So Christmas has devolved into a completely secular holiday, not new since it's been devolving for decades now, but it seems more extreme this year. Probably just because of how it has been coming at me. Grandson was part of the Christiamas chorus at the tree lighteing dceremony in his town and the teacher was told that one of the songs awas too religious and had to be dropped. I don't know which one yet but any religious note in anything they sing would surprise me since it's all been relentlessly secular that I've heard fso far. except for one of the songs in the honor choir I mention in the previous post but that one is not a popular song, I'd never heard of it before and it's vegaue enough to fly under the radar. O Love that will not let me go is the first line, an d it's about God'xs relationship with the Christian soul. Now that I've mentioned it someone may notice and it will hnever be sung again. It's one of the gons I like the most, lovely chords weafving in and out between the four voices from bass to first tenor.
Whle they were visiting last week I became aware that my grandsons don't know the Christmas Carols at all. Some of the melodies sound familiar to them but that's about it. Well, their parents aren't Christians so they don't have the experience of church where they might have heard the carols. Nbobody had the patience to learn them while they were here so I'm hopihng they'll hear them somewhere else.
It's still true that the beauty of the music in the Honor Choir gives me ope for the culture but the initial thrill of it has worn ofrf by now. Beauty in the mouths of teenage boys I mean, which is unexpected for some reason though literally I shouldn't be surprised. because I'm aware of the existence of such choirs. Just hit me from a new angle this year I guess.
There is so much craziness continuing to dominate the news it's hard to keep up my state of hopefor the culture. If Trump hadn't won the doward sligde would be even more precipitous of course, pretty total and sudden so at least there's the relieief of a temporary mitigation of the ineitable ultimate crash as this fallen world reaches its destiny which it can't help to do since it has abandoned God.
theyu fitht viciously against anyu shred of Christian influence. that was never the plan of the Conssituion or the framers of the nation certainly not the Declaration of Independnence which affirmed the importance of God in the conception of a nation. Tennessee and Luisian a have recently made laws to bring back Christain influence in their schools but it's being fought in the courts already. Give up on the ten Commandments and you get the criminal ctrends we've been seeing olately, but they deny that we need religion to protect or guarantee a moral society. Even George Washington sayid wwe need that in one of his speeches, that you can't divorce morality from the Christian religion. John Adams said the same. jeffereson concurred. They weren't true Christians, anyh of them but they aprpeciated the hristian heritage. And now we've lost even that much. We can't put up the commandments against stealing, lying, murder, adjultery or covetousness or disrespecting paraents because these days the whole cultrue is going in favor of those once criminal behaviors, well murder anyway since lying and adultery and coverintging aren't criminal. Oh stealing too used to be criminal but now it's supported by the law of all things so that businesses are having to close their doors. Truly it's all incsance but insancne but somehosw they go on in this directly anyway and never get it. We now see rioting in favor of murder of all things. Sorry I'm tired I shouldn't be writing this yet I suppose. Not rioting but loud opinions in favor iof letting a man hurt people on the subway rather than praise the man who restrained him, loud opinions in favor of the murder of a man on the streets of new york. Utter unbelievable insanity. I could neverr have buguessed that the world cold go this far in this direction if you asked me ten years ago let alone twenty or thirty even though it was already pretty insane by then.
Adams said our form of government is adequate only for a moral and relig8ious people. Well we've long since lost it and the crash is inevitable though hopow long it will tak to get there isn't glclear. could be tomorrow. could be years from now. Fortunately there are people workjing to restrain it, but the voices on the other side are awfully loud and arrogantly certain of their righteness. \\
It's a fallen world. There's only one place a fallen world can end up. In total and utter self destruction. God will interviene before that happens to the uttermost but it's coming and it isn'[t going to be pretty.
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