Friday, February 25, 2022

Anything to twist whatever Trump says. Anything. Amazing.

jjjjjMonday. UPDATE: A couple of days after a "friend" of minne didn't want to talk to me because Trump supposedly did this horrible thing of calling Putin a genius, after trying to be polite and tolerant and friendly and all that I'm now absolutely disgusted that anyone would have such a rectoin to Trumpo. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of the leftist insanity, and that's what it is, insanity. Still, I think they are deceived by the media propaganda for the most part and I wish I had a way to get that across to them.

I remembered a Bible passage that describes these people who are always finding something wrong in what Tr4ump says:

Isaiah 29:20 …those that watch for iniquity … 21 That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nought.

Watchers for iniquity. Self-righteous evil people. Trump gave a good speech at the weekend's CPAC converence. His enemeis are foul liars. /UPDATE

I don't kbnow whether to laugh or cry. I've done both. Supposedly trump was praising Putin as a genius for the excuse he gave for invading Ukraine and golly gosh the Left is going to insist on that.

> Mbr<'Mbr< UPDATE: So many people seem to think Trump really did mean to say Putin is a genius I guess I have to take ack what I say below. But no way would Trump be regardijg Putin as anything but an enemy, and that's the basic disagreement. His businessman's mindset seems to require hi mjto say nice things about his enemies, and maybe he even believes them, but he's never treated them as anythig abut enemies when it comes to policies. So the rest of this post may be wrong, OI don't know, but it remains true that he's no friend of Putin's.

Explansion on the TGheme of the Last Post: We are Living in the Early Stagbes of Global Nazification.

Comparinbg anything going on today with the Holocaust and the Nazi era is often indignantly denounced, as nothing today is anywhere near that degree of horror. And that is true. So far. The comparisons that can be made refer to the early stages of Hitler's attempt to eliminate the Jews, the thirties just as he came into power and began to enact laws that deprived the Jews of normal life in socieity and branded them as enemies of nonJews. That it proceeded by stages is clear from almost all the interviews with Holocaust survivaors and I'd been listening to those stories for weeks a while back. They were forbidden to go cetain places, certain stores, school, theater, movies. Children began to throw stones at the Jewsish children. Eventually most of them were confined to their own homes and rarely went out. Then their businesses were taken away and then their homes. They were moved into part of a city that was barricades, that they couldn't leave. They had to wear the star to identify them as Jews, I guess that came before the ghetto. In the ghetto they couldn't get enough food and many starved. Diseases ran through the population. At some point they Nazis started founding them up and putting them on trains bound for the concentration camps where they were sorted into people able to work and people destined for immediate extermination in the gas chambers.

As I'd been listening to those testimonies the comparison with what we've beengoing through int he COVID pabndemic was hard to avoid. The reasons for the similiaries are different, but not all that different when you see that the Jews were often isolated from the rest of society on the excuse that they carried diseases. Jan Markell's radio show that I posted before this touches on that facet of their marginalization from socieity. We have to wear masks although there are many studies that show it doesn't work to prevent the spread of the disease/ Cjo;drem are sibkected tp a;; tje CPVOD restroctopms as adi;ts a;tjpigj ot jas beem lmpwm frp, tje betgommomg tjat tjeu resost tje dosease amd recpver qiocl;u/ Tjem we ve beem bp,barded wotj tje aggressove recp,,emdatopm,. tjat ;ater beca,e a de,amd. tjat we be vaccomated wotj tje mew imtested
tjat arem t amutjomg ;ole vaccomes as we ve lmpwm tje,/ Ot jas becp,e c;ear tjat tjeu dpm t [revemt [ep[;e frp, gettomg tje voris amd tjeu dpm t [revemt ots s[read tp ptjer [ep[;e amd uet we are sto;; exjprted tp be vaommmatoed/ Twoce evem. amd tjem vaccomated agaomn wotj
bppsters? Wjo;e tjpse wjp jave reaspms mpt tp b e vaccomated. ,amu pf tje, javomg becp,e aware pf tje damgers pf tje vaccomes tje,se;ves om adverse reactopms tjat mpw cpimt pver a ,o;;opm wjo;e deatjs are pver twemtu tjpisamd/ uet tje imvaccomated are de,pmozed as s[readers pf tje voris/ Om rea;otu ot s tje vaccomated wjp are tje ,aom s[readers pf tje voris/ Tje vaccome otse;f
amd evem omcibates varoamts/ Bit ot s tje imvaccomated wjp are targeted fpr cjaracter assassomatopm/ >br? >br? It looks quite a bit like what the Nazis were doing to the Jews in the early stages. It also looks like what happened in Rwanda as the Tutsis were demonized by the hutus under the influence of propagandists before they slaughtered them. the unvaccinated are losing their jobs because of it. Some public voices are very condemnatory of them as enemies of society. Even biblical slogans are used against them: love of neighbor has come to mean being vaccinated for the sake of your naeihbhbor although 8it does nothinjg for your neighbro and warning your neighbor of the dangers of it might be a better way to expresas Christian lov3e.

the pandemic is only one element of the Nazification we are witnessing. Besides th demonization of the unvaccinated we are also hearing that the white race is supposedly inherently racist. That was the motivation for Darrel Brooks to drive his car into a crowd of white people in a Christimas parade. Same motivation the Nazis provoked in the people who threw stones at the Jews.

