Saturday, January 30, 2021

Evolutionistical delusion again, just a brief episode of tearing out my hair...

 Drives me nuts.  No, there is no, "overwhelming evidence"  for the Darwinian explanation of the diversity of all life.  No.   You are deluding yo8urselves.  Sigh.   You always continue to point to normal variation within the genome of a species and call it evolution.  It is not evolution.  It is normal variationb that is built into the genome.   Sigh.  And every time you invoke an explanation from evolution for some particular phenomenon it is tacked on, it is absolutely unnecessary, there is nothing in the actual biological facts that even remotely requires the evolutionary explanation.  Just overheated imagination spinning tales.  Not science.  Blech.  But if I go on my eyeballs will have rolled out of my head and I have enough problems with my eyesight as it is.   And I don't need any more bald spots either.

Friday, January 29, 2021

To Fight for the Nation or Not?

 Some people were terribly disappointed that Trump threw in the towel instead of fighting on against the obvious election fraud.  Some think he had an obligation to fight, an obligation before God.  I wish I knew for sure, but I tend to think that since America has been under God's judgment for years, even decades, God isn't going to stop it.   The Old Testament describes situations where leaders should have intervened to destroy the enemies of the nation and situations where the people were to accept God's judgment and not fight it.   Which situation are we in?  Did Trump wrongly or rightly throw in the towel?  

This is a question for Christians above all since nobod6y else is going to have a clue.   I sometimes feel sorry for "liberals" who think we're better off with Biden, because they certainly don't have a clue and it's going to come back to bite them hard eventually.  I'm not going to spell it out here.  Go listen to Chris Pinto's latest radio shows if you want some details.  Noise of Thunder radio that is.  It's pretty scary.  

Pinto is one who thinks Trump should have fought to preserve the nation.  I get his reasoning and I share his sentiments, but I think he's wrong.  I think we are so deep under God's judgment there is nothing we can do for the nation.  He doeswn't seem to be aware of the passages in Deuteronomy and Leviticus that spell out the curses that will result from a nation's abandonment of God.  Being overrun by foreigners is one of them.   This has been underway for decades already and as judgment proceeds can only get worse.  

What CAN we do?  I honestly don't know.  Beyond praying our hearts out of course.  Praying that God will guide us and permit us some measure of relief.   And in this context I'm not thinking so much of Christians as of the vast majority of American citizens who simply have no idea what it's all about and what's going to happen to them.  I'm scareed for you all, terribly scared for you.   Liberals and conservatives both.   Judgmdent on the nation is certain and it may well be that we are headed into the global Great Tribulation on top of it.  Not "we," since I don't expect to be here for that, but all unbelievers will go through it.  You can escape it too if you believe Jesus died to pay for your sins and give your life to Him.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Some More Conservative Food for the Head

 Victor Davis Hanson 2021 | Trump Agonistes - YouTube

\Communism, Trump, and Leaving the Left | David Horowitz | POLITICS | Rubin Report - YouTube\

Trump Derangement Syndrome & the Crumbling Media (Pt. 2) | Scott Adams | POLITICS | Rubin Report - YouTube

Episode 1254 Scott Adams: A Wokeness Linguistic Kill Shot, Election Security Insights, and Apophenia - YouTube

Episode 1257 Scott Adams: I Tell You How the Giant Pile of Pocket Lint Called Joe Biden is Doing - YouTube

Kanye West, the Media, & New Conservatives | Larry Elder | POLITICS | Rubin Report - YouTube

Larry Elder - Black Lives Matter Unveils List of Demands to Whites | Congressman Elbert Guillory - YouTube

Post Mortem

 Even when they get it they don't get it.  Even some on the "liberal" side who reject the most extreme leftist positions suffer from "Trump Derangement Syndrome" and utterly lack the ability to assess the man correctly.  "Narcissist?"  No more than many political figures.  "Craves adulation:"    That sort of thing.  they don't get it.    I can't say he had no personal stake in how he was perceived, that couldn't be, but I can and will say that he was far more motivated by his understanding of what the country needs than by any personal needs, and I think his supporters share that view of him.  They didn't go to his rallies to see him strut and preen  they went because he spolke for them and for the true American Republic.   

When he fought the election results it wasn't his own personal inability to tolerate losing the election AT ALL, it was his awareness of how devastating the loss would be to those who support him and the loss to the nation itself, which I among a few million others are feeling acutely right now.  He didn't want the office for himself at all, and this is what the idiotic Left will never get, having zero ability to understand people or the American political situation.   In a sense it's not about Trump himself at all, it's about the complete anti_americanism the Left has embraced over the last few decades without a clue.

I wonder what's going to come first now, totalitariahn rule in America or the complete absorption of the nation into the world system.  

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Forces of Darkness Have Won, might as well face it

 It's been clear for years that America is under Gods judgment.  I say that from time to time.  But I keep hoping that nevertheless God will have mercy and will again bless us.   I've noticed that time and time again protracted prayer has accomplished nothing.  Prayer for revival over the last few decades has brought no revival.  Prayer for the nation, oftten quite fervent, even in great prayer meetings such as the one last summer in Washington D.C. hardly made a dent in the forces of darkness, that went on to "win" the eleo Michelle Bachmann who was interviewed last week on Jan Markell's Understanding the Times radio, she saw many prayer groups at Trump's rally and in the Caqpitol building before the brection.  According takin.   Hard to avoid noticing that God is not hearing our prayers, not for revival, not for the nation.   Sermon Audio hosted a year long prayer for revival that ended in December.  No revival.  Wistfully I remember the many accounts of great revivals that started from a very small number of people and grew into great revivals in short order.  There was a great revival in New York that started from one man's prayer and grew to millions.   The Great Awakening that began with the preaching of Whitefield powerfully revived the nation just before the revolutionary war.  But God is no longer listening.  The nation has gone too far and He's abandoned us.

John MacArthur just preached on this subject.  God has abandoned us.  The nation just voted for Satan he said.  Well, why not?  Satan is the prince of this world for now.  Over the last few decades every kind of violation of God's Laws has become just about characteristic of the nation itself.  the reformation that would be needed for revival to be deserved is impossible.  There is no remedy for it but punishment, and just the proliferation of sin is punishment.  Adultery, divorce, homosexuality, gender confusion, lies. greed, deceit, fraud, theft, unrestrained violence, murder.  Gode won't give revival to such a nation, or most likely any kind of blessing at this point.  He gave us Trump though, and he did a lot of good in spite of the incessant attacks on him.  But that's probably the very last blessing God willl give us.

So what's next?  More anarchy and murder?  The absorption of the nation by our enemies and ultimately submission to global powers that hate what America was oridinally meant to be.   Then maybe the Rapture of the Church leaving the world with nothing but unbelievers, even people who think they are Christians but aren't, following by the Day of the LORD when He pours out His wrath on this errant globe.  

But then Jesus will return at the end of it.

It MUST be coming soon.

Monday, January 18, 2021

I Wish I Understood all this Better. Why the Left and Right are Not Just two political parties but are at war for the soul of America.

 A liberal complains that "Make America Great Again" is some kind of provocation, that last word "Again" in particular.  The thinking goes that America hasn't been great for blacks or for Native Americans so it's phony to claim it was ever great at some time in the past and then something happened to make it less great and now we're getting back to it.  

This is so wrongheaded where do I start?  I have to say that it is at least interesting to find out how a liberal thinks about this, if "interesting" is the right word.  It would never have occurred to me that someone could take offense at that slogan if I hadn't heard it explained.  All of Trump's supporters knew exactly what he meant, and he certainly meant no offense to anyone, certainly not along the lines mentioned above.  I get it now, but it's sad.  I would have thought any American would have intuitively grasped Trump's meaning but clearly that was naive of me.  It's amazing anyone could take offense at it it, but their taking it that way does illuminate the different assumptions on the left versus the right.  

