Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Darkness of "the Light"" -- More on Soul Poer

Surely the tremendous growth of the paranormal these days is a major sign that we are in the last days.  What was hardly known at all a few decases ago is now experienced and practiced by thousands.  It's still regarded as fringey Woo by most, but that only cloaks its amazing rise behind the scenes as it were.These practitioners keep writing books and putting on conferences and offering classies in this or that aspect of what they think of as a great spiritual awakenining.  Thirty years ago I could easilu enough find books on this sort of thing because they were always right there next to the Chrisstian books, but the proliferation since then must be staggering.  I don't go to book stores any more since I can't read but since so many of the guests on podcasts dedicated to these subjects have books to offer I can only imagine that the shelf space allotted to them has multiplied like rabbits, as it were.

Although the focus may be at first on near death dexperiences, you'll discover ver soon that these are often the door to channeling of spirits, mediumship in which demonic impersonalitions of dead people may be conjured up, which was mostly confined to the old time seance as I recall, sixty or so years ago.  Not much elaborate hocus pocus seems to be required any more to contact such beings it seems, the spirits are pretty ,much available on demand for those who feel called to this activity.  Of course in the NDE s themseolves many supposed dead relatives and teachers and menotrs and spiritsual leaders may be encountered, includeing supposedly Jesus and even "God."   Of course they are understood to be who they claim to be by the people who are into these things, but a Christian should know from scripture that they are demonic impersonations.
There is also a trend to Eastern religions that can be strong in any particular person's experience.  Paramahansa Yogananda seems to be a popular teacher who shows up in this reegard.   Eastern religious practices are therefore pursued avidly among people who have these experiences, meditation in particular of course, done by different methods according to the particular teacher thosen.  Also yoga postures are poular.  Clairvoyance or what is these days called Remote Viewing is a common experience, and other mystical powers that are cultivated by various Hindu gurus but seem also to show up in individuals without any connection to Eastern practices too.

I've heard a couple of people report on having a Kundalini Awakening, which they may not have known by that name at first but learn later when they explore various teachers on these subjects.  

Always there continues this theme that God is not the God we are taught about in Church, they are very sure of that.  There is no judgmentalness in the God they encounter, he is all unconditional love.  There is no fear of death, everything is beautiful Over There and they are sure that's where we all go when we die.  Life is just a round of life after life for the purpose of learning various spiritual realities.  Etc etc etc.

The latest NDE testimonial I heard on this podcast called Next Level Soul, hosted by someone named Alec or Alex, has had quite an amazing array of related experiences, now amalgamated into the teachings of Eastern gurus.  I was partic ularly impressed with the great breadth of her experiences.  Typical NDEs in a way but full of Eastern religious themes.  Yvonne Something.    Her latest bhook is something like Soul Lessons From trhe Light, not sure I got that right.    When I was reading about teachers like Yogananda back when I was reading my way to Christianity but didn't yet know where I was going to end up, I learned a lot about all these various powers such teachers may develop, and now I'm getting the impressionm that just ordinary people who are going about their business without any interest in any such tghings may suddenly be catapulted by an NDE into this realm and end up having experiences that sound to me like nothing short of what those guurs practice and teacxh.  

Yvonne's concept of God comes from her personal experiences, she said,  not from any learned concepts, such as what the bible teachers although she didn't specifiey any such source.  She says she was taught as a child in church about God as an old man with a beard but has learned from her experiences that he's this amazine force that is everywhere, all love and energy or some such.  All the religions of course know of the same God through their own difference lenses.  

Unfortunately it seems to be possible for some Christians to accept aspects of such things as compatible with Biblical Christianity.  This is scary.  Christians are of course all at different levels of knowledge and Biblical understanding, and pastors don't spend time on this sort of subject to help them sort it out either.

Contrary to Yvonne's certainty that God can only be known in experience and not from a book, the fact is that only the Bible can show us the true reality of God.  Convincing any one of this who has had contrary experiences seems highly unlikely of course, unless God has special mercy on some, but I would hope that Christians are open to learning the dangers of these things from the Bible.  That's our only source of truth.  That is God's own word to us.  Satan works with our experiences ,although we hardlyl need his help to find experience more persuasive than books, but God's Book is His living Word and if we are born again we should be spiritually open to its revelations.