I'd been getting this impression myself from listening to the Holocaust testimonies, but others are now coming out and saying thte same thinng. It's a theme of Jan Markell's radio show. ,br>
People are dying in the hospitals because the hospitals are only allowed to give them one drug if they have COVID, and that's Remdesivir, which doesn't do much for the virus and has side effects that can be lethal to anyone who has a compromised immune system. Sometimes if a person is extremely aggressive agout it and especially if they have legal help or perhaps a celebrity to help, they can get the drugs knjown to be effective against COVID, such as hydroxychloroquie and Ivermectin and monoclonal antibodies. But most people don'[t have that benefit. Jan Markell did a couople of radio shows on such experiences a few weeks ago. She's not the only one but I keep mentioning her because she does condense the important issues into one radio show. Chris Pinto is another who is up on these things. And then of course there were the Joe Rogan interviews with highly qualified doctors who objected to all these things and brought the wrath of the totalitarian engineers down on his head.

Those who have been watching all this unfold over the last couple of years are far beyond anything that could be called "conspiracy theory" since the evidence is glaringly there, but those who have been cut off from this information and subjected only to th media propaganda are of course astonished if you try to tell them any of this. That's how effective the information jbarriers have been.

There are hopeful signs here and there, rsistance movements like the truckers convoys, the legal challenege to Trudeau's crackdown on the innocent truckers, a strong voice here and there such as Naomi Wolf on Markell's show or Joe Rogan, people who started out on the other side and have seen through it. But this is a planned movement. It's been rehearsed. they knew a virus was coming and they knew in advance how to promite it so that it would play into their global control. Some people who see the effects are not yet seeing that this was planned and may still be looking for more reasonable explanations. getting the information out is still the biggest problem it seems to me.
A Christian knows the only real protection is God and salvation through Jesus Christ. Even in this world but of course as a promise that this world is not our ultimate destine. If God has mercy on us He could give us a mass uprising against these evil people who are trying to control the world so that we could put them down and reconstruct something more along the lines of our pre=COVID lives. But it doesn't look like He's giving us that mass movement yet. Small movements that could becoe big but might now. Nevertheless individuals are protected by Him if we belong to Him. Sorry, I can feel with my fingers that I've made an awrful lot of mistakes in this post. Since my eyes are so bad I probably won't be able to correct most of them all I can do is hope they dobn't make reading impossible.

Oh That the Left Would Wake Up toWhat's Really Going on. Such as What Jan Markell is talking about This Week.

The most frustrating thing that is going on today is the inability to convey the truth about what is going on to the huge number of people who confine themselves to the "mainstream" mediaand hold the liberal point of view. They shut down all avenues of communication on the imnportant topics, thinking perhaps that it's just the civilized thing to do or something like that, while the effect is that they've sealed themselves off from ever knowing the truth about what is going on in the world. And they need to know it, we all need to knjow it.

Most of what I post here is an attempt to get across what we all need to know right now ut I'm only too aware that the people who need most to know it never see anyh of these things and rebugg efforts to show it to them. There are also the active propagandists who do see them and twist them to demonize them and turn people against the truth.

Jan Markell's latest radio show is one of her best though she's had quite a few good ones lately. In this one she interviews Curtis Bowers who made the filoms Agenda 1 and 2 about the Communist agenda to take over America. Looks like they've succeeded . He and Jan discuss the global totalitarianism that's closing in on us these days. Although this show was just posted at her website she doesn't mention that the truckers have already begun their convoy across America as of Wednesday, talking about it as if it's still in the planning stages. She doesn't mention Russia's inasion of Ukraine, she doesn't mention the court filing by DUrham either. Nevertheless what she has to say about the global threat of total control of us all mostly through the pandemic is highly relevant.

Toward the end of her show she airs a slip of a holocaust survivor who is in her nineties, delivering her warning that we are now a political situation very much like Nazi Germany in the thirties before the active murder of the the jews, the early stages in which the method was propaganda to demonize them and turn others against them. That is what is going on now as the unvaccinated are being demoni9ized, the truckers convoys are being demonized, conservatives in general are beintg denomized, anyone who objects to the totalitarian controls being imnposed onj us is demonized. We've been called racists and white supremacists, we're called terrorists and enemies of the state, we're called a threat to the rest of the citizenry. All the same things they did to the Jews. And the medical context is being used abgainst us just as it was against the Jews.

As with so much of what I post here I wish this radio sxhow could get out to the entire country and the rest of the world. Some wouldhn't be changed by it but surely many would. Even leftists are waking up these days to what is going on. The Walkaway movement is one example of that, and I've posted on that from time ot tike. Jan airs a segment of Naomi Wolf who si a leftist nevertheless warning about how what is happening to us here is the same thing that happened under Nazim.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

A Legal Challenge to Trudeau's Misuse of the Emergencies Act Against the Truckers Convoy Protest.

