5, 2021

Yeah, well that moratorium on politics lasted about, what? eight hours or so. Sigh So what is it REALLY all about: The hiddenest conspiracy of them all.

I try to keep up my courage in the face of the constant threat of censorship and other forms of silencing of people with my mental bent, but I have to admit it's getting pretty scary.  And of course it's pooh-poohed by lots of people I talk to so one does end up alone with these things.   There are some topics that at first seem best kept under wraps, but then I end up deciding that's really the path of cowardice so I write about them anyway.   Oh there are lots of "controversial" ones these days, the whole litany of political correctness taboos being a fairly comprehensive  list of land mines you can step on with the most innocent comments.  Now we can't talk about the very great possibility of election fraud, oh no no no, the idea is "baseless" according to all the media accounts that should be neutral but of course aren't.   I'm always surprised when liberal friends and acquaintances don't immediately agree that such censorship is anti-American but I guess I'm just naive that way.  Over and over I expect a sane voice to agree with me and none does.  I HAVE found some sane liberal voices online though and I'm happy about that, but they aren't my own personal acquaintances.  

Oh well , I'm in such an isolated Blogger backwater these days I don't threaten anyone anyway, and that fact does at least permit me to say whatever I want, even if I do have to hold my breath to say it.  On Facebook or Twitter I couldn't get away with saying some things I say here.   I do hold my breath every time I write a "constroversial" post though.   And here comes another one.

Chris Pinto.  He's got his own website, he's not dependent on Big Tech to the extent I am.  Probably more than I know however.  The servers themselves are owned by the forces of darkness these days.  They pulled them out from under Parler after all.    We've all got to toe the Leftist line or else.  That's the rules.  Whaever they call "misinformation" has to be silenced among other things.  

So today's Noise of Thunder radio is about how today's American politics are a version of the 1605 Gunpowder Plot to blow up the British Parliament and kill King James 1.   It was engineered by Jesuits who are dedicated to destroying Protestant nations wherever they exist, and Pinto says he thinks that's the case with the ousting of Trump and the installation of Biden.   He ticked off a long list of Jesuit-influenced people in the Trump administration who have been working against him from the beginning, also his own appointees to the Supreme Court among other things.  Of al the conspiracies that we can identify these days this one is the most unsuspected, the most hidden and yet very likely at the very root of them all.   Most Christians don't have a clue about these things and someone like Trump would be easily deceived by them.   Certainly this one gets a lot of eye-rolling and energetic pooh-poohing, especially by secularists who blindly assume all religions are pretty much the same.

Ah well.  He makes a good case that we just experienced our own Gunpowder Plot or Guy Fawkes Day.  He goes into the ecumenical position of Rome in embracing all religions and how bringing Muslims into the West is their doing.  All this of course fits with my argument that a Pope, mostly likely Francis himself though the time is getting short, is to be the final Antichrist of the Great Tribulation period.  Also known as the Day of the LORD.  

See, what the unbelieving world doesn't know and has to treat as false is that historiy is all about God's plan of redemption  through Jesus Christ AND about His plan to punish Satan and his followers, which is what the Day of the LORD is all about.  You do't want to be on Satan's side and go through that, take my word for it.  But getting anyone to take my word for anything is a crazy daydream of my own.   Ah well.    

Oh, neearly forgot, he shows that there are plans in the works to justify and reinstate SLAVERY as a fine institution, especially since Mohammed practiced it.  Oh and rape too.  Such wonderful Progressove policies are developing in our world.  Like rolling back the gains made on behalf of women by trating biological men who want to be women as really women so they can compete in women's sports.  If you are intimidated into tolerating such idiocies please wake up.

I'm going to try to stop talking about politics now

 So we've exchanged a man who can be rude and crude and personally obnoxious at times but extremely effective as a policy maker for the good of the country, for a figurehead who will be overcome by the hard Left and usher in a totalitarian government that silences and eliminates all those it dislikes while destroying the economy, marginalizing and putting its own citizens in danger, and making America into a third world slum. Great.  

