It was a big relief to hear that Trump has demanded an apooogy from the so called bishop in the National Cathedral who had the insane rudeness to address him personally from the pulpit in an oblique complaint about his policy to restore the country to two sexes and deport illegal aliens from the country. Unblievable disrespect to the office of President, or to any human being for that matter, to criticize him personally in such a public way. The woman is beyond any kind of defense I can think of.
When challeneged by a reportetr she said she was only trying to help people who were being harmed by Trump's policies. She'd asked him to havwe compassion on the transgender wpeople who were now scared of what would happen to them because of his edicts, and she so helpfully informed him that not all the illegal aliens in the country are criminals. and he just sat there and took it as I have heard, while J D Vance who was istting with him got agitated and looked around during the bishop's inexcusable shaming of the lader of the free world.
Of course nobody in the LGBT Community by the mere styatemewnt that we as a nation will only recognize two sexes. There is no threat implied. Live as you lease, nobody is stopping you. All that is changing is that those who see the situation differently are now freed from the tyranny of habinh to bow to your way of looking at things, which is a violation of our frreedoms. As for illegal imigrants, the gall of the woman to suggest that trump thinks they are all criminals. the Gall. the insanity, the stupidity, the gall.
If you put National Cathehdral in the search line at the top left of this blog some posts I did in the past should come up in which I blast that so called church for its abject unChristianness as it werer. it's perhaps a social justice club or osmething of the sort, it's certainly leftist and political and has nothing whatever to do with the Christian religion. The building should be closed while the current occupants are banished from ever returning, both preachers such as they are and their happy listeners whoever they may be, shut down tight for a period of spiritual fumigation. it should bw sold to a true Christian Church or it should be turned into a museum. Anything other than what it now isk which is a blight on our nation and probably worse than that, a negative spiritual influence that brings down god's wrath on us. Trump and vance and their wives should not have come anywhere near it in the first place. It's one of those many antiAmerican and antiTruth institutions that I understand litter the city of Washington D. D. Yes, it may wevery well just sit there and emanate evil influences unpon the nation. the sooner we are rid of it the better. don't let it continue to poison us. but who is listening?
of course they aren't going to let up on trump just because he won the election . They talk nice at first, and maybe some of them do have the sense to relaize they have to give up their leftist habits, I can hope of rhtat anway. I hope as trump's time in office moves along many on the left will come to see their folly and join their friends who ahve already defected. Trump is so exactly what we need at this time, tough unmoveable, right about most of his policies, perhaps not all but most, and a strong proponent of all of the mm ,, a strong sadvocate. A strong doer, a man who doesn't let grass grow under his feet, he's out there already mjaking things right in America and in the world. Thank You Lord. But we need to keep praying our hearts out, and oh Lord, cn You Pplease getg ride of that abomination of a religion that emanates rthose evil spiritual fumes?
understand the cathedral itself is a pretty building so I don't advocate tearing it down, just fumigating it and bringing it into the service of the true Christianity. No more ecumenical prayer meetings, no more apostate sermons.
I also want to co9p-lainj about a couple other leftist crazy reactions to trump's executive order. Here in Nevada we have a senator who thinks cutting taxes on the rich is to benefit the rich and that we should do something to incluede the middle class in the tax cut. How ignorant can they get. They never learn. Just as they are stupid enough to think that Trump is stupid enough not to know that not all the alienas are cirminals they also are stupid enough to think he is stupid enough to give tax cuts to the rich for the sake of the rich. Common sense would be enough to save them from that I would suppose but apparently they have none of that . The tax cuts on the rich benefit the whole nation, they actually bring in more tax revenue than comes in when the rich are heavily taxed. but of course they are heavily taxed anyway. those who complain that they don't pay their far share, good grief what a phrase, have no clue what the rich already pay in taxes. As my brighter tells me, he being the best source of this invoformation for me when I forget it as I have aknack for doing, the top ten percent of the highest income earners pay eighty seven perscent of the taxes. Eighty seven percent. Got that . Eight seven percentg. From only Ten Percent of the taxpaying population. got that. breaking that down further, the two TWO percent pay forty two percent of the taxes. The rest are paid by the middle group of taxpayers, somke sixty five persectn of the population of taxpayers, thirteen percent of the taxes from ;sixty five percent of the population. And the lowest twenty five per cent of th epoupulation down't pay any txes at all, but get something called Earned Income Credit, which is wone of those leftist socialist insnaities. So there you have it. Stop saying the rich donw't pay their fair share.