Once in a while there is a glimmer of relief from the craziness we are going through and this is one of them. It just popped up on my radar out of the blue and happy I am to see it. This is a legal challenge in Canada to Trudeau's use of the Emergencies Act, a very effective challenege according to the speaker since it led him to call it off. He didn't call off all its effects, however, and she says the challenege is continuing because it is important to try to keep it from happeneing again. She spells out the illegalities of Trudeau's invocation of the act.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Chris Pinto talk on the Christian history of America

Crhris Pin6to, part one of talk on Christian history of America

Did the English settlers of America steal the land from the natives?
No, they purchased it.
Did the English settlers of America commit genocide against the Indians?
No, after the time of peace between them and Chief Massasoit, Massasoit's son attacked the settlers with the aim of killing them all.

Was the American Revolutioinary war rebellion of fhte knid scripture denounces as the sin of witchcraft?
No, That rebellion is reballion against God, but the rebvolutionary war was a just rebellion against an unjust tyrant who himself was a rebel against God.


The early American colonists had the historicist view of the Antichrist as the papacy and part of their aim in settling the new land was to keep the Antichrist from geting a foothold in it. Chris Pinto has the same Historicist view of eschatology rather than the futurist interpretation of the Pre-Tribulation rapture. That is the view that the book of Reveloation desribes events unfolding over history rather than in the seven-year period of the Pre-Trib scenario. As I see it, there is nothing in Revvelation that says when the Antichrist will be revelaed, it describes events during his reign, so that the Reformers' view of his appearance as having occurred in the seventh century is reasonable, and doesn't contradict most of the Pre-Tribulat9ion interpretation. The timing of his appearance is given in Thessalonians and the details of it are given in the book of Daniel. All that is consistent with his appearance as the elevation of the bibshop of Rome in 56-6 AD as the Reofmers saw it. I means we are not waiting ofr him to be revelated, his has been revealed, which had to happen berfore the Day of the LORD come come, and now that we know who he is we are waiting for the other elements of the last days to unforld druing which he will take world power. He already has a world prescence but it remains for him to rise to the very top, which has been the aim of the papacy through the Jesuits since the Reformation, to reclaim the power he had over the Holy Roman Empire.

Seeing ALL of the end times scenario as historically fulfilled denies the time frame given in the book of Daniel which is perhaps the biggest problem I have with it. It seems to me Seventieth Week of Daniel HAS to be reserved for the Day of the LORD, otherwise known as the Great Tribulation. Otherwise it has no fulfillment. The three and a half years of the reign of the Antichrist described in Revelation perfectly aligns with the prophecy in Daniel where that period of time is emphasized over and over. It MUST refer to the reign of the Antichrist at the very end. As I see it. And it seems awfully close as the WEF has been shaping up their Great Reset and formerly free coutnries are being usurped by tootalitarian governments against innocent citizens, as the precursors to the return of Christ He described are unfolding in wars and rumors of wars, pestilences from Ebola tgot COVID, threat of famine with current inflation and so on. Will it be pushed back? For a while perhaps, or maybe it won't. Wait and see.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Despite the Hopeful Resistance, the Trajectory Remainjs Hellbent Toward the Grand Finale of Planet Earth

We are losing the best form of government ever devised in this fallen world, a goverrnment that allows the maximum of personal freedom and safety for the citizenry, promotes the most effective means to prosperity for the nation as a whole as well as individual citizens. It was devised by men who knew the history of governmental tyrannies and the record of events that had pushed them back from time to time, and designed the American Constitution to be the best safeguard of those improvements they could invent.

But we are losing it now. We've been losing it for decades but we've now arrived at the point where we can actually see it collapsing around us and bringing us back under the tyranny it was designed to prevent. ,br>
We are seeing some good news as more and more people are resisting the tyrannies coming at us all over the globe. It's a mixed bag, the forces of evil crack down, resistance movements rise up, followed by more crackdown and so on. Jan Markell's program this week does her usual thorough job of covering the current situation:

Christians don't have to worry despite the possibility of great suffering as a result of the globalist agenda which is as usual primarily aimed against God because that's Satan's mission from beginning to end, to usurp God's place and rule the planet himself, so it's really the unbelievers who are going to suffer the most and certainly after this life if they don't turn to Christ. The fallen mind is unfortunatley attracted to Satan's plans, having no ability to see the big picture that is given to us in the bible and nowhere else. Build Back Better sounds good to some thought what it really means is dismantling the only systems of government that serve the real needs of humanity, and most successfully the US version of that government.

The resistance is good to see but there's unfortunatley good reason to expect that it can't prevail. Maybe it could give some temporary reprieve but in the end it's going to be crushed because the underlying driving force in the world right now is God's judgment against the nations, and the US is one of them. There is Christian participation in the resistance, there is prayer and activism based on it, but the massive repentance and turning back from the causes of God's judgment are not eough of a part of it. To say the least. We resist the loss of the great accomplishments of former Christian generations, but what is needed is a return to the mentality that brought them about and that woulde mean drastic sacrificial repentance and a rolling back of decades of evil social policies, most of them the loudest most aggressive policies being pushed on us right now. Anti God policies. Transgenderism? Oh so angrily destructively self-righteously demanded of us. Just to mention one.As long as great numbers of people are convinced such policies are righteous the pushback is going to fail. Barring a miraculous move of God, but we are under His judgment. Such an act of mercy is alwasys possible but we've needed it for so long already hope is hard to hold onto..

