Friday, December 13, 2024

More Prayer Now, more Repentance, More Seeking of God's Will, That's what we need more of.

 Some on the Right are understandably rather full of themselves these days, carrying on about how Trump won so resoundingly  that we're now going to get to right all the rwongs we've been enduring for so long.  Trump has a mandate and now we'll get  the border security and the economic propserity and the peaceful international scene and the trade agreements that work for everybody and don't put the USA behaind the eight ball as it were, and racial relations will go back to their condition pe Woke when we could point to measurabhle progres despite knowing that there will always be some tension, and Wiokeness irtself will go away finally and America will again be the great force for good in the world we used to be.  

I want that to be true of course, but it puts my teeth on edge that God is not invoked in these optimistic effusions of hope.  If we are not gdoing it all consciously in God's power and for God's purposes in the world , but doing it all by human means and in human strength and for human purposes, even with the occasional thaknks to god and so on, how long will this wonderful merciful reprieve He's given us last?   Only Christians can be expected to understand the situation in this light of course, but I'd expect to hear more of it than I do.  Which is prettymuch none at this point, just listening ot the news I mean.   

The Woke insanity is tstill out there, the murderous self entitlement of the Left is still out there, the plots against Trump go on in Leftist circules despite some surprising soul souearching on the Left.  Yes our war is not against flesh and gblood but against the powers and principlalityies of the Satanic kingsomdome,  yes, but Satan never resests, he bides his time and he knows who to trigger to do his purposes.   

jI also hear warnings that this is not a gime to let our guard down becaue of the ongoing Leftist designs.  that part I do hear.  What I don't hear enough of or at all is that it all depends on God and staying in tune with Him.

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