Saturday, February 1, 2025

A Fatal Flaw in the MAGA Project I Fear

 Only Chrisitians would agree with me about this, and not all of them I suppose although they  should.  America was great because America was Christian.  Ameria was prosperous and peaceful and a force for good in the world because America was Chrsitian.  Over the decades some have worked hard to prove that this isn't the case, tht our heritage is not from the bible as much as from Greece and Rome, but it isn't so.  It's a popular idea, probably the j dominant idea, but it isn't so.

The episode of Uncommon Knowledge which I've mentioned more than oncde here, with Steven Meyer, Douglass Murray and tom Holland, gets this across very well.  Tom Holland is not a Christian but wrote a book on his researches into the philosophical and cultural origins of America and concluded that America is definitely dominated by Christianity.  He said he discovered that although he had thought the main influence was Greece and Rome, when he compared their morality to what most American live by, insluding himslef, our morality is definitly Christian and not Greek or Roman.  We are all cultural Christians ven now after decades of efforts to destroy that influence.

Aann Hirsi Ali is a woman from Somalia who started out as a member of the New Atheists, with Christopher Hitchens and richard Dawkins and Sam Harris, but recently she converte to Christianity, and has recognized that this culture can't be transplanted anywhere else because it's a creation of the Christian mindset and if other cultures are gased on any other moral foundation the culture just won't fit and there is no way to simply teach them our democratic ways, or as Ayaan says, even our gadgets which came out of our Christian mindset.  America is Christian through and through, and although we weould very much like to transmit it to other nations so that they could be prosposperour too, it just never works .  Their mindset is just not compatible with it.

So if we lose our Christian foundations we are not going to remain CAmerica for long.  And unfortunately that foundation is not accepted these days except by those who are active Christians, who are a dwindling number.  We have foces now that work actively against the original greatness of America.  Trump has a solid sense for the most part of what needs to be done operationally to return the country to our former greatness, but I fear he's leaving out the essence of it.  this in spite of the fact that it is now more acceptable to affirm a Christian midset than it has been for many years, and he too supports it.

But what I'm thinking of is that outrageous speech by the Bishop of the National Cathedral that siaimed to humiliate GTrump.   I'm also thinkin g of the many ecumenical prayers that are held in Washington D. DcC. in spipusupport of the gvovernment.  Ecumenical prayers, meaning prayers shared with representabtive of all sorts of religions that are at aodds with the God of the Biblbele  .  God regards these as idolatry and they work to destroy the nation rather than to support it .  I've said this in many posts in the past.  The prayer meeting after nine eleven was horrific as it included a Muslims Imama of all things to pray for the country.  Unbleievers think nothing of this, and too many supposed Christians sondon't seem to know what's wrong with it either.  Really three is only one true Christianity and it is made up of those who believe that Christiane died for our sins and rose from the dead to save us.   By that standard Judaism doesn'[t qualify either .  Native Indian reliegion doesn't qualify.  Wicca doesn't qualify.  even Catholicism doesn't qualify because they don't rest in that faith for salvation but alddd all kins of pagan superstittions into tht emix and even say we can't be certain about how to be saved.  There is only one true Christianity that God would recognize and honor and bless the ntion for following.  The original thirteen colonies all shared it.  Except Maryland.   We've lost it.  

We even have Native Americans and Wiccans praying to open Congress.  this is an abomination to God.  As long as this keepxs up there is no way we will vbe able to hol

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