Judgment is well underway, nations are being destroyed and being set up for further destruction. the forces of the destructionj are self-righteously movivated, delyuded that their policies are what is needed to right all the wrongs in the world. It's a potent method. Demonize the real solutions, the ones who know what is really needed, silence them and deprive them of normal supports and benefits while bringing on the "better" guilding-back that will certaily bring the nation to ruin. Diabolical.
Because the Building Back defies God's Law. the Marxism of the sixties that started this ball rolling could have been called The Sin Liberation Front. It's sin that destroys people. The more sin you can promote in the world the sooner the world will come to ruin.Call sin righteous and there you have it. Call sin normal and there you have it.

Again I remember John Adams' warning that the US Constitution was designed for the govewrnment of a moral an dreligious people, which the people were for the most part in his day and for some time afterward, but we are certainly not atht kind o people now. And the sixties made a virtue of amany of he sincs identified in God's word. "Liberation" movements wmade a mockery of the idea of freedom enshrined in the Constitution. Freedom to sin is what they made of it. Lawsuits supposedly based on the Constitution oh so righteously kicked the Bible and prayer out of the public schools, oh so righteously brought us the legal murder of the unborn, oh so righteously gave sacred rights to pornography, oh so righteously violated God's marriage ordinacy by legalising gay marriage. THAT is why we are under God's judgment and it is so aggressively being promoted today what hope to we have of rolling it back And that's just a very short list of how we'veve made a mocerky of God's Moral Law.

I keep coming back to that line in Hosea:

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy chil

The knowledge they lack and we lack is the kknoweldge of God and God's Moral Law, the knowledge that the wages of sin is death, the knowledge that all suffering is the result of the Fall and our continuing sin. We are destroyed as God''s people Israel were destroyed, because we lack the knowledge of sin as the cause of God's judgmetns and those jusdgements are destruction. Though other kinds of knowledge may be very valuable, it is the lack of this knowledge, the knowledg eof God Himself, that leads to the destruction that verse is talking about. If you read the whole book of Hosea, and indeed mmost of the prophets, you see over and over that God's people are judged in horribly destructive events for their violations of God's Law, for their ins and their idolatries. A few lines before Hosea 4:6 the sins of the peopleare listed, a list of violations of some of the Ten Commandments, the people being said to lie and steal and murder and so on. THAT is why they are being destroyed and it is the lack of knowledge of that connection that God is talking about. And it goes on in that very verse to say not only do they lack knowledge but they reject the knowledge. As do the nations of the modern world. They tear down the monuments to the Ten Commandments in the US. We cdespise the knowledge that would keep us from destruction.

It's already here but more is coming. The resistance movements are cheering but when you see the dimension of the problem you must see that such movements are just a drop in the bucket and judgment is going to keep coming. <

And the sclae of it, the global scale of it, the rumblings of global amibtionjs we see in the WEF and the UN, certainly suggest a judgment on the order of The Day of the LORD, or the Great Tribultion of the very last days. Jan Markell thinks that's what the WEWF's Great Reset is, and I think she's right.

THE ONJLY PROTECTION IS PERSONAL SALFATION. The fallen world isn't going to turn back, your onjly hope is God Hiimself.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The Gospel, Justice Satisfied, Sermohn by Charles Spurgeon

Spurgeonj is simply the best. I'm so glad I found this collection of his sermonjs at You Tube, read by some good voices for the task. SI have discovered from just scrolling through the videos of his sermons that his very face produces a deep sense of the Holy Spirit in me. Just seeing his face. I am grateful that I have this sense of him, I'm not sure how many have this sort of reaction. I'fve come to wonder if it's what scripture identifies as the gift of discernment of spirits. I think that because I also have a strong negative reactio to mere symbols of evil spirits as I did at the logo of the 1988 Olympic games in South Korea, which I wrote about on one of my other blogs. Someone wrote me about that to upbraid me for such an idea, saying symbols simply don't do that. I thought I'd described it well enough to be clear I certainly didn't make it up so I don't know how he could have been so convinced. I've never heard of this particular phenomenon before, I simply experienced it. I'm speculating that it is the gift of discernment, it simply seems to be a reasonable explanation. I also experience a great sense of peace when my eye falls on the Bible, , simply takes in a page of it, even without reading it, as if the Bible itself emanates a spirit. And now the face of Spurgeon. Well, I can't claim much about this, perhaps it is meant for me alone. I don't know.

Nevertheless what I experience of the spirit of Spurgeon seems thoroughnly justified by his praching. It does add the dimension, though, of a sense that he must spend hours immersed in the things of God so that he is soaked in the Holy Spirit as it were. Soaked, saturated, so that he himself radiates God through his own spirit. As he describes his method of developing a sermon in the documentary about him that I posted a while back, just that amount of work to find the most authentic God-honoring, or more accurately God-initiated, message, shows his deep dependence on the Holy Spirit. He said he would come up with many ideas for sermons but he considered them to be the production of the flesh until he knew that a particular topic was given to him by God. that being his method week aftger week would alone account for his palpably godly spirit.
This sermon, about God's Justice and how the sacrifice of Christ satisfies it, shows his usual methodical and thorough exploration of his message. We are all sinners, condemned by God's justice, until we embrace the salvation given through Christ. But he doesn't let us off easy. If you don't powerfully feel your own guilt under the Law of God the gospel won't do anything for you. And the more we understand about the character of Christ Himself the more solidly planted in the gospel we can claim to be. He makes me aware of how little I qaualify. He drives me to desire a greater immersion of my own.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Hodge Podge post. Prime numbers, Liberalism and its self delusions. Among other things.