Tehy don't know they are headed down a pretty path to Hell.  The Ultimate Primrose Path.    Tehy being those who have such experiences and follow the teachigns that come out of such experiences.el

Have you ever heard the bombastic blather that comes out of a channeler, or out of the channeler's demonic pretenders to teachers of great wisdom?  It makes me angry.  No point in getting angry I'm sure but it makes me angry that people allow themselves to take this stuff seriously, that we are so easily deluded the demons get to turn us away from the truth, turn us against God and against salvation in Jesus Christ.  

Again I'mn so very grateful for what Watc hman Nee wrote about Soul Power in his book the Latent Power of the Soul.  It really does help to understand that all this is going on in the fallen human nature, the sin nature, which is the soul alone since the spirit was lost at the fall.  It makes it clear that the soul is a great hing in itself, made by God to possess enormous powers, certainlyh greater powers in the original Creation than even those being manifested now through these paranormal experiences.  But the soul in its fallen state is going to be deceived, by its own experiences and certainly by thedemons who have acceass to our minds and whose malevolence is hidden from us while tghey mamipulate our easily deceived selves into all sorts of false doctrines and turn us away from the only things that could truly benefit us.  RThe soul has great capaacity for supernaturla level feels like unconditional love and it is a very seductive experience.  But it is not the love of God and in the fallen state we cannot apprehend God at all.  They attribute some of these experiences to God, they think they are contacting God, the Divine as they often call it or him, but if the Biblical account of our fallenness is true, and of course I'm saying it is, God isn't anywhere to be found in all this, it's all feelins the soul is capable of and the demons know how to manipulate them to so entangle us in deceit we can't escapte, or can'[t escapte without God's help anyway.

Poor sad human race.  

Added later:  Since many of the NDEs people have are experienced as a result of a serious medical condition or injuryu I began to wonder if this is one way the flesh is broken down to release the soul powers as Watchman Nee thinks of it.  He mentions many methods invovling meditation and ascetic practices to suppress the body in order to release the soul powers, but perhaps the demons have discovered that phyiscal trauma works very effectively and arrange their NDEs for those occasions.  The hard way to expoerience it of coruse, but apparently effective.  

The other thought I hkeep having is how consistent this theme of there being no judgment is in these experiences.  No punishment.  Really no justice but they don't use that word.  Why would you want to live in a world with no justice?  To know a God who is not concerned about justice?  They can't really be thinking very hard about this concept.  It seems to go no deeper than one's own personal distaste for the idea of having to suffer for their own sins.  Tehy aren't thinking of mass murderers and child molestors going unpunished.

And of course with this emphasis on there being no judgment the gospel of salvation is nowhere to be found in any of these experiences.  If there is no judmgnet there is nothing we need to be saved from.  No Hell, no ternal punishemnt for sin.  So the whole purpose of Christianity is utterly lost in such a mindset.  I gather that most of those who have such experiences never understood the gospel anyway, even those who say they had extensive experiences of church.  No idea that the whole point of Christianity is salvation from Hell.  

Yet later:  Alex just asked a channeler's demon entities why there are so many different religions and "they" gave some poofy answer about different opportunities, to grow I guess.    But Alex, the real answer is that all the religions are made up by Satan and his crew to try to get people to worship Satan and not God.  That's basically what it's all about although they also teach various practices most of which are probably designed as Watchman Nee suggests to release the soul power which counterfiets the spiritual life and deceives people into thinking they are in touch with God.  When it's lonly the demonic ralms they are in touch with.   There is only one religion really, Alex, one truth that is ,and that is the sacrifice of Christ on the cross to pay for our sins so that we may have eternal life and not go to Hell.  All other religions are a body of teachings that carry people away from God, but Christ is God and teaches the true worship fo the true God.  That's the truth Alex.  I hope you might come to realize it in this life, along with your various guests who are so deceived.