Thursday, February 4, 2021

HOW THEY GOT TRUMP SO ABSOLUTELY WRONG. Good Analyses of the Anti-Racist Craziness Marred by Trump Derangement Syndrome

I really like a lot of these black "public intellectuals" I recently discovered through Bret Weinstein's "Roundtable" discussion.  Bret Weinstein's DarkHorse Podcast - Black Intellectual Roundtable - YouTube      They are true thinkers and do a good job of analyzing the "Anti-Racist" insanities.   But when it comes to Trump, with few exceptions they are irrational Trump Haters.  I watched a discussion between Glenn Loury and Coleman Hughes about race that was really good and illuminating.  Coleman Hughes on The Problem of Race with Glenn Loury [Bonus Episode] - YouTube

Then I watched a discussion between Loury and John McWhorter in which Loury did a great job of defending Trump's policies and then caved on a point of Trump's character.  Then I watched a discussion between Coleman Hughes and Andrew Sullivan in which they tear Trump apart.  

Why did you cave, Glenn Loury?  Trump's threat to democracy | Glenn Loury & John McWhorter | The Glenn Show - YouTube   Glenn Loury has generally done a fine job of defending the policies of Donald Trump and countering the attacks on Trump as a personality as mostly irrelevant in the context of his policies.  Now he capitulates with a "mea culpa" because he thinks Trump shouldn't have been contesting the election outcome as he did, that "a bigger man" would simply have stepped down.  Because of this, and apparently only this, he now agrees with some of his opponents that character has been a bigger factor in the Trump presidency than he's admitted.   He mentions a book by a NeverTrumper that apparently contributed to his change of view, that persuaded him of the great importance of character in the Presidency.  

Which of coursre makes me gag.  Who are you putting above Trump in that category?  Biden?  Gag.  Hillary?  Gaggity gag.  Obama, yeah gag even to the superficially clean Obama.  Bill Clinton?  Gabbity gaggity gag gag gag.  What on EARTH can it mean to criticize Trump when this is the company he must be judged by?  You've lost your compass, Loury.

But his character is now the big issue because of his challenging the election results?  Golly Gosh, didn't Gore challenge and ghallenge and challenge the election results against Bush?  But that wasn't a character flaw.  In that context we aren't talking about how a "bigger man" would have stepped down?  What?

And of course supposedly Trump didn't have enough evidence to make his claim.  (Gore did?  "Hanging chads?")  But in fact there was so much "irregularity" that points to election fraud in many big blue cities it's a mere technicality to say he has no "evidence."  Hundreds of witnesses signed affidavits testifying to many different kinds of fraud they personally witnessed, some of it pretty small and local such as running the same ballot through the tallying machine many times, but some of it pretty big, such as truckloads of ballots showing up to be counted in the dead of night.  And dozens of other "irreguarities" besides.  Starting with the last-minute changes to the rules for voting that opened up the possibility of vast fraud.  AND the fact that the voting machines were capable of being programmed to switch votes from one candidate to another.  LOTS and LOTS of reason to take Trump's claim seriously.

I also want to object again to the characterization of Trump as out only for his own interests.  .Which in the case of a self-made billionaire is about as wacko as it gets.  People who have known him for years have said he'd often talked of running for President BECAUSE HE CARED ABOUT THE COUNTRY.   This same theme came across in the Republican Convention last summer too.   This idea that he would fight the election results for some egocentric reason so misjudges the man it makes me cry.  He's no paragon but one thing I know, as do his supporters in general, he was working for the good of the nation AND NOT FOR HIMSELF, and he did an enormous lot of good during his few years even in the teeth of constant obstruction and endless fraudulent attempts to bring him down.   Losing the election wasn't just his loss it was the nation's loss and boy do we feel that loss acutely as we watch the Democrat rolling back all the good that Trump did.   Maybe we can't prove it yet but I'm convinced that eventually it will be proved that the election was rigged and that Biden is in fact the bogus President they kept falsely saying Trump was.

Then I heard some of Coleman Hughes talking with Andrew Sullivan about Trump, in which they dissect his personality so viciously it's like a punch in the stomach.  I guess I'[ll never get it,  I'll never be able to coimprehend how they are reading him.    .The End of Trump with Andrew Sullivan (Ep.18) - YouTube