I donh't want to make a full post out of this, it's more of a whimsy than anything else, so I'm going to start out this post with a brief reflection on Prime Numbers. I really don't know what people find interesting about primne numbers but aapparently there are people who do. Nerdy match types must. And for all I kbnow I don't even rally appreciate the concept and will just say something foolish about it anyway. But here's my whimsical pondering.

There's probably a nice orderliness to the concept that I'll never grasp and maybe that's what the nerdy types appreciate. I merely thought about it far enough to ralize that it's easy to eliminate some numbers as prime numbers which ought to make it easier than some seem to think to identify the prime numbers. That is:

ALL NUMBERS that end in five are NOT prime numbers. They can all be divided by five. ALL NUMBERS that end in an even number, that is, 2 4, 6, 8, o4 0, are not prime numbers because all of them can be divided at least by 2. The remaining numbers are the four odd numbers 1, 3, 7 and 9. Some numbers that end in these are prime, some are not. 21 is divisible by 3 and 7 so it's not prime. 81 is divisible by 3, 7 and 9 so it's not prime, bu all the other numbers between one and a humber that end it 1 are prime numbers.

I'suspect if you fool around with these things enough you'll start to see some interesting patterns but althjough in certain moods I do such things I don't think I will with this one. I've alwasys considered myself to be a math dunce anyway, but maybe I was just not taught right. But I do like finding patterns and solving some kinds of logic puzzles. Anyway, people who are trying to figure out what's a prime number and what isn't may find this little pondering useful. Or not.

that alsmost was a whole post. Hm. OK, so here's another little conundrum I've been pondering.

Since some people have been getting COVID twice I've heard some say that even natural immunity isn't protective against it, which we thought it was. But what they are talking about is those who are vaccinated and get COVID twice. I haven't heard anyone who is unvaccinated getting it twice, and if that's happened then what I'm thinking here is wrong. The point is that being vaccinated itself is in some sense WHY you get COVID twice. From "shedding" or from being the host of a mutant just because you have the genetic stuff in you that can mutate? I'm not sure how this works but if it's OBNLY the vaccinated who are getting COVID more than once it seems to be about being vaccinated. They don't get natural immunity from having the virus because of something having to do with their being vaccinated. BUT this may not be true of the unvaccinated who should have natural immunity from having the virus. At least this should bew a question. It's not that natural immunity isn't a protection, it's that the vaccinated are somehow prevented from reaching natural immunity.

Well, here's another then. Some liberals think that the ACLU used to be a necessary and useful organization. Well, the3y did take cases from both sides of the aislle. Clever of them. Great camouflage. But as I recall the ACLU was a Commujist front from the beginning. Yeah I'll have to review it all to rmind myself about it, sorry. Liberals also have some fu y ideas about what liberalism has done for the country. Even attributing the founding documents to liberalism. Well in a sense I guess you could say that but it does ten to muddy up the meaning of the word and certainly makes it hard to make sense of why liberalism is such an antiAmerican position these days. Maybe you have to put it together with Democratic Party, undemocratic to be sure but oh well. Then maybe you can see that it was the Democrats/Liberals who opposed the civil rights such starry eyed liberals impute to them. It was ofcourse the Democrats who flew the Confederate flag too, and the Republicans who chamo]pioined abolition and emancipation of slaves. Liberals of today's stripe were the leaders of the French Revolution and certainly had nothing to do with the American Revolution.
And such starry eyed types never ever get it right about conservatives either.; Like the word "progressive" they get hung up on the literal meaning of the word and put their own content to it. THERE'S NOTHING PROGRESSIVE ABOUT THE pROGRESSIVES. tHE WORD WAS INVENTED BY cOMMUNISTS TO COVER UP THE FACT THAT THEY are communists. Back in the early part of thee last century. I think it was probably David Horoqitze who clued me in on that fact. The onjly "progress" that's been made by that side of the politi8cal divide is progressive destruction of our Constititioual Republic.

There's a LOT to say about all that, sorry to have to leave it midthought but I'm getting tired writing this and have to stop for now. If I let it sit I'll hneer get back to it. Maybe i can say more in another post.
Oh phooe

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Call to Support the Canadian Truckers Freedom Convoy

I don't know how much is caused by my bad eyes but thre does seem to be some interference from what might be called gremlines too, liberal gremlines I suppose.  Anyway things are out of order in this post and I've already worn myself out trying to correct things so I give up.  I think it's mostlyh decipherable.