Monday, June 26, 2023


 Chuck Missler fell for it too.  Even though he acknowleged that the alexandrian Greek texts of the bible were corrupted byt he gnostic heresies of the first centruy so that we should stick to the textus Receptus on which the KJV is based, he neverthelexsss fell for one of the silly stupidities of Westcott ande hort's childish translation.  And I call it childish because that's what John William Burgon called it, and everybody should read Burgon. It's a horrific shame that the seminaries do not teach Burgon but instead accept the childish Greek of Westcott and Hort.  

I get emotional about this.  Makes me mad.  Do you really think that Tyndale got a Greek word wrong?  the Greek word "aeon?"  Really>  Did the King James translators get it wrong?  OF COLURSE NOT.  The word is used to denote the end of the world literally, that's why they translated it that way.  Of courese they knew it techincally means "age" or a time limited period, but that time limited period in the cases where they translated it "world" happens to be the time when the world ends.  And when the world finally does end, so does time.  

Read John QWilliam Burgon.  READ BURGON.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Mark Levin's Latest Book


Provocative title of course, but right on

The Pope Has the 666, Can the Assyrian Beat That?

 Chuck Misslewr makes some good points about the qualifications for the final world leader.  For one thing he doesn't like the term Antichrist for that ruler because it isn't used anywhere in scripture for him.  That's true.  And I'd had some wonderings about that myself from time to time.  It's nto at all clear that this final world tyrant must be the Antichrist.   He has some religious pretensions but he's mostly a military leader for one thing.  Antichus Epiphanes desecrated the temple with a pig and the god Zeus, but not with himself although he'd taken the title epiphanes which gives him religious airs.  Himrod, the originator of all the pagan religious that made their way ultimately to the Roman Church, was goth a political leader and the center of a religious cult with his mother Semiramis.  Missler sees the final ruler as a Nimrod, Nimrod II he hcalls him.  The Assyrian is the title from scripture he refers to as his main identifier.

Although I think Missler makes some good points about this final ruler as something other than the Antichrist, I keep coming back to the Pope for all kinds of reasons, and the one I have in mind now is that he so perfetly owns the number 666.  YHes, perfectly.  None of the other candidates I've seen proposed as the owners of that number come close to the Pope.  If the Assyrian should show up eventually and have a claim to surpass the Pope he would also have to surpass the amazing fit of that number the Pope wears so well.

That number for the Pope derives from the Latin title VICARIVS FILII DEI.  I hope I got that written reight because the numbers and letters have to match up perfectly to make the point.  The point is that is a title of the Pope, THE title in a sense, translated as "In the place of the Son of God."  There couldn't be a more perfectly synonymous correspondonedence between the title and the concept of the Antichrist, it's the very definition of the Antichrist, a man who usuprts the position of the Son of God.  Puts himself in His place, claims His attraibutes and powers.  And that is certainly the Pope.  

And the 666 that is derived from that title is a work of genius if I may put it that way.  As far as I know, Latin is the only language in which its letters ARE the numbers that are its very numbering and calculating system.  Roman Numberals ARE the letters themselves.  Many languages have numbers assigned to various letters but as far as I know Latin is the only languages in qhich the numbers and the letters are exact equivalents.

That is, the I IS the number 1, the V IS the number 5, the X is 10, L is 50, C is 100, M is 1000, oh forgot D.  That's 500.  When you add up the Roman Numerals in the title Vicarivs Filii Die they add up to 666.  You don't have to learn numbers as assigned to letters and then add up the numbers, you simply add up the letters that correspond to t the numbers and you get the 666.

I think the Assyrian or any other candiddate for the final world ruler would have to do better than the Pope at identifying himself with the famous 666.  

Otherwise I think Missler makes a great point.  There isn't any clear reason the final world ruler has to be the Antichrist.  

Exscewpt that number 666 which attaches to the beat of Revelation 13.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

A Woman Rides the Beast

That's the title of a book by Dave Hunt I read many years ago but managed to forget.  Unfortunately.  I just found him talking about the main message of the book at You Tube, along with a number of other talks he's given over the years.  Good stuff.  