McWhorter found it hard to believe that Loury didn't see Trump as the venal narcissist he hallucinates in him.   His detractors see him as a threat to democracy, a threat to the Constitution.  This is astonishing.  His supporters see him as the complete opposite, the savior of the Republic (not really a democracy) and the Constitution, against the Left which is the real agent of destruction of everything American.  Making America Great Again means at least strengthening and preserving America's foundations.  How is it McWhorter and Hughes and Sullivan can see him as the opposite?  How?  Hughes said at first he thought Trump really could be a Hitler.  Then he realized he was not a Hitler, he was a "different kind of "a-hole."  What are they seeing?    Sulliivan gives a clue when he says he realized that Trump isn't the kind of authoritarian who seeks to control others since he was mostly objecting to interferences with his work.  To Sullivan he was attacking the Constitution by asserting his right to be left alone to do his job as if that meant he was bent on doing whatever he pleased with no concern whatever for the Constitutional restraints on him.  This is mindboggling to someone who knows he was objecting to the incessant UNCONSTITUTIONAL obsturctions and intereferences with his CONSTITUTIONALLY DEFINED ROLE AS PRESIDENT.  He was objecting to that interference and gets seen as the one doing the obstruction and the interfer\ing.   What a diaboligical situation he was in.  And his opponents just go right on with their blind misreading of everything that was happening and their own antiConstitutional assaults oln the man who was just tryinjg to do the job he was elected to do.  So Sullivan has generously exonerated Trump of being a fascist/authoritarian, now interpreting him as merely an unethical narcissistic personality. At least he has the grace to wonder if he got it right.  But in rushes Hughes to assure him that he did, that Trump is just so selfish he can't even have an evil vision  for the country.  

I've got to emphasize this because I'm realizing it's at the core of the political divide concerning Trump.   Hughes says Trump is so selfish he can't even have an evil vision for the country because all his visions are for himself.  This is the essence, the core of how theyh misread Trump.  I may never get what it is in their heads that leads them there but it's become clear to me that they go wrong somewhere in here.   This is staggering.  Absolutely staggering.   But it how the Left tends to see him.  And the got it exactly precisely backwards.  It was ALL for the country, all of it.  NOT FOR HIMSELF.  When he kept emphasizing his accomplishemtns IT WAS BECAUSE THEY KEPT DENIGRATING THEM OR IGNORING THEM, IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH HIMSLEF, IT WAS ALL ABOUT WHAT HE WAS TRYING TO DO FOR THE COUNTRY.  ALL Of IT.  They hallucinate narcissism in the very things he was doing FOR THE  NATIONJ.   How do they so completely misread him?  There is something wrong  with the minds of these people.  I don't get it, I can't get it, I'll never get it.  They invented the Trump they hate, it's not the real Trump.   They have a whole different set of signs and switches on the tracks in their heads than I do and than 75 million Trump supporters do.  



Way of speaking

Flagrant Selfishness

Public pronouncmenets (such as being victorious in the election.)

That's Hughes' list of Trump traits, all of which are sheer insanity from my point of view.  Again, Trump was the ANTIDOTE to tyranny, the dictatorship we saw in Obama and the Democrats in general, now the Biden administration.  The "selfishness" was nothing but his insistence on emphasizing his accomplishments in fulfilling his campaign promises.  It truly looked like he'd won the election on election night and a lot of us still think he did and that it was lost overnight becausae of fraud.  But the point is that he says these things FOR HIS SUPPORTERS because the media hat4e him and hate his supporters and he saw his job as keeping the truth alive that was being buried by the Left.   It's a crazy blindness that doesn't see this. .    

Sullivan would say similarly hateful things while yet acknowledging that some of Trump's policies are good ones he agrees with.  He objects to the racial obsession of the Left, he wants protected borders, he liked what Trump did with the economy.   All the things that Trump's voters like he also likes.  Except for his weird assessment of Trump's personality.  Four more years of Trump could have saved the nation.  Now it's all going to be destroyed.  Again.  People losing jobs, environmental measures that actually do nothing to help the environment, in fact increase the carbon footprint rather than decreasing it, and losing all the jobs Trump created, and so on and so forth.  Down to oblivion we go.  Because some people hallucinate Hilter in a true American patriot while letting the real Hitlers acquire the power to destroy the whole country.   

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Trump Derangement Syndrome Continues

 This endless witch hunt against Donald Trump is insane.  Trump said absolutely nothing in his speech to incite the rioting at the Capitol building.  NOTHING.  He mentioned ONCE that he knew they planned to go over there to PEACFULLY protest and MAKE THEIR VOICES HEARD.  That's ALL he said.  And besides, the rioting was already qwell underway while he was speaking, and they now know that it was planned well in advance of the rally, so this whole BLAME TRUMP theme is just the usual politically motivated anti-American attack on75 million American citizens.  It is the people who are promoting this lie and this witch hunt who should be reprimanded, not Trump and his supporters. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Lies and Fascist Strongarm Tactics of the "Anti-Racist" Protests in America