UPDATE:  Here's another representative of the convoy from Wednesday:  

 And hree's 

How on earth did the free West come to this?  It remains the mystery of the day.    Peacefully protesting truckers vilified by the press in what has become the standard leftist method.    How can there be so much energy behind this obvious atack on innocent fellow citizens?  Yes it's Marxism, but why are so many people so willing to go along with it>  

Here's a video of some representatives of the Freedom Convoy of Canadian truckers in ottowa.   The speaker is saying there's a rumor that the police are going to try to corner them and arrest them, which would shut down all their communications with the outside, so he's asking that if that happens that many others would consider coming to join them in their peaceful protest and give support.

Monday, February 7, 2022

The Power of Character Assassination: Leftist Lies Are Prison Bars -- Confiining Anyone on the Wrong Side of the Narative About COVID or anything else

UPDATE: Had to make a correction which I've put at the bottom of the post

It's hard to know how to write about the truckers' protest in Ottowa. The politics of the situation isn't new, it's the same conflict between innocent ordinary people, many of them conservatives though not all of them, and the Leftist power elite who lie and lie and lie and lie and lie about them. I guess it's because it's such a large gathering of dissidents one might expect the narrative to crack and break but since it doesn't seem to make a difference to that narrative, it just goes on lying and lying and lying and lying, any hope the numbers generated becomes hard to maintain.

I can always join the general lamentfrom the conservative side but what I'm getting at here is that something about this situation shows the futility of it beyond the usual. World powers can imose their lying propaganda even on a great mass of people who are acting within what used to be understood to be protected avenues of protest in the western world. They seem to wield their power by lies, first, and by money, meaning among other things by threats against the livelihood of anyone who opposes them.

But start with the lies. Listening to the walkaway videos which were the topic of the previous post the major theme emerges right away how the people were held captive by propaganda. Both Brandon Straka and Georgia H describe a psychoogical state of fear of raising the slightest question against the "liberal" party line they had grown up with. They beleived it completely but wherever a moment's doubt crossed their mind it had to be squelched out of fear of being a "bad person" so that the narrative was maintained by such squelchigs wherever a tiny crack in it emerged.

Both Brandon S and Georgia H describe beliving that conservatives are just very very bad people. People with bad motives, greedy selfish people. who want to harm others. Even if they sort of don't really believe they are that bad their isolation from any rational discussion about the different points of view keeps them from opportunities to come to a different opinion.

It's not about ideas at all, it's all about bad people. Some time ago David Horowitc described the Left as moralistic preachers who conndemn their oppponents as human beings. That's not how Horowitz said it but the point is that they attack people rather than ideas. Conservatives are people who want to control a woman's body, they are people who want to keep minorities from succeeding in society, they are people who want to keep the poor poor while they themselves get rich. They are people who don't care about other people. Thre isn't a single idea in the whole miserable propagandistic scenario they inhabit.

The propaganda works. The truckers in Ottowa are just evil people who are selfisholy interfering with the wellbeing of other Canadians. Once you've got a defintiion of a group as evil you can justify all sorts of violations of the usual rights. You can justify any sort of interference with their protest if you call them "white supremacists" or some such. There isn't a shred of a hint of anything like white supremacy in the group but if you say there is you can sway putblic opinion and justify silencing them in whatever ways governments have of dealing with criminals. They've stopped being ordinary citizens protesting a government overreach and become criminals through propaganda.

The walkaway people are people who finally saw through this, but it was a struggle in all cases to set themselves free from the propaganda that had a stranglehold on them that it continues to have on all those from the same background who haven't see through it.

I think it's the numbers that are making it all seem so hopeless. Even if another million of us joined with the truckers there is a power in the propaganda that can marginalize all of us. They've succeeded in branding us as white supremacists in the minds of most on the left, and even though there are as manyh of us or more than there are of them the propaganda succeeds in making us the marginalized ones. Thousands of truckers don't shut them up, it's the truckers who are getting branded when it should be the govewrnment tyrants. Millions of conservatives are "deplorables," as well as white supremaciists, racists and so on. What they did to Trump with their lies they do to the millions of us on his side. Millions. That's the point of this, millions.

The Whoopi Goldbert incident just came to mind. I've heard an awful lot of people on both sides of the political aisle condeming her and very very few taking her side. Po9litically I certainly don't agree with her about much but I keep wanting to defend her on this issue. What they are doing to her is what the left always does to people who one way or another trip over their crazy ideas of what makes good people and bad people. As usual it's all about people not ideas. you can't merely make a mistake, you ecome a bad person. Whooopi becomes an antisemite because of her ignorance of the historical facts about Hitler and the Holocaust. that's really all it was, historical ignorance. Since she either didn't know or had forgotten that Hitler defined the Jews as an inferior race to be eradicated she made the mistake of identifying the evil of the Holocaust as a nonacial evil. She imposed her own idea of race on the historical events, meaning that since in her mind race is definited by visible characteristics and the Jews seem to her to be as white as any other whites, therefore the Holocaust wasn't about race. Well, it's historically very ignoirant of her but how manyh people have a good grasp of the historical facts about the Nazi era anyway? If you asked people on the street why Hitler hated the Jews how manyh of them wouild said he thought they were an inferior race? How many of them would even knbow what you were tlaking about in jthe first place? Well, certainly you'd expect that Whoopi Goldbert would know more than the man in the street, but I'm not sure why. How much has she read? Do we expecdt celebrities to be readers enough to have a solid grip on a historeical era we didn't live through? I guess I don't know the answer to that but I myself just see that Whoopi for what4ever reason was ignorant of the historical facts and interposed her own ideas about race and made a big mistake. She apolotized and I think that's enough. Even the little big of punishement she got is too much. Nobody should be punished for making such a mistake. An apology ought to be sufficient.

