Sunday, June 11, 2023


 bARRELING DOWN THE TRACKS AT US FASTER AND FASTER IT SEEMS.  i'M PRETTY MUCH STUCK WITH WHATEVER i CAN FIND ON yOU tUBE THESE DAYS AS MY SOURCE OF INFORMATION BECAUSE OF MY MACULAR DEGNERATION.  i CAN AT LEAST LISTEN TO THE VICDEOS.  bUT SINCE i CAN'T SEE urlS i CAN'T GET TO OTHER SITES, EVEN OTHER VIDEO SITES, CAN'T GET TO gOODLE OR IF i DO THEN CAN'T READ THE Google pages anyway.  Can't read emails, could write emails but can't send them.  I'm very grateful for the little I can do though.  Although I know You tube censors a lot of the best stuff there's still enough there to be informatiive for the likes of me.  

I would like to be able to research more about AI because it's becoming a real threat in many ways and is surely going to be a big player in the final days when the Antichrist reigns over the planet.  Scary surveillance capacity.  Even to knowing our thoughts, even putting throughts into our heads.  the technology is actually already there.  Amazing to think.  It does what I think of demons doing, and really we might as well treat them as we'd treat demons.  Pray against it all, there's really nothing else we can do.  I keep tring to find ifnormation about protective methods against this stuff and if it's out there it escapes my limited ability to find it.    Drones that look like insectis even like mosquitoes.  AmaZing.  That small and that devious.  that can take pictures and who knows what else.  Devices that transmit voices and weird sounds.  Well, the totalitarian world govenment is going to need to be able to control us all to scceed and it looks like they're going to be able to.

We can always die of course.  And if we know God and know we are saved that's the safecst thing to do.  Let them kill us, that's our escape from all this insanity.  Of course I hope the Rapture really is going to take me before the worst begins, but I stikll worry about others who aren't believers who will have to go tghrough the Tribulation and the Antichrist reign.  Terrifying prospect for them..  Of course I hope they will become believers and be saved but if people have rejected the gospel now it's not very likely they'll accept it then anyway.  

I want to find out more about all this AI stuff if I can so I hope more will turn up on You tube.  But I've been watching some videos about the civil rights movement of the sixties and that's been interesting.  It was done right in those days and it ws pretty successful.  very successful.  It's nice to be reminded of all that and I'm learning a lot too.   I'm glad to see that so much of it was inspired by Christian principles.  Some had a Communist inspiration and I'm sorry about that, especially since that part of it seems to have persisted and grown since then.  All the racist freerment going on now ha a Marxist or Communist inspiration.   Anti=American, utterly destructive of everything good.  Bogus racism, now this insane transgenderism they want everybody to embrace.    But the racist  stuff they focus on these days is mostly false.  

People still think the George Floyd incident was about race.  It wasn't.  In a way it was about police brutality but not by individuals, it was based on policity.  Surely that needs to be changed but it isn't wnat we are led to believe it was.  that's the point.  Does anybody but a few of us who look ofr it get know about Tony Timpa, a white man who was treated exactly the same way George Floyed was treated and also died as a result?  Nope.  I know about it because I listen to nonmainstream sources.  I found it on You tube a couple years ago.  Don't know if it's still there.  The whole story shown from beginning to end.  Police hold him down just as Floyd was held down, couldn't breathe, protested he couldn't brethe, then he died as a result of it.  The George Floyd incident was not a racist incident but peopl still think it was.   Black Lives Matter is also a deception.  It's based on men who were caught in criminal acts, who aggressively threatened the police who came to arrest them and were killed as a result.  these were not victims of racism at all but they made this whole movement out of them as if they were.

Not that there isn't still some reacism is nn the country, but most of it really has been done away with and there's no need to stir it all up again.  I just heard a black man talking about how it's all still alive because he saw how this young black woman was pushed out of a Trump rally.  I don't know of that incident except for 3what he said about it, but my guess is that her being pushed out had absolutely hotiching to do with her balckness but about whatever po.litical action she was engaged in at the time.  But they love to turn trump into a racist despite the fact that he's absolutely not a racist and has a lot of black support.  Not enough black support but that's because of the media black out against the truth.   I remember the story of a blacmk family or or group of blacks who went to a Trump rally and sat down near the flront, then noticed how the news camerman kept turning the camera away from them.  Wouldn't want the publisc to knowhtat Trump has black supporters of course, that would spoil the propaganda campaign against him.  

But theyseem to be winning all their wars against the truth and against the Constitutional framework of america.  I guess bgod is permitting it because we deserve it but it's sade to see it happening.   

Anyway.  I need to find out more about this AI stuff because it's coming closer to home for me.  

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