UPDATE Feb 10  This video of the Evergreen College incident showed up at You Tube today:  \Campus Argument Goes Viral As Evergreen State Is Caught In Racial Turmoil (HBO) - YouTube
The scary thing is how people buy into an ideological dogma and completely leave all reason behind.  If you're white you have to see yourself as having White Privilege, or just being a racist no matter what you've ever thought or believed.  There's a "narrative" that must be followed no matter what the reality.  Bret Weinstein who was clearly no racist is now branded a racist and called a "piece of sh--" by these protestors altnough he's never been a racist.  A student of his is afraid to defend him because her point of view is forbidden.  All this is pure Marxism, totalitarianism.  They even actively denounce freedom of speech when it contradicts their ideology.   This is the kind of nonthinking craziness that now prevails in too much of the public mind on the subject of race.  It decrees "systemic racism" that no longer exists, it brands people "white supremacists" who are no such thing, and so on.

UPDATE Feb 3:  Reviewing some of the links in this post and they make me truly sick that anyone can get away with this stuff.  Fascism in the name of Anti-Fascism, Bigotry in the name of Anti-Bigotry, Racism in the name of Anti-Racism, this stuff is sick sick sick and how on earth did we let it get this far?

I've touched on some aspects of this situation from time to time, but in this post I want to try to be comprehensive.  Among the evils being perpetrated on the nation by the Left this is one of the biggest and most dangerous, and what makes it particuilarly dangerous is the refusal by the Left to recognize and deal with the lies and the violence they promote.   Among the lies are the fact that not only is BLM founded on false accounts of police incidents but it is not really about black lives at all but more about LGBT issues and is a self-identified Marxist group which is clear from their website.  I'm not specifially addreswsing Antifa in this post but they represent the warning given by Huey Long (about whom I know next to nothign besides this quote) that "If fascism comes to America it will come in the name of Anti-Fascism."   Long's phrase gets at it most precisely but Reagan said it would come in the form of Liberalism, which is another way of saying the same thing less pithily.  And here we are, and it is being aggressively promoted on the left and tacitly promoted through cowardice on the right.

Some months ago I discovered You Tube videos about an incident in 2017 in which a biology professor at Evergreen State College in the state of Washington was accused of racism and forced to leave the school. This was for refusing to honor an order by a radical campus group to stay away from campus for a day because he was white.  He objected, he said, as a liberal, to the racist meaning of such an order.  The group protested and eventually got him ousted from his position, so that he and his wife, also a biology professor at the school, left the college and moved to another state.  \

This is how I got to know about Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying, whose weekly "Dark Horse Podcast" I often watch.    They are liberals, but not crazy liberals as I usually think of liberals, and it was by watching their podcast and Bret's interviews with others that I got to know of what I think of as the sane liberals I hadn't known existed.   I hasten to add, however, that although they are sane on some issues and up to a point, there is always that point where they go off into the crazy stuff.  In my opinion.  Nevertheless I've much appreciated their commentary on such events as the protests and riots in the city of Portland Oregon where they now live.   They are in a particularly good position to discuss those events because of their experience at Evergreen, which even at the time Weinstein recognized as a portent of just such events in the nation at large.

First here are some videos to give the Evergreen story itself.  There are many more at You Tube for anyone who wants to get into the details..
This one is a fairly brief description of what happened there by Bret and Heather:   

A year later Bret testified to Congress on the Evergreen events:

Here's a lengthy account of the events and politics of the Evergreen story:
PART ONE: Bret Weinstein, Heather Heying & the Evergreen Equity Council - YouTube    The "equity" statements read about five minutes in literally turn my stomach.  This is the lying foundation of the rewriting of American history and the violence it promotes.  The self-righteous sanctimonious framework for these lies is the most nauseating part of it.   (The same nauseating sanctinomy attended the impeachment of Trump by the way.   Such influential lies are horrific in themselves but the high-toned rhetoric makes them disgusting.)  You hear assertion after assertion after assertion that this supposed racism exists at Evergreen with not one shred of evidence that it does, which Weinstein and Heying do point out.   When we do have evidence concerning incidents considered to be racism, such as in the case of George Floyd, which I deal with below, the evidence shows the opposite:  there is NO systemic racism any more in America.   Oh racism there no doubt is in some individuals, but even that is rare, but racism that actually affects the lives of people NO.  For all this rhetoric to be coming up after the nation has so effectively done away with systemic racism is some kind of pernicious evil that can only exist because the objectives are something other than what they claim, such as a Marxist design on overthrowing the country.