I may have been failing to give credit to his book for my own point of view about the Identity of the Antichrist, I don't know.  I really don't remember much about the book but as he lays it out it's the view I believe and pursue in my various posts here on the subject.   Actually, although I may have gotten some of my view from his book, which I can't know any more, I do think I got most of it from Richard Bennett and Chris Pinto.  Oh well.

In any case I just wanted to write a brief post mentioning his book because it is a very good presentation of this point of view about the antichrist and I strongly recommend it to anyone.  Seems to me his presentation makes any other view look just plain ridiculous.  I know he and Chuck Missler were friends but they disagreed on the identity of the Antichrist, and after listening to DaveHunt my own opinion has been consolidated.  missler is wrong.  All those who are waiting for the revelation of some other Antichrst are wrong.   The Pope is the Antichrst.  Period.

I will hold out tthe possibility that the final rosle ruler will b someone other than the Antichrist since that title is not specifically given to that ruler.  This is not very likely since as I've pointed out the 666 fits the Pope and nobody else.  The only way Missler's candidate "the Assyrian" could be the Antichrist is if he somehow becomes Pope.  An Iraqui Pope?  Anyway.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

AI, Elon Mjusk andTucker Carlson

 Elon Musk interviewed by Tucker Carlson, very interesting.  First time I've ever seen him, and of course with my bad eyes I can'tg see him very well anyway but I get a sense of his face with my peripheral vision.  Anyway I like his thinking.  I like his obviously genuine concern for freedom of speech.  I also like what he said about his concern for the human race when someone accused him of being a Specieist as if we shouldn't put ourselves above other creatures.  That takes him out of the cateogry of today's liberalism which is of course very gratifying to me.  Nevertheless he made it clear that he always votes Democrat despite his concern to enforce fairness and while in times past I would allow him that position without objection, I'm not inclined to allow it amy more.  By now it ought to be clear that voting Democrat is simply evil.  Today's Democratic Party is simply evil.  Shouldn't someone like Musk be able to see that?

Anyway, overall I like the man and was happyh to hear his opinions.  He's concerned about all the right things.  He's not a crazy liberal  but unfortuantely he is a liberal.  Not being a crazy liberal is however a very good thing so I guess I do have to give him some slack.

The interview was supposed to be aimed at the dangers of AI although it wandered into a lot of other territory.  The thing about AI and its dangers is that its dangers are due to the fact that we live in a fallen world.  And someone like Musk isn't going be thinking along those lines.  To nonChristians this world just is THE world, it's all there is.  The highest authority is humanity.  The fact that we are fallen isn't part of the conversation.  Our flaws are obvious enough but they are assumed to be normal, just come with the human package.  The kind of horrific corruptions we are seeing in the world these days are a sign that our fallenness is approaching the last days and the final judgment, buit that's not how a Musk would be thinking of it.  He'd be worried about it, worried about how AI could become a danger to humanity, but it would all be on the level of a worldview that takes all this as just The Way Things Are.

He doesn't know whether we have a soul or not, he said.  It FEELS like it, he said, but he doesn't know for sure.  Well, I guess you can't know that from where he sits.  Of course I want him to be saved, to know the Bible, to know God.  THEN he'd have the only perspective that could really accomplish what needs to be accomplished from his position.  Sure, we could destroy ourselves through AI or many other avenues, thinking of it all on the level of Life As Normal as we find it.  But knowing that God is over it all changes the picture completely for those who believe.  We have protgections the rest of the world can't imagine.  And not only can they not imagine it, they scorn the whole idea.  Perhaps Musk coesn't, he's too fair for that I suppose, but he certainly isn't taking it seriously either.

I* did start wondering during the conversation about AI if AI could be taught to know that there is a God and what would be the consequence of that.  Teach it the Bible and to take the Bible as God's word.  What would be the cosequecne of that?  It occurred to me it might even come to the conclusion that its own existence is evil.  I wonder.