He, (or they)_ also thinks that a determination to stick with the MAGA idea is mere "partisanship"  that makes unifying the country impossible, and  not patriotism.  Sigh.  I should be glad, I AM getting more of an inside look into the lliberal mindset here, that's got to be worth something.  But it's also depressing.

One more confusion before I comment.  He also thinks he's love to be a conservative, but he can't be given the current inequities that need to be redressed.

Yes this is all very illuminating, explains quite a bit really.  I don't remember where I heard something similar recently from someone else but now having two liberals say it gives it an acurate reflection of liberal thinking.   That other source said that the right thinks in terms of individuals and the left in terms of people groups.  

OK.  This being a fair analysis of liberal/leftist thinking, here's what's wrong with it.  I more or less said it in the previous post.  This political divide we have been experiencing, that has grown to a yawning chasm in recent years, is NOT a normal split between different political agendas that can take turns being in power without danger to the nation.  This divide is a real danger to the nation.  Absurdly the Left thinks so too and that really IS absurd because they represent the kind of thinking that directly undermines the original philosophy of the American founding.  

They really don't understand this.  They've been educated by the Hate-America Marxist Left at least since the sixties, and the true principles of America have never been taught as they should have been at least since then.  For one thing the sixties radicals succeeded in getting the universities to drop their requiired courses in American History and Institutions and Western Civilixation.  Thanks to them we aren't allowed to think in terms of American Exceptionalism, which used to be a matter of pride:  America is a beacon of liberty to the world, a beacon of goodness and kindness.  Not only are Americans privileged to enjoy such freedoms but we have also aimed to help other neations rebuild after war and develop democracy and do on.  It doesn't always work, there are some countries that prefer their religiopolitical totalitarianism and we've been naive to think we could offer them something they'd consider to be better.  But the point is we are not and never have been "imperialist," but completely the opposite, and it's the Marxist left that laid that insane epithet on us, along with all the other evils they've indoctrinated generations of young Americans into.  Multiculturalism, for instance, is a direct attack on the American system.  America was always a Melting Pot, a place where immigrants learned how to live and defend the American principles of the founders while maintaining their cultural heritage in all other arenas.  Multiclturalism however, creates a nation of warring POLITICAL agendas that undermine the American foundations.   The idea that we could have a population of Muslims who want Sharia Law and that is not understood to be utterly and completely inimical to America itself is frightening.   

And now we've got this Political Correctness that is all about human foibles being made the tyrannical rule of the nation, from Racism to Xenophobia to Homophobia to all that rot and it's ruininjg the culture.   Whites have had no better time of it in the world than any other people group but the Left has decided to target whites.   Life is a struggle for a lot of us.  That's not America's fault.  And they are lying, either lying or misguided, maybe both.  The whole foundation of BLM is false.  There is no systemiic racism any more.  There are many successful blacks who will tell you so if you will listen.  And the incidents that provoked BLM are equally experienced by white.  I've heard that from many sources including black souruces, but you won't hear it from the leftist news outlets.  

So the Left's thinking in terms of people groups is another attack on the foundations of America, but we're all so ignorant of the abiding principels that guided America from its founding we don't readily recognize such a threat to them.   And besides those of us who would defend them if we did recognize such a threat, there are now whole generations of people who have been brainwwashed into rejecting the American foundations themselves.  Some of those people are now in Congress and other political offices throughout the land. 

America's poltical foundations are unique in the world.  There were certainly many precursors in Europe that the founders adopted, others they rejected. othersv they refined, and alhough I say this with some confidence I am very aware how little I know of all these things.  I get bits and pieces of it from conservative sources and I wish we all knew more than we do.   We were also origially a strongly Refornation Protestant nation and that had far more influence on the liberty and prosperty and general happiness of this nation than you'll find acknowledged almost anywhere these days, but certainlyl not on the Left. 

Anyone who thinks that people groups or tribes, races or cltural entities. should have any particular standing in America is missing the whole point.  Tribalism has no place in America.  Also missing it if they think conservativism isn't really possible as long as there is inequity for any such people groups.  They confuse the system with fallen human nature.  If the system functions as it was meant to it is the best method of controlling the inequities fallen humanity is prone to.  If you attack the system for such inequities you are attacking the best remedy ever invented for dealing with such inequties.    As John Adams said, however, our form of government is designed for a moral and religious people and is wholly inadequate for any other.    And he had to have meant by "religious"  biblical Protestant because other religions do NOT favor our kind of government.  In those days, however, Protestant Christianity is what people in America meant  when they talked about "religion"  Unfortunately they didn't know enough about other religions to know that they are fundamentally different from Protestantism in ways that threaten the Republic.    They should have but they didn't.

The sixties were not only the great cauldron that brewed up the Marxist flavor of the Left for following generations, it was also where the greaest assault on the religious and moral identity of Americans took its greatest hit.  Anyone who lived through that era can identify the sea change that took place then. 

Those who think in terms of tribalism, people groups, don't know that they are expressing one form of Anti-Americanism.  As of the biden Presidency we are going to have eseentially One Party Rule from now on.  It's been engineered by fraud and there doesn't seem to be anything we can do about it.  they've systematically silenced all conservatives, starting with accusing us of the most ridiculous offenses from racism to insurrection, all lying excuses to silence us.  They are shuttig down the platforms that allow us to speak.  We've always thought it would come from government but now it's coming from Big Tech and big corporations.    

What we have right now is not two more or less equal political parties, we have one party that supports the principles of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and one party that trashes them both and America in g3enerla.  You cannot have "unity" betwen two such factions.  It isn't possible.  Patriotism means supporting the founding principles.  Conservatism means supporting the founding principels.  Unlike the Left the right has no utopian vision, just the practical vision of preserving the system that governs best in a fallen world.  The Left has no clue to that.  When 5they do get a clue we may see some pretty dramatic conversions.  The film About Clarence Thomas shows his great convsrsion  from a radical activist to a staunch defender of the American vision when he and a few helpers set about discovering just what this nation was meant to be.  It made him the Constitutional originalist we know him to be today.  And the young woman Georgia H who did the walkaway video "I Was Wrong about the Democratic Party" which I hope can still be found at You Tube, had a similar eyeopening experience when she finally learned what coservativism is after years of being brainwashed by the left.  THIS IS WHAT WE NEED.  More education in the real basis of America.  People think they get it and they don't.  Maybe it's too late but God is in charge and time will tell.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Sing a Dirge for America

They want someone who could "unite the nation" and Trump doesn't seem to be that man.  I'm talking about an opinion I just heard about what we should do from here and the recommendation was to go ahead with impeachment.  Trump supposedly "indirectly" encouraged the assault on the Capitol.  Not that I can see.  Not in his speech for sure, but also from the fact that the attack was planned a long time before the speech.  It's not possible to compromise with Communism.  That's a lamb agreeing with the wolf on what to have for lunch.  

I don't think there is anybody on the conservative side who coudl unite the nation just because the Left is determined to oppose everything a conservative does.  Possibly a different personality than Trump's would go farther than Trump did but I think it's naive to think any of this was Trump's fault.  It's naive not to know that the Left is determined to take over the country and has been for decades and it doesn't matter who is on the other side.   

I think we're doomed and that is the end of it.  The Left has won.  They've already destroyed much of the Constitution and in the next few months they'll destroy the rest of it.   Hello Venezuela North.  

Thursday, January 14, 2021

A Little Roundup of Some of the News


New York Times and Washington Post both published a story a couple weeks ago about plans to attack the Capitol on January 6.    The Sergeants of Arms of the house and the Senate were warned to call in the National Guard and they warned the Speaker of the House and McConnell but nothing was done about it.   

Upshot:  Another reason the attack had nothing to do with Trump's speech.

The attack was well underway before Trump finished his speech.

Upshot:  Another reason the attack had nothing to do with his speech.

And of course he said absolutely nothing in that speech to incite anything but a peaceful protest march.