And when the taxes are cut for the rich they are freed to invest in the nation, to expand their businesses and start new businesses, to hire an army of new employees. That is exactly what happens. More people are working and more people are paying taxes because they are working. Under Reagan I understand that the tax revenue doubled as a result of his tax cuts on the rich.
I also hear tell that JFK did the same thing and benefitted the economy in the same way.
Then again in Nevada we have this Attorney general who thinks trump is violating the Constitution by putting an end to Brith Right Citizenship. I would think that anybody would know, just from common sense, that the fourteeneht amendment could neot ever have meant that anyone who just happens to visit the country and happens to give birth while within our boundaries has brought a new American citizen into the world. That is such an insane idea that just on the face of it you should know it's not what was meant. But this one is going to go to the Supreme Court because there are apparently quite a few confused Attorneys General who are challenging rump on it, bringing lawsuits abgainst him. So we can only hope that the Suprememe Court has its its about it. You never know these days.
I think I'll stop here.
Later: OK I hve to apologize for calling anyone stupid. I shouldn't lose mytemper like that. It certainly doesn't make for an atmosphere in which discussion could be possible, so I am truly sorry for it. I'd change it if I could see it but I can't.l
It is also ridiculous to think that Elon Musk would make a Nazi salute to a crowd of MAGA supporters, even if he was a Nazi, which of course he is not.
I also want to add here that aiI saw a recent Rachel Maddow clip in which she is co0plaining about Trump's appointment of the ambassador to France, qjoting him as saying he made the appointment becaue the guy wanted it, and she goes on and on about trump's supposed wrongheaded reasons for his appointments. Of course his appointments are so clearly ased on political policy and the ability and motivation to get the job done that this complaint is ludicrous. Of course I say think s nowt knowing anything about the person appointed to be the babmbassdor o t France and maybe there is an exception to be made there. Maybe this one was made for the wrong reasons. This I don't know. But knowing as I do that the Left does lie all the time about Trump, for instance by quoting a part of something he said while leaving out the rest, that in his case he may very well ahve said a great deal about the person's qualifications or the job becsides mentioneing his desire for the job, and maddow simply left it out. I don't know. But it's such a familiar leftist strateg I wouldn't be surprised to find out that this is exactly what she diedid.
Listening to some more of Maddow I'm geting the impression that she mostly gives a long nearrative about whatever it is she believes to tbe the scase but doesn't provide evidence for it. A long description of Tulsi gabbard's supposed early life in a cult includes pictures of the cult leader but no actual evidence of anything she claims Gabbard actually did or said. Where are the sound bites at least? Where are the witnesses actually on record rather than merely said to exist. Same with the appointment of hte ambassador to france. She said Trump said this and that but didnt' actually show him saying it. Not that I necessarily doubt it, but that sort of thing is really necessary when you are making such claims, and as I said, I wouldn't be surprised anyway if things he said in the same speech contradict her claim anyway, which she simply left out. I don't know. I guess I just don't trust a leftist as far as I could throw her.
I think it was on a recent Mark Levin show that he quoted someone who did a great job of listing all the ways the Left has promoted a false image of trump to the public, naming each in turn and calling it a hoax, and I wish I had heard the first part of that because I missed the person's name and don't know how to find that list again. The Charlottesville Hoax, the Bloodbath Joax, the Dictator Hoax, the Russian Colusion Hoax, the Hush Money Hoax, the property assessment hoax, the riged election oh I mean the overturning the election hoax and so on and so forth . It was a great list.
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