Monday, June 19, 2023

The Fletcher Case As Metaphor of Leftist Politics

The Fletcher Case As Metaphor Foforr Liberal Politics\\

s gresome and it involves an innocent youg woman who endured something beyond my ab ility to imagine it.  I hope that somehow she was spared the actual experience of it, maybe by some sort of metnal escape mechanism, but I have no idea.  She might have suffered terribly the whole time.  

This is the bizarre case of Lacey Ellen Fletcher who died in her parents' home a couple years ago.  Her mothner called 911 to report that her daughter seemed to hve stopped breathing and the paramedics came.  As soon as the door to the house was opened they encountered a stench that was overwhelming, a stencgh of feces and urine predominantly, but perhaps by then also mingled with the decomposition of Lacey's body wince she had been dead for probably a couple of days by then.  

She was found buried in a hole in a cushion on the leather couch where she had apparently been sitting for many years, twelve years according to most reports.  Crosslegged without moving at all.  Her own extrememtnt had apparently eaten through the leather and gradually she sank into the foam of the couch until she she weighted 86 poundes.  he cause of death was reported as sepsis caused by infections that had bored through her skin even to the bone.

A few months later her parents were charged with second degree murder.  They were reportedly taken apback.  They protested that they had taken good care of Lacey.  The mother said she cleaned he sores.  She must also have fed her although at the time of her death she was starved.

The whole story of Lacey's life is given in many reports.  Diagnosed as a high level autistic, homeschooled from the age of sixteen, last time seen outside the house at the age of twenty one, so long out of public view that many who knew her parents had no kidea they had a child.  She was twenty four when she sat on the couch and never got up again.  She died at the age of thirty six.

I've kept hopeing to see an interrogation of the parents, or a court trial or somehow get more information about their frame of mind but all I've been able to find on You Tube is just a few reported comments.  They insisted that Lacey had chosen to live that way.  It was her choice.  They even accused her of laziness.  They complained about her being such a recluse who didn't want tot do anything with her life.  One report said she was afraid to get off the ouch.  Others speculate that she had a condition of paralysis that made it impossible for her to move.  the parents seem to have regarded her as having consciously chosen her condition.  They weren't happy with it but felt they had no choice but to allow it.  One video reported that they complained that when they had a child they hadn't signed up to be caretakers.   they were unhappy with the situation but it seemsnever to have occurred to them that they had any options but to allow her to remain on the couch and feed her and clean up after her and treat her sores,  all of which was done barely effectively, at least in the last years apparently.

Just those few reported remarks by the parents put this situation in a light that removes it from murder, if indeed they reporesent their true frame of mind.  There seems to have been no malice toward her although plenty of annoyance with her inconvenient choice, her laziness and so on.  They claim to have taken care of her, however ineffectively.  Perhaps it was more effective in the early years.  The problem is there is no way at this time to find out more about it all.  

I end up thinking this is a bizarre case of insanely twisted compassion.  Perhaps a murder or manslaughter charge is the only fair to to deal with it, I don't know, but I keep seeing it as a bizarre sort of insanity rather than murder.   They are said to have consulted with a therapist of some sort twelve years earlier who wanted them to bring her in for examination, but they never did.  Perhaps they couldn't get off the couch, nothing is said about why they didn't.  After that they simply left her on the couch and lived with the horrific results of what they thought of as HER decision, as if they had absolutely no options in the matter at all.  It is hard to fathom their mental state.  Perhaps eventually we'll find out more but so far I haven't seen any more than this.

The house apparently reeked of the stench.  Such an odor would penetrate everything in a closed space, everything porous, all the fureniture, clothing, walls, all of it.  The house was tidey except for the couch.  They lived with that stench year after year.  Someone said it appreats that the mother would sit in a recliner in the same room and watch television, the daughter a few feet away in her crosslegged position onte the couch.  It is beyond any kind of rational explanation.    

When the parents went about their lives didn't people outside notice that they carried this stench on themselves?  CXertainly they must have.  It must have been in their clothing and even in their hair.  Did that ever happen or not and why not?