Listened to an interview of a journalist by Bret Weinstein, Jeremy Lee Quinn:  DarkHorse Podcast w/ Jeremy Lee Quinn & Bret Weinstein: The Capitol Insurrection, A View from Inside - YouTube,  

I'm kind of fascinated with Weinstein because he and most of his friends are liberals who reject most of the insane liberal stuff I also reject, while nevertheless remaining liberals, which is sometimes alienating to me nevertheles.  Or maybe just "alien" is what I really mean.  That is, I have trouble getting into their frame of reference at times.  I actively object to some things they say too but not anywhere near as much as I normally do with liberals.   I don't think I will ever understand the Left's hatred of Trump, even the milder suspiciousness of him by these less virulent liberals.  Just  giving Trump "part" of the blame for the assault on the Capitol has no foundation that I can see, seems to spring from some deep well of anti-conservativism in the liberal breast.  But then there have also been "Republicans' who have said the same thing recently, even Tucker Calrson.  I don't get it.  It makes my stomach hurt.  Oh and Weinstein is proud of his participation in Occupy Wall Street.  That actually turns my stomach.

Anyway, Quinn was in the Capitol building for part of the time it was being attacked.  He interviewed one person who coulde be called a "neo Nazi," and said he encountered only that one.  The guy in the Viking garb was another original, some kind of Pagan he supposed.  He also talked to three "MAGA grandmothers" who had no activist leanings or motivations.  He saw the crowd as "eclectic."  

He also said more than once that Antifa wouldn't have been there because after all they aren't on the right.  Which of course hits me as naive in the extreme.   The whole idea was that they'd be there as a False Flag, pretending to be MAGA people to discredit the MAGA people with their violence.   So far all I've heard about that was the report by Larry Elder, echoed by someone else later, that an FBI source said a busload of Antifa were there.

Weinstein kept mentioning "Q Anon" on the Right but nothing much got said about it beyond that.

Mark Levin tonight, the 14th, reported that a BLM activist known for violent participation in other protests, was just arrested, and that he filmed much of the event.  And there is footage of him as well yelling about burning down the building.

That's about all I've heard so far about Who Was There, and of course I still want to know.  I hope they find every one who was there and prosecute them all for whatever crimes they can be shown to have committed.  It does sound like it was indeed an eclectic crowd.  I hope we get to know just who was there and why.


Dinesh d'Souza says we shouldn't get upset at the insane impeachment but adopt the Anthropological Persepctive which will give us a critical distance from it and the ability to laugh at it.  

You Might Be Surprised to Hear Me Say This About Impeachment... - YouTube 

Nevertheless the fact that such insanity rules in our government is immensely sad.   I don't get the optimism of those who think the country can recover from what the Left has been doing for years now, but most recently their support of the violent destructive and murderous lawlessness by BLM and Antifa in our cities.  That was provoked by a false understanding of what happened to George Floyd, which was just one more false understanding of all the incidents that spawned BLM in the first place.  And then their aggressive attack on those who wanted to have an investigation into the obvious, witnessed, documented, instances of election fraud.  They changed  laws and with Biden in office want to change more laws that derive from the Constitution, destroying the whole foundation of our Republic.  How do we recover fromt that?


It would be good to know what part of this debacle was in some sense intentionally designed to disrupt American life -- and yes I think there is reason to suspect some of it was -- and how much is due to confusion, stupidity and propaganda-driven irrational fears.   

Golly gosh, did you know there have been extremely few flu deaths throughout this Flu Season?  Golly Gosh I wonder what that means?  COVID scared off the flu?  Naa, they are just confusing flu cases with COVID, or maybe intentionally confusing them because there is money available for COVID deaths.    Along with that we have what some report is an epidemic of false reporting of COVID deaths due to the presence of the virus in people otherwise severely ill who died of, say, a stroke, or heart attack.  It's called a COVID death no matter what.  So just how many of those three hundred thousand  COVID deaths were really COVID deaths?  

  Which is not to triviliaze the virus, because there are definitely populations who are very vulnerable to it.  So why aren't those populations protected and otherwise let the virus be treated the way we ordinarly treat the flu?  After all the younger healthy people have a nearly hundred percent recovery rate and even the oldest groups' recovery rate is over 95%

But of course I'm still reacting with outrage when I hear the statistics every day, that they seem to be determined to drum into us for some reason, maybe to annoy us to death or scare us to death. I'm reacting with outrage because I KNOW that the vast majority of all these deaths could ahve been prevented if there had been a program of giving hydroxychloroquine with an antibiotic, either Azithromycin or Doxycycline, and Zinc at the first symptoms, before people wree sick enough to be hospitalized.  That would have spared the hospitals being overwhelmed with COVID patients, which would also no doubt have prevented many other deaths by other ililnesses that have been pushed off the schedule because of COVID.   Now there is this other drug Ivermectin which I haven't read as much about but which seems to work in the early stage as HCQ does.  And then there is this Zinc-Quercetin combo I've been taking because quercetin also acts as an ionophore as does the HCQ, to open the cells so that the zinc can destroy the virus.   But oh my, no, we can't have such a rational solution to the problem.  Politics, greed, other more malevolent motivations? Probably all of the above.   It would be easy to think that there is a conspiracy to kill us all.   Or maybe just keeping us all locked up and adding that to the other ways the country is being destroyed.

Hey.  Have a cheery New Year.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Another Line of Argument Against Evolution

I don't want to keep writing about the political situation.  A bunch of crazy or at least misguided people wreacked havoc in the Capitol building, for which they should be fully prosecuted, and the hypocritical Left thta all summer supported and defended rioters and murderers on their side of the political divide,  is blaming it on all Trump supporters.  Shows how crazy and misguided the Left is as usual, and how dangerous to everything American, but I need a break.  Since there's nothing much I can do about it and it's such a gigantic headache, I need a rest from it, 

So I stopped thinking about the political mess and have been watching the film "Darwin's Dilemma" rentable at Amazon for $2.  I'm not attracted to Intelligent Design which is where this film leads in the end, but it's got a lot of interesting information about the Cambrian Explosion and nice animations of many of the bizarre creatures found in the Cambrian rocks.  .  

Intelligent Design accepts the basic time frame of evolutionary theory and I don't.  I start out from a biblical framework thinking about evolution so I'm not looking to prove that there is an Intelligent Designer, rather I'm thinking about how biological systems actually work to defy the Darwinian idea of the evolution of all life from an ancient origin.  The biblical account describes the separate creation of particular animals, after which they reproduce their own kind with variations within that kind but never anything other than that kind.  So the objective is to discover the biological facts that demonstrate that.  

The film does go to great lengths to show that each creature stands alone without transitional forms leading to 8it or from it to somethihng else, which is of coruse in line with my arguments.  . The Cambrian Explosion is their evidence, billions of creatures found in rocks at the very bottom of the geological column with its fossil record that climbs up from there through all the named "time periods" from Cambrian through Devonian through Permian through Jurassic etc etc etc., to Recent time.  The existence of those billions of complex creatures which are mostly insects and sea creatures is a problem for evolution because they seem to appear out of nowhere with no evolutionary precursors.  Th3e absence of such precursors in the lower Precambrian rocks is astonishing given the assumptions of the theory of evolution.  In that frame of reerence they appear in time, as all the fossils up the geololgical column appear in time, millions of years per sedimentary layer or "time period."   The creationist idea is that it's not about time at all, the strata with their fossil contents are the result of the great Flood of Noah, all laid down within months.  This is not the framework of the film, however, which seems to accept the time periods of evolutionary theory and Old Earth geology.  

It's rather fun watching the computer animations of these odd creatures, and the scientific issues discussed are also interetsing.  Of course since this is a film out to prove Intelligent Design there are plenty of debunkers in the Amazon comments though my cursory look through them didn't yield any very substantive arguments, mostly a lot of complaining that the film violates science without showing that it does.  But then as I say my look-through was cursory and maybe I missed it.

