Thursday, August 15, 2024

Fundamentalism According to Silly Atheists

 Oh good grief, there's no end to it.  I guess I have to comment on dawkins' conflation of Christianity, Christian fundamentalism that is, with Islam.  He just can't seem to make meaninful distinctions no matter what he's talking about.  So he talks and talks and talks and talks about the strocities committed by Islam ahnd then just adds Christianity into the fundamentalist grab bag without evidence for it.  Just that it's logical, he says, tht if you believe your god is the only God then you must feel you have a right to kill other people who ave other gods.    Well, no we don't. 

Old Testmaent religion is not New Testament religion and that's bwcause Old Testametn religion was about a single nation, a single people, a theocratic state chosen by god to be His own people.  They ghad vowed to obey their God, they had willingly put themselves under covenatn with Him.  None of that applies to anyone else.    What we see in the Old Testament does teach us a lot about God's character, His Law, His role in history, and particularly His plan of recemption which he was to bring to the whole wrold thorough His chosen people.  

But silly atheists like Dawkins are always trying to make us reposnble to boey llaws that there given to the Jesws and only to the Jews.  And they get all indignant at our supposed hypocrisy when we claim not to be under those laws while at the same time we revere the Old Testament as a revelation of the mind of God, the character of the God we worship.

No,k Christianity is not a theocraxcy, it's not a single nation, it's a collection of people scattered throughout the world united by our belief in Jesus for salvartion for starters.  We are not bound by the laws of the Old Testament both because they are mostly aimed at Israel, but also because being crucified with Christ we are set free from the Law altotehr.  Of cousree we want to live by the Ten Commandments, but with the understanding that we cannot do it perfectly and that our salvation is not dependent on our obedience.  

dawkins doesn't know what he's talkinga botu.

And he doesn't understand natural selection either.  So there.

More Dawkins: Ethnocentrism in the Stupid Hatred of the Old Testament by Today's Atheists

 Skimming through the books of moses I found the law of the Sabbath which plainly says that anyone who does work on the sabbath, or spetcifically kindles a fire on th Sabbath, will be put to death.  That certainly makes the man who picked up sticks on the Sbbath guilty of the death penalty.  Silly people who have no idea of the culture of the times or the Law that had alreayd been given loudly and carefully to the whole cogreegation imagine something trivial about the act of picking oup sticks.  That's really what most if not all of the objections of Atheists to the God of the Old Testament amounts to in the end, just culturebound ignorance.

I also rand across the very brief episode of the Midianite woman being brought into the tent of an Isaelite man somewhere in the book of Numbers, which linked that act with the secuctions of the Moabites to their own gos through their women.  That suggests to me that it was the participation in that corruption of the Israelites that brought the dire punishemnt on the Midianites that the atheists swo self righteously decry today.  Again a case of context blindness.