Here's Part Two of this presentation:    

 And here's Part Three:  

I remember this kind of thetoric from the sixties and it was scary enough then.  Lies are scary.  Self=righteous violence-promoting lies are scariest.  Racism wasn't the only issue then, it was aimed against America in general and it was clearly a Marxist movement.  It's the essence of authoritarianism, totalitarianism, groupthink, enslaved minds, and sheer insanity, and whatever truth there ever was in any of it the rhetoric took it way beyond any such reality, and now we have nothing but this gigantic fantasy people have bought into, by which they intend to subdue and enslave the whole nation.  


As Weinstein predicted, theEvergreen protests spread to the rest of the country, already und3erway with the BLM protests such as at Ferguson Missouri, but then it all broke out over the death of George Floyd by arresting police.  In Portland, Oregon, now, Bret does podcasts with his wife Heather Heying on the rioting in downtown Portland, and does many interviews on the general subject of systemic racism and what the George Floyd incident really means.  Despite the constant drumbeat in the mainstream media that supports the BLM view of systemic racism as the cause of police brutality toward blacks, when the facts emerge it turns out that racism is not involved at all.  But you aren't going to find that out if you stick to the usual sources of information.

Bret Weinstein interviews seven black "public intellectuals" on the current racial situation:

Bret Weinstein interviews John McWhorter, one of those in the panel above, and brings out some of the facts that contradict the racism narrative.

Coleman Hughes, one of the members of the panel interviewed above, in a long monologue shows with documentary evidence that racism is not the reason for the George Floyde incident or any of the incidents BLM is based on, but that whites are treated in exactly the same way blacks are.

I believe all the above consider themselves to be liberals.  But I want also to include a conservative  -- or libertarian -- black on the subject.  Here is Larry Elder, conservative black talk show host on how the lies about police racism are getting people killed.

Some other black voices to hear on this subject are Candace Owens, Thomas Sowell, and the late Walter Williams.    Because the black voices may be more convincing on this subject, but there are certainly plenty of white voices too.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Lies are Dangerous Weapons 2

Amazing what the leftists have been saying lately about their intentions of silencing conservatives on the excuse of the Capitol breakin.  They are the fascists, they are the insurrectionists, but it serves them to lay those titles on the 75 million of us who voted for Trump.   It's been clear for some time that they long ago abandoned any real adherence to the principles of the Constitution, they  want all the power in their own hands.  So much for "unity" -- their idea of unity is conforming to their political views, period.

It's amazing, as I said, what they are willing to say.  They want to throw conservatives out of office simply for supporting Trump, or for being conservatives.   Of course we are being silenced on social media.  The aim is complete marginalization.   Some are losing jobs already, losing insurance.  Yes, this in America.  I say America is dead, say it from time to time, but it still surprises and shocks me to see how real it is.     

All they have to do is believe their own lies about the right, call us white supremacists and fascists and so on, to justify whatever it takes to silence us.   Someone I know posted the quote by Sinclair Lewis on Facebook recently, how "if fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."   My answer is that if it comes to America it will come in the form of anti-fascism, and that is what is REALLY happening, but the smear tactic against the Right gives them the self-justification  for whatever measures they want to impose against us, all in the name of righteousness, utterlyh blinded to the truth.  

What they consider to be righteousness is the opposite.  As John MacArthjur recently preached, they are making laws to criminalize true righteousness.  They are the fascists but they are calling their opponents the fascists.  Lies are dangerous weapons, very effective.

Persecution is underway, it's not a matter of whether it will come or not, it's underway, they ARE silencing us and marginalizing us.  It's only going to get worse.   More pastors are starding to preach on it to prepare their congregations for it.    The latest "Understanding the Times" radio show addresses this:   The Approaching Darkness – Pastor Tom Hughes and Pastor Mark Henry - YouTube

Evolutionistical Delusion 2

 Yes of course the Earth goes around the sun;  yes of course HIV causes AIDS, yes of course tectonic movement of the continents is real.   BUT EVOLUTION FROM ONE SPECIES TO ANOTHER  IS NOT.  And why don't they know the difference?  They actually put all these things in the same category as if just as the first three are settled science, so is the Darwinian explanation of the existence and diversity of all living things.   They may have lots more IQ points than I have (maybe) but they can't see through this simple logical error.