The film answsered a question I've had for some time:  where in the DNA is the genetic material that determines the structure of the animal itself.   This question comes up because I got into trying to define the Kind apart from my argument about the reducton of genetic diversity.  I looked at the Linnaean classification of animals and eventually concluded that the Kind must be definable by its morphology of basic physial structure but that the Linnaean system used some other criteria than I would. 

I had to take a look at the skeletons of all kinds of birds in order to decide that "Bird" itself has to be a Kind or Species.  The particular kinds of birds are then Subspecies.  I don't see the point of the groupings such as Order, Genera etc.  But then Linnaeus wasn't trying to deal with evolution.  It has some aesthetic and lobical appeal to class things as Vertegrates and the like though so I guess I shouldn't object to that, it just has nothing to do with the question of evolution or descent.  

If my eyesight were better I'd like to take a look at many more animal groupings to try to identify the structure I think must define the Kind or Species. Dog, Cat, Bird, and I think Rodent are all I've really thought about.  I also figure that the genome of each Kind or Species should show itself to be specific to that Kind or Species in some identifiable way but of course I can't do that kind of research, it would take a geneticist for that.  Oh Trilobite, I think Trilobite is a Kind or Species. Biology breaks up all these categories into separate species.  But they they are using the term in a different way.

I'm not going to get to sort all this out in this life but the film answered that question I've had for some time:  where is the genetic material located in the genome that codes for the body plan?  Well, it's not located in the DNA at all according to the scientists in this film.  It's located somewhere else in the cell.  In the fertilized original cell it contains instructions for the differentiation of all the cells.  No particular location was identified, nothing in particular about how this agency within the cell functions, just the statement that it's not in the DNA (though one participant added "as far as we know")  and they agree that it is part of the cell itself.  

Body Plan is their term but it's a good one and I'll use it.  Locating the instructions for the body plan within the cell but not in the DNA means that you could never get from one species to another as the theory of evolut8ion has it.  That was argued in a paper by Stephen Meyer that became controversial because in his conclusion he attributed the formation of the body plan to Design by a Designer.  

That's all very interesting but there's a way he talks about it that makes me think it doesn't fit the biblical description of a one-time Creattion from which all the different Kinds reproduced in great variety, but something more like individual creative acts as new forms develop out of earlier populations.  I'm not sure but that's what it sounds like.

In any case it answered my question.  The body plan isn't in the DNA, it's a separate set of instructions built into the organism from its original fertilized cell.   ( By the way I had prayed fairly recently for an answer to this question, and I have to say that I hardly ever fail to get answers to that kind of question.  It doesn't particularly help me with the project of identifying the original Kinds but at least it seems to establish that there is definitely something immutable about the structure of each creature, which is how it appears.  Cats are cats, they have an immutable catness to their form which exists in every kind of cat you'll ever see.  That's the idea.  When they try to tell me that we have the same body structure as the ape family, I'm very certain that no we don't.  The proportions are entirely different.  yes if I had another life I'd love to spend time trying to demonstrate all this.  

Anyway that's another trend I pursue in arguments against evolution and for biblical creation.  the main one remains the argument that evolutionary processes themselves inevitably rduce genetic diversity which defeats the whole idea of evolution beyond the boundary of the species, for which my evidence is pretty much limited to the known genetic reductiont o fixed loci in purebreds and in bottlenecked creatures such as the cheetah.  But the fact that a whole new population can evolve very rapidly, over a matter of years, is also important evidence against evolution, examples being the Poe Mrcaru lizards and the Jutland cattle.  

Then I just look around the world and everywhere I see evidence of the Flood.  A wrecked planet, a tumble-down planet, the result of a great upheaval that destroyed the original perfect Creation.   the strata for sure but just the tossed and tumbled look in general.

Now I like the implications of this immutable Body Plan.  Just another reason you could never get from a reptile to a mammal, though the mathematics of incremental change defeat that one anyway.

Drat.  I hope I'm not doomed to go back to politics now that I've come to an ending with this one.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Just Another Lament About the Vast Political Divide

 One of the greatest Presidents we've ever had, or the Worst President ever?  How can there be such a drastic difference of views of Donal Trump?  A lawyer from George Mason Univesity was interviewed on an early morning radio show talking about standards for impeachment which he says should be less restrictive in order to make it easier to impeach a malevolent, dangerous and incompetent President.  He used a fourth word I wish I could remember.   

I can identify the ideology on the Left as inimical to everthing I understand to be fundamentally definitive of America, but I can't understand this poisoned judgment of Trump.  I can't make it fit into the ideology although I have to assume it does derive from it in a way I can't recognize.  Just as a judgment of the man's personality it makes no sense at all.  To his supporters he's an honest pattriot who has worked tirelessly to reinstate the traditional America lost to alien Marxist policies over the  last few decades.  There is nothing more standard American conservative than Donald Trump's platform which is why we voted for him.  And although there are personality issues even his supporters may find objectionable, none of it rises anywhere near the level of "melvolent, dangerous and incompetent."   It's not even in the ballpark.  

We're aware of the double standard every day that falsely accuses Trump of doing what the Democrats have in fact been doing, encouraging violence, insurrection, using fascist tactics.  None of it is even remotely true of Trump but it's all out there in the open on the Left.   

But it makes no difference.  The lies and corruption have won, there is really no recourse any more for truth and sanity, even if there are still a few voices on the right side.  They'll just be purged, silenced.  Amazine how this could happen in America, but it's happened.

That's all.  It's happened.  It's over.  The true dangerous malevolent forces are now in charge.  God help us.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Great Political Divide Again, Showing that One Side is Pure Corruption

 Mark Levin comments on the left's deceit, double standard against conservatives, hypocrisy, corruption, and so on and so forth.   Most of it probably hasn't even been heard by most people through the usual news channels.   

Life, Liberty & Levin 8PM 1/10/21 FULL | FOX BREAKING TRUMP NEWS January 10,21 - YouTube

Interesting interview on the subject of the two different views on right and left of American institutions, the Constitution, elections etc.  Basically an analysis of how the Left is destroying the foundations of America.  With them in power we'll soon become a one-party system like any fascist state.

They Finally Got that Coup They've been Working on for Four Years.

Oh good grief.   I like Douglass Murray, usually, but he's missing the point in this interview.  He thinks that being ahead in the election at night but waking up to a loss the next morning is just standard in elections and in normal situations it would be.  But there are too many things that were abnormal about this election in certain key states and stopping the election count when Trump was ahead on election night was one of them.  Sydney Powell is no doubt right that it was necessary because they hadn't anticipated his winning by such a big margin so they had to regroup to improve their methods of fraud.  Can't be proved but stopping the count is not normal.  It happened, however, in all the states that had changed their laws in ways that would make fraud more likely, and enterained a whole host of other "irregularities" that came out after election day.  These are all "blue" states.  The rest of the country had no such problems.  They got their votes counted on election night and had their totals by the morning after without having to stop and without any other problems.   Yes it's all circumstantial but it's brazenly irregular.  

Plus of course the sworn testimony of many withnesses in these same states to all those irregularities.  Including the delivery of truckloads of ballots in the middle of the night.  This ONLY happens in those particularly questionable states.  Or really the big cities in those states.   The many witnesses reported on all kinds of strange doings, the changing of postmarks, the changing of dates on the ballots, the feeding of the same ballot into the counting machine over and over and over again.  We saw the suitcases full of ballots pulled out from under the furniture after the Republicans had been sent home.  And we all heard of the armloads of ballots found in wastebaskets and dumpsters that were for Trump.

And then we also heard about how the voting machines could be easily rigged to add votes for one candiate and subtract them from the other,.   

None of this is proof, but there's an awful lot of suspicious activity that should have been investigated or brought to trial and wasn't.  Courts dismissed the suits though under the circumstances it just makes the courts look complicit in hiding whatever fraud is there.  \

There is plenty of evidence.  No it wasn't a normal election in which later votes just happened to overturn earlier results.  No.  There was enough evidence early on to make the loud objections from the Democrats clearly part of the corruption.  When their candidates contest an election they cupport it completely.  Not when Trump contests it.  

