Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Restoring america

Marxism is the perrect weapon for destroying everything tht made America great, for tearing down its Christian base and its institutional structures, its economic foundations and all of it.  It couldn't have been better deasigned for that purpose.
And yet Mar xism is thritiving in the  Democratic Party and if the current candidates for that party win it will be enacted against our fragile nation with a furty that will leave nothing standing.   this is what you are voting for you liberals, wehter you know it or not, in your irrational hatred of Donald Trump wyou are bringing down your own culture \.
I do like that Jordan peterson and Ayaan Hirsi Ali seem to be getting this much about the problem we are faing though I don't think they've come up with  much of  solution to it.  I just jlike that she particularly aims at Restoration even in th title of her Substack site.  Glad there are people  thinkig long these lines adn of course they aren't the only ones, I hear from people on the radio every day who are strenouuously working to save the nation.   It's frustrating though because the liberals aren't listening and if they\\\\\\\\\\ we need them to see that they are believing lies so that they can join in the cause.  How ever many of them there are who would be shocked at the lies if they saw them and I know there are many of them though scertaily not the whole population of them.  enogh at least to make a big difference I wuld hope.  But getting the word to them is just about impossiblbele.  In my experience any attempt to start a conversation about the important issues is just shut down by them immediately, don't want to talk about it, too incendiary or something.   Well NOT talking bout it is incendiary in a worse way I'm afraid, burning down the society we live in.
 Marxism has to bgo and Christianity has to be recovered and the whole conceptual framework of the Consitutuioal founding of the nation, preerably with the Christian mentality of all the colonies introduced into it that were fraudulaently left out of it.  that in fact is probably the achilles heel that is allowing Marxism to bring us down, tht even our founders set isus off on the wrong track despite the wonderfully powerful goverment they crafter for us at the same time.
I can bleat all I want out here in my little corner of cyber space and nobody will hear though.   Are we going down for good?  I mean of course for bad, for evil.  I don't know how to stop it.  Does anybody?

Prayer done right, to the Christian God and njot to any pagan gosds, is really our best hope.

If you would like to comment on anything in my blog, whether to pat me on the head or thrash me to death you can write me at this new email which is being managed by a family member:  faithswindow@mail.com.
For an explanatory onote about this you can sear\\\\\put Contact Possibility in the search box at rhe upper left of the page.

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