And we really should improve our education of our citizenry so that we all know what really happened in the Holocaust.

Well, that was a side trip but the them is the same. It's the leftist mentality that punishesx a person for having a point of view that is wrong according to their notions, whether due to ignorance or a well worked out philosophy that disagrees with them. That's what they are doing to the truckers. THe modus operandi of the Left ic character assassiination. Calling people racist and all the rest of the PC epithets is how they control people by intimidation. It's diabolical, and diabolically successfuful. <

And once it's reached the current level of numbers of people who have been brainwashed, how do we combait? I don't see how. That's what got me started on this post

UPDATE: Correction: I realized after posting this that I was lumping Brandon S together with George H as both fearful of breaching the party line, but as I thought about it I realized that it was Georgia H who described that fear and Brandon S. merely described being afraid of conservatives because of the leftist propaganda he believed.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Walkaway People: Pushback Against the Leftist Lies and Totalitarian Tyranny. I Wish it Was More.

UPDATE Feb 4: Searched for Walkaway videos on You Tube and quite a few came up. There are lots more out there somewhere but I don't think my eyes could handle the search. Straka has a websit4e I thinkk, in any case he says there are thousands of such videos by now. I watched a few at You Tube and it's very heartening to see people waking up to the trutyh. It's interesting that some of them continue to hold views I can't share and my personal take is that if they just continue their research they'll come around closer to mine, but who knows. In any case there are more than I thought, it's not the millions we need but it's more than I thought. Oh lovely thoughtful smart sane people.

UPDATE Feb 4: I mention the walkaway video of Georgia H in this post and then discovered that it comes up at the end of the Brandon Straka video. I listened to it again and still think her testimony is about the best there could be at showing the insanity of the Left, so I'm posting it here at the bottom. ,br>
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This is an oldie but I just discovered it. Mark Levin spent an hour of his radio show yesterday airing the testimony of Brandon Straka who was arrested as one of the perpetrators of the January 6th "insurrection" which was no insurrection or was only for some very small number of the people who were there that day. As he described his participation it was only as a photographer. He got there late, he was on the east side of the Capitol building where the crowd was numerous but nonviolent, he fil filmed it all inclujding when the crowd moved up the steps to enter the building. But they didn't enter the building and eventually he just went home. He found out later that there were violent incidents on the west side of the building that he hadn't seen.

Some time later the FBI arrested him as supposedly inciting an attack on a police officer at the doorway to the building. He had filmed the incident by holding his camera above the heads of the crowd in front of him but hadn't witnessed it himself and didn't even know what they were talking about until he watched the filmn again later. They claim he was a voice that shouted to the crowd to attack the policeman but he says that isn't his voice.

He had quite an ordeal because of his arrest but says there's more to it he will talk about on a later show with Levin.

Levin introduced him as the founder of the Walkaway movement of Democrats leaving the party. Ihadn't heard of him before. I did watch one walkaway video that I think I posted on my blog, Georgia H who gave a very touching story of what led her to leave the Democratic party and become a conservative. I hoped at the time that she wouold become a conservative activist and that I'd hear a lot more of her but to date I haven't.

Anyway Brandon Straka's story is also very interesting. He's gay and belconsidered himself to be a liberal mostly for that reason. He hated Trump and wanted to do his best to punish those who had voted for him. But then he posted on social media his outrage that anyone would vote for a man who would mock a disabled reporter as Trump was reported to have done. He demanded that people explain to him how they could support such a man. Someone contacted him in private and sent him the video that shows that Trump wasn't mocking the reporter's disability but something he said, and had mocked many others in exactly the same way. I saw that video yyears ago but there are still way too many people who still think Trump mocked a person for his disability.

Here's Straka on a podcast describing his walkaway experience:

This is what happens when a liberal suddenly recognizes that he's been lied to. He starts researching other reports and discovers that he's been lied to about all of them. Inthis case it was all the lies about TeTrump[. Eventually he had to leave the Democratic party and started a movement of people leaving the Democratic Party.

Here's one of the videos that show that TRUMP WAS NOT mocking a person's disability but something false in what he said, which he is shown doing with many others as well.


Well, every little bit helps whenit comes to undoing the pernicious lies of the left. But still it must be about half the country who believe them


And here is the walkaway video of the lovely and sane Geoergia He:

Note: I have to say I disagree with both Brandon S and Georgia H on one point: They think gay marriage is a good thing, I see it as da violationj of God's law and a destructive influence in AAmerican culture.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

How I Remember the COVID Nightmare Unfolding Over the Last Two Years.

UPDATE: I listened to this on the Read Aloud function and besides finding lots of horrific typos I'm really not able to correct there was one that has to be corrected and I can't find it: I wrote vitamin D2 instead of D3 somewhere. It has to be D3 or just D.