The vast majority of Trump supporters share this view.  But thr Trump haters have won by fraud and by shutting us up.

This is not politics as usual any more and there is something very irritating about the way it gets talked about as if it wree.   America is on the brink of being absolutely destroyed as the America it once was, and besides that on the brink of being absorbed into the global government that is going to strip us of our wealth and pretty much enslave us and yet people go on talking about the election as if it were just another normal election.  

The Great Marxist Takeover of America, the Great Global Plandemic, the Great Tribulation Global Government "Reset"

I'm only too aware lately that everything I write is written into the fanged open jaws of a dragon waiting to devour me and all those who agree with me.  Strange position to be in at the end of life after growing up in a fairly free and secure American environment.  Of course looking back I can see the dragon taking shape decades ago, but he wasn't fully formed until very recently.  

I'm not really worried about myself but as usual worried about people who have no clue about any of this and are likely to dismiss anything said about it as a "conspiracy theory" and the like.  Well there are conspiracies galore underway these days, it's no mere theory it's happening, but a lot of good it does to say so.   As I've said before though, I'm looking at a future scenario when it can't be denied any more and hoping that I can say some things to prepare those people who have no clue at least to have some knowledge of what's going on even if they can't escape it.  Of course I hope there will be ways to escape it and I know for those who put their trust in God there will be protection and strength for whatever is happening.  But that's the condition of course.  This is God's judgment of the planet that is coming.  It may start out fairly peacefully, lulling people into a false sense of security, but then war, famine, diseases such as COVID and others, as well as totalitarian control of everybody is prophesied to follow.  Yes, the Great Tribulation, or the Day of the LORD, after the Christians have been removed from the Earth.  

So I write from between the fangs of the dragon or whatever beast this is, I hope, I pray, there's not much else I can do.  .

So here are a couple of my usual favorite conspiracy theorists as it were.  The first one is the second part of Jan Markell's "The Great Reset" program, the first part of which I posted last week, and the second is Chris Pinto's New Year's Day program.  I'm sure he'll be coming out with another update soon, responding to the January 6th events with some even more dire warnings.  I'm sure some who read this will do it only to get a sense of the craziness on the other side of their political view, but in case anyone takes any of it seriously, all I can say is Please learn to pray and belive there is a God who cares and who sent His Son to die for your sins so that you can have a happy eternal life.  Please.  Whoever you are.  Please.  

(Edit:  I hadn't heard the first one from Jan Markell and after hearing it I think it's not really what I thought it was, an investigation into the Great Reset, it's more a message to Christians.  There is nevertheless some information about this global movement so I'll leave it up.  As for Chris Pinto of course he's also talking to Christians but his information is usually something I haven't heard anywhere else so I think anyone could benefit from it.)

Antichrist Kingdom Rising (Part 2) – Pastor Brandon Holthaus and Pastor Billy Crone - YouTube

NOTR - INTO THE NEW YEAR - 1.02.2021 - Noise of Thunder Radio Show - Noise of Thunder Radio with Chris Pinto

Added later:  Here's a portrait of the Antichrist who is to be the global leader during the Great Tribulation.  This is a teaching by John Macarthur about a month ago.  He gives the biblical desription of this figure, some biblical examples of earlier types of the Antichrist, and the most recent Antichrist figure Hitler.   He quotes from a book about Hitler showing his fascination with the world of Satan and the demons, and the testimony of people around him that he was in fact demon possessed.   This is what is to be expected of the final Antichrist, that he will be literally possessed by Satan himself, which will confer great powers on him.   I've been arguing for the final Anticrhrist to be a Pope and I have lots of good reasons for that pick but I have to admit that there are ways he is an unlikely candidate.  I haven't given up on him, possession by Satan coudl certainly work an amazing transformation, but as I've said I could be wrong and he cojuld be more of a political figure than the Pope is.  I personally think Obama with his Messianic aura, that was very strong at the beginning of his Presidency, is at least a perfect type for the position.  This isn't a prediction but he's a perfect type.  Whoever it is has to be a messianic type, a usurper of the place of God.    Anyway, here's the link to MacArthur's talk:   

The Final AntiChrist - John MacArthur - YouTube 

Saturday, January 9, 2021

The Political Chasm and Why It's Unbridgeable

Sometimes I find myself in a discussion with a liberal about how we might bridge the political divide that separates us, which seems to start out hopeful but soon degenerates as the divide turns out not to be bridgeable by any methods we are able to entertain.  We may start out with a generosity of spirit toward one another, honestly dedicated to making the effort to understand the other's point of view and modify our own in relation to it.   So far it has never worked.  If we started out friends we usually have to decide to end the discussion for the sake of our friendship, and if it's not with a friend but say, someone met on the internet, then it may continue or stop but always without resolution and often some bad feeling.

‎In my latest such experience I was obliquely accused of being a "white nationalist" for which as far as I know there isn't a hint of a shred of a clue that I deserve it.    I was finally able by prayer to transcend it by saying that although I'm not a white nationalist or white supremacist or anything of the kind, I probably have faults as bad or worse, such as taking offense at slights and accusations, so that I could forgive my accuser, But it hurts, and it seems to show a reason this gap is so unbridgeable , a reason from the left, this incessant focus on pointing the finger at individuals rather than offering coherent political analyses. It's the mindset of Political Correctness that originated in Communist circles as a way to control the population, that's it's only point. You can't form an argument against political correctness, all you can do is defy it at your own risk or cower in fear.‎

That's been pretty much the whole objection to Trump, that he's run afoul of their categories of proper attitude.  He actually hasn't, it's all a weird paranoid misreading of ordinary speech and behavior that happens to be conservative in aim, and really that's all.  The man is a simple patriot but he's made into some kind of monster by some kind of word magic it's hard to get to the bottom of.   

He said nothing at his D.C. rally to provoke any kind of violence -- which ought to be clear from the fact that there were hundreds of thousands there completely peacefully, and only a few hundred that broke into the Capitol building, and they did it before he'd finished speaking too.  

I'm being generous to assume they actually believe what they say against Trump although it's very hard to think anyone could.  I've been amazed from the beginning and am still amazed that anyoe could call him the names they call him, let alone impeach him for "abuse of power" that hardly rises to the level of such abuses by many other Presidents, and in fact isn't abuse of power at all but completely within the President's powers aimed at defending the country.  But the paranoia reigns.  If that's what it is.  At the very top it probably isn't an honest misreading but a political strategy though I'll given the average liberal the benefit of the doubt.

Fascist?  Racist?  Based on what?  Nothing other than standard conservative politics.   They turn ordinary conservative politics into something Hitlerian.  It's a mass madness in sofar as it's honest, but as I said some of it has to be manipulative and far from honest.  It reminds me of what happened in Rwanda, which was a completely propaganda-driven slaughter of one tribe by another based on nothing but the namecalling of the targeted tribe by a Catholic Bishop over the radio.  He stirred up tribal strife that had not existed before by labeling the targeted tribe as "cockroaches."  I don't think I ever found out why..  

Our current liberal ideology comes out of Marxism.  It's amazing how much straight Marxism is pushed by average Americans.  BLM is Marxist but perhaps thanks to media suppression of such facts average liberals really don't know that.  Antifa is anything but anti-fascist, it's fascism itself, violence against ordinary conservative Americans.  Reagan was right when he said "If fascism ever comes to America it will come in the form of liberalism."  It's here.  It's been growing for some time but this year will probably see it blossom into its full evil murderous form.  

Again I'm happy that some can see through this, such as Georgia H in her walkaway video "I Was Wrong About the Democratic Party" but how many of them are there?  It may be the simple political motivation of just wanting to survive in D.C. that has so many Trump supporters deserting him at this time, but it's a sad proof of the abandonment of true American ism, which Trump has represented for his followers, that it is happening.  It's a sad harbinger of the takeover of America by, yes, fascism, Marxist style.  