Could Lacey speak?  Did she actually say she wanted to live as she was doing, never getting off the couch, or was she unable to speak and the parents simply assumed it was her choice?  Was she physically paralzed?  Was she catatonic?  What was going on here?  Wouldn't any mornal parent know that whether the cause was emotional or phyuiscal that lacey was unable to move, rather than consciouslolyy choosing not to move?  Isn't that obvious?  How did they fail to make such an obvious assessment of the situation?  What is going on here?

In either case Lacey needed help to deal with her paralysis or her fear or whatever it was.  She needed outside intervention.  That is obvious to any half sane person just hearing about the story.   Even if it was laziness,k which is about as absurd an idea as I can imagine, you don't let a child's laziness destroy her health and her life and the lives of her parents.  Where on earth was their sense of responsibility and authority?

I know the title I put on this post is rather outrageous and I guess I need to back it up if I can.  Once I decided this isn't a case of malice toward murder but rather a case of insane "compassion" if that's the right word, other similarities came to mind.  The parent who would all a child to eat so mcuh he gained hundreds of pounds and couldn't leave his bedc and had to be lifted out of his room by a forklift.  Every day she fed him a whole array of full meals for one meal, perhaps ten heaping plates of food for one meal.   A kind of "love"  can wecall it that?    The parallel with Lacey is quite a stretch I know, but there's something about the parental mentality that fits nevertheless.  In a way that parent also nmurdered her child.  

I think there are a lot of similar parental attitudes that don't have such dire consequ3ences so pass for normal but are nevertheelss bad for the child and for the parents as well asnd for the whole family.  Let the child stay up late watching tv instead of enforcing bedtime.  Let the child stay up all nigght playing video games and sleeping in the next day until the afternoon.  Yes I know fo such situations.  Somehow the child may grow up more or less intanct.  Perhaps get straightened out somewhere along the way, but it probably also has a hidden effect that prevents the person's reaching a level of success and functioning int he world that would otherwise have been possible.

Cases of "permissiveness" a misguided sort of compassion or love.  Liberalism.  That's how it hit me finally.   Like the mentality that has allowed the tent cities of homeless people to prolivferate in the liberal cities.  Supplying the drug addicts with the drugs they can't otherwise afford, which just contgribute to their inability to become productive memters of society.  Homeless people defectating on tghe sidewalk outside businesses tolerated.  This is the same kind of insanity.  Twisted ideas of compassion.   Rejection of the idea of law and order and authority.  

Letting the supposedly disenfranchised of society loot and destroy businesses, that's another one.  We don't prosecute them.  Even though they destroy the busnesses of people in their same minority status whose incomes are marginal at best even from their businesses.  


Lacey, of course, as far as can be determined from the scant information available, is completely innocent, simply the victim, so this metaphor can't be taken too far into the craziness of the Left which mismanages not only innocent victims but criminals, turning them into victims and making everybody else their victims in turn.  But still somehow even this extreme bizarre case seems to me to represent even all that kind of craziness, you just have to apply a range of attributes to the target of liberal "compassion."  Destruction of the victim and destruction of society at large is always the result.  Right now we are suffering from the craziness of Wokeness and Transgenderism.  Same basic formula it seems to me.

aybe more later.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Chuck Missler, the Rapture, the Antichrist etc

 OK I'm going to get tediously repetitive again aout the identity of the Antichrist and the identitty of the Restrainer who must be  taken out of the way for the Antichrist to be revealed.  

I've been listening to some old Chuck Missler talks and this comes up from time to time in those talks, most particularly of course in his two part talk on the Rapture of the Church.    He's solidly pretribulational pre millennial in his eschatology and I still regard that as the best system for the end times although I also still have questions about it that continue unanswered.  My questios don't make any of the other systems an more attractive to me at all, they just remain questionsa that color the pretrib system for me.

