Late Wednesday Nov 13
It shouldn't be a surprise that so many believe a totally false long long list of crazy ideas about Trump and the lection,what trump is supposedly going to do in office and so on, but I still have this feeling it hs to be some kind of weird illusion , that so many people couldn't be so deceived. But they are. The crazy ideas they have about what is going to happen to them and the country are so far from the truth,k in many cases the exact opposite of the truth as a matter of fact, that it just seems humanly impossible. Surely the truth would have broken through here and there but no it doesn't seem to have happened. trump said one thing, the media said he said the opposite, or Kamanla said he did or somebody that got heard by the media, total crazy lies and they were believed by those who heard them. I know the Left is cut off from the truth and that they won't go loking for other points of view on their own either, but still it's staggering to be faced with the stark reality of the delusion. Stuff in many cases we know the Left would enact if they had won the election are imputed to Trump. I'm dgoing to have to come back to this.
One of the women on The View went on a rant against Trump supporters, carrying on about how could we possibly have voted for this man who is an insurrectinist, an election denier, a felon of various tripes and so on, who is a fascist and a bully and I can't remember the rest and probably even got some of this wrong, but we all know the general list of complaints. You'd think by now they would at least know how we would answer it but apparently they don't even know that much.
Start with: he isn't guilty of any of that, and all that stuff is just lies to smear his character. We should probably spend more time trying to get across the answers but in any case the list doesn't really affect us, it's just the usual craziness from the Left.
Unfortunately they do believe their lies and trumped up criminal indictments. Oh and don't forget the fake impeachmenets. Maybe a few took all that seriously but more didn't. I won'der if we can ever get back to taking seriously what all that used to mkean, the real importaoat of impeachment, real rather than fake criminal charges. too bad to see it all get trivialized and meaningless.
They have a fake Trump in their heads. The problem is they don't mind saying things that could provoke someone to try to kill him. It's pretty clear that god is protecting him and I know a lot of us are proaying for him so even all that malevolent murderous hysteria is just going to keep fizzling out into puffs of hot air. There's a provergb in the Bible about hos a curse can't succeed unless it is deserved, and their curses are not deserved. I've been counting on that one.
The saddest thing remains, to my mind at least, that half the country continues to be sealed off from the truth. There are so many layers of lies enveloping them it woulud take enormous work to begin to undo it. They have a hard time even understanding that there would be one real lie shaping their thinking. The very idea is just dismissed as conspiracy weirdness. they'll even defend the removing of people who are sccuesed of spreading "misinformation " on social media despite it's being such a blatant denial of freedom of speech that used to be taken for granted in this country. They'll rationalize it as necessary for the protection of the prublic against believing something that culd hurt them. good grief. Highly credentialed doctors were kidcked off social media for daing to mention that there might be a problem with Covid vaccines, or that some of the repurposed drugs like Hyudroxychloroquine and ivermetctin actually worked. both of which are the truth while the excuse to ban them was the real imisinformation, but do any of tem know that yet?
Well, we have Trump in office now, that shuld help although as usual he'll be targeted in a million ways by the forces of evil the other side thinks are reall good. I've done a lot of praying recently. Guess I'll be doning a lot more.
Need to add: Joe Rogan's interview of Trump was censored by the powers that be on the excuse that "it waasn't trending>' What a ridiculous excuse. The biggest podast on the itnerenet withthe Presdient elect of the USA iand it wasn't trending? They don't even bother to rtry to make sense. A He mentioend that to Elon Musk during that itnerview. I thought it might be put up after the election but so far I can't ffind it.
Just looked again. It's there. On You Tube. Yahoo. Obviously they didn't want it to affect eh election so I guess it didn't. We didn't need it. but now I cn watch it at least.
Trump wanders all over the map when he talks and it takes forever for him to get back to the question he was asked, though pretty much he does get back to it. Nevertheless he knows what he is talking about and I hope he has a chance to do what he knows needs to be done.
Monday the eighteeneth had to add this url somewhere. leftist economist carring on in his leftist way that wcould cdrive me incsane. We need dialogue, debate but not formal debate, discussion. ideas being considered and answered carefully. Instead of this flat out declaration of a point of view tithout without any response from either one side or the other. I think this guy is living in a weird la la land but I can't answer him.
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