Anyway, I'm saying something pretty simple here.  The po9litical divide is unbridgeable because one side isn't grounded in real political analysis, but in emotion fueled by lies.


Yes I believe that is a fair enough assessment of the divide, but that doesn't mean I'm not aware that there is a great middle ground.  There are liberals who reject Antifa and know that BLM is Marxist and not about justice for blacks.  On eht right however there are anti-Trumpers and I can't put them in that fair innocent middle because I don't consider Trump and his supporters to be extremists but representative of traditional American values.  That makes the anti-Trumpers traitors.  Also those who bailed ship after the assault on the Capitol building.  Yeah, again it has to be said.  Leftists can riot and loot and burn down parts of cities with impunity while a small group of Trump supporters fed up with that sort of thing are subjected to all the legal machinery against them that wasn't employed against the left when it should have been.  No, this is not a conflict between equal sides with or without a more neutral middle.  The hatred of Trump is irrational.  They don't like his hair, they don't like the way he talks, and that with his conservative politics makes him a "fascist."  For his supporters he was the antidote to a Marxist trend that was badmouthing our great Reputlic and doing its best to tear it down, ihe represented traditional American values, hard work, patriotism, traditional morality -- it would have been nice of course if he'd always practice it himself -- Christianity and the like.  He got people off unemployment and built up the economy that had been punishing workers.  NOT some kind of rightwing extremism AT ALL.    Certainly not racism.  These are values shared by many blacks and Hispanics and others.  Certainly not totalitarian tyranny.  That's the tactic of the Left.  We don't censor, they do.    They've stolen elections for years, and they did it this time better than ever.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Oh of Course, It's all Trump's Fault As Usual

 Here we go again, they want to impeach him again, for no reason whatever again, just their own invented causes.  All they have to do is SAY he did this or that, it doesn't have to be real.  And we have no redress, there is nothing we can do about it.  Anyone objecting online to the leftist agenda is shut up.   Unless you go looking for the private sites but you have to know what and where they are to do that, and those sites don't reach enough people anyway.  

He did nothing to incite the attack on the Capitol, just as he didn't pressure the Georgia secretry of state on the phone or the President of Ukraine on the phone.   We all know there was election fraud, we've all seen the evidence, lots and lots of it, except maybe those on the left haven't.  Anyone who follows mainstream news thinks it was a fair election just as they think all the protests in places like Seattle and Portland were "mostly peaceful."  Funny they think the Capitol police should have done a better job of protecting the building though they didn't mind that the police were prevented from doing anything about the rioting in the big cities by BLM supporters.   

Don't they know that lying as they do, in a way that affects an entire nation, is going to earn them some horrible punishment from God?  Guess not. Wrecking the country is apparently enough of a reward for them.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Who "Stormed" the Capitol Building?

UPDATE:  6 PM.  Larry Elder reports information coming from an FBI source that at least one busload of Antifa members were involved.  Of coruse I want to think it was ALL Antifa and no Trump supporters but it looks like some of them had to be Trump supporters.  Disappointing.  Nothing to be gained, everyhthing to be lost by this kind of action.  Also Elder reported that the woman who died was shot by the Capitol police for refusing to comply with orders.  

Later hearing about more violence.  Since I don't have TV I have to go looking for the pictures.  Also hearing three people were hospitalized but not because of the event, strictly medical situations.  Well, the plot will probably keep thickening.\


I slept through it.  I'd heard some of the rally ealier and fell asleep.   I woke up to hear some comments by a couple of radio talk show hosts, not terribly coherent, took a while for the main outline of what happened to take shape.   Some number of people at the D.C. Trump rally broke off from the march to the Capitol and "stormed" the building.  Some got inside.  A few had guns.  One woman got shot.  

There were rumors that it was mostly Antifa dressed in MAGA clothing.  Then the mainstream news report did the usual distortion, stuck the word "false" into the account of Trump's ongoing concern about election tampering, aired the opinions only of those who denounced the people who "stormed" the Capitol building as Trump supporters although there is certainly reason to question who they were.  

Some called it "violence," implying something like the riots in Portland and Seattle.  One local talk show host has totally given up on Trump because of it although he gave no reaspm fpr that in anything Trump himself said or did, except later suggesting that continuing the line that he was cheated of the election was a cause.  Otherwise he said something about how people who want to riot are going to riot, that it dodesn't matter if they were Trump supporters or Antifa.   He used the word "riot," and alluded to looting and burning although nothing else has suggested any of that happened/.   

My head is spinning.

Went to find some pictures.  One headline from CNN says "Stunning Footage of Rioters Inside Capitol."  Kind of makes you expect a lot of violent activity, maybe tear gas smoke in the air?   The "stunning" pictures show people walking into the building in a line through a cordoned off pathway, a few holding American flags.  Rioters?   But then another shot showed some pushing and shoveing and some people breaking a window to enter the building.  But it was followed by the same "stunning" footage of people calmly walking in an orderly line.

It's going to be a while before I know what to think about any of this.  We've endured months of real rioting on the Left to which elected leaders turned a blind eye and which the media lied about as "peaceful."  Even a big one in D.C. after another Trump rally in which Rand Paul and his wife were threatened.  The D.C. mayor thinks that's just fine.  But if possibly some Trump supporters walked quietly into the Capitol building that's not fine, that's "insurrection."  

We won't know the truth for a while, and I'm pretty sure half the country will never know it.   

Added:  The mainstream news makes me sick to my stomach.  Another "news report" that is nothing but leftist propaganda about how it is all Trump's fault that some people broke into the CapCapitol building because of how he talks about the "baseless" and "false" electioin tampering, for which there is "no evidence."  But there is tons and tons and tons of evidence.   Obviously this is a coup by the Left, all this lying,  all in the effort to manipulated public opinion, truth be damned.  I suspect, don't know of course but suspect, that we'll find out a lot of this event was the work of Antifa.  And we can know for sure that if it were a Democrat contesting an election the media would be supporting that effort completely.  How long can 74 million people put up with this disenfranchisement of our political rights?  I'm afraid forever, it's just going to run right over us and destroy the country.  A few Trump supporters "storming" the Capitol building, if that is what happened, is not going to accomplish anything.  I don't know what will but that won't.  And again I don't know if it WAS Trump supporters.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

A Guy from Queens Who Talks Like a Guy from Queens, or just Leftist Craziness, or Leftist Corruption or Both?

 I guess they really brelieve this stuff?  DO they really believe this stuff?  What kind of mental derangement does it take to believe this stuff?

Was Trump really trying to get the Georgia Secretary of State to break the law and come up with fake ballots to put Trump in the win?  Do they REALLY believe that's what he was doing?  What is the matter with these people?  Just as on the Ukraine call they so stupidly impeached him over, there were lots of people listening in.  There was nothing wrong with the call.  They've invented or hallucinated a wrongdoing that just is not there.   Do they REALLY REALLY REALLY believe this stuff?   I find it very hard to believe they could, but it sure sounds like they do.

So he said somethinjg like all the Secretary of State would have to do is "find" the number of votes he lost by.  Isn't the context obvious?  How couold it not be?  He's CLEARLY saying something like 

Look this is no big deal, I only lost by such and such number of botes.  You don't have to do some complicated investigation to find, say, the TRUE NUMBER OF VOTES I ACTUALLY WON BY, which was no doubt huge by comparison, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS OVERTURN THE AMOUNT OF FRAUD THAT LOST ME THAT MUCH SMALLER NUMBER OF VOTES.   

That's all.   How much of this endless attempt to bring down Trump is mere stupidity of this sort and how much the lying cheating fraudulent mentality of the Left?  I find it hard to tell sometimes.   This isn't even foot-in-mouth Queens Speak, this is a perfectly normal way of talking about the necessary steps to be taken to overturn voter fraud enough to right the wrong without REALLY doing what should be done to REALLY right it.   REALLY righting the wrong is just too much to ask of these guys so Trump is letting him off the hook:  just do the right thing enough to bring about the right result even if it's still a wrong as far as the numbers go.

