Tuesday, June 20, 2023

AI, Elon Mjusk andTucker Carlson

 Elon Musk interviewed by Tucker Carlson, very interesting.  First time I've ever seen him, and of course with my bad eyes I can'tg see him very well anyway but I get a sense of his face with my peripheral vision.  Anyway I like his thinking.  I like his obviously genuine concern for freedom of speech.  I also like what he said about his concern for the human race when someone accused him of being a Specieist as if we shouldn't put ourselves above other creatures.  That takes him out of the cateogry of today's liberalism which is of course very gratifying to me.  Nevertheless he made it clear that he always votes Democrat despite his concern to enforce fairness and while in times past I would allow him that position without objection, I'm not inclined to allow it amy more.  By now it ought to be clear that voting Democrat is simply evil.  Today's Democratic Party is simply evil.  Shouldn't someone like Musk be able to see that?

Anyway, overall I like the man and was happyh to hear his opinions.  He's concerned about all the right things.  He's not a crazy liberal  but unfortuantely he is a liberal.  Not being a crazy liberal is however a very good thing so I guess I do have to give him some slack.

The interview was supposed to be aimed at the dangers of AI although it wandered into a lot of other territory.  The thing about AI and its dangers is that its dangers are due to the fact that we live in a fallen world.  And someone like Musk isn't going be thinking along those lines.  To nonChristians this world just is THE world, it's all there is.  The highest authority is humanity.  The fact that we are fallen isn't part of the conversation.  Our flaws are obvious enough but they are assumed to be normal, just come with the human package.  The kind of horrific corruptions we are seeing in the world these days are a sign that our fallenness is approaching the last days and the final judgment, buit that's not how a Musk would be thinking of it.  He'd be worried about it, worried about how AI could become a danger to humanity, but it would all be on the level of a worldview that takes all this as just The Way Things Are.

He doesn't know whether we have a soul or not, he said.  It FEELS like it, he said, but he doesn't know for sure.  Well, I guess you can't know that from where he sits.  Of course I want him to be saved, to know the Bible, to know God.  THEN he'd have the only perspective that could really accomplish what needs to be accomplished from his position.  Sure, we could destroy ourselves through AI or many other avenues, thinking of it all on the level of Life As Normal as we find it.  But knowing that God is over it all changes the picture completely for those who believe.  We have protgections the rest of the world can't imagine.  And not only can they not imagine it, they scorn the whole idea.  Perhaps Musk coesn't, he's too fair for that I suppose, but he certainly isn't taking it seriously either.

I* did start wondering during the conversation about AI if AI could be taught to know that there is a God and what would be the consequence of that.  Teach it the Bible and to take the Bible as God's word.  What would be the cosequecne of that?  It occurred to me it might even come to the conclusion that its own existence is evil.  I wonder.

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