Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Still Having a Hard Time with the Great American Political Divide

 Sure, I'd like to be able to have effective discussion s with liberals, give and take in which we don't say insulting things, or try very hard not to, but earnestly try to muster the evidence to defend what we think is the truth.   We average peopole don't do much to hold on to evidence unfortunately.  I don't.  I wish I had it when I need it, I know it's out there somewhere because I heard it, but I didn't do anything to keep track of where I heard it or where to find it.  My impression is that in gerneral liberals are far worse about evidence, trusting in narrative alone.  Since I can prove that many of their narratives are founded on lies I know this is obviously a bad policity but they aren't going to give up the habit easily.

Yes I wish it were possible to have such discussions but for the most part it just isn't.  I know some take the attidue that there's no point in even bothering to tell a liberal what we think because it doesna't todo any bgood.  I think sometimes this mayb e sjustified that somethingmes it's just a cop out.  that is, I defend it as the right attitude when you are talking abotu family members and very close long time friends where the relationship is more important than the argument.  Or a spoiuse in particular.  Yes.   But when yoyu are talking about mere acquaintances you don't have to deal with every day I think it is porobably a cop out to avoid saying what needs to be said in the face of some liberal assertion said in a publig c place in particular and certinly if it's on social media.  It begs to be answered.  Even if it would do no good with that particular person, there are other people listening and they need to hear it.

Then smetimes, after years of trying or years of avoiding discussing such things with a friend, to the point that there's very little of the friendhip left to be shared anyway becauase both of you are heavily involved in the political world and care most about that and not that much about the ordinarly things of life that are all that's left to talk about when you are avoiding the big issues...  THEN , I'm beginning to think anyway,  it's worth making it clear that you find the friend's opinion so odious and evil, even if you do ascribe it to deception and not to malice, I mean the friend's being deceieved of course, that it is likely a good think to say you so abhor and condemp the opinion that you are willuing to give up the friendship until the friend at least shows an interest in hearing something of the other point of view.    

That's hat I'm thinking at the moment.

Every day I'm assaulted by the liberal point of view on the internet or on the radio where I listen to conservative tgalk shows but the station is owned by an alphabet news compoany that inserts something into every news report that insinuates wrongdoing by trump or conservatives.  It's wearing and depressing and all the more so knowing that librals listening to the same stuff don't notice it at all and have no idea at all how conservatives are being persecuted every day by the liberal powers that be.  

\\They don't notice that this is not news reporting but opinionating, something supposedly assiduously avoided by true journalists.  On the left it isn't avoidied.  they seem to go out of their way to insert a denigraintng or insinuating word into a report.   If talkinga bout trump's objection to how a \n election was conducted, they ave to insert the word "unfounded" or "false" to describe his point of view.  this is an egreegious violating on of the tenets of journalism as I always understood to be the case.      

Otherwise they just uauote the nastiest assessment by a leftist they can find to air in the report.   Oinion or not it's treated as valid commentary, even as evidence, and listening liberals just take it tstraight, see no problem at all, and have their own opinions shaped without their being aware of it.

this is going to ocontinue throughout trump's presidency I'm sure.   Sincw prayer helped a lot during the election phase it's clear we need to keep praying our hearts out that people on the left will continuie to to walk e up and see the light and embrace the real truth instead of their delusional truth.

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