Saturday, November 9, 2024

Would Women's Covering Our Heads Bring Revival?

 When i think about our need for a great revival what often comes to mind is the qustion of women's covering our heads in prayer, about which I have an entire blog.  A very unpopular idea but I really think a careful ohonest assessment of One Corinthians Eleven as I've laid it out in that blog shows that it really is required of us, and yet we gave it up back in the sixties.  of course the sixties, when so much deviation from truth and reality took off.  

If it is a condition for revival how could it possibly be recognized by the churches at this late date.    

It wld tae the support of some prominent Christian leaders but the ones I think of are all committed to the idea that Paul was only referring to a cultural norml of his own daty and didn't mean it to become the practice of the Church in all times.  that idea was promited by one dr. Thomas Schriner and his work on that subject had an unfortunately large influence on the evangelical Church.  Huge.   I believe I showed in my blog how his thinking was logically so bad it's amazing the paper got any kind of acceptance at all.  It should never have been published.   But Shriner has a strong reputation and nobody wants to question him so it goes on doing its work of underminding the Church in an area that may be far more important than anyone wants to acknowledge.

John MacArthur is one who continues to promote Shriner's false thinking, quite aggressively.  I wonder if he has ever taken the time to examine the subject himself.  It's unforutnately true that it would take a John MacArthur changing his mind and promoting the head wcovering for women to have enough influence on the evangelical Hurch as a whole to further the conditions for revivial that God has given us.    It would also take his being convinced that we need and could have a really powerful revival and I'm not sure he does.   Or he thinks we've been having it although it has nothing of the power of the big revivals like the Lamphier and the Welsh revivals and the Hebrides.   I've prayed for Mad Arethur to get it but I don't pray enough.

Alister Begg is another wone whose view needs to change and could be influential.  There are certainly others but I think John MacArthur is probably THE one hwho could pull it off, influence the entire church.

Please Lord, let us have anoher Great Awakening.  Like the one before the Revolutionary War.  

Sunday:  It's been a long time since i brought up this topic here and now I'm remembering again how important I think it could be for the Church and how nobody is talkinga bout it at all.   I'f ve sometimes thought it could be at the root of many of the problems we've been suffering under for decades now, strting with Marxist feminism but including Gay rights and now this transgender craziness. anything to do with the perversion of god ordained sexuality in the culture.  the Church hpoollds onto some of god's ordinances concerning the headship of man over women such as requiring only male clergy and elders, at least in some of the churches, but the head covering is a big one that has been completely ignored and could be the cause of much of the current cultural degeneration we're seeing.  Yes I really think this is a possibility.  I believe God gave me the subject of the head covering to research and defend as a requirement, but I can't say he's led me to these conclusions about the culture, I just think they are very  likely.   Besides thinking that the Church's rejection of the covering may be the main reason we haven't had the revival so many have been praying for for decades.   i don't count the charismatic so called revivals, certainly not the Laughitng revival.  the very tone of those revivals says they are not of God.

It's up toGod to make use of this information if He is leading me to write it.  There's not much i can do with it except write it out here where few read it.  but god can do all kinds of impossible things so if He wants to make use of it I hope I'm doing what He'd like my part to be.

I'm sure a big hurdle for the acceptance of the head covering is the fear of alienating women.  it's sad when preachers and pastors fear anything along these lines bur t it does happen, fear losing their five oh one C three status if they promote a poltiical view based on teh bible, which is really something the Bible requries of them, or say anything that might alienate some people in the congregation and provoke them to leave, and certainly alienating women would have repersucssions.    but it's a matter of whether God wants it or not, and if He does then anyone who is truly a Christian should want it too and that would have to be the message.  

I hope anyone who sees this would pass it onene and pray about it.  

Jere's that new email addres my daughter is managing for me:

new email:

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