This CBS excuse for a report and analysis is just beyond all sanity.  We are being run by a new kind of idiocy.  Analysis of Trump's phone call to Georgia's secretary of state - YouTube

Ivermectin, another miracle drug for treating COVID

Here's an impassioned testimony to the efficacy of Ivermectin by Dr. Pierre Kory in a Senate Hearing.  

"I CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS": Doctor pleads for review of data during COVID-19 Senate hearing - YouTube

An Especially Lucid Presentation of the Rapture and the Antichrist

Was drawn to watch a video titled" The Mark of the Antichrist Revealed" which wasn't about any mark of the Antichrist although it was about the Antichrist.  Mostly it was about the Rapture of the Church.  The speaker is Max Lucado who has written lots of Christian books that I wouldn'tt read because he's said things I recognize as heretical.  As often happens I don't remember what, just that I've had that impression for a long time and avoid him.  

However, this talk is very good and completely biblical.  He's a very clear communicator and he lays out the scripture prophesying the Antichrist, the nature of the Antichrist, the Tribulation period and the pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church in surprisingly clear terms, succinctly.  That's why I'm posting the link to it.  

I may be wrong but I have the strong impression that this may be the very first time he's preached on these things.  If so, maybe it's a sign that churches that seem to have been shunning end times prophecy are finally going to be catching up, just in time for the unfolding of the prophesied events..  

🅽🅴🆆 Max Lucado | The Mark of the Antichrist Revealed 🔥 MUST WATCH! - YouTube

Later:  He gives the current understanding of the Antichrist that he is an unknown at this point, also that the Holy Spirit will be taken from the earth during the Tribulation period.  I've argued against both.  The Protestant Reformers identified the Anticrhist as the Pope, all the Popes, the papacy itself.  If he's THE Antichrist then a Pope must be the final Antichrist of the Tribulation period.  There are some descriptions of this figure in prophecy that don't seem to describe a man in his eighties or the present Pope, such as his having "a fierce countenance."  However, Lucado expects him to be possessed by Satan, as Judas was, and such possession could give him the energy of a much youinger man as well as a fierce countenance.  All the rest of the description fits a Pope just fine.  (There is reason to believe that Hitler, who was certainly an antichrist figure, was himself possessed by Satan.   There are those who say that his speeches were done in a voice that wasn't his own.)

And the Pope does keep popping up in international circles.  There's a picture of him with other world leaders in Jan Markell's radio show about "The Great Reset" which I've posted below.   Since the Great Reset has all the marks of the kind of global government we can expect to be in place during the Tribulation period, one would expect its future leader to be right there among its planners.   So I'm holding on to my prediction here.  If I'm wrong I'm wrong but so far I'm convinced of it.   (As for the removal of the Holy Spirit, I doubt that just becauase people are going to be coming to Christ during the Tribulation which will be a pretty fleshly weak affair unless it's brought about by the Holy Spirit.  And the Protestant Reformers interpreted the "restrainer" who must beheremoved for the Anticrhsit to be revelaed as Caesar, since he was essentially going to replace Caesar as head of a new version of the Roman Empire, The Holy Roman Empire over which the Popes presided for about a thousand years from the official emergence of the Bishop of Rome as "Universal Bishop" in 606 AD to the Protestant Reformation.  Down the centuries many Christians had recognized the papacy as the Antichrist, as did the Protestant Reformers.  I've written about all this in various posts here. 

One more thing:  The "little horn" in the Daniel prophecy who is understood to represent this coming Antichrist is seen by Daniel to disploace three others, and the Reformers interpreted this to refer to three other bishops the Bishop of Rome displaced when he was made Universal Bishop, which position is what led so many to call him the Antichrist.  So this is one more way prophecy may have already been fulfilled that the current Pretrib point of view understands to be yet future.  Time will tell.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Voter Fraud: The Whole Situation in a Nutshell

Lou Dobbs on the Voter Fraud situation, covers the gamut of conservative concerns.  followed by Tucker Carlson who also has a good program on the same subject:

Lou Dobbs Tonight 1/4/21 | Fox Business January 04, 2021 - YouTube

Tucker Carlson Tonight 01/04/21 | Fox News January 04, 2021 - YouTube

Lies are Powerful Weapons

Ilove that little walkaway video by Georgia H.  She puts her finger on so many of the insane ideas and policies of the Left.   She even recognized the essentially propagandistic nature of today's mainstream news, ends up calling it "gar-bage."  But those on the Left remain impervious to such simple honest truth about the ideology that has taken control of their minds.  

Just a few examples of propaganda masquerading as news I've heard recently.  Can't stomach it so try not to hear the news reports, I'd rather find out what's going on from the conservative talk shows.   There is no genuine mainstream journalism any more, it's all propaganda from the Left.  The most common form of it I hear is the insertion of a trashing word into an otherwise objective report:  

Trump administration lawsuits alleging the "baseless" claim of voter fraud.

The Trump legal cases concerning voter fraud aim to "overthrow the will of the poeple."   Oh is that one slimy, the whole point being to discover the true will of the people.  

A phone call with Georgia's secretary of state in which trump "falsely claimed" that he  couldn't have lost the election.   Honest journalism would report his opinion, not contradict it

The real "hate group" out there these days is the Democratic Party with its media arm.  They've succeeded in twisting the minds of half of America, and spread the seeds of what is very likely going to grow into the total destruction of America itself.  

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Will They Listen before It's Too Late?

So much of what I write here, maybe all of it really, is intended for people who don't understand much of anything about anything.  Liberals, leftists, atheists and so on.  People who will be left behind when the Church is taken off the planet in the Rapture.  Lots of people in that cateogry I happen to care a lot about.  I certainly have no power to pull off such an intention, only God can do that, but I can try to do my bit and collect the necessary information.  I'm used to being hated for it by some but I still hope for them that they'll come to the truth in the end, and even if I'm not hated by others, I'm ignored and dismissed as irrelevant, I hope the same for them.  It's frustrating that I can't convince anyone now because I don't want anyone to have to go through the Tribulation, or die and go to Hell whichever comes first.  I yearn for the Rapture but I also hate to see it come before some of those I care about wake up and get saved and don't have to go through the Tribulation.   But I don't see any signs of that happening.     

The Star of Bethlehem is full of convincing evidence but I know only too well how it can be ignored or twiisted anyway.

The Great Reset I just posted about will probably sound good to the leftists.  Makes me shudder to think.  Makes me hope and pray that everntually even they will wake up and see the truth.

Of course all the Biblical prophecy is just going to go over like a lead balloon for most of them.  Yet again I hope.

I put up that video by the young woman who couldn't take any more of the Democratic Party's craziness, but I'm afraid there will be far too many who want to argue with her.

Can they also ignore the doctors who show how lifesaving drugs have been suppressed for political and economic reasons?  Oh I suppose they can.  

It leaves me as usual yearning for the Lord to come soon.  How long Oh Lord?

Star of Bethlehem recap

The remaining questions and maybe a few new ones took over my mind about an hour ago and I had to get up and do something about it.   When exactly did that conjunction between Jupiter and Regulus occur that was the first image on the astronomy screen Rick Larson shows?  He says it occurred in September of 3 BC but the shot of the rising conjunction occurred on a particular date and he doesn't give it.  Was it September 3 I wonder, the same day the crescent moon appears at the feet of the sign of Virgo, which was Rosh Hashanah?    This couldn't be discovered from an Ephemeris which only shows the planets and not a distant star like Regulus.

That's one question.  Another is the one I've mentioned before, the sign or constellation in which the conjunction between Jupiter and Venus occurred on June 2 of 2 BC.  