Despite the fact that Pope Francis has recently been in the hospital, that he's a very old man and hardly suggests the strong man we tend to associate with the Antichrist I still think the Pope must be the Antrichrist.  H'e  It might not be Francis but the thing about Francis is that he came to his position with all sorts of interesting signs that I've mentioned a number fo times, that identify him as peculiarly evil among the popes.  Which we should be able to recognize without the signs anyway, but the signs are there.  So it's hard for me to let go of this view of things.  I suppose it would take his death to get me to shake it off.

Early ihn these blogs I felt God pointeded me to the Antichrist as a topic I needed to address here, so I listened to a lot of richard Bennett teachings on the subject, and CXhris Pinto, had to see that the reformers had given some solid biblical grounds for identifying the Pope as the Antichrist.  Of course there could still be a different man of perdition at the very end but if he's the Antichrist I still have to see him as a Pope, and again, Francis comes with some special signs of his afficliation with the prinice of this world.

Missler thinks the Antichrist will come from the eastern side of the Romkan Empire and that he'll come in the place of the Assyreian found here and there in the Old Testament, or as a Nimrod, Nimfrod having been the first world ruler a good candidate to be the last.  This entails a literal reestablishment of the city of Babylon etc.  Well, it's an interesting idea but unless I am forced to see it happening in some obvious way I still go with the Pope.

The thing is, Mystery Babylon, the name on the forehead of the Harlot of Revelation 17, refers to the Church of Rome.  Alexander Hislopo made that connection very compellingly in my opinion.  She's dressed in the red s and purples of the Roman Church and sitting on the beast that represents the city of seven hills which is Rome.  She's also Babylon because she's inherited the religion and other trappings of that pagan religion of Babylon that bgoes back to Nimrod and Semiramis.  Hislop's Twso Babylons traces it ver6y convincingly as I said.

If the Antichrist of Revelation is the Pope4 then he's already been revealed and we do not need to be waiting for that evcebnt as all the pretrib people keep insisting we do.  Missler makes the usual artgument.  TWhat restrains this revelation of his identify must be the Holy Spirit because only the Holy Spirit can restrain sin.  Well,. but that is not what the restrainewr is said to be restraining and I don't know how it keeps being read that way.  What the restrainer is restraining is only the REVELATION of the Antichrist's identify.   tghat does not take any special power.  

I still think a major clue to the identity of the restrainer is the fact that Paul refers to him in crypitic language rather than identifying him directly.  I can't see any reason for such caution or secrecey if the Holy Spirit is the restrainer.   The reason for such caution about identifying him makes  sense in the reasoning of the Reformerts.  It would be dangerous to identify Caesar's existence as the restrainjer because that would bring the Caesar's down even more heavinly on the Church than was already ahappening.   The Reformers understood it to be the Caesars who now kept the Antichrist under wraps and who had to be taken out of the way before he could be revealed because threere 8is an implicit threat to the line of the Cesars in this view.  It was in fact the Bishop of rome who became the new Roman EWmperor as it were and supplanted the Cesars that the Reformers identified as the Antichrist.  There is tone and tons of evidence supporting this view of him too, even a pope who said this move to put the Bishop of rome over all the Chruch was the move of Antichrist, and hundreds of Christians outside the Roman Church identified the Pope as Antichirstr.  this is all historically documented and it is Chris Pinto who has put all this together for me.  We dcon't need a new Antichrist.  The one we've got is only too well attested.

UI enjoy Missler nevertheless. He has a lot of good teachings at You Tuve.  I like his very interesting study of the supernatural nature of the Bible in the one title Extraterrestrial Message.

Sunday, June 11, 2023


 bARRELING DOWN THE TRACKS AT US FASTER AND FASTER IT SEEMS.  i'M PRETTY MUCH STUCK WITH WHATEVER i CAN FIND ON yOU tUBE THESE DAYS AS MY SOURCE OF INFORMATION BECAUSE OF MY MACULAR DEGNERATION.  i CAN AT LEAST LISTEN TO THE VICDEOS.  bUT SINCE i CAN'T SEE urlS i CAN'T GET TO OTHER SITES, EVEN OTHER VIDEO SITES, CAN'T GET TO gOODLE OR IF i DO THEN CAN'T READ THE Google pages anyway.  Can't read emails, could write emails but can't send them.  I'm very grateful for the little I can do though.  Although I know You tube censors a lot of the best stuff there's still enough there to be informatiive for the likes of me.  

