BeLater: added some paragraphs at the end.
of recent events, particularly of course the election and inauguation of Trump, I'm back to appreciating Bret and Heather of Dark Horse Podcast, which isn't so much the case when they are into their biological evolutaionary focus. They are refresingly articulate and sane on the cultural and politial issues of the day, and I paritcularly enoyed the latest pocast 261, in which they give their reactions to some of Trump's executive orders.
Tht said, I like their take on the executive orders and on Trump's position to be perhaps the best President we've ever had which many on the right alwaready think anyway. Bret points out that Trump has a real affinity for the ordinary American citizen, seems to really care about us all and ants our good opinion far more than the good opinion of anyone in power. He's quite right about that. It was Trump who went to North Caronilna and talked to the people displaced by hurricane Helene, while Biden and Harrise were off doing other things. it was tTrump who got Musk to bring in his starlink system to provide communication for the people there that had been lost because of the hurricantne. And trump just yesterday visited North Caronlina gain to find out that nothing had been done to improve their istuation, always on the ground talking to the people themselves who are suffering from loss. It's the same with his visit to MacDonald's to make and serve friesto the people driving through. The Left is absolutely deaf to the real Trump and why he appeals to ordinary people even as a separate thing from his policies which are also attracive to the ordinary citizen. So I'm glad bret recognizes that.
I also agree with his idea that instead of renaming the Gulf of Mexico th Gulf of America it should be renamed the Gulf of the Americas. I like thta a lot. I was uncomfortable with his renaming the Gulf at all. There's just no need that I can see. It isn't harming us in any way to be called the Gulf of Mexico, it's just a geographic designantion. Oh well. Anyway I'd really like to see Trump change his mind and take Bret's suggestion and rename it again.
In general I hate the renaming of anything. It's hard on our poor heads to hve to remember that the new name refers to the same place we knew iunder the old name. that goes for all the renaming of foreign places such as Beijing for Peking an Mumbai for Bombay. It's like they just create a whole new world in which it's hard to locate anything we once3 had at least some idea was in a certain place and had a certain character. Mumbai just sounds like it must be some other city than bombay. Same iwith Beijing. the people who do this renaming have no feeling at all for human experience. unch of conceited bureaucrats.
\\Anyway, there is such a thing as a sane liberal. Unfortunately it's a liberal who has gone to the trouble to investigate the issues, and since most of them don't, but just go on following the same path laid out by the same leftist day after day there aren't many sane liberals yet. Oh but God did answer prayers that I for one sent up for more liberals to come over to vote for trump, so there are quite a few , enough for that purpose anyway. Still, we need a lot more.
HHeather says she understands the conservative point of view on the environment to be that human beings have the right to do with the creatures of the world whatever we want to do and she's opposed to that idea. Well, I'm opposed to it also at least the way she understands it, I never liked Rush Limbaugh's way of mocking the tree hugers as he described them and all that. I agreed with him that they go way too far, an as Bret and Heather seem also to agree decisions about the environment should be in the service not only of protecting the environment burt doing it in a way that promotes human flourishing. Too much of the time it seems the decisions made about the environment are made without the slightest regard for the w3ellbeing of humanity, sometimes even with the attitude that we are less important than the creature theyh want to protect. So what if our cities burn down because we no longer cleared away the flammable underbrush in the forests that provide shelter and habitat for some woodland creatures. So what if the Pacific Palisades burnes to the ground because there is no water in the reservoirs because somehow or other it was necessary to save a particular kind of fish.
OK so saving tghe fish may be done in a way that is good for humanity too, but it doesn't seem to have ben done that way in this wdase. OK so if you clear all th brush away you may inadvertently set up the conditions for a worse fire hazard over time. OK. Obviously there is a lot to be taken into account, but clearly none of that is being dtaken into accou ntnt. The town of Paradise in northern California burned down because of lawas against clearing away the underbrush from the forest, and it looks like Pacific Palisades burned down for a similar reason.
So a Far more complex way of thinkiing about all this needs to be brought to bear and the current environmental laws have to go. Bur I want to point out that although there may be those in the conservative camp, and Rush Limbaugh may have been one of them, who defend human rights to the absolute exclusion of any concern for what we do thte enivornment in our promjects to sustain our own wellbeing, but I take the biblical point of view and I would think many other conservatives do altdo, which is that our mandate to have charge over all the earth as given by god is certainly no mandate toe destroy it willy nilly as we ravage it for whatever we think we need. The mandate is a charge to take care of the earth, to husband it to use the oldfashioned word for it. dDomsticating the animals and the edibles are part of the mandate. Learning to grow food in the best ways for the best purposes; making gardens where there is unruly wild vegetabition is another part of it. The Japanese in particular seem to have taken that part of the creation madate particularly seriously and spend a lot of effort on creating vbeautiful gardens.
Then they come to the topic of energy production ahnd the damage the windmills are doing to wildlife near the seashore. I'm so glad thais is getting addressed. it's not only at the seashore howevewr but everwhere that the windmills are a blight, not only not producing enough energy to be woth the building of them, but ablight on the landsacape, and a danger to birds wherever they are located. What people don't hear about is that teams of people are required to drive to the windmill sites to pick up truckloads frull of dead birds on a regular basis. Nobody wants to criticize this supposed better alternative to fossil fuel but the fact is that it's far worse in a million ways. And those solar panels that lie flat on the ground, sayi n the Jojave deservt, also kill birds by radiating the heat of the sun back into eh sky so that when birds fly over them they are instantly cooked to death. These supposedly better alternatives are a failed experiemtn that needs to be brought to a halt immediately wherever they are installed. Oh, I think solare panels built inon housese may be afe and OK, not totally sure but I think maybe. Still, Iv'e seen designs that depends completely on harnessing passive heat that work fvery well, houses designed to absord heat into brick walls where it is stored for long periods of time for instance. The house has to be designed with the position of the sun in mind from every angle so that it heats only what you want hheated and stored up while lett ing the rest of the house be col. Anyway there are other ways tof thinking about the energy problem that need to be considered.
OK there are also problems with drill baby drill but to some extent we do try to take that into account and for now it is probably better to go with this and dismantle the alternatieves
e GOAT? The 261st Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying but of course with the idea that the whole project needs to be improved for the sake of the enirvonemtn though it can't be given up at the moment.
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