Before Trump said anything about it, I heard about HCQ on the Hannity show. He had guests on who testified to its effectiveness. I think the next thing I heard was Trump's endorsement of it. The first testimony by doctors I thiknk I heard was by Dr. Simone Gold, an ER doctor in Southern California, and with her Dr.Daniel Wohlgelernter, a cardiologist connected diwht the samde hosptiral. I think that would have been early summer of 2020 but I'm going by memory so I could be off on the timing. They both described using HCQ with patients who got better as a result. They challenged a couple of studies that were badly designed, and one that was an out and out fraud which had been published in the prestigious journal Lancet. HCQ was given too late in many cases to be of any benefit, or given without zinc for which it is an ionophore, meaning it opens cells so that zinc can enter and kill the virus. That's how HCQ works. Much later I heard that it also has other benefits against a virus including antiinflammatory properties, but that wasn't mentioned in this case Both of these doctors said when it is administered at the right time, as soo0n as possible after symptoms appear, it is very effective and is completely safe both in their own experience and as reported in the literature over at least seven decades.
Within dats as I recall, maybe a bit longer, You Tube removed that video so it disappeared from my blog as well. I went and found it somewhere and wrote out some of what they had said, which should still be up on my blog somehwere.

Hannity had mentioned Dr. Zelenko as a cource of knowledge about HCDQ's effectiveness and eventually I listened to some interviews of him. He had begun using HCQ qith his patient population in New York State after studying the literature on repurposed drugs with antiviral properties, and found that his patients not only didn't die of COVID when they got it but the disease was mild and they recovered rapidly. He developed proocols for prevention of COVID and treatment. He said he gives it only to the high risk patients because low risk patients don't need it, they don't get very sick and they recover rapidly and completely.

So I figured that was pretty good information already, but then I also heard Dr. Harvey Risch on the subject in a couple of interviews. He's the head of the PUblic Health Department at Yale University and he gave strong testimony to the effectiveness of HCQ. He is still giving that testimony. I linked to a talk he gave on the subject not long ago.

All that happened before the vaccines came out. and by then HCQ had been vilified and its advocates vilified and kicked off social media and it began to be impossible to get hold of it. Dr. Simony Gold then helped to organize "American's Front Line Doctgors" who would prescribe it over the internet and could arrange for it to be sent to people by a cooperating pharmacy. they don't take insurance and of crouse Doctor's fees are expensive.

Considering that there was already quite a bit of expert testimony in favor of HCQ that also effecrtively exposed the errors in the studies that discredited it, you'd think sanity would prevail and the restrictions would be removed. But it only got worse, and by then it had begun to feel extremely sinister that this very effective drug was being suppressed.

And then by the end of 2020 Ivermectin, another effective treatment was starting to be recommended. A Doctors started presenting that as an effective treatment on social media and were soon cancelled just as those promoting HCQ had been. Always the reason is "misinformation>' These are highly credentialed doctors, all those I've heard, HIGHLY credentialed, highly experiences, and their testminoy is far from hyped, it's quitge measured and reasonable, thoroughly scientified. Yet these doctors were being treated as charlatans by social media.

By then the push for the vaccines was getting quite aggressive. I remember thinking that there was really no need for vaccies since we had effective treatments in HCQ and Ivermectin and if they were used at the onset of COVID people would recover rapidly and have immunity, so the heavy emphasis on vaccination never made any sense to me from the beginning.

Sometime in 2020 I had discovered Bret Weinstein and Heather Heyibng's podcast because they were reporting on the other insanity of the year, the rioting in response to the George Floyd incident. No matter that at least one white man had died from exactly the same treatment by the po9lice, a story that was available onlibne from many sources around that time, nevertheless it had to be racism that was responsible for Georgle Floyd's death and there was no getting a sane hearing for the truth.

Eventually Bret and Heather did their own reserach into the vaccines and Ivercmectin and concluded byat they didn't want to be vaccinated, instead choosing to take Ivermectin and supplements to boost the immune system such as vitamin D2. Bret did interviews with Dr. Pierre Kory who is a strong advocate for Ivermectin, and Dr. Robert Malone.

Dr. Peter McCullough started showing up in interviews too, now we're into the latest phase of the thickening of the plot against effective treatments for COVID while the vaccines are continuing to be pushed at breakneck speed. The latest phase is the interviews of Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough by Joe Rogn on his podcast that has an ewnormous audience. You'd think he'd be safe on one of the alterntative platforms but oh no, now we're getting celebrities withdrawing their own material from the platform because they consider these doctors to be pushing "misinformation." Joe Rogan so far hasn't backed down but he sounded just a tad more waffley than I would have liked.

We're in an age when it's the truth that's censored, it's called a lie when the fact is that the lies are on the side against it. People are now denied effective treatment for COVID while vaccines that do not prevent the disease or its transmission are promoted instead. The number of deaths from COVID is outrageous and none of it was necessary. But people who get hospitalized are given a drug that is not effective at all and carries its own severe and according to one source probably lethal side effects. That's Remdesivir, the only drutg hopstirals are alllowed to administer to COVID patients while HCQ and Ivermectin are banned as ineffective or even harmful, bother murderous liews.

Who would ever have thought such evil could prevail in America, or even in the world for that mattger, even in this fallen world.