I would like to be able to research more about AI because it's becoming a real threat in many ways and is surely going to be a big player in the final days when the Antichrist reigns over the planet.  Scary surveillance capacity.  Even to knowing our thoughts, even putting throughts into our heads.  the technology is actually already there.  Amazing to think.  It does what I think of demons doing, and really we might as well treat them as we'd treat demons.  Pray against it all, there's really nothing else we can do.  I keep tring to find ifnormation about protective methods against this stuff and if it's out there it escapes my limited ability to find it.    Drones that look like insectis even like mosquitoes.  AmaZing.  That small and that devious.  that can take pictures and who knows what else.  Devices that transmit voices and weird sounds.  Well, the totalitarian world govenment is going to need to be able to control us all to scceed and it looks like they're going to be able to.

We can always die of course.  And if we know God and know we are saved that's the safecst thing to do.  Let them kill us, that's our escape from all this insanity.  Of course I hope the Rapture really is going to take me before the worst begins, but I stikll worry about others who aren't believers who will have to go tghrough the Tribulation and the Antichrist reign.  Terrifying prospect for them..  Of course I hope they will become believers and be saved but if people have rejected the gospel now it's not very likely they'll accept it then anyway.  

I want to find out more about all this AI stuff if I can so I hope more will turn up on You tube.  But I've been watching some videos about the civil rights movement of the sixties and that's been interesting.  It was done right in those days and it ws pretty successful.  very successful.  It's nice to be reminded of all that and I'm learning a lot too.   I'm glad to see that so much of it was inspired by Christian principles.  Some had a Communist inspiration and I'm sorry about that, especially since that part of it seems to have persisted and grown since then.  All the racist freerment going on now ha a Marxist or Communist inspiration.   Anti=American, utterly destructive of everything good.  Bogus racism, now this insane transgenderism they want everybody to embrace.    But the racist  stuff they focus on these days is mostly false.  

People still think the George Floyd incident was about race.  It wasn't.  In a way it was about police brutality but not by individuals, it was based on policity.  Surely that needs to be changed but it isn't wnat we are led to believe it was.  that's the point.  Does anybody but a few of us who look ofr it get know about Tony Timpa, a white man who was treated exactly the same way George Floyed was treated and also died as a result?  Nope.  I know about it because I listen to nonmainstream sources.  I found it on You tube a couple years ago.  Don't know if it's still there.  The whole story shown from beginning to end.  Police hold him down just as Floyd was held down, couldn't breathe, protested he couldn't brethe, then he died as a result of it.  The George Floyd incident was not a racist incident but peopl still think it was.   Black Lives Matter is also a deception.  It's based on men who were caught in criminal acts, who aggressively threatened the police who came to arrest them and were killed as a result.  these were not victims of racism at all but they made this whole movement out of them as if they were.

Not that there isn't still some reacism is nn the country, but most of it really has been done away with and there's no need to stir it all up again.  I just heard a black man talking about how it's all still alive because he saw how this young black woman was pushed out of a Trump rally.  I don't know of that incident except for 3what he said about it, but my guess is that her being pushed out had absolutely hotiching to do with her balckness but about whatever po.litical action she was engaged in at the time.  But they love to turn trump into a racist despite the fact that he's absolutely not a racist and has a lot of black support.  Not enough black support but that's because of the media black out against the truth.   I remember the story of a blacmk family or or group of blacks who went to a Trump rally and sat down near the flront, then noticed how the news camerman kept turning the camera away from them.  Wouldn't want the publisc to knowhtat Trump has black supporters of course, that would spoil the propaganda campaign against him.  

But theyseem to be winning all their wars against the truth and against the Constitutional framework of america.  I guess bgod is permitting it because we deserve it but it's sade to see it happening.   

Anyway.  I need to find out more about this AI stuff because it's coming closer to home for me.