Yes, i seems we re very cose to the end and the lord could come back very soon, and yes the world seems to be coming apart at the seams, well no, not at the seams , just coming papart, being ripped apart, and it doesn't look like there's any way aback barring an intervention from God, and yes I think I put my finger on a major reason for our continuing deterioration in our failure to put the Christian God above all other gods, and es I think smashing the theory of evolution would go a long way to restoration if God would be so mwerciful as to grant us tht great victory over the forces of darkness.
All that and then things keep turning up on the You Tuve page I get into watching so now it's Jordan Peterson interviewing Elon Musk. It's come up before but I got intrigued by Musk's talkinga bout how he read all the religions texts and some of the philosophers at the age of eleven or twelve because he was having an existential crisis, a feeling that there is no meaning in life. Somehow he got it answered sufficientyly for him when he read A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and realized there are still too many unanswered questions to be expecting ansers right how and our job is really just to keep looking for the answers, or something like tht.
I'm not happy with his answer, in a way I suppoose I'd prefer it if he hadn'tg come to an answer becaue I'd like to hear more about the existential crisis. And especially about what on earth he made of the Bible at somuch a young age. I don't think fallen humanity can understand the Bible, let alone a twelve year old, so that's why I'm interested. Both he and Peterson are fallen men groping around in the dark for answers to the big questions that theyh have no chance of answering at all, so think I from my advantageous position as a born again Chrtistin.
It's interesting to me now for some reason to be thinking about how fallen Of course I was subjected to all of that before I became a believer and all of it was incredibly frustrating.
Especialoly the evolutionistic stuff, that delusion of all delusions based on the physicalistic experience of fallen humanity. Fallen humanity is tsuck in the physicalistic universe. They are looking to answers about that universe. They have no sense of any other universe, or any other form of consciousness than the consciousness of that universe. Evolution is the physicalistic way of accounting for origins of course. We're primarily physical beings in this fallen world. And truly we are because we lack the ppsiritual sense god created us with that would open us up to a different order of eveing and of consciosunsness.
but even as a mere physicalistically bound human being we can know there is something missing because somewhow we never do bget to the answers we want. Consciousness as a mere bproduct of the physical universe? Ridiculous. I more or less believed in evlution before I became a believer but it frustrated me too and I was always raising questions about it.
Dawkins loves poetry and music and it seems to be just fine with him to think iof it as a byproduct of billions of years of physicalistic evolution. I remember crying over a Mozart symphasy once because there is nothing in this world that deserves such music. There is something just brutally uninteresting about the physicalistic answers to the big questions. Because we're supposed to take them as most interesting since that's the highest we can get in our fallen condition. And it gets us owhere. Don't we just know we are more than that? Why doesn't Dawkins know it? I wasn't thinking of God when I had such thoguhts, I was just thinking how amazing the human being is and how we aren't just physical beings and how brutally reductinistic it is to make us try to accept the physical world as all there is. All there is and ever can be or whatever it was that Carl Sagan so sonoroudsly intoned. A big idea bout a little fact. Liek Darwin's puffery about how there is grandeur in the evolutinistic view of things. Yeah a cold grandeur, ultimately unhuman, inhuman. I wasn't thinking of God at all, just the nature of umanityh which does seem to me to be deserving sosf some grand words beyond the physiclism of the fallen condition.
So it took God's opening my eyes to give me the answers I was looking for. And when I discoverfed creationism I hoped it would lead me to demolishing all those physicalistic notions. I think it did. I'm sure it did. Now if only I could convince others. humanity tries to answer these questions without any reference to the true God.
They ekeep trying to derive consciousness from the phsycial. but consciousness precedes the physical. God is Spirit, he precedes it all.