The more I ponder the study Rick Larson did, especially after my last post on it which helped me focus better on some elusive elements of it, the more convinced I am of this magnificent "Celestial Poem" he discovered.   Here I'll just sketch it out again:

In September of 3 BC there appeared what could be called an announcement of the birth of the Messiah in the sky as the planet Jupiter, which in this context can be regarded as a symbol of God the Father, is seen making three very close passes, or conjunctions with the distant start Regulus, the word meaning King, a star that bears the name King in many different languages.  (I just called it a "planet" and had to correct it, so I may have made that mistake in the other post too, have to correct it later if I can).   This is apparently a fairly rare and dramatic celestial event, and it is occurring in the sign or constellation of Leo, which is symbolized as a lion.  And that immediately suggests the "lion of the Tribe of Judah,: Judah being the father of the tribe from which the Messiah is prophesied to come, in the very blessing given him by his father Jacob/Israel I quoted in the previous post.  So there is definitely something very portentous about the triple conjunction of Jupiter with Regulus in Leo.  

A portent that is made all the more dramatic when the next sign or constellation to follow Leo  on September 3 of 3 BC is Virgo with the new moon at its feet, which is the exact image seen by the apostle John as he describes it in Revelation 12, the woman "clothed with the sun" which clearly refers to the sun's being in the sign of Virgo, which it always is in September, with "the moon at her feet," which on that very date of September 3 was the new moon of Rosh Hashanah or Jewish New Year.  does sort of give one goose bumps to appreciate these things.   She is described further in Revelation 12 as having a crown of twelve stars on her head.  This is what makes her a symbol of the nation of Israel.  It harks back to the dream Joseph had in which his eleven brothers were stars that bowed down to him.  I hope I'm remembering this right because I'm not going to look it up yet.  The point is that the tribes of Israel are depicted as twelve stars..  In fact I think I'm going to take back my statement in the previous post that Virgo represents Mary although she was the literal bearer of the Messiah,  because Israel the nation is often described as the bearer of the Messiah and this image better symbolizes the whole nation.   Also, the lines of scripture that are sung in Handel's "Messiah" happen to be fresh in my mind from listening to it over the holidays:  "For unto us a son is given... and His name shall be called "Wonderful, Counsellor, Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."   He is given "unto us."  

So Rosh Hashanah, September 3 of 3 BC certainly does appear to be the likely date of the conception of the Messiah, the date when the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to announce her blessed appointment to be the mother of this lolng-awaited Savoir prophesied in the Hebrew scriptures reaching as far back as Eden.  And at the same time, probably beginning at that very moment but it's not clear from Larson's presentation, the event is being heralded by the planet Jupiter's dance around the star Regulus in the sign of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.  Maybe you have to know the scriptures for this to make your hair stand on end.

And it's all capped by the discovery of the brightest "star" ever seen -- on June 2 of 2 BC nine months later, this star being the magnification of the light of the two planets Jupiter and Venus as they come together in the closest possible conjunction without the light of one cancelling out the light of the other but instead adding to it.  If this really was the brightest celestial object ever seen then there is no doubt that this was the star described in the gospel of Matthew.  I was hoping to find an Ephemeris online that might identify it but it's beyond the endurance of my failing eyesight if it's out there at all.  What I did find didn't get anywhere near that time and date.  It would be on Larson's astronomy program and he didn't identify exactly when it appeared though on his website he gives Christ's birth as June 2 so I assume that's when it appeared.  He also doesn't identify the constellation or sign in which it appeared and I remain curious about that since all these things have some symbolic significance related to the events of Christ's life and death.  In the previous post I guessed that if He was born in the sign of Gemini, which encompasses June 2, then its symbol The Twins could be interpreted as reflecting His two natures as God and Man.  .    
After that we see Jupiter leading the Magi to the six months old King of the Jews in the town of Bethlehem and standing over the town just as we are told the star did in Matthew 2, the standing still being the point at which the planet stopped moving forward from the point of view of someone on Earth and prepared to reverse course or go into retrograde.  All these things are happening in reality in the sky right on schedule.

And the grand finale whicn leads Larson to think of it all in terms of a Celestial Poem is the rising of the sign of Virgo at the very time Jesus died on the cross, with the moon again at her feet, only this time a full moon and a full moon in eclipse, otherwise known as a blood moon.

To that I add the point that His death occurred at Passover, which in that year as Larson showed was on April 3 of 33 AD, occurring in the sign of Aries the Ram which of course reflects His mission as the Lamb of God, the ultimate sacrifice to which all the sacrifices of the sacrificail system of Israel had pointed since Moses, but specifically the sacrifice of the lamb whose blood was painted on the doorposts of the houses of the Israelites on the night the angel of death passed over the Israelites before their exodus from Egypt toward the Promised Land.   The way all the separate strains of symbolism work together all pointing to this event is staggering.  

It's all there.  

"Christ Quake" is a recent film Larson did, about the earthquake that occurred at Christ's death, apparently unrelated to the astronimcal events recorded in The Star of Bethlehem.  I'm still preoccupied with  the star and Quake is not available for viewing online yet

Saturday, January 2, 2021

The Great Reset

Been hearing about this off and on for a while now.  The Great Reset apparently a plan by the "global elites" for the world government that has been in the making for some time.  World socialism, abolition of private property, digital currency among other things.    The link is to Jan Markell's latest Understanding the Times radio show.  Since her show is prophecy focused the main idea is that this is probably the plan for the government that will be in place according to Revelation 13 as the global center of the Great Tribulation.

You've got to hear the Catholic Archbishop from about 38:00.   Amazing statement.  He gets it.

Then from about 49 on the role of the COVID vaccine is discussed.

Antichrist Kingdom Rising (Part 1) – Pastor Brandon Holthaus and Pastor Billy Crone - YouTube

Friday, January 1, 2021

Not Much Happy New Year From Where I Sit

 Having a depressing New Years' Day, sorry.   Just reviewing some of the hatred of Trump out there and lamenting the political insanity of it all.  So they'll get Biden and destroy the country once and for all I guess, it's all over.  Got him by fraud of course but there are so many "liberal" judges and other authorities now the corruption and fraud is just going to go on and on.   Here and there I run across conservatives who think the fraud will be proved before Januuary 20 and Trump will remain President.  I doubt it.  And  if that did happen we'd just see massive violence from the Left.  We'll probably continue to see it anyway.  This is no longer America, hasn't been for some time really but Hello Venezuela North under Biden and company.  Especially if Georgia's fraud picks the two crazy radical Democrat senators over the Republicans.

Well maybe we can keep the real America alive in our hearts at least, if we aren't reduced to such poverty and misery we have no time for such niceties.   Watched again that nice "walkaway" video by the young woman Georgia H, I Was Wrong About the Democratic Partd and it does give me hope that there are such sane intelligent young people in the country even if there aren't enough of them to keep us from the inevitable destruction, when we are up against the kinds of corruption usually seen only in the worst countries.  

She seems to have had a naturally sane conservative intuition about things in spite of her persistent adherance to the Democratic Party.  I wonder how many others are out there with a similar good sense who may yet see the light.   The "wokeness" that is racism itself and far from the compassion it claims to be, I don't know if she knows so much of all that comes out of Marxism yet or not but at least she sees its hypocrisy and craziness;  the false slogans against conservatism, the suppression of access to the truth both by thought control and actual suppression.   SO happy someone can see through all that coming from where she started.

And I still love all the black conservatives.  Maybe I'll watch again the movie about Clarence Thomas "Created Equal"  and the one by Larry Elder   "Uncle Tom" and Dinesh D'Souza's "Trump Card."    Pretty soon it may be that the only reality and sanity will exist in such forms.  

Wow now I can't write without other words popping up instead. I wanted to go on to say how the girl in that walkaway video said how she's come to respect the philosophy of conservatism but wouldn't take the time to talk about it in this film because it could take a whole video or even tomes as she put it. We need to spell out the philosophy of conservatism, it's been the victim of leftist propaganda but if more people understood it correctly they couldn't help but see that it's the antidote to all the craziness and danger the left is bringing upon us. But it's probably too late. Oh I certainly hope the New Year will bring some sanity, I just can't believe it's going to.  I can't start a new paragraph without something changing all